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<br /> payments may n5 I+on�er bss requireil.ut the aption of Le�er,if mortgaQe icsur�rce cmvcraBe(in araount anr!for the psr�od �-�•-�_
<br /> ttaai Lendcr r�quires)provide�d by an inwrer agprovad by Lender agaia become.e available ar.d is obtai�eci. Barrower shall paY �+
<br /> �,P p�{����o mtim�in morig�ge in�urance ire effecl,or to pa+�vide a lou reserve,until t6e requirem.ent for mnngage �_-
<br /> �����y io cscord�ttce tr(sh uny�,rr:tt,=,n agr�ement ls�tcveen Sorrotivcr and I.�nder or applicabie tav�. r�=-
<br />`� 9 Inspe�ilon.[xnder or it�agent may m.�S:a�onabte entries�a�:on and 9�cdons of the Property. Lender shuil give �::_,_i_
<br /> gurrower�wtice at the tirme of or psinr to an insgxtian sgecii'ying►�nonable cause for the inspection. �
<br /> 10. Coi:der.�atta�.'I4ts prat�is�of any award or claim for damages. dscect or cxtns�quential. in rnnraction with any _---
<br /> cander�a�ion or other taking of�►y part of 41�e Proprrty.or for oonveyance in lieu of cxindemnation, are herc;by assigned and ---,--_
<br /> shall be paid to Leradei. ��'n'
<br /> In tjie event of u tosai takin�of the RmpemJ,tha praceeds sha!!be arpli.d to the siur,s secured by tivs Sacurity Invwmeat. �`"''°
<br /> whciher or not then due.with ang�.c,rass�pra4 ea�on'nw�:r.In tliee event of a p�tial tatdng of ti�Property in wtsich the fair �'_=,'._
<br /> . markei vniue of the Properry imtrpedinteiy bM�Ye th�taking is e�al to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by t6is a�--,;
<br /> S�curiry instmmetu imm�iatety 6sfrne dta tnf:ing,unless Barrower and I.ender otl�wise agree in vrriting,t[�e sums seauec�by �_-..
<br /> teis Security inssrriment sha11 be n,�3uce� by the amount of the procrEds muttiylied by [he follovring fcasxion: (a) the totai �.�:_
<br /> amourrt of the sums sscumd immEdiateiy be4'one tha u�ls�+g.divid�by (b)tite fair muket valuF af tise Frogerty immediately �'."..
<br /> • befoie tha tt�:iug. Any+ bulance shall bs ps�d to Hnnncv�rr. In.ths ever►t of a partial aking of the Property in whicd the fau —__
<br /> ° a�arket vnfita�f t�e Properry i�si�intei;►hefore tfts t�siti$iu ltt�'+ban the amou�of the svms seCUred imm�liately�fote lhe �;<<:-.
<br /> taking,unless Borrower and Lender oihavn�agee in�vriting et anless applicable lavr othernrise provides,the praoeeds shall �s
<br /> . be appiied to the sums secu�d by this SecvrA.ty Tnstn�nt whether or not the�ams are then due. k.'�`�_:
<br /> If the Pro�rty is sbandaaed by Homow�r,or lf.aRer notiee by Lender to Bumovrer thax the cand.ramaat offers to make an �_.,
<br /> . award or seule a cl�im f�r dt►magea, Bocsowar fiil&to respon�to Lender a�itflin 3U days after the Qa1e U3�notice is givea, =
<br /> ..� Letider i§anthar�zed to collect and agpEy the ptaczr�.at it�optian.either W seswtation or rep�ir of the E�YaEs�rty or to the sums �''
<br /> • secured by this Sec�vriey Instrument,whether ar r,at then due. �
<br /> °+;� Untess Lender and EorcmvFr athcrul:+o a�gee ia urreting. u►Y $PP�c�an of proceeds to prinM&at�a13 nat exter.d or ___
<br /> n
<br /> � postpone the due date of tt�e montbly ppymtmts r�ferrud to inpara�rraphs 1 and 2 or cl�nge the amount ofs�k.payments. =
<br /> - � 1!=Rnrrower t4ot�Zet�'!:Fo�ea�nc�II;,r C�de;Aiot u�+�aiver.Extensi�n of the time for pa;�.�smat or modi�ic�auon �Y
<br /> of amortizntion of the svms szcac�d 6y this Sc;curin�Inf2tt�mastit.g�uted by;xc►der co any successor in i.�ss.r Barro�s�shali �•=-:
<br /> � aot aper.ste to retesse the IinbilIr,/of tho ari�nal Bonower ar Bmmuwer's sacoesso�s in incerest.Lender sha11 not he m�{aukr�to 1e"'y'
