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<br /> `95-1089'��
<br /> periods�hvt I enAer mquircs The msurarce cmricr pm�itimg the invurznec ahail be chmeu by Bortow<r subject to I.enderS
<br />� ' appmvxl which shvll no[M unrtasonably wnhheld. If�ortower(aJS!o maintain corera�e described above,LenAer may,at
<br /> �crueri op�lon,obiain caverage m pm:ect Lrnder:c rights in @e Pmpeny in accordance with paragrzph].
<br /> 111 nsu ance pol:cies and mnewais shall be amptable to Lcnder and shall ir.clude a nandard mongage Nause. Lender
<br /> rhell!aave therngh[Io hold�he policics and renewai=.. If Lender requircs,Borm�ve�shall prompHy give ro Lender all receip�s
<br /> ,f peitl premiums and mneuu'not¢ev In�he event of lass,Bortow>_r shall give pmmpe no[ia b�h<insurzna cartier and
<br /> ��endec Lendcr may maka pmoFOf loss dnot m�de promptly by Bonoww.
<br /> I!Ncss 6en�er ard Hartower otherw m vgree m antmg,mc��rnnce pmcceds shnil be applied�o rts�omtion ov mpair o(
<br /> the Property damaged. R the mxtmauon c� repvr �s economiully !raxiAle and Lenderl secvrity is no� lasrned. if ih<
<br /> resmmtion or repair is not economically fe.aible or Lrnder's security would tie luuned, the insurance proceeds shall Ae
<br /> aoplied to the sums secured Dy this Security Insttumenq whether or nM then due, wi�h any excess paid �o Bortowec If
<br /> Horower abanAons the Propeny, or dces mt answer wi�hin 30 days a wtitt from Isnder that the inmmntt cartier hu
<br /> oCc:eA�o s..uL a claim.then Lender may collect the insurancc proceeds. Lrnder may use the pmceeds m repair or resmm r
<br /> the Rnperc� o. to pay s�,:ns securcd bq this Sccuri�y Inswmrnq whetner or no[�hen due 'Ihe 30-day peried will he�in whrn
<br /> �hc noti:e is given.
<br /> Uniess Lender and Borrower o�herwise agse �n urinn�,ary application ef pmcecds ro pnncipal shall w[ex�end or
<br /> pos�povc thc�ue dam of the mo�thly paymrnts mfcnW to in peragrzphs I a�d 2 or change thc amoum of the paym::nts. If '
<br /> under paragraph 2I ihe Property is ecGUircd bv ixndec Borzowera nght m any insurance policies and proceedc r.sulting
<br /> from damaE�e m tFe Ropeny prior�o ihe acquisition shall pass ro Lender to tM1e ex[ent of the sums secured by this Smurity
<br /> Inswmen:immed�otely pnor to[he acquisiEon. �
<br /> 6. Occupa��cg Preserva[ion, Maintenance and ProteMion of !he Property; Bortower's Loart Applica�ion;
<br /> Lens raids. 6ortower shall occupy,establish,and use�he Property as Borto�ver's prineipal residentt wi�hin sizty days aFler
<br /> �he e:.�m�o� of[his Secunty InsVUmrn[and shall mntinue ro occupy the PropeY.y as Bortower's principal rc�idence for at
<br /> Ieas� one vee. afier !hc d,;e of xcupxncy, unless Lender o�herwise agmes in wriiing, which consent sM1all wt be
<br /> unrevsonaCiy xi�hhcld,or a; evs u[enuatmg circumsmnces exist which arc Lcyond Bormwcrk mntml. Bortowcr xha0 not
<br /> Jestro�,da naEe or impa r Pe hopeny,allow�he Propeny to Seteriorate,or commrt ware on the Properry. Bo�mwer shall
<br /> be m d^fault ti an} fone�m amion or proceedmg,whe�her crvil or cnminal,es begun iFat in Lender's gewd faitl:judgmrnt
<br /> could re.,ult m forfcilure uf the Rop,tv or othcrwise ma�enally impair �he lien aeated by this Security Insm�ment or
<br /> LenJerv secunrv 'nn:rest Oortouer mey cure wch a de(ault and remsmte,as provided in paragraph IR.by causing�he action
<br /> or prcceed ng k bc Jixmissed wnh a niling thm,in Lender's good faith demnninalion,precluda forfcimre of Ihe P,ortnwer's
<br /> �v r tt in 0 e P operp or othe� muterinl impaim�em of the lien cr_amd by thrs Security Ins[rumenl or Lende�'s xcmity
<br /> m.mst Bunoxer shall ulso be �n defaWt d Bortuwor. Aunng�Ne loan applica�ion pmcess, gave ma�ennlly [ulse or
<br /> macn�rele'nformet�oi or smteme��s m Lender(or(aled ro provide Lenderwiih any ma�enal infomalionJ in connection with
<br /> the ban�eviden:r.d by �he Nom, mcluJing, but no� IimireA ro, rep¢sen�alions concemine Hcrrower's cecupancr of ihe
<br /> Propercy as a pnrcipal residen:e. It this Secunry inxwmrnt is on a Ieasehoid,Borromer=hzll comply wi!h all�he pm�ixion<
<br /> o(Ihe tease, [f Bo�rower acquires fee titie ro tiie Propetly,the Ieasehald and the fee tiLeshall not merge vnlees IAnde�agrees
<br /> m the merger in writing. .
