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� <br /> `�5=y108974 <br /> TOGE7}iGR RTTH alt the impmvements now or herea(ter erttted on the pmperty,and all eesements,zrpunenantts. <br /> anA f xmrca now on c�reaFler a pan oF thc pmperty. AII repla<ements and additions shall alsa Fe covered by this Securiry <br /> inxWmenL Aiia[:heforegoingismfrrtedrointhis5ecur.tylnstrumentasihe"Propert/." <br /> AORRO WLB COVENAhTS thm Borrower�s Iawfuliy uised o!the es�am hemby conveyetl antl has the right m grent <br /> and convey tha lroperty and that rtic Pmperty is unencumMred,ex¢p[Por encum6nMes ot record. 6ortower wartavts antl <br /> will defend gev.erelly Ne tifle[o the Nopercy against aIl cltims and deenands,mbjec[�o any encumbranms of rewrd. <br /> iHIS ScCLRTT�' IN57RUMEM mmbines vnifortn covenann tor nauonal uu and non-uniferm covenanls with <br /> Ilmited�aria;ionsbyjuri:dictiontoconstim�eaunifo'mucuriryieswmentcowongrealpmperty. - <br /> ONIFOR.M CO`/EHANTS. Borrower and Lwdercovenant and agree a follows: ° <br /> I. parmen[of Prindpal aud Interesq Prepayment avd Late Charges. Bmrower sh�ll promptly pay when due Itie <br /> ' pr'vcipal ot and ivtemst on ifie debt evidenced by[he No[e and any pr>paymevt and lere eM1azges due uoder the Nota . <br /> ! <br /> 2. E1mds Cor Taxu snd Ireurence. Subject to appiicab:e law or to v written Lendeq Bortewer sM1all pay m <br /> Lender on �he day mon[hly pay,nenu aie due mide[the Nom,unfil O:e Note is paid in full,a sum ("Funas") for. (a)yearly <br /> 4ues and assessmenls which may avain priority over this SmuriN Inewment a<a lien on the Propeny;(b)yearly IeazeM1old <br /> paymen•s or ground rents on the F:uperty, if any; (c) yrarly M1azarti or propercy insmance �mmiums; (d) yearlytlppd � <br /> insunnce premiums, if any; (e) yearly mortgage insurence premium�, i( any; and (p any smas payable by Ro�rower m � <br /> Lcnder, in accordance w�N the provisiens of pazsgraph 8,m Iieu of the payment o(moegagc inm�nce prcmiums. These <br /> imms are wlled"Escrow Items." Lender may,at any fime,co0ect and hoid Ponds irz an amount not ro exceed the maximum <br /> mnount e leader for a Pederally rela[ed mortgage loan may mquire for Bor,ower's escrow accuunt under�he ftJerzl Real <br /> Es[am SetNement Pmceduras Act of 1974 az amended(rom time ro fime, 12 0.S.C.§2W I et tey.("RFSPA"),unless another <br /> law Nat applies tn the Fovds sets x leaser amounL It so,Lender may,at any time,collect and hold FunL�in an amount not�o <br /> ezceed ehe Icsser amovnL Gender may esfimate the aznoun[ oE Funds due on Ne bazis of cvmr.t data and reasonab!e <br /> estimatts of expendiwres of fu:ure Exrow Items or o�henvis in azmrdance with applicable law. <br /> The Funds shaV be heid in ¢n insnmt,on whore depesits arv insured b}' a fedenl agency, inswmrntality, or emiry <br /> (including Lendcq if Lendeo is such an7nsiirotlon)o��v any Federal Home Loan Hank. I.evder shail apply thc Ponds m pay <br /> thc Escrow Items. Lender may cot charge Bortower for holding and applying [he Funtls, a�nualiy anxlyzing �he escmw <br /> account, o. vedfyin� the Pscrow Items, unless Lender pays 9o:rower intrrest on Ihe Funds and applicable law pertnits <br /> Lender�n make snch a chnrge. Howevcr, Lrnda may requim Bortower to pay a nne-lime<hatge for an independem real <br /> enta�c Ixa reponing service used by Lender in connection wilh�his loaq uniess applicnbie law provides ahewise. Unicss an <br /> agrcement�s made or applicablc inw r^quires imeresl lo be paid,Lender shall no[be ayuired�o pay Bormwer any inrerest or <br /> caminFS