��t�; : �5-�����
<br /> • :`,.,� pay�snts tn3y ao Ia�er bz requir�i.at�ha op:ion crf I�der. if raortgaa�insuraccce rnver.�(in the amount r�For t�e peFiad °
<br /> • th�S E.ende3 requiaes)pr.�vided by an Insurer�pso3ed Esy[.e�der a�va��oiaes avnilxble and is obtained.�orrocvee shgtl pay
<br /> { .�Y. ` ehe premittms req�.umd to msia�iain mo��,a ic�surar�ce in eff�,or to provtQe a lass reserve,until the requirement for mo�tg��2 _
<br /> • insue�ace eads in 2cca�d:,noe�Yith any�vritten agreemesis betwc�n Burra��r and Lender or app�icable taw. --
<br /> ' 9.Yet��s4fan,l.ender or its agc�t may arake ceasonahte entr�es u�n and inspections of the Progtrty. I.ertder shall give °
<br /> Barrt�wer r.ocioe at ilt.eime of or priar to an in5pection sp�ifY iag reason�le cause for the i�tion.
<br /> � !0. CoaC��attop.'E7t�pmcecds of sny award or cla'sm for damages, dinert or consequenual, in connection �th aay _
<br /> t�-,�' r cnr.�em�tion os otber taking af any pa:t ot the PtapQrty,ar far a�nveyance in lieu of caadernnatior�,at�hemby a�s'sgi,d 3red
<br /> .."� shafl be paid to�.ender. ,
<br /> '�•' In the event of o tatal tabing of the Q'ruperty,the praa�s shall be�gpleed t�the sums secured by this Securiry inst�umeat. F
<br />'`�- � wi�eaher or not then due. with any excess paid to Barr+o«�er. �n the evezt ot o partia! taking of ttte �+op:rty in which the fair —
<br /> .�.:
<br /> • mariset value of the ProgErry imme�iately hefore the tai�ing i�equai to or greater[han the amount of the sums sscvr�f by t3�is �
<br /> " • Seruriry Instrument imm�diateiy before the taking,untess&�rcower and Lender otherwire a�in writing.the sums s,e�.�d hy "
<br />� ' chis Sxvriry Ir�trument shall Dz reduca,d by the amo�nt of the pr�s mulriplia! by tM fnPowing fracaon: (a) tYr:tata! -
<br /> � '�*� umovnt of the sums secured immedintely before[he ta'�ing. divided by(b)the fair market value of the P�nperty innsu�diately —
<br /> � before ttte takin�. Any balunre shail be paid to Borrowe�. In the event of a partial taki�rg of the Pro�rerty in v�hicd� the fair -�
<br /> � • mastcet value of th��togErty immadisuely before the t�ng is less than tf�e�mount of th�seims secured im.mediately b�fore the
<br /> �:`.,r.� taginb.unless Bo�eower and Lendes othervlise agree in �vriti�zg or anless applicable lavu otherw�se provides.the ptot�a sh311 �
<br /> ` f° . be sppliod ta the siuns serured by this SSS�uity tnnr+�m�-^-,wtis:tAcr or not the sums are then due.
<br /> If tne Prop�rty is abas►donEd by Barrowrr.or if,after Qotioe by Lender ta Harrower that the ooad�unma offe�s ro make an �_
<br /> ,` award or�ttte a claim for dama�es. Eorroiver fnils to resp�nd to Lender wititin 30 days afteT th$d..,a[lta s�oiice is give�, -
<br /> , � Iender is author�zed to collect and upply the ppueeeds,at its arption.either to restoradon or repair of the Property or to th�s�s =-
<br /> ������ secureA by this Security Insuumeat.w;r��ror rmt then due.
<br /> ' :s'•`•�:' Unte,�s Le�der anz! Borrower othsstv9£e agree in ariting,anY apPlir�tion of prace�is to principal shall not eatcud or .
<br /> �.. t""' postpane tZts�ue dEte of thz inonthly payments cefemed to in pareg�phs 1 aad 2 er change tha amount of such payments.
<br /> .�, _
<br /> • . li.33oreow�Piclt.�f��sed;�or�azsfa�e By L�nder I�ot a�/tsf��a:BRt�+asion of t:te dme for paymeat or madification �
<br /> <`; of aznottiradon of the�rns secured!ry tbds Secvriry Instrument gt�iod by Len��r w ar►y suars�or en interest of Bortower shal!
<br />.;:.�;t..,' not aperate to release the liabiliry of the arigireai Borro�arer or Borxo�ver's sucoessors in int�rest. tRnder shall�at Q�ter�ui�d to
<br /> ,..;c:.;'�. �msaenne proceeding against any�a�ssor cn inter�st or rxfue to eaterc�aupe for payment ar otherwise a�odify amm�tinn
<br />�� s;• . of�e saaas secured by.this Security Instrument by rea;on of any dea�and made by tttx oripnal Bormwer or Ficsrnawer's
<br /> ' �"�-._.:.;: saccessors in dnterest. Arry forbe�rance by Leade�ln exercis3ng at►y rigiit or remsdy shall not be a vrai�ar of os prexlude ths
<br /> �.�,:,,s;�, : �xezcise of any r�y,ht or ram�dy. --
<br /> ;•�•� =
<br /> �:r;�i'..:.�' � �. 12..Sutressors an�Assiga� �aar�d;Jaint and �sveral I:9abllttg+; �o-�aezs. The covenants aa�2gr�ments gf this
<br /> : r:.,.,
<br />';v,�t,,L,,:,. . �Ety.�.F�st�umem shall b�and bencfit the suac�sors an�rssi�ps of Lender and $oa4wer.sa6ject to tfie pm���s of .
