ru �_ - ..._ . _ _
<br /> . � `y.4L��� ...
<br /> � t � ' 17.9�s�c�o?�ite��4y ar a Bsaz�dat LaSer�3 tn Bor�o�er.If ali or any parq of ahe Pro�ert�or any interest in it _
<br /> ,'��.'r'�, 'is so!M or or.uufeise�(or if a Pnenefisial irterest in�orro�ser is sdd or vansfemesi and Eorrou•er is not a natural pPrsan)�thout ���
<br /> • t.�rder s prior writtem m�sent, Ler.der rtt�y, ut ics opiion, require immediate payment i� full of a11 sums secur�i �y 1hls
<br /> S:xttriry IastYUa�t. Ho�sever,this option shalt not b�eaercise�by L.ensfer if exenci�e is prahihiced 6y f�deral taw as of t6�e date -
<br /> of E�is S�arity insteument. -
<br /> • '. If Y.enQer raezc.ises this option.Leuder sh�ll give Butroiv�e r.otiae of aecYletatian.Tdie notioe shall pravide a pxrind of not
<br /> � tess than 30 days trom tha date the narice is delivered or mailed within tvhich Borroiver must pay �ll surtts�eturcQ hy this -
<br /> ,;;:. . S�vriry InstrumP�t. If Barrower fails to pay th�se scima pr�ot co the�xpiration of this periad,Lender�a�invokQ any rer.�dies —
<br /> •;,,:s� pecmitted by this 3�rity Insarament�vithaut€utitt�er rtotic�or c�emand on Bnrrowzr. �.
<br /> 18. B�are9rser's I�ti�td 4o Reins3Qte. if Eorrmtiver m�ets oertain oondidc,t�s. �o:ro�ver sliaii have ths right tn have
<br /> , . - enforcemeut of this Sesuri�} Yn�rument discandnu�d at any t�prior ta the ear�ier of: (aJ 5 d�ys tor suc6 otP�er peaaqi as
<br /> applicable law may sQec'sfy for seiastatement) before sa?a of �he Propertg pursuant to any pow�r of sale contwted in thEs �
<br />,�f.,' S�rity Inupument;or(b)erm}r of a judgmem enfurcing this 8srurity Instnimertt.Those wndieians are th�t Borrower:(u)pays
<br /> . Lestder afl sums nrhich then would be due under this Secn:ity Insaumea�t ar.d the Nnte as if r.o 3coeleaation had o�ccurr�;(b) �
<br /> ' <�° cures arry defautt uf any oth�r wveaants or agreeti�nts; (q pays�t expenses incurred in enforcing this Security instn►mtn4 `_
<br /> iaduding. buY not (imited to. reasomble attomeys' fees:an�(d?takes auci�astion as Lcnder may re�anabty require to ass�re —
<br /> thFU the li�af ahis SECUrity lnswffient, l.ender's c�ghts in the Piv�r.rty nnd Borrower's ablig�tian to pa3+the sums s�cured by �`
<br /> t3us 5ewreey In�trument shall centinae uncbang�l. Upnn �isstatemznt 6y Borrower. th'ss Seasriry Ins�ument and die
<br /> ohtig�ions seatmd hen�by shal!remzin fuliy cffective us if no aooeleration had occurred. �Iau�ver,this right to reinstate shaU =-
<br /> notupp1y in the ca�e of a�celeiation nnder paragmph LT.
<br /> . 1�• �ate of Kot� Chnnge ot Lann�e�rr. 'i8e Note or a partial interest in t,'�e I�ote (tog�'1�er�vith this Sec�uity �.'
<br />.. llnstiument)m�y tra sntd one or mo:e times withaut prior nntio�to Borcower. A sate may�sult in A chang8 in the eatit�(knaivn �;
<br /> as the'Loan Sarvicer"}that colleets inontbly�sayments due ander the Note and this Secu�rf Instrum�zt.There a!&o mAy l�oae ��
<br />�'��� or more changes of the Loan Servioer unrelated to a sale of We Note. If there is a d*:n�of the I.oan Servioer.Sorrou�eY wilt be —
<br /> ` ' given wntten r,ntiw of the change in accordaztc�with para�aph 14 above and applirabie law.7fte notioe wfll state the nnme and
<br /> '`' ; address of the aew L�stn Servioer and the address to w6icH paymeats shoutd bs mad� The notioe will also contuim any other
<br /> � .� _ inform�tion required by upPlicable iaw. �_
<br />• `: 20. Ra�,,.u�Ssb�oes. Sorraa+�r�all rcot cause or permit the presertce, nse, disposal,stortt�e,or c�etar.�e of m►y
<br /> ,"`. Hatatdous Subs�o..,.c►�.ac rn t�e Pcapem�. �orrower st�.tl nat do. nor altow anyane else to do. anythut� af�etittg the
<br /> � •?��� Prags�ty that is in vc�;�a�at:;uy £nvuuunn�tal Yaw. 'ET:�e pn:aedicrg two sentences shaU nat appiy to the t�rc�,use.or �'
<br /> s�u¢m�e mn the�m,�4Sr of s��i�uantities�sfr Eiaza*.*dsFU.,S�3rances tt�at are geuerally recognized w Ise sp�rm�r�b�to aortnal �"
<br /> r���l afes�tn maintenance of the Fra�m}. _,
<br /> . Bu�:v�r 5�'��romptly give Lendar e;�.rut�,m e.atice at any investiga.tion,ctaim,deatand, taw�ai�or other aqion hy any —
<br /> ��tal e��e�r?atory ageury or priva�p�as�invo{vir.a the Property and any Hazazdons Sa�.�or Environmental Laa
<br /> .. . of r.l,�eh$orrm�r Ihas actual kno�artedg�. I�l�rrower learctM or is notiSed by any govemmaieaf c��egu(atory anthoriry. that . E'
<br /> any s�nov�il or o+�.,�r remr.diatias of any Ka7ardous Substance affecting th$Property is neoessary,L�a�wer shali promptly take
<br /> : ; . att L�cessary re�iai actions ua�xardance arith Fa►vironmental --
<br /> ° � As ased in t�pazag�aF3o Z0. "Hazardous Substances"are'those substances defined as Wsic��-l�azardaus snbstances by �
<br /> . EnvironmPntzt b.i�xi��and the following sabstances: gasoline. kerosene. other flammabie Ar wri���vleum products, to�ic t%'�
<br /> pesticides�t��ti�fo3fes. •�^�e solvents.materiats wntaining asbestos or formaldehyde,and radinacprie macerials.As us�d in. _. _.
