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200304940 <br />PARCEL 5: <br />A tract n land Comprising n part of the Northxest <br />A tract <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Tea (10) West Quarter the (NWI 4) t hall County, Nebraska, and m Gth olloxs: nrrd all of fire SouUrxest Quarter (5191/4) of Section Thirty <br />ore particularly described no <br />Beginning at a point on the east line of said Northwest <br />Four Hundredths Point on feet south of the northeast corner of said Northwest <br />and upon the east line of said Northwest Quarter (id Nor, was point being Two Hundred Forty Three and Seventy <br />Five Thousand Trent Quarter (NR1 /4) and the east line ofuanldrSouthwes�t thence runnin souUierly, along <br />Twenty Seven nncl Five Hundredths (5,027.05) feet to the sonthenst corner of said Socrt}�xeat <br />thence deflecting right 90'31'10" and running westerly, along and "Pon the south line of said So <br />n distance of Two Tliousnnd Siz hundred Sixty Two and Forty Two Hundredths Quarter (5111 f 4), a distance of <br />Soutlrxeat quarter (S1f1 4 Quarter SWI /4 <br />Southwest ) thence deflecting right 89.34'15" and running uthwhw Quarter � of said <br />Quarter (STIl %4), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Fort F' s (2,002 42) feet to Ure southwest corner of enid <br />the southwest corner of said Northwest R northerly, along and upon the west line of said <br />upon Ure west line of said Northwest Ruarter NWI 4 n Five t 0 Eighty Eight Hundredths (2,845.08) feet to <br />( / ), thence deflecting right 00'08'48" and running northerly, Along <br />But" Of <br />Hundredths (2,367.02) north feet to a Quarter (N point being a distarrcc of 7'eo 7'l�ousand 7'hrrr. Hundred Sixty Seven and Elglrt Two <br />aodis of the northwest corner Of Said sN! North Txo hundred Seventy Seven and Eighty SIX lhrndredlhn d EIRI0 fr o <br />a distance of Two Thousand Six hundred Forty Nine and Sr. ant 4) <br />( y hrcncc dcflccUng right UU'U1'47" nerd running easterly, <br />together with all crops grown thereon. Severity Eight 1 indredths (2,049.78) feet to on point of beginning <br />