on thc Fi�ndc Borrower arzd Lender may agrre in wri6ng.howeveq Na�mmrcst shaii Se paid on the Funds. Lcnder <br /> sGall g ve m Borzouec wilhout charge,an annual accounting of�he Fands,sM1Owmg creAits and debi�s ro the Ponds and�he <br /> purpoze for whrth each debil ro the FonCs was made. The Fvnds ae pledged as oddi6onal smurity for all sums aecurcd by <br /> Itiis Suurity Instrumeut. <br /> If Ihe Funds he:d by Lender eueed the amoun�s.pertnitted ro be he!d by applicabie law, Lender shall zccount m <br /> Honewer for Ne excess Funds in acmrdance wi�A Rie requiremen�s of applicable law. If�he amount of the Ponds heid hy <br /> !ender ai any[ime is not suff:cient m pay tl�e Ecrow I[ems uhen due, Lender may so no6(y Borrower in writing,and, in <br /> such case Berrower shall pay to Lender Ne amoun! necessary �o make up �I:e deficienry. Borzower shaii make up the <br /> de6ciency in vo more�ha.r.twclve momhly paymenle,at Lende�s sole dise�e5ov. <br /> ❑pon pnyment ,-,PoII o(all mms secumd by�his Secunty Inswmrnq Lende�shall promp�ly re(und m Bortower any <br /> PoWS hcld hy Lendcr If, under paragmp� 21,Lender shall xquire or sell the Roperty,I,rnder.pncr to�he acyuieition or <br /> mle of the Propeny, shall apnly any Funds held Ey Lender at �he time of acquisifion or sale az a crtdi[agtinst the sums <br /> securcd by this Secunry Inshvment. <br /> 3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable law pmvides olhenvise, aIi payment rettived bp Lender under � <br /> oaragraphs ! avd 2�shall be applied: Grst,to any prepaymeN chazges Aue under the Note;second,m amounts payablt under <br /> paragmph 2;thud,ro inmrcst due;founh,ro pnncipal doe;and ivt ro any Ia�e charges due under the Notc. <br /> 4. Cha�ges: Lient. Bonower shall pay all mxes, azsusments, cbazges, Cinu and impositions alVibutable to the <br /> Pmpetty uhmh may aztain priority over this Securi:V Inshomenq and leasehold paymen�s or ground rrn6,iCmpy. Borrower <br /> . shall pay three obligat�evs in�ne manner pmvided�n paregmph 2,or i'not paid in mat manneq Bortower shall pay thcm en <br /> �imc dvccllv m the person owcA paymenL Rorzowcv ehnii pmmpHy fumish ro I,wder all voticu of vmouvls m M paid under <br /> �his O�ragraph. I(Borzower maka these paymenls dirmtly, Bormwer shail promp[ly fumish m Lentler receipts ev�dencing <br /> thepayments. <br /> Bonower ahall pmmplly dischnrge any lirn which hvs O�ority ovu this Secmity Inswment uNus Bormwee(a)aSrees I <br /> in wnt ng ro the pa�mrnt of Ihe obligntion secured by the:ien i�a menner acrepwble ro Lender,@)contesLS in goo6 failh�hr I <br /> lien by,or defenAe agninst e�forcemcnt of rhe lien lo,legal p�aeedings wkdi in[he LenderF opinion operale m proven[the <br /> enfo�cemwt of Ihe lien;o�(c)sesures from Ne holder of�he iie�an agreeme�t satisFncmry ao Lender subordinn@ng the I:en <br /> to thirc Securily Irewmevt If Lender determines that noy pnrt oC�he Ropeny is subject lo n lien which:nay auain pnnnly <br /> ovcr @ix Scwritv Inslrumrnt,Lenticr may gne BoROwcr a imnce�dcmifying the lien..Bortower shall sa�isfy�he lien or take <br /> one u�ma�e of�he act oiss mt Canli nbove wiihm 10 duys oF Ihe gn ing o[nalice. <br /> 5. Ilnrmd or Pro;mr�y Insnrartec. Bonowu ehall kcep�he improvemenLS now uistlng on c�reuCtcr er+s!etl on the <br /> Propeny insured against loss by fre,hazards included wi�hio the term"ex[ended coverage"and ana other ha>ards,including <br /> Ilaw.e m Ilooding, Fm which Lender requires insurnnce. This insurence shall be mainminM in 1he amounts and !or �he <br /> FarmJ039 aryp IW8R3a16�wBU1 <br />