.c � .� .�: . .. ' .�l t . _ . .. ,;.,?. ` ` } .. ,< • '
<br /> . uV i. t_ a` �. + n � C s ,l.., t �� �� — 5,,. - - •-_
<br /> a �.
<br /> 0
<br /> �e}_��
<br /> •. ' �������a�ll ��-,
<br /> - . !�.�`P8f1SPfP O�'QFiSE�'�$�OP 8 SEllPSI�III IR4lPCS!�t1 EOd�+OSSt1'. lf sil or any part of dsc Progerty or any mterest in ic ___
<br /> � �s so13 c:a�sfermd for iP a hzne�ritaE interest in�ozrower is soid or aansferred ahd 3�rrojler is not 3 natw�nl paasnn)�vitliuut �_,.
<br /> a
<br /> � Lender's phar written wnsent. I.Qnder may. ut its option. requ3re immedi�te payment in fu11 of all sums sesured by ti�is -�v_
<br /> • Securiry Insuuaent. I�awevcr.this a;nfoa shali rtnt 6e eaercis�d by[.ender if exereise is prohibited by fcderal law as af the date " ,_
<br /> of tAis�curety insznnnesst_ -
<br />_-.,� Tf i.cr.der eRetci�s thir,c�trion.Lead2r shall bive�rrower notix of siccelerution. The notfce shall providc a�cri�d of not _v__
<br /> !�s dian 30 dt�+a frc�m tha dif:e ahe notice is delivered or mailed��rithin which Bonmver sn�►�pay all suu►s sec'ur�by this �-�_
<br /> Seturi�a Inf�t��ment. IP i5orern�Fr fails ta�ay these sums prior to the expi�tion of d�i:.�rioc4, i.andcr may invokc any�cmcdies �;-
<br /> . permitted bv this S�cur.t Znsieumes!3 cviehout furtlter natice or de►naud on Borrr,wrx.
<br /> 13. Har�rcvF.*s �t to �etelustate. If Borrower rr.eets ceriain coaditions. Bar�rn<<rrr �tiai! h�ve �he sight to t�aec ,.
<br /> enforctment of this S�.vret±� Instt�ument discontinueti at any dme prior to the cartinr af: tul S dHys (or such ottter period as �;
<br /> applicabte f:iw muy s�ecil�� far�in��tatement) tsefo;a sale of the Property purFnant eo �sn�� pmvflr of sale cos�tained in this ,�,5:.;-�
<br /> � �In�rndnt,ar(i��e�try of a jud�nt enfoscino this Securiry Instn�m�t.Tho�canditions.ram d�m Harmwer.(a).PaYs ;�[�T;';
<br /> l,endee all sum��vhic3 d�cn oJOUtd be dus ua�er this Security Instniment and the Note as if na erc»ttssr,tian had accuri'ed:(b) �''__-
<br /> ` cure.s any defuult.of an;�atF�er covenants or aoreements:(c) pays all exgenses incum� in e�tftnr.ing ti►i� Secvrity Insuument. .
<br /> including,but am limited t�,reasanabte attomeys'fees:and(d)takes such action as Lend�;mti}�n:�rqnably reqwre to assure '°=_�"
<br /> tI1aI ths liea of�h3c.�tUrat+j Inctmment,I,ender's re�htu in th�Froperty a*id Borrower's obligatfnn to pxy the sums secnre,d by .
<br /> this Seeurihj In�r►�mcni s3�u11 continue unchanged. Upon reinstatemens by Aarroivsr. tbis 5�.wflpf•��n�trum�nc ar.d t�,e ��'F`,
<br /> .f., obligqtion�a�:ured h�ceby s3in1)remain fuliy effedive as if no acceleraiion had aecurrr.d. [r.nwr�var. 4ais�g4►t to reinstat�shall ------
<br /> natap�ty ln.the r�ase ofaxeisaction under pasagraph 17. _..__.
