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<br /> . . . _
<br /> '�c _. - t' . m. F' ,
<br /> � .
<br /> , , ,, �
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<br /> ,� . � . .- . . � . _ ... .
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<br /> _.��—"_—.,�,-:' -+.-.c.w.!.�.—•e�---'+-c �_�'�k,c.' . . . . ,R, .. ; �.+c�_rx.��r:.�.t...-_ _ � ._._.. _ . _
<br /> �5� �0��� .:
<br /> ' F, c.
<br /> o� ��ne€�c�.ary as to �hich ef.thQr of them may be nth�r�aise enti- _
<br /> . tl�d m�� b� exez�cieed, c�nc�arren�Ly or indepena�exitly, fro� tic�e
<br /> *�� to tfca� at� as of�en ae may be deemed ex�,oedient �oy Tru�atee or
<br /> . Beneticia�r and either of them m�y puraus iaconaieteat remecl�es. _
<br /> • Notbin� Iaerein sha11 b� a�n�trued as pra�ibi�f.ng Benefiaiary frarn -_
<br /> ° ° • seeking a deficienay► judg�erat agaiaat Trustor to thc� eaztent auch
<br /> �- ' ac�icn i� permitted by law. _
<br /> — E:.
<br /> � ` I5. gQ�. �a9- �o�ic�. Trustor �2reby re�ets a cogy of - .`
<br /> ari� xia�foe o�. dc��ral� and that any natic� of sa?� �.�reunder be _
<br /> ��%-;_�i, r�ailed to True�t�u ���. t he a d d ress set fo r t h ia t'�¢�€�rs t p a P a g r a g�.
<br /> ==-' . ��>..�� II�c£.��:.�'�s,ir�4�:. . .
<br />.�__;�:�'�" .. .
<br /> = �6. �,�.�n��,!Y�tit o� ,g}�r•�er��o� T?r+�etee. Be�S'�.ciazy m�ay.
<br /> � fron, ticne to �ime, I�y writtea inatrucaea� execut�d and acknowl-
<br /> � edged by Beneficiasy, mailed to T-rustor and reaosded ia the
<br /> Cou»ty ia c�hf.ch the Propertg� ie lccated and bg� othe�rwi�e aomgily-
<br /> --_-_ iatg �v�th the proviefone of the �p�licable lar� of the 3tate of Ne-
<br /> b�ca�ka, e�ubstitu�e a eucceeeor or eucceeeora to tihe 1`�uetee named ,--
<br /> ` � here3n or aet�ag Iaersunder. � �
<br /> l7. S� eoaerR r�nnt�nn��. �'F�io Dasd of� Trua� appliee eo, �.
<br /> e�nd inuree �o tl�e benefi� og, ar�d 3�inde ali par�iee heret�, the#.r ,
<br /> � heira, legatee�, d,eviseee, ge�sonal scopreaontativee, euoceeeaxe _
<br /> � and aseigne. The test� °�ouoiic3a�xyp ehall meari �he owaer an8
<br /> t�e�2der af �h� aote, �rhetE�er or not na�aed ao eea�ficiary� he�ein.
<br /> � � 18. 8,(����{C�e��P�13 pn�� �. Witlaout affecting �he li.ability �
<br /> ;;' .� og any oth�r pes�c�n liable for the pay�ent of a�aag obliga�fon .
<br /> � Y►�rein mentionec�, and �ithout affecting �he lien or charge oE ,�
<br /> thi$ Deed af �`ra�t u�on any portian o€ the P�rogerty no+� than or
<br /> thereCofore se�ea�ed ao eecuzity �oz t&e fulZ paymen� of..a21 un-_ .
<br /> . . paid obl�gatioxi�, �ene�fciary may, from tic�e �o t3�ne �aFZ��:qhi�hmut �
<br /> � � natice: �
<br /> � .;� taD .�eleaee aay p�reone �o liable; � .
<br /> . ;; ...• ., . ..:• �-..
<br /> : r:��. ,,,.-�.; . .
