�� �� �
<br /> _
<br /> �mencs Tna no loc cr t�c ����-�1a�.`��f
<br /> Fa} y g requin�d,at the opdon of Lender,if mortgagc insurancc cov�,rage(in thc amount and for thc pcxiod
<br /> that Lrnder requires)�mvidcd by an insura xpproved by Lentier again brxomes availablP and is obtained. Aomc,wcr shaii pay the
<br /> prcmiums rcqu:rc�d to maintiin mortgagc insw-s.ncc in effcxt, or to providc n loss rescrvc, until thc rcquircmcnt for nortgagc
<br /> insura�;:�e:ids in accord:.na with any wriuen agrccment betwcen Barr�wer and I.ender tn applicuble law.
<br /> 9.Inspect N.r. Lcnd� or it5 agent may make reasonabk entries vron and inspecdons nf the Propt7ty. I.�der sh;�il give
<br /> Bormw�notice at the time of or prior tD an inspt;ction specitving reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> 10.Condem�ation. The txviceeyJs of any award or claim for damages, diroct or conscx�vential, in c�nnection with any
<br /> condemnation or o•�:r caking nf sr.y part of tho Pmpcty,or fer mnv¢�y�� liw of ctmdemnatior.,a*e hescby;_ci�ned snd
<br /> sF,a2i tae p�:d c,�Ixndcr. .
<br /> In :he event af a to�a 4�Icing nf the P.ropaty, the pr�ceeds shall be s�p�ied W the sums�xured hy thas Security Instnament.
<br /> whcthe-or not then due,wi;h any eacce�;pvd tr�l�c�rrowa.Ir ihe event of a pariial takir,g oE the Property i�which the fa'u market
<br /> � vatuc ef thc Property irnmedia:,•ly bcE'oce the ta.�-.ing is equal tc�or grcattx ttian thc amount of tue sums sxural by this Scx;irity
<br /> ". , In;c-um�t immediatc�y t�°.forc die tai:ing, unlcss Bormwez arid L.cndcr ott;txwisc ao--rce in writing, thc sums scc�vcd by this
<br /> ;:�4 Sccanry Insuument shall bc rcduce�by the amount uf thc
<br /> proaxds muitipiicd by thc followir:g fracaon: (a) thc. totai amour.i of
<br /> th� si�,�s sx•.ued immuiiately bef�re Qu ;ak;ing, divided by (b) thc fair market va1u� of the F'ro�xxty immcdi�tcly belorc tht
<br /> taicir3. Any►�alanr�s'L�11 be paid t,o Borrotve.In the evenc of a partiaf t3king of the Property in which;he tair market v;�iac uf rhe
<br /> `�"� ��ry irnmcdia�ciy beforr thP taY,ing is less than the amonnt of the sums sec�red immediately be{are the taking. un;ecs
<br /> - Bc*rowrs and i.end�otherwise a�rce in writing or unless�!icable law othawise providas.Ihe procccd.a shall be applied to thc
<br /> '��, s.uns secueci by this Sxurity Instrument whether oc not the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Ro�rty iS ab:nndoned by �orrower,or if,after notice by Lender to Boctower that the c.mdemnor off^,rs to malcc an
<br /> a Nar�or scttic a cIai:n for dnmagcs,gorroa,a fails to nespond w?�enda within 30 days after the date thc noticc is givcn,Lcndcr
<br /> i5 authari�.ed to coUect and�DP�Y����ds,a�its op:ion,either to restoration or repair of the Pmperty ar to the sums securui
<br /> cy this Scx:;rity 1ns�vmcnt,whu,'�-ar not thei�due.
<br /> Uniess Lender and Bo:ncwcr otherwise agree in wciting,azyy am�lication�f proceeds to principal shall not extend or posqwne
<br /> �:e due�te ef tf:c monthly paymen;s ref�eo in par;igraphs 1 and 2 or change�e amount of such payments.
<br /> � � 1 i.Barrower Not Released;Forbearaase Bp Lender Not a�i'niver. 'ra tcnsion of the time for
<br /> o�amor;i�ati;>n of the sums secured b this Securii Instrumetit PaYment ot modiCc;ition
<br /> Y Y granted by I.ender eo any suca�.ssor in interest uf Borrower shall
<br /> noc^persue u> relc�se thc liabiliry of:�ie orig;aa! Barrower or Borrower's successors in interest I,ender shall not bc rcqeired to
<br /> ^ �ommence p;viceedings againse v�y,uca.,sor in interest or refuse to eztend time fc� a
<br /> � �+ ymeni or atherwise mo�iify umortizatioz�of
<br /> :he sams sccured by this Security instsmnent by rcason of any dcmand made hy the origina!Berrowcr or Boi:ower's succcssors
<br /> . {,i,.� in inicr,4�n.y forbr�rance by 1.e�der in cxcrcising any right or remedy shall not bc a waiver u[or preclude thc uercisc of;ny
<br /> ngnt ar rcnxdy.