<br /> 1�.�atit vP l�iute;C�aanbe oQ Lo� SewQce�'. The Note or a partial intart�i in tha TVr�ta(to�ether with this Secuzity Pj�,:
<br /> Insttumeiol�,m�ty!se sold oae or more times withaut prior notice to Borr6�ver.�t saU�mu;�►u�ult In.a change ia the eniity([cwavrc�
<br /> eo
<br /> as the°Locp;$t�vicer")that collesxs monttily paym�uts dne under the Note and tltin S��z»�rn�men�There also roay be or,e �;,y_.
<br /> u
<br /> ��� �r man3 dfun�es of the Loan Seivicer urmelated to a sale of the Note. If thera in n change of the Loan Servirzr.Sarrower wilt be
<br /> .�:; $iven wdticn.nauce of the change in ar,cardance vrifli�aragcaph 14�ove�nd.a�pli�ablc law.The nouce will state the aa�and ----
<br /> address of tlsa nsw Loan Servicer and the address to whic6 paymants shoul�! tse ma3e.Th8 notice will also wntain azry other
<br />,` � infrnmatiau�.trs{�tired bya,ppIicable laiv. —
<br /> y�3.�+doas Sub�acES. Boma�ver shall not cause or permit che pr+�auoe, u�e.ttit�ar�al. storage, or rdease of aa�y
<br /> � �rdai�s�tances an or in the gtuperty. Bo►�vwer shall nat do, nor aUaw xnyo� r.l�¢�tu do, an�ina affecting c�e _
<br /> �`: L�iapeca�}�tfC�t.t's in vIoli�tiaa.of any Bnviianmeatai Luw.The pre�ecling twa seittaaeas shell;�¢apply te 3�pY+esence.use,ar �'�'-
<br /> �tucagc ca t�4��ro�rrf aF'small quaaatics of H�srd�ns Substances that are gonemUy n�ca�{niw.d ta be�nvpriate to normal �,,;.;
<br /> t�sidet�Fnl.•�,5:nd to maintenasice of tfie ffrogerty. • .
<br /> � ��tv�c shall gmmptly give Lrud�r wrinxn r�utice of auy jm�stigarion.claim. demund.-Iawsuit or other a�tion l�y any
<br /> °,. govemnte.'tir�"or regnlazary agency or arivate party ins+oiving the i�#csperty and any Hazardou.��bstance ar finvimnmentat Iaw --
<br /> �rf,vhfcfi gormwrr•f�t�;,aexual knowledge.If Borbow�r I�rns,ar is notifieA,by nny govemm�ntal or regulatory antharity,that �, ^:•
<br /> any tem:a4al or othcr,�mer�iatian of any Harar�au�S'�sii��ance affecting the�►copa�tp is naoessary.Borrowzr shall pmmptiy take �.. t'F����_
<br /> ali nec�ar�rem�d'nuI�ncdm�s in accordance with F�v��r,ameaetal Law. •.:�.�.:.
<br /> � qs r��l.i�thLs p�h 20. 'Hazardons Substances"are thuse substaaces defined as toxic or hau�d�us substw��isy �
<br /> - Emimn�trsjnk d.aw and the follo�vin�.?ubstarcces: gasoliae, kerosene, other tl�ammdble or w�ie petroleum prad�,`��r`?uc �•��
<br /> ma•
<br /> �estici��su�i��:ab�icides,volaGie sol�;c�t�.materials wntaining ashestos or formaldehyde.an�!cr�lioacdve materials.A�t:r�s:i� _—
<br /> this J�7,�"Eu'rr�nnmeatal�si�"`,rueans federal laws and lawa of tf�j3aisdicrian a�re the Progeny is loe�+��*diat
<br /> . :tr.�r�e����i�;t.ur�ai�i�oanie�'1;{�vtetcion. � .. �,
<br /> ';` � , .�s�'"�it"�;�'3`��SOTL.�3.G�l��I�►N7�.f��prov�er and Leader further covenant ar�.��ss,if��P.aws: •� � ,; :�`.
