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<br /> _ (Spce Aliova'pds Uae For Yteoosdi�Datal ��Z238L��?• .�c9�i _
<br /> � '�'�-� �'�"' � DEED OF TRU5'f
<br /> NORI4EST O,+f.i,�,-�...:.. J
<br /> �o eox aaoa � ?�a ��
<br /> pMAHA,NE G8103 nt�
<br /> ATiN�SHIRLEY WILLIAMS d'- _ _
<br /> ; —
<br /> THIS AFiBD OF TRU5T("5ocurity Instnuneat")is raada on SEPTEt�BER 25, 1995 .'1'he uuator is
<br /> ("Bprrower").The trustea is NORWEST BANK NSBItASKA. NATIONAL A330CIATION
<br /> whlch is or�sen3zat and ex�ating undar the lawa of � �Ii�iITED STATES OF A�RIf:A •���"�° "
<br /> address is �ei").�orrower owes Lender the principal swn of
<br /> �g �p TY ANA 53/10 *** D°llars(U•S.S*�23,650.S3*�*** �•
<br /> � 0 S S78.HUNDRF�A�I� �*
<br /> s e t 1sT cviTenoed �Y-Borrower a nou t e same date as s Security Iasctun►ent("Note').which pmvides for
<br /> �nont�ly payraxnts.with tbe li�U debt�if not paid earHer.due and payable an ggp�g+���t 20, 2000
<br /> 't1�i$Secur(tyr Insuurn�nt sxure3 to Lender:(a)the i+epayu�ent of the drbt evddencxd by the Note.with inunst,aod aq itnewals•
<br /> extensipns end modificatfons of the Nou; (b) the paYment of atl otber a�s, with iaurest. advanceft uude�'paraBraPh 7 to
<br /> protect the sc�curity of this Secudty Instmmnt; and(c) the ptcformana of Borrower's covenants•and agraments. Por thls
<br /> �►urpos�, Borrower imevacably grsnts and conveys W Trustee. in hust, with power of sala. the fnildwing de.scribai propertY
<br /> lowted in gtil,�. Cour►tY.Nebraaka:
<br /> Wrw¢te dss the address of 3425 PRII�IItOSE DRIVE GRAND I5T.AND, '' [Saar.ci�y�,
<br /> Nebraska� 688t11 ("ProP�rtY Address"�; '
<br /> (Ztp Codc] .
<br /> TOCiBTHSR WPPH sill tb.e Improvements now or henaftec erecud on the property,and all easement�.appurtenences.and
<br /> fixtures now or hereaflter u part of the propeny A11 nplaaments and additions shsll also be covered by this Secvdty
<br /> Instrument.Atl of the foregoing ia referrod w in this Secudry Instrument es the"Property." ,
<br /> BORROWBR COVBNANTS that Borrower is lawfully�eised of the est�te hereby oonvoyed and has the right to gcant 3nd
<br /> convey the PropertY a�rd tt►at the Property is unencumberod, except for encumbrances of rECOrd. Borrower warranis and will
<br /> defead genernlly the dtle to the Property ageinst all claims und demands.subject to any encumbrauces of record.
<br /> THIS SBCURTPY INSTRUMSNT combines unlform covenanta for aattonal use and non-uniform wvenants with limtted
<br /> . variatdons by jurtsdiction to constitute a uniform securlty Insnvstent wvedng ruai property
<br /> UN1pQgM CpVBNAN'TS.$orrower and Lender covennnt and agree as followa:
<br /> ��_. _.*��- �--- n..,.o�.,�+ �a i.srn el�roes. Bnrrower shall nmmptly vav when due the -
<br /> i' �"�` O1 "�""�°`"� ���' ��'�� a ent and late charges due under the Notc. �
<br /> principal of�nd Intereat on the debt evidenced by the Note end any prep Ym
<br /> 2.Flends for Taxes s�nd L�svranc�. Subject to applicable taw or to a wciuen waiver by Lender.Hormwer shatl pay to
<br /> Leuder on the day monthly payments are due under thc Note,until tha Nota is paid in Poll.a sum("Funda")for:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> and es.sessments which may attain prlorlty over thls Secudty Inatnunent us a lien on the Property:(b)yearlY leasehold paymemts
<br /> - or grourtd rents un the Property,if any;(c)ya�rly hoznrd or pmperty insuranoe premturos;(d)yeariy flaod insurance premiums,
<br /> if any:(e)yearly mortgage insurance premlums,�f any: and(�a�►Y sums payabla by Boreower to Ixnder,in nccorctanc�a witis ;
<br /> the pmvisions of pazugraph B.In lieu of the psyment of mortgage insurnnce pcemiums•These items are cal�cd"Escrow jtems•"
<br /> I.ender may. at c+ny time. collect and hold 1�unds in an omount not to exceed the maaimum amount a lender for n federally
<br /> related mortga�ge loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Prncedures Act of
<br /> 1974 As amendod from time to t[me. 12 U.S.C.Secdnn 2601 et seq. ("RSSPA").unless another law that nppItes to the Funds
<br /> set�u lesser omount. If so.i.ender rtwy, at eny time. wilect and hoid Funds in an amount not to excced the Icsser amount.
<br /> Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on tha basis of current data and reasonable esdmates of expenditunes of tLtu�
<br /> Escmw Items or otherwtse in uccordancc wtth upplirable inw.
<br /> •" NEBRASKA•3ingia FamllyFannts Man/FreddU Mao UNIFOANO iNBTRUMENT Fon►e 3028 9180
<br /> +� �NI 1ZT97 MT� VMP MORT(iAGE FOAMS•13t31393�8/00•IBOOiBYt•7781 Paga 1 ot 6 AIMpdOd 8/91
<br /> 7 �
<br /> - �--
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