PARCEL 4: 200304940
<br />tract of land comprlalrt a part of tt►e Northeast .Quarter (NEI /4) and all of the South
<br />a follow: east Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section Twenty
<br />West lve (25), Township Eleven �11) North, Range Eleven (11) eet of the elh P.M., I1a11 County, Nebraska, and more particularly described
<br />Beginning at a point on the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NEI /4), said point being Two Hundred Seventy Seven and Eighty
<br />Six Ilundredthe (277.06) feet south of the northeast corner of said Nurtbcast
<br />and upon tt►e oust line of said Northeast Quarter (NEI Three thence running southerly, along
<br />Quarter (NE1 /4), a distance of Two Thousand Tlrree Iiundrod Sixty Seven and Eighty
<br />Two Iludredthe (2,367.02) feet to the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4); thence deflecting left 00'06'48" and
<br />running southerly, along and upon the east line of said Southeast
<br />Forty Five and Eighty Eight Hundredths (21045.88) feet to tile southeast corner ofEBald)�Southeast Q r Two Thousand t e Siz Hundred
<br />right 90.17'35" and running westerly, along and upon Lire south line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 4); thence deflecting
<br />Thousand Six Hundred Forty Four and Six Tenths (2,644.60) feet to the southwest corner of sad Southeast Quarter a distance of Two
<br />deflecting right 89 "52'52" and running northerly, along and upon the west line of said Southeast Quarter (SEi /4) )a and
<br />weal line of said Northeast Quarter (NEI /4), a distance of Five Thousand Six and Seventy Three Hundredths (5,006.73) feet to
<br />a ppoint, said point bean Two Hundred Ninety One and Ninety Four !Hundredths (291.94) feet south of the northwest corner of
<br />eald Northeaet Quarter (61/4); thence deflecting right 89.58'08" and running easterly, a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred
<br />Thirty Four and One Hundredth (2,834.01) feet to the point of beginning, together with all crops grown thereon.
<br />PARCEL 5:
<br />A tract of land even (II) n part of olio Northeast Qunrlor (NRI /4) and all of the 9ouLhonet
<br />(30), Township Eleven (11) Norllt, Range, Ten (lU) lfest of fife, OLIr f'.jj,,l., flail l Of County. Nebraska, and more E1 /4ularly dtiorlbod e
<br />ff °lj °ws: Quarter (partic of Section Thirty
<br />Of "al(ing ut Iha uoflrter corner of sn(d NorLhrn9l Ounrlrr (NI:I /4); i.hencc running westerly, along nu(1 upotr Lhe north line
<br />Of 9ald Norlhceti Quarter (N61/4), n dislsncc of Onc Thousand FIvc Iluudred Fourteen and erly, Floe llundredl.he (1,614.55) feet
<br />to n point of curvnlurc; lhencr roof ng soul.ltrrenlerly, tile, nod upon the nrr of n curve Lc Lho left whose radian in 102.01
<br />foot., of whlah, Lhr. inlLlnl lnnRrnl of onld curve COt11L•IIIen with tile, previounly (lenrrlbcrl cournc, n dint wit of Fifty Eight and ellor(l 1'ItltLy Srvc,n ilundredl119 (GU .:17) feet (lung chord dlnlnrrcr.
<br />finill 1-11 corner.) to I point of Lnngrnc}; l.hcnrc rtrttnittP'ly, along and upon the nouf.hwrnlrrly prolon a pr► io the
<br />final lnngenL of Lhr previously dcncribcrl curve, sold prnlongnt.ictnl)drf , lung g nli l 11 17t5q' left
<br />frorn Lhr, G ltnr rout the prevlou9ly
<br />ricnnhig niche, n dy, aloe of 't'rru Hundred Rlgll( 'l'htc' and Srve[ Ilundrrdlhn (2!13.17) feet to n polnl of curvature; lhencr.
<br />runnlnR erntthw ill(AtIr along and upon Utc n['c of n curve to the rfglIt wllone rodtun Is 494.74 feet, of whlch,f the initial tangent
<br />of 9nld cnrvr, cutnaldee wlLh Lhr pr'evlo►tnly drncrlbrd cournc, n d191.nnco of 1'rto llundred Eighty 'Three nail Ninety Four Initial U od nt
<br />(2113.114) feel. (long, chord I tile. r. r. c 2UI1. (le long chord drflrrlln, ,
<br />n poi IL of tangency; Lhrnoc ruru,in g right 10 ";,6':10" from the prevluunly denerlbed conner.) to
<br />o f Five i, Il curve, nnid prolongnl•iotr deflcctlrrg right 10 "2(1'30" from 'Ile 0101-d chord o[ the prevtouelfi dencrlbrd curve, n rllslnn
<br />q eflc( ly, nlong nod upun Lite nc9lerly pr-olunRotlutt of l.hc final lnnRr.nL of LLc prcvlou9ly
<br />of Fivr. Iiundrrd Seventy and Eighty Four llundrecltlts (570.0.1
<br />Nor en.-it Itiort "Ciro Hundred Forty Three and Seventy foul' IlundrdPol (243.7il fret nculh f the 01- theast. corns N /4 t
<br />frcl lu n polnl on lho Heel Ihre of Bald NurUtrn9t Quarter (NEl /4),
<br />Nurlhr.n9t Qunrlor NE1 4
<br />( / )' nd tcc west litrtq f s 00 "13'l;t° and runnin nuulhcrly, rtlong and upon the wart Itnc of anlcl
<br />Nnrl.hrnnl• QnnrLer (Nlil 4) sand Lhr west line of sold Soul.hrnsl (lunririlri /4),
<br />and f'Ivc Ihtn(Ire,dU►n
<br />/4) and to Litt nrul.hnrnt. rornrr of nnld SnuLl,rnHa (unr'tcr SEI 4
<br />110.42'5,5" nrld running en9lrrly. n1onR and upun the nouUt line of said SuuLhenst lnnre of Five Tltou9nd Twenty Seven
<br />Qunt-ter ( Six Ilundrrd Forl.y Four and Ninety Eight. llundt•cdt.ltn (2,044.f)(1) fret t.o the uartecnsl I /4)rrt ►of nnldc.Soulltenst
<br />Qunttrr (Sr l/4); thence deflecting left 00.07'05" and running uurtilerly, oluuR nod uRonrl.ho cost /Inc oflisnid1Southenst
<br />corner (SE1 /4), n thenncc of Two 'fhousnrrd Six Ihtndred Thirty Nlno and Niue Ifundrdlhs (2,03A.09) nc to ld soutilennt
<br />cnrncr of sold Nu Northeast Qunrlcr (NJ lhencr. (1eClccUng Icft QU'16'OG" and running not•thcrly, along nrtd upon the
<br />cnsf. lino of sold Norlhenel Qunrlor (NEI /4), a distance of Two '1'houann(I Six Hundred Forty E[ght (2,040.00) feet to the
<br />prrlrrt of beginnings together with all crops grown thereon.
<br />