_ ' t , y, � , . , . .
<br /> . - ... ff . . _ r � . s�., - � . , _ , � ' - � ' , r, s -� .
<br /> v �fo . ' _ .•',' .`c.e L - .t,:�'- °c'r�_ _""^f.%n.�
<br />. <. - � r:-,.
<br /> 't .
<br />. - � ��� ����� �:.
<br /> r_-°'r
<br /> f _,.
<br /> . expenc�itweeo made and r�e�uced hereby ae Txustee c�ay require, and _'
<br />: u p�n z e g uest of the �eaefiaiary, the Tsustee ehall fciZe for �ec- �-
<br /> � ord, in the Regiater o€ Deede office in t he C�uui ty w l a e r e t h e �_
<br /> Pxape�.^ty is located, a n�tice of default, set�ing forth th� name �._.
<br /> �-a.� of the Truetcor, the Book and Page or pocument No� of this Dee�i of =
<br /> Truet a8 reco�cded in said Regi�ter of Deeds effi.ce, the legal de- 6_
<br /> =�� acript�i.on o� �h� ah�ve-described reaZ ec3tate and �hat a bseach of �-
<br /> an obligation, far which eaid real estate wae conveyed as aecu- F�.
<br /> - rity, Ic�ae occu�xed, and aettiag forth the na�ur� of euch breach _�
<br /> and the T�ue���`s e}.ection to sell tke real. �state �o eatfsfy �he ._
<br /> ���,t�� obligation; ��. �f�e� the Iapee af a�t legs than,o� 41) manth, `.
<br />��a:�i th� 'i'�a�tee � z�? g.i�!a written notice of tlse tiu�e acs�.��.ace af
<br /> ,r:�� �ale rahich r�, iu a �L'-�aeea 9:Q.a a.�a. aad �:�t3 �..�•-• .�►� �`� g��- � �-.-;
<br /> � .... -� - �►
<br /> .�r�� is�a� �� at � ��n,� �Zrif_tt�tz Coix$.ty w9s�..�. iga��r.�.1Pie.�,-�.��C' �,,� .
<br /> ��`� � loaat�� da�ct��g i�e 3f��s.�tt� to, �� ac�ald L�-� y�� Z��. ������- ' �
<br /> ,I p� � �fa���} 3.� a aec�garsar of g�staral cir- � -
<br /> ,s�� tion, �c� ����e Co P� gu� L
<br /> ,��'���`- cu].ataa� ia � County c�herefn auch Propsrty is Zoca�ed, onae a
<br /> week �or five (5) consecutive weeke, the last publication to be
<br /> � at least ten {10) days, but not more than thirt� (30) dayB, prfor �.
<br /> to the eal�; and the Txus�ee ehall then sell ea�rl P�eoper�y at the _
<br /> �,�.,,;, ticn� axLd place deeignated in the aotice, in the manaer provided
<br /> - tay law in effec� at the time of f3.ling eaiel notiCe, at public �
<br /> , aurchaser��tdeed�toethebProperty aoldh cflaeie ant�with the�law in —
<br /> affect at the time. �
<br /> Upoa s^�cefpt of paytrtent of the pr,ice bid, Truetee eh�li 8�e- _
<br /> � l.iver �o the pur�haeer, Tru�tee's deed canw�ying the P�op�xty .
<br /> � ' , sold. ltec3tale fa the Truetee'e deed ohall be prima �acfe evi-
<br /> �dence of the t�u.th of the ata�emsnta made therein. Truetee ehall
<br /> � � apply the proceeds of the sale 3a the following order: ta) to
<br /> � all reaaonable cos�e and expenses of the ea1e, iacluding but not
<br /> limited to, Trustee's fees of not more than 1.5� of the grosa
<br /> ` oale g�ri.ce, reasoa�ble attorney fee� and costs af tit7.e evidence;
<br /> �',���' (bj to all sums a��ed hy thia Deed of Tnist; �ad tc) the ex-
<br /> ;;;i�n'.
<br /> ,..,,,,j: cess, if any, to th� '�.�raon or pesaena ].egally emmt���car3 ereto.
<br /> ,,, ;.; Any person, faaiuc�i�.3eraefc�ci.a�r� ti�u�� purc�.ase oaf,+3t��i��opesty at _
<br /> . aafd aale. •, � . � .