<br /> �b�;����`-:.t�'ea�. �he ma��nrity or al�er a�.� �fi':�e te�tn9 oE any� �.:;.;��:
<br /> � :e���a ���,��af��zt�;� . ..
<br /> •. : . , • ;• �. •, . , -
<br /> ,. < <
<br /> � �. . „ !�r�b, '�*�ran� ��other i�.dulgeaces; - ,
<br /> '� '-1 4, � �•l�- �i . :.:��i� �
<br /> 1 1.:/n. /i '- . -•. . . . , - l �:
<br /> ` �� :. � f d)'�''te7.ea�e or re �onvey ar cauee �to be reTear���"{�!� re,- '�,.r,,<
<br /> . . ca�ve�ed at aay �sine at• �ene�iciaxy's option, a���:�,pa�tse�;, portion �'�:;�;;��•
<br /> � or aII of the Frape�grt � �' �,,;�:
<br /> , . :.��.;;, ;,.�,a,��
<br /> .1�?:i:Jti�.
<br /> .:.:+ � . . (e�:�,;,..�ake or �e].eaoe any other oa �l�,�ional sec�u�ci.ty �oP �,.,;,;�.•
<br /> .i any �bl�t+�a+�3oA h�r�is= mentfoneclj or � � , ` `j�`'�f'
<br /> � � . �� � .. . �.. . . �., . .:�:� � . , �;:��•+..�.. `
<br /> . .-'�t..�: �.�. . . .
<br /> `,� �.�..�.,:. 4fy ���rnake compaaitfiong or oth�r arrange�r�,�r��with :debtor�.:u�4 �
<br /> � ���,���,::��;,:. relatio�;�:'�2�ere�o. . � . �� . �; `.. < . �.
<br /> . :,�>`��,��:. ;, . ' �,9. � ���p.vern;n^�ar�. Thie Deed of "�'�n:.�t �e�Zall.be goverraed by �
<br /> . -�,j the lawe o� tlze,�9tate of Nebxae3ra anal, ix� !.o�� ��r,�,at any dne or
<br /> '� mcra o� tha pr�.x7:?�ions aontained in thi.s '���•'��� '�.'ruat, or the ' �
<br /> ,ti:
<br /> n.9te or any ather securfty fnetrumen� g�.�r� in Connecti9.os�. v�tth ,;,�-:1;;
<br /> � :! �l�e traneaction sha21 be £or auiy reseor� �s hQld to ba invalf�], � .
<br />-����, itleg�al or unea�forceabla in any respec�t, euah i.nvalici9.�y, 3.11e-
<br /> . � � galf.ty or v�enforceabflity shaYl n�t afEect an� other provi�ione
<br /> � of th3.s 1J�ed o£ Truet. but the Deed o£ Truat e �11 be conatru�d
<br /> -� ae if auch inva3fd, illegal or onforceal�le provieion ha� neve�
<br />� �� been� contafned herein or thoxg�a. ��
<br /> ... { • .
<br /> �p, Ff s�r„� of Forbr��pa_ ncA. Any forbearance by 8ene£icf.ary
<br /> � �:"�� os Truetee in exercl.eis�g a�y right o� remedy he�reunder, or other-
<br /> �rise a�forded by applicable 1aw, shall not be a wafver of ar pre-
<br /> ' ��� clude t�ae exercise of aay suoh r9.gl�t or �en�dy h�reundar. Like- ,._
<br />.��.�:�.:'�:� : . ..wase, .�15�a�waiver by Heneficiary ar Truvte� o� any def�ul.ti:o£ th� �'
<br /> • ` . '�ru�:�r ��,:.de�c t:I�:s Deed of Truat �ha1Z na� be d�,emsd ta.l�«� a � .
<br /> ;�.,.�,�;�`�:: ' v�r,�,4�r��`��,� �r:;� �ai�l�x;�r as similar defau]lt stahsec�:s�tly o��:��:�y�3..
<br /> �'y',;.,4'��,'' .
<br /> _ �5� ' � —
<br /> , � .
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