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.___ ._,. <br /> -��:.��,�,�.�.� :_-�__- <br /> .._ _.......Y..,,,�.•��„s-„�-4-.-�,-.,,n��.n�.�a - ea�^-aa�--r ...� <br /> .�..._..._....., __._.._ .. ..._ .._.__�.�.-_ . <br /> � <br /> .� ' <br /> � <br /> ' ' K,,a•".�. <br /> �� � .. .�..x <br /> -`qY� <br /> '� . <br /> ������ �lt)�990. <br /> f E.Rorrower's Copy. Boero�,vez shali be given one confcrmed cooy of the Note and o��Seeur;ty?nstrumenL <br /> y 17.Transfer oP the�roperty or a Beneficia5 lnterest in IIr�rrr�wer. If aIl or a�ry p�ut of tha Fropcity or any interest in it is <br /> sold or uansfesred ;�r if a benef,c'v�l interP-rt in Barrower is sold or hansfecrecl and Bocrower is not a natural petsott) withoui <br /> :.ei:der's p,^:ar wr.ucn consens,I ander may,at its opcion,require immedi�ue payment ir.full of all sams sxurod by this Sccurity <br /> _ instn:m�nt. However, this opdon sh:�L'no!be e:acised by I.end-,r if ezercise is prohibit�by federa!lav�as of the date of this <br /> Sx;uity Instniment <br /> If Lender ezczciscs�tiis oFtion,L,r.r:der shal.:giv,�pr�er notice.ot acc^,leration.The notice shall provide a period of not l�s <br /> ,� than 30 days from the dat�t'��tic�jg-,'�r���e,-e�pr t�f]e�!within which Borrower m¢st pay all sums secured by this Securiry <br /> ___ : Inc�umenL If Bormwer fai�:�S"paY e�$g�`,PdppR4!thefespiration of this periad;I.ender may invoke any remedies perrnitted <br /> '�""-- by[his Security Ins7ument wit}�ba.fiut}��t�c�ergn�dCtn�lt�on Borrower. <br /> 13.�sorrv-.�e's RiYht ta.Reuisiate. ••If Bdnower-�meets certain candiaa�s, Borrc�wer shaU ha�e th� right to hav�� <br /> �""'��+.� entorccment of t;iis S!�unty ir;C-�ment discontinued at any time prior to the ^arlier of: (a) 5 c�ays (or such other p�iod as <br /> �ticable laar may specify for reinstatement)�efore sale ot the Pmperiy pursuant to any power of s;1e contained in this Sec�ui,ry <br /> ��;:�-� ' Instrument;or{b)entry of a judgmsnt enforci�g Lhis Sea;rity Instrument'It�o�e coadi5ons aze that Borrower.(a)pays Lender all <br /> s . sums which �hen would be due under this Security �lnstrument and the Notc as if no acceleration had occun�ed; (b)cures an <br /> '�`s -_ - d�favlt oi a*�y othc_ .;�venants or agreements; (c)pays all sacpenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,inciuding,but <br /> " r�ot Lmited to,reasonable attomeys' fees;and(d)tatces such action as Lr,nder may reasonnbly reyuire to assarc that the lien of this <br /> .�,� ��� S�urity ?�u�rument, L,ender's righu in the Prope:ty and Borrower's obligatzon tc� pay the sums �ecured by this Security <br /> �,��:;;�,��• ;r.ssri:r.ient shail continue unchanged. Upon reins!atcm�:nt by Borrower, thSs Securit,y Inshwneat and the obligatio�is secureti <br /> � ';_` ` � yereby shall remain:'uliy effective as if n�xcelera.tion!iad occurred,Ho•vevcr,this right to reinstate shall not epply in the case o; <br /> ��'� �, arceleratier.under paragr�ta 17. <br /> r <br /> ��;"'`°^�`��,�; 1�.