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200304460 <br />together with the following rights, namely, unrestricted ingress and egress under, over, and <br />across such land for the purpose of exercising the rights herein granted, to excavate and refill ditches <br />and trenches, and the right to clear and keep clear of trees, roots, brush, hedges, undergrowth, and <br />other obstructions from the surface of such tracts interfering with the location, construction, <br />inspection, repair, replacement, removal, and maintenance of such utilities. Any such utilities and <br />appurtenances placed upon, over, and under such tracts of land shall remain the property of the <br />Grantee and may be removed or replaced at any time. <br />The Grantors, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, <br />hereby covenant that no buildings, fences, or structures shall be erected or permitted on said tract and <br />that the easement herein granted shall run with the title to such tract of land and be binding upon the <br />Grantors, their successors and assigns. <br />DATED: —a7:�2--_, 2003 <br />Cff7fL M-i 1 <br />GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF GREATER <br />NEBRASKA, INC., A/K/A CENTRAL <br />NEBKASKA GOODWIL i- 1DUSTRIES, <br />a Nebraska Non- ofifCorporation, <br />DOU I2EUMAN, Yresidcnt <br />SfA "r F. OFNF.BR.ASKA ) <br />)'S <br />COUN"IY OF HALL ) <br />Ou Ihis 11 0= r1aY of _ &aL 2005, before roe, ILe undrosiwrrd, a Nouuv Puhlir in and for said <br />County curd State, peisoually appcarcd Doug Redman, President of Goodwill hrdushie, of Grcatcr Nehnska, Inv., a <br />Nebrask.i Noo-l'rofit Corpoation, to are knornr to be the identical Ixasons who sipred the foregoing Public Tldlitics <br />b6ement curd acknowledge the execution thereof to be their whrittaq act arid hxd as such officer on behalf, of .said <br />cornpany for the purpose therein expressed. <br />WITNESS no lured urd Notarial Scal the date above written. _ <br />PA71iIGAA C#{tIG(E - - - -- <br />`; "•••'•` WCCWAM 1 E%PIRES Notary Yubhc <br />.'.g..',',.s" DacenArs /22Ig6 <br />-2- <br />