<br /> %. Frolectien of Lender's Righb in .he Property. fi Bormwer fads b perlorm ihe covcnams and agrccmems
<br /> conmined n thi,c Se..nnty InstrumenL �r �hee^ x a legal praeetl'ng thn� may significantly af(ea Lender; nghts in ihe
<br /> Fropeny(s ch :�prweede g �bnnkruple}.pmbaie,fer conACmna�ion or fodeitum or m rnfnre I �s or regu;ztions).Ihen
<br /> LenAer maq a I pay for whatever�s nececcarv m p�o�ea tLe value of the Rnpeny and Lenderk righ�s in the i'mpeny.
<br /> LrnJer.v am on' may ncli d p ym�, ny xum.: . rcd by a Lrn wh c'.has pnor ry o�er t1 s Se<m m Insm�ment,appeanng
<br /> n coun, pm ng vnaonab'c «oneyF feec and n e i.�g on �he&openy ro moke repairs Ai�hoogh Lender may take aceion
<br /> under�his pa v¢r�ph i,l enel does not hove m do so.
<br /> Any � n�s Uisbursed by Lender unAer�h . part:mph 7 shvll become nddi�ionul debt of Bonower secvred by Ihi.a
<br /> Se<ur�y In.�. en�, UNess 3urrower and Lende agree:o mhenerns of p:yinen�,�hese amounts shall�¢ar nterest from Ihe
<br /> dam of disbursement a[the Note rare and shall be payable,with in[eresL vpon notim from Lender m Bermwer requex[ing
<br /> peyment.
<br /> 8. MortgaRe Insurance. 1(LenLe��eyu'md mortgage in=��avice as a condino� oF inaking �he lonn senired by thix
<br /> Secue ty la t rtient I��rtower shall ooy ihe pee�mm�ls reqw�., 1� mv nta n the monf nge fnsumnce �n efRct !f, for vny
<br /> m�son, �he . rtg� insumnce eovern�e reQi�ved by Lende I psa or ecsse. 1. be ' rffeeL Borcower shnll pay �he �
<br /> p wms yu d m obta�n coveagc sub,�:meally equrvalenc w the mongage insurance prcviousiy in e9ecq m x cox[
<br /> subs�antivlly eyuivolcm m the c rxt to Bonouer oF the mortgxge nmrana pmv'ously v elfem Cmm on alrema�e mongagc
<br /> msurer opproved hy Lcndec If :ubnanh�lly eyi ivnhnt mongage insurance coverage�s not nvnilnbia Borzower shall poy m
<br /> Lender each�nonih a sum eq .lo on�[uelC�h o(the yrnrly mortgage insurnnce premmm being paid by 3omiwer when Ihe
<br /> :u aace c en4e I preA o cea.ed to Le n e(fec�. Lendn��viil azcepq u:z and rctain[hexe payment. as a ioss rcserve in lieu
<br /> f nongagc 'n.u . _ Lus rc,eovo pa�mcvc may vo longer be aqwmc, at NGOptio�of Lenoeq rf mongage ir.suranm
<br /> mvera�c(in tl c amoi nt:md(er�he period ih.0 Lender requires)pmvided hy an insurer npproved by Lcnder again becomes
<br /> awiiable anA it obmined.Uortowcr shall pvy�he pmmiums mquired Io maiNein mongage inxumoce in e(l:ee,oam provide u
<br /> io.�s reserve um i�he mquiremrnt for mortgage msuance eeds iu necordance with eny wntmn zgre;.n�em betwzen Borrov-er
<br /> and Lcndce or xppl euble lam. .
<br /> 9. Inspeclion. Lendcr or its ngem may make rensonnbie eNries upan und i�speaionv of tGe Priperry. iender shall
<br /> give 6arrower r nt ie ot�he time af or priar m an irtspection specifying mnsonable ceue(or Ihe irspeclion.
<br /> 10. Con�emnation. The proceeJs o[any award or claim foe damnges,direct or mnsequrntial,�i enrmee�ion wi�A nny
<br /> SingleFamly FvnnieMUtM1}�pleMacpNIFOMMINSlINMEM' Uni(om�Cwrnanit Vh0 �png�JnfM1�ngrt�
<br /> 4ee�wn 6uuu Pmr.Irc■
<br /> ie Pprt(a4�.INqE]O9AB O PM E�B1fb1iT
<br />