<br /> � ' 12.Suscessors und As;;igns Bound;Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers. °It�e cpvenants and a
<br /> � gr�emrnt� of this
<br /> S�ccui,y Fnsirument s%Tal1 bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borraxer, subject to the provisinns of
<br />�����" Y.,ra�ph S7. Flanowcr's covenants and a
<br />,. grccmr.nts �h�Jl bc joint and scvcral. Any Bcrrower a�ho co-signs tt;is Scc�rity
<br />�- .,,. Sn�-umcnt but docs nflt ezecute the Note: (a) is c��-si�ming Uris Security Instrument only to mortgag�, grant and c�nvcy that
<br /> Bom�wer's interest in the Fro�Crty uncie��c x.-^:���r�h�c Security Instrumont; (b) is not ptr,onxl',y obligated w pay the sums
<br /> _ sccured by �:�is Sex;uity Insrn►men� an� (c) agrces that l.cnder ar�d any other Borrower may a�eo e��tcnd,;nodify,forbca;or
<br /> makc ar±y ac�ommo�ations with reg�rd to ti�e terms of�nis Scxurity Insirument or�5��N�ts without dtat Bon�wer's consent.
<br /> :3.Loa i Charges. If the r��.n scrured by rhis Security :nstramtnt is subjxi ���a law which sets matimu�m loan charges,
<br /> �.nc�that taw s icna!ly interpreted so tha�the irr�rest or other;oan charges collected or�a be collcxted in rn�nr:ecti�on with the loan
<br /> cz� m��:nni�tect iimi�,then: (a)any suc.h toan cha,rge shall be reduced by the amount neces;ary tn rc�'uce the charge to u5o
<br /> permitr.ed;im;t;and(6)any sum4 already collccted fmm Bormwer which ezcecded p.,�rmittec!6mits wili be refundal�a E2ormwer.
<br /> L-ati�3er rr�y ::hoo.,e to make tnis �eCund by red��cing the prir.cipal owed under the Note or by cnaking a direct pnyment to
<br /> IIorrower, lt a refund reduces principal, the re�uction t:�ill be treated as a parcial pnpaym,,�t without any }nepayment charge
<br /> ur,acr t,hc'+otc.
<br /> 14.tiotiees. Ar.y nc�tice tc�3ot:owet prAVS�ect for in thu Security I�sWment shall be giv�n by delivering it or oy mailing it
<br />� , ,; �f first cla;s mail un'ess appticable iaw requires usc of anothcr methad. Thc n�tice s,ha!1 be�lirc�cted W ihe Property Adcircc+ «r
<br /> ' any n!t;er a.'dr^s� Bonc�y:ex dcsigr�aces b� notice to I.ender. Any notice :o Lc7der shail be given by fir�t cla�.s mai! to Lr_r,dcr':
<br />� ar!.''rc,s st.au�i i:�rr�in or :ny O(}!CT a,clras� I..ender c+csignetcs by r,ntice W f3orrower. Any noGCe pro��ic!ed fvr in this Secur,c;
<br />�� ,�.; 'a�?:u;�cr�t�f:ali he dccne4 9�h,��;c bcen givcn ro Aorrower or i.cndcr wh�•n p,ivcn ns�r���idcd in this p;�rafieaph.
<br /> a�� , -
<br />��� � I5,`,�vcrning S,aw;Severability. This Sec�erity Instrurnent shall t+� �;ovemed hy feclenil li�w ;�nu �he !nw o� thr
<br />�� ;r:r,°�±ict,�h ia ul;rcn �he �roper,y is In�catc4. !n the cvr.nt uwat any �rnvision or clnc�,se of this Seci;rity l�stru,n�t a: tlie Notc
<br />� `� ui i:ct� wi;h a;�;l:cablc taw, such cn�fl,ct sha!) nc,t �fPc;.t otha pmvixions nf this Secc�ritp [nstrumuu or thc Notc which can ic
<br /> :_ � , n *_"fxt wi�;cua th,-c�fli�tin�prnvisinn.To ehis cnd the provisianc of�hi�Secu,ity InsWment nnc7 che N��te are d,rkucd co
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