<br /> �
<br /> • tii'ss�a�i . U.�D::'�rls��+..�1 Law" means fede�al F�sv�i and laws of tlie jurisdi.��avhere L�ne:?roPert3' is.lnsatt►d thut
<br /> ,� re4.�iVt�e�a th,s�.�y or s�}��t;�r[e�ta!proteciion. -•
<br /> . tP'�t�:�i-UNL�-�CRM CmVENAD3TS.Borrower an�L�e�f�mlt�r covenant an6 agree�foIIour�:
<br /> '�1?�A�on;Retnedics.a.endra sErr.�2�;tve no2fc�to BorTOive�t prIor to uor.e4eratinn g�lIisc�:w,�Ti3oiaSnv�i's 6r�.�c's ---
<br /> � �.�� oY any mc�.�ct•,n�mgreemmt in this�assr33.y L�ainent Nai rtnt prr�isar to�ccetffiatian �'qr(1,t�-:��arage9ph 19 tmk.�
<br /> ..::;�;;� , aFpUicabS�iaw{,�vidfs o2h�sise).'6'he utsA�i'st�chr�ll --
<br /> sPcdfys (a)thc►dc�uuit;(6)the acRion r+�,�f�d to c�the dep'a�: ' —
<br /> (c)u date,not tess t1�n 3a daqs fr�m v�e�'.rltai�46e aotioe ts giv�to BamoRer,bg w6fcb the de?�t must De cnned;s�ad��� `
<br /> (cJ?tI�at faitme to wre the deQzuYt on art tai�iore the date sp�in tAe aatioe may e+esui¢in aaederatlon of tlhx samsc
<br /> !F
<br /> secusz�hy this Sesnrity Instrument and sale of t6e Property.The notke s�wil fm't6e�intorm Borrov�a�of tbe right ta
<br /> ' edtut�te sti'ter neoetezatton and t4e rigM to M�ing A ooart actWn to�ert the aon-�Lstcnoe at a deiauft or aaq otY�s'`,
<br /> � dCteffie of Bore�ives to�cetera8on and s�,te.IP d6e defaWt Is not cared oa or before�d,lra4e speciffed in the notf�: �.
<br /> . `•,�..'' . I.� tar,opolon,uu�Y r�squ(�+e tmmedi�tc paymwt in fNl of ail snms secmld hy thls Secu�itp�asiramee! v�itho��it.. ,:
<br /> . .. �_' te�c4hcr dc�nuad and maq f�oke t.he power o�sale and c�y mther�edies per�}tted by ap�bte lax�.Y.�dc�s�a13 i� �
<br /> , eaii�lr,D ta�cotloct aII ex��in piusuiag t6e t�tnoflIta provitIety ia tLis Pm�g�Ph 21',tne3uding,QtrGt r�e,�lits��t�.
<br /> ta,u�bdtl atcorneys'[ecs�t!costs oi ti��':e evid� . •... ; .
<br /> ��?�epawer of sote�s invoked,�to+z��11 rernsdf� iwUc�r oi ddan[t i�tat���.�ttS+dn wWcb cw�y'r';��up.�s:��...
<br /> t��S ioc�ta7 and shali�ail copfes�ii'�wb notice in the manaar�prescrI�.ti�-si`;r�iq,#Yic:t���v to Boraowrr ae�'t��:; , :
<br /> t�rso�s W+escri6ed 6Y applic�bl��i��.After the time t+e�udre�l9 i��agpli�;#lza{:�,'I'r�1t��s#�p give pabiic noi3�e:�'•, .
<br /> � • ot sak to t�c pe�soas and in tl�e maanea��.��scrlbed by appllw6te law..'�i��fid�Rraut de�nt'i`�Barrower,s�li s�:...
<br /> � t�e Property at pnblic�uct6on to tE�e bigt�est blddes at the time anrl pfade�sd audis�•tfs�terta�s dcsigauted in tke nat�Ce ot�.`.
<br /> � sak[n a�ne or more p�s az�fl�n auy order 7'rt�tee deirrmin�.'d'rnstee may�/ a�s�E oY�,4 or =-:
<br /> i�o eey porr.�i of t�e . �
<br /> �9�Y�blIc�nnounor.,�t at t6e 4ime and place of�ny�rs,a�jv�uiy scY�edoleci s�te. I.eadet�or its deslgnee m�t�p.;-� � !g°"
<br /> � p�c6ase t6e�roperty at anp s�ie. �.-
<br /> ' .. ' �,
<br /> � � �_=�
<br /> . '., , �_.
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