�ali ol"N�te;Chaege of L�an 5ervicer. The Note or. a �artial in U.e Note (togeth^r with thiu Securiiy <br /> ��� � Instniment)r.*zay be sold one or more times without grior noaice to gorrow�r.A sale may result in a change?n the entity(knawn <br /> �'���;,�'`�`,'� �,��the"Loa��S�rvicer"j that caL'ect�monthly oayenenu c!ue itnder tlie�ote a,�d ihis Secun,ty Instrument T`�ere also may tx�or,e or <br /> ,��'`^.,��,.��. snore changes oi the Loan Servicer unrelatec_to a sale of cne Nore. If thece.s a change of the La:n Servicer,Borrower will be <br /> ������ �iven wriuen notic�of t�,e change in acr,orciance with paragrph 14�ve a^3 applicab(e la�v.'I7�e notice wil!sta:e!he namr,and <br /> ��t-. addr;; pf thr, new Lo�� Sen�icer and tl:s address to�v5ich paymer.ts should be:nade. :�,e no�ce will also contain ar.y other <br /> ,�:�� �� �nf,�rmalior.requirrd by applicaL�le iaw. <br /> � � 2�.Ha:ardous Substances. Borrower shal; not cause or per;nit tt;e presence, u�e, dispasal, sG�rage, or release oC any <br /> Hazardeus Sebstances on cx in the Pro��erty. Borrower st�all not do,ner aJ�ow anyone e�s^to do,anything atfrccin�;.�e,Prciperiy <br /> r�c;; `: ti,•xi v in��ialation of any Environmen�il Law.The preceding two sentEnces shall not apply to ihe presence,�se, on tJre <br /> � �' � " Froxrty af srna!1 quaaticies of Haz�.dous Snbstances thai are generally recognized to be ap�:rcpri�te to normsl residential uses <br /> ���� and to mvntenan;,e of the Prop.°:ty. ` <br /> ,, orrower �hall prom,4y �ive L.ender written nplice o, any investiga[ion, claim, deman3, iawsuit or other action uy any <br /> ����. �: go�•rrnmental or regulatnry agency cr priva:e party involving the i'toperiy and any Hazardous S�bstance or Environmer.tal <br /> c <br /> ,�-��' ,_ ' of wh;ch Borrower has actual knowledge.If Borro«,•er learns,or is notifiee+by any qovernmental or regula[ory authorir.�,�hat a�y <br /> �a �� �* rem.nva or otner rcmediaiion of�sny Hazardous Suo;tar�ce affixr:ri�;the�ropecty is nece,csary,Bonowtx shall prompdy take all <br /> `�;. � i necessary rer.iedial<�eti�ns in aa;orciance widi E:nvirc:�mental L;rw. <br /> ���,'�. ' As useci in this paragraph 'l0, "Hazardous Jubstances" are u5use suhstances def.ned :�s toxic or harardous substances by <br /> � Em�ironmental and the foilowing subst2lices: gasoline, kerosene, o:her flammab(e or tozic petroleum j�,-oduct�, to�ic <br /> �� �•r-��� �;ticir;es ar;l herbicia;,s, vo(atile solvenu,matecials containing asEesu�s or formalderiyde,ar.d radioac[ive materi::ls. As uscd in <br /> ��,��,.y , , this�.uagraph 2.C, "Environmcntril Law" means federa]laws and laws af the ja'isdiction where the Pro�erty is l�.�c.ted that relau; <br /> ;�'�, ; w health,safety�r er.vircmmcnta]protec;ion. <br /> ���� - ,:q <br /> q�,.t���, NON-�.'T�?rt�R M CC)VEN�11�Ti';5.