<br /> ;. .;�� �:'�,ci�ldt�Ton;�KeaneStes.�.a�{�shall give notke to�rraower prios to a�c�e�t�r#�a 4aIL�wUg Borrower's�ich, �`
<br /> of 1t�'�% cs�'�!p�nt or agre�meut in t�L�s S�ity Instrttme�t (�i�.2 aai prior to accet q�t��t3s��agrapb 1�.+�� ,
<br /> :� aPpl7c�bCe��ta pmvTdc.ot�er�v�se).'1'�Ce Qotice s�4i sp�ii'y: (a)thc i3ef�uCe;@g tha a���seq�e�w cur�the de�ti;
<br /> �� (c)s�date,aot Iess 3Y�an 30 days trom the daie the aotk�is given to Borrower.by w6icb t�e defanl4 mnst be car�d;and .:�.,:>
<br /> : ,j (d)tLaY faifure to ca�e th�defiWt on or before tfi�e cfaie specified in the�Se r�y resuit in acoeleraUon of We s�s ',''�--'
<br /> � secat+�bp this Security' Instcufaent and sale oi the Pcopert�y.The nai�ce s4�3 fartLcr inform Bnn�wer of the d�to — ..
<br /> •!� r�dastate uftet accrleruHon�nd the�igbt to bring a conrt Action to a.ssert the ao�e of s►def�ait ur amy ad,?�er =_-_
<br /> � de4a�oY�Ia�oowc�a to a�e4e�tifla an�d sate.It t6c default t3+am�c�ed on or before the 6ate spetiIIed in thc c�aL'ICe, .
<br /> . `i� I.ender.o�-�apt�on.msty re�Nlre fao�tcdlate pnyanent In[a�:rs�l� s+�secured by this Secarity �nsGnmt�Y�vi�hanE �
<br /> f � fdrSher demared ar�d�ay invoke the prower of sete and anq okhefr xemed����rx�itte8 by a�tfcat�le tav�.Lendec sb�79 be �:
<br />� �ntttted W ca�tect�!A expeuscv inc�rrer�ia pixrsui 4�ce rcmedies provi�lai�+ti�ii��arag��h 1,1ac1c�33��hut aot limited '.�: .ti,..>
<br /> !A !�
<br /> W,ra�.sneable attotneps'fees aad costs of tSUe cv�l�. ' ' "';u, �"
<br /> ..''i,:.. II tbe puw�oi s�Pe i�tnvoiu�,.Tr�stee�'a�tii1:�reeord a noitce pf defaiilt{e e�rh,a�un in wts��say part�f t6e �
<br /> ".,V.{ ;,:..�lropesty is.tocated�nd sLail maf9 aa�tf�s oq s�c�s�ottae in aije ms�nner�6ed by a�%�e t��v to Boaower a(f�'it� � �''• _
<br /> ��r .�oWer peeson9 prescribed 69 aD�(tra�ltUe E2��. �r t$e time required by app�kabPe law;..',�'r,ws4ee st�gioe pubfia�lir�l�iRe�
<br /> `��'� :� m�ssde to tLe pe�so�aud in the � , ii�►�SbY�Pi�bie law.1'tustoe,without demaud aa t8l�irraw�er,s2�� � ;���;.��_
<br /> -, � t�Ptsugt�ty at p�t�ic at�tion to tQu i►lghest[�Jiiiar�;the ttme and plaoe an3 ander the terms t3esi�sd�8.fa the r�ti��p� ��=:
<br /> 'f s�le[n one or mose p�r�e3s aa�in ang or�ler�'�m�11�ee determines.7Yustes may Qost�oae-sa10 of s�lL�'r`m°ssng�parcal oY ti� .';,.� —
<br /> :;. `F pmper�r:f��,�ub1Ye annonnce.�ent stt the tlme a�d pLzce eQ�au-,� yre�tously ss�xdW�l s�.➢.�der oir its dl�Igtt�.iacaY..,�'�:.`.��,;_�..,.
<br /> .�.�7lt�u'�roperiy at any safc. � .. ':;���.
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