<br /> c�uunence proceedings aguinr�any succ�.ar n►inter�st or refu�e tu extend time for payment or otherwise madidy amo�ization ---_
<br /> of the sams secured by thia Se..^�uirl Iustcameat by eeasua of any �emmd made by the origina! Bormsver or Barrower's —_--
<br /> � successors in inte�st. Ar+l�farb�ce by L�der in ex�rcising any rigUt or r�n�dy shal!no�h�a w�icrc�of or preclade ths ._---
<br /> �� exe�t�f�uy right or remady. � �
<br /> uq
<br /> '�� �2;.��sois aad�ts!&i�n�datut and Severa! Lta6Elizyi �eas.'i7r�!s3vc�s and a�eements of�this
<br /> �es��s'.�tiument sSnt�il bind antt h(�cnt the successors and assigns of L�cE�er and Berc���wwos, suAlect to the provisions of •-
<br /> . to
<br /> .. ,�,2rag�ap� i7. Eorropt5l'u cov�xsants zad agnr'�nnts shall be joint and sevd�l. Any Bc�wer whn�ar2�5igns this Security
<br /> • �Iastmuient bat does rat:er,e�te the Nate:(a).is cv�signing this Security IB.r�-r�.i�ent only to mortgage;��rt and oonvey thaS �.�
<br /> Borrow�r's imerest ia the Fcap�ey�er the cerms of Wis Securiry lnsmttnen�:(b)is not personalIy obligated to pa9 tac saass �
<br /> • � securead by t6is SecurIty Iusaumentt:�uud(c)eSrees that Lender arrl arsy other Sarrower may agree 4o ext�nd,modify.forbsar or - -
<br /> . make any�.ccummodations with regm7!to the terms of this Securit�r ln�rumeni or the NM�e withaut that Rm�mwer's oaasent.
<br /> m
<br /> � 13.II.oan C�arges.If the loa�sec�ed by this Seeuriry Instrnment is sv�bject to a!aw whic�sets maximum loan chasges. ��•;,.-
<br /> � and tbat!aw is finalIy interpteted so that the interest oz ather loan c.harges c�{lsac.d or to be oollected in conr�octiat►adth the '�E�•
<br /> � � toan exceed the permitted Gmi�s.t6en: (a)anY such loan charge shalt be reduc�d by the amount necessaiy to reduoe the c�arga A,,,.;
<br /> to the tse�itted timit;and(b)any sttins already collected from Sonower wiuc6 exceeded p,annitted lituifs wi�.l be c2fuaded to �"
<br /> . Boitower. LendEr may choose W mhR�s t6is refund by refitcing the principal owed ufsd�,.ff the Note qr by,making a direct
<br /> P�Ymeni w Barmav,r. If a refwxi�t�fuces pmr.3pal, the reducifan wilt be t�+e�ated a. a partiaL fla.puyin�Wnt wit�ou4 any .
<br /> , •D�Yment cliar�s ancil�rtfo�►�Iote. � �� . . � :,; �
<br />.:�. ::. , 14.N�.My'�i't�ta T3�tver provitie�l tor in this l�i�usfry Insttulrtc�st�slL�e.�ven by delc��_it oY by maili.�g
<br /> it by fi�at class taaii uni"�s�Eic:�ciif�:l9w requires use of ano:i�:tnr:t�ad:'t�Qotiae�3}:1ii�ditccted to the i'roperty AdBtess . .
<br /> o�nny other address Bom:�tk�..�l�nates by notice to I.eadet:s�ny notiaz,¢n I�endcr s�Ll be given by fiist clas�nrall to
<br /> Lender's address stoted(�rss�`:�4'�r.any otiver address Lender desigaates by no�Yr�to Bormwer. My notice pmvided foe�f.�rhis ��:='::: .
<br /> , Socutit�r Instrument s1�il;i�a rtt-,�sed to t�ave been given to Borrower or E.etuier.�vL,en given as provided in this para�ph. ',• . , . _
<br /> L�.Gpyernl'ing Imt� �t�;t�hflity. Tius Security Icsstrament shall tsL gavemed by federal law and thc taw oFii�e � �
<br /> � j�risdiction in whieh the Propr�iS�1rs frcated.In the event that any provision or clause of this Seeurity Jnswment or dii;.Note °
<br /> � co�iiato with applicable law,sucti cnu.flici shall not affect ot�crpravisia�rs of Ehis Security Instrument or the Note whic�r.�a be ::��-•
<br /> , glven efFeet wit�oat thi�r,onflicti3�g gruvision.To ttila end the pr�visions of thLg Security Instrumsnt and the Note sre declared _ _
<br /> to be sevemble. '
<br /> 16.Borrower's f✓t,y'�y.Borrov�er shall be given one ooaformad oopy of the Note and of ihls Security I�tnime�t. -----
<br /> � � fam 802i1 9/fld
<br /> � °r,^�-3osE —__._
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