�3or*�wer and I,c;ndcr Ciuther covenani and agrce as foUows: ' <br /> �,����; 2i.Arcc',ratit,n; J�temedi�.;.en;er°,hail giva nefice to Borrosvcr pri,�r to secceiera4ion foiloP�ing Borrower's brrach of <br /> €;�_�-.�" any covenan! r,r 3�,YfR.nent in this s�r_:�r��y t�str�mea. �but not prior to acr.elEration un�ier paragrap6 Y.' unless <br /> dr y� <br /> a��ay r a�p:icahle faK•pra�•i�i�otherwis�_)�The�otice shall specify: (,3;the se`�ae�It;�l�}the actioe required to aire the deFsult;(c) <br /> ��`�"'� a c4ate,net 1�ss than 3u�c�ays from the date thc notice is givea t�Y ZYorrawer,u� w6ich the default must be cured;ard(d) <br /> � ' ' fhae faii�are to s�re t^e�►�fa�it cn or 1�efore lF,e date s ec�feed in th�e neeicr rnay result ia acce8eration o�'the cums sec�2red <br /> {��, p <br /> ?�*� �� _ �v tr�u Se���rity dnstrnment.and saie oC the i'rvperty.The naticr sha�i fa;;hes E�Parm IT�,rrower r�f tht�rigrt�: t•�rrznstate <br /> ���' �`' � a�er aec�clr:ati�n and the right to i;ring a court ac.ion to ass�zrt the non-existence nC� default ar any otGfr deiznse nf <br /> �"'' Borraxer tr�actele�°atian snd saf�e,I;:hz deCautt is nvt cu-ed on.o� before the date saecified in ih�notice,Leader,at its <br /> r- <br /> .�; opfiQn,may requi*2 ic:mcdiate pa;meat in futi oC alf sums se:.ureti by this Sec:�ri:y Iastrument witheut furtt�er demand <br /> �r - ' snd may�n��okr tbe pawer of sale and any other remedies permitted by a�pplicable law.Lender shu11 bc e�ntitled,to colle:t <br /> all experses incurred in �ursuing the remeaies provided in this paragraph 21,including.but not limited to, reasoaable <br /> atf�rneys'fees and ca;ts oi tii1�evidence. <br /> ` If the power of safe is invokr.d, Trustee shail record a nntice of det�s�tlt in each county in whic� nr.y pArt of the <br /> Pro�erty i�located and stis,i mail copies oP sueh notice In the ruanner prescribed by applicabk Ww to Bnrre�wer and to thf <br /> ' other �rsuns pre�,cribed by applicablr law.After the time r2quirec! by app!kable law,Tn!stee shall give pnblic nntice ot <br /> ¢; <br /> �,,.j,� sale fo the persar�s.�nd in the manner prescribed by applicable I�iw.TrusRee,avittieut demand on Boerowe'r,shall sell the <br /> ``����,.ti F'roperty at pub7ir.aucfion to the highest bidder at the fime and p!ace and uncltr thr terms desisa.�aled in t5e notice of s:�lP <br /> ���,:r <br /> i �� � <br /> `�A 1"o►m 3028 9/90 <br /> �� <br /> �q�x,���gg .O�j -6R(�I[)l�tizr.o� <br /> iy:�:'M�P� . Q ����S ol U Init��l�'._ .. .. <br /> �� <br /> t;'���, '�'' . <br /> ` .��I <br /> ! L'�. ' <br /> rS; <br /> f � ���t, <br /> L� F��� <br /> ���.� <br /> �Y � '� <br /> v�� <br /> J <br /> �����. <br /> ���4 , <br /> N �<d <br /> � � <br /> tF�'}� <br /> `�� rv�� <br /> � }�t�"*p <br /> Si?y���N�*Yy �. <br /> �V�F. <br /> 4�1'�-T�4$' . �. <br /> f�p ' �� <br /> � �lt <br /> h73�A�„��'. <br /> 2�+k i . <br /> y <br /> r, � <br /> ��uY.�,{{;j�, <br /> �;F?.. <br /> �Y N <br /> 99 P� <br /> r'Y�,`�'Sn".R�� <br /> t�� ."� <br /> j.�t f`:.'•� <br /> .,.t.s, <br />