<br /> � t : �. :. •' ' : � " =
<br /> ,,'�f.�;��� , ; �he person co��:c"fng the eaYt���•ay. �oz any cause �t� fr��'`'w�o. . �
<br /> �� .
<br /> �.;n�j��,��: ��; ' .�;;;; .'. d��r�:�expedien�. per�� ne the sale �,yrom time �o tir� u�t�.l �:t , 1..;_:•. � _..
<br /> '�� '.'" .::� , •..�:�� •.����.� .be ao.*rpleted �,�, in every euch �aae, notice ,a�:postporie- .
<br /> ; `;{.�,;� :� � meat� ehall be givean.�� public declaration thereo� ��':�u�h ���reoa '`
<br /> � .��L�: � • � '� at the time and pla��� laot appofnted for the eale;:_�rxovided, if
<br /> ?�} ,��� � the sale i� poatpor�r.�`� for longer than one (1) d�� ��;�a�d� t� ���
<br /> ,r,t� �°`." � deeignateat in the �r;��.�ce of eale, netice thereof �1�G��.I be given :
<br /> �"G}' ' fa th� eame manner a� the ozigiaal notice o� �a�.p:'��::' �`�
<br /> t„T,�t'� � -
<br /> ,��}�;;�'� �a3 0�. N� px�i_��,e3v_e. Traiatee ,�d ���sficiax�,�r,�:;,and .
<br />`�a�F>r�- � . 19. .�... .
<br /> ����:. �each af.th�m, ahall be entitled to en�orce .pay�ent .aud perwca�-�
<br /> �+;�;t'�',: � ance of any indebtednsae or ob31gA��.s�a secured Iierelay.and���c..ei�c- ''
<br /> • eraise all righte and pnwere under:`�His Deed of Ti^tist or ux�;���,�.. ,� ,
<br /> ' any loan inotrutnant or othex`��:greement or aay 2av�e nor or Fxt�'�a�-'
<br /> ' � ter enforceri, notaoithetanc�ing� aome or a11 oE the indebteda�:�m �aad
<br /> �� ebligat9.one seau��di�hereby wh3.ch may now or herea£tor be ot�er- �
<br /> �— ��o� �`��,�, �,rza1^tn;�,X by mortcxage, deed of truet, pledge, llea,
<br /> ae�ignment or otherwise. Neither ths acaeptance o� this Deed oz
<br /> � � � Truat nor i.te enforcem�t, whethes by court action or p}sreuant to
<br /> � ° the power of eale or other povoera herein conta�ned, ehal]. pre3u-
<br /> �� � dice ox in anY manuer affect �ruatee�e or HeneficAary'e right to �
<br /> reali�e.upon or enfarc� an►y other eecurity now or hereafter held . �
<br /> . by Trustee or Heaeficiary, it befng �greed that Truetee and Bane-
<br /> � ficiary, and each m£ them, ohall be entitled to enEorce thf.s Deed
<br /> ' ' of Trua� and any other security nox� or hereafter held by t�?s�:
<br /> :,t.r �ene€ici.ary or Truatee fn euch ordcr and mannes ao they, �� ei-
<br /> �t+���,`�,;: tho� of the�, may in thefi absolute oliacretien de�d�cnin�. No
<br /> .u.�,, :.
<br /> -<..,�°�.'� remedy herein con£�rred upon or reserved tn Tru�tec� !��s ��fici- -
<br />;�s;;'�1,;,• ary ia intended te b� excluaive of aay other r�med� �-a.•��.m: or bY
<br />.:;, . l�w provfded or p�r�itted, but each ah�ll ]b� cumuE��:f�v�» a�l' ehall
<br /> ti;s;:;t�.,•'� 1a� �n addition ta �c-ery other re�nad;,� given her�ustsEcw� �.� �v:.ay er
<br /> '�Y�`��;.. � h��after exietfn.g a� lav� or in ee�tx�lty or by statu:t".s��� ���r'7P
<br /> ::_;;�;--, aaar��r ar remedv �f���� by any of �h� S.oan inetrumea.+�c:1 to `1'�ua�ee
<br />::�;;;i;i; ` -
<br />,__,��;::
<br /> ;.,;1., 5
<br /> . .. . , . . ,. .: � r :•, . , ._ .. � ` . ' � . , • .. '.. '
<br /> ... .� �.�:. •.��. ,�_
<br />