<br /> " �;ara�ds� G�'. Bormwer's arvenauis and egrc�ements sball tse joinS anfl s�vesal. Any Bouower who co-sigas tlus 5�ty
<br /> . ; �nt but does nct exerute the Note:(a) is vo-si�ning t�is Secruicy Instrnm�t only to mortgage, gant and oomrty t6at =
<br /> , . . Borro�vePs interess ia r?r:Pra�erty�mder the tesms af this Secwity Instrumen�f��^�is not personaliy obligated w psy d��ms _.
<br /> secured by this 5ecurity t�unmcnt;and(c)egrees[hat I.cader and any othsr Ec�;ver may sgres to extend.m.odifq.fti8s¢ii�4sr c
<br /> � �ake any�ocommadations wich regard to the tenns of this Secauiry Ynstrumert ax�.?4:Note evithout Wat Bortower's cnn�Il.:; .
<br />- 13.�.aan Q,�aeg�.If the loan secuted by this Security Ynsuu�s�-nt as su��c�a Ga a law wttich seis maximum tou►ci�sge�.
<br /> aad Wat law is fm�ly�uterpreted so that the inteiest or other loan ci�azges oo�',rc�d or to be aollected in conr,ection arith the
<br /> �. �'' :+:�oan exceed tite permlttc3lunits.then:(a)aay such luan char�e shall be ra:duce�3�y the amount neo�-sary to r�duc�tPse charge -
<br /> ' :�;±ta the pec�tted Gmit;end(bD any s�ms already coltecxed frorn Bo�rower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to
<br /> :�y�;;� :..i3i�ty.et�.;ll,�nd2r ctay choose to malce this refund by rcdncin� ¢brs principal owed undec t3�r:Nete or by malong x�rlsa[t�i
<br /> '='�=°`� � ;�'rsc'aG',At��.:fianvwer. �f a refund rednars principal, ths r+e��a weU be treated as �C,�tial PrePaYmcm wit��i,.t���ir�► ',-
<br /> . ' :,ti�aymerit charge und�the Note. .`�
<br /> .. :,': .. . .. —
<br /> ' :,s:`:; 19.P1�.My u�ce to Borrawer ptovidod far in this Sac,vrity Tnstrutt�it Yhall6e giv,en bg de]ivtr63g it or by m:3l9is�:..
<br />'�'':.,� .>,it fitst ciass•mai!(itiPa�ssa liable law
<br /> -•-_ . �Y PP reqwres use of enother metiiod. 'ilie ar�tmce shall ba diieded to t6e Prapaty rt�tll�ess
<br />=�+�k_.. ar amr ather sddress Botrower desi�t'.es by notice to Lender. �..hy noticxt eo Lender st�c;l_tse givea by firsi elass rt��'to .
<br />-_- I.ender's addiess stated t�erein or az�►�6t#�asr eddmss Lender desigr�'st�s by notice to Baarow�..l�3ny natioe pravided for iu Yitis --
<br /> :" �•� Securizy Lutsumem a1�b�d�me�xi;•A.ave been�i�en,to 9orroa�vr Lender when given ag providod in this patagrapb.
<br /> .• . �>:;;." •. 15.Goveraing �ti�q;� SeverabNty. 74�s Srzr:�rfi:!1nst�u�ent shnll bo goveme� by foderai law anc$•the 1�,w of the . �
<br /> .' , . "`- jur�sdiction in.which tt�z::is�nperty is located.In tY�i:v;c�.-�t thaa���grovision or elanse of tiils�e�vriry Ids:�rzriient or the Noie
<br /> . . � o�nflict�with applis�61�3aw.surh sonftict shall ntlt�.��ct oshcr pres�r�:sions of this Security Insunment or the Note whidi�n 6e
<br /> given et{�c,t:without tt�r,�onflicting pturision. To Wis end the pnYViiL"fons of this Security inswment and the Nate are���
<br /> . to be ssv�ble. • -
<br /> , .. 16.BonoweNs Gir��yt,Barrower shall be given one eonformeA oopy of the loTote and of this Security lns�nt. ;:��..Lj_
<br /> ' � � Furcn 30?S 8I90 ''�,'�`
<br /> -- - � . Pa�s�of a ' ' .
<br />;��; � ,
<br /> i:� —
<br /> . .�, � .
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<br /> !if- • .. `'tujtir'h� - �c��yt _, .. r _,���ti�!•' - , ' ' `- �_��i�t • '. �., ���H' � �
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