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<br /> ��t �-- �� Field note descrip tioa of a 7.586 acre tract o�t af the � �'
<br /> `� j� � � IJoacthwest part of Section 5 Township 4 South� Range 4 - � �
<br /> �`;`; 4 < �. Last of a Capitol Syndicate S�ubdivision �n Parf�ter Count , � ' ? ��
<br /> -- -�� Texas,, and a.�.so I�ing a part o€ Buske Addition to the Ci�y �
<br /> ���':°��=�=� °`� �' �o f Friona� Parmer � Coun ty, Texas, described hy metes and :y=-=�`
<br /> ';����� bounds as follows: -°
<br /> �� s= °� Beginaing at a point in the South line of II.S. hi.c�hway C0� �° �
<br /> `" �_�'�,:_�;,�� aAQ also being the Northwest corner of Lot 4, Slock 2, • '� :
<br /> „�t ;^� u� �:Y Suske AdcU.tion to . the City of Friona, Parmer Count y, �' �_
<br /> Texas w hence t h� Nort hwest corner of Section •5 T�QwAShip
<br /> �- s � 4"` � Sou�h, Range 4 East of a Cat�itol. Syndicate Subdiv�sion ,,E�,��
<br /> :Fr: ` -�-�.�:{ beas9 Sou�h 89 deg. 00 min. 27 sec. West 548.59 €eet and ' `
<br /> �� ��° � North 50.O1 feet• � ��
<br /> �- t �= �f'I sence North 89 c�eeg. 00 min. 27 sec . East aloag the South �
<br /> " -� �� r-,� Iine of said highway and the �Torth line of said Lot 4
<br /> �` `" Block 2, Buske Additzon, 20.00 feet to a 1/2 iuch iron roc�
<br /> � �Y ' ��E. found• �
<br /> : - 4 s lF . •
<br /> � {' `` '' `� TheA�ce South O.a deg. 56 min: East at 17�- feet pass �the ` �
<br /> �.� ti�u�"r r�:: Sauth line of said 7�ot 4 Block 2, Buske Addition and at ' =
<br /> r 4.:, t�.; �_I ` a total distance of 986:�6 feet a 1/2 inch iran r o� f o u n d
<br /> � ` ��- i a t h e Nort her l line o f �he A.T:& s.F, railroad• �t
<br /> ��{
<br /> r� "`�`�': Thence South 6 deg. 4? min. 4 2. sec. West a�o the �H�`
<br /> �-= �` �� Btor�herl y lixie of sazd ra�lroad, 61.7 .94 teet to a' 1��,in gh� "
<br /> �•��
<br /> . ..� i r o� r o d f o u n d 4 0 f ee t Eas t o f t he Wes t l ine o f sai d �-���.�=
<br /> �...,,..,�
<br /> `�..'.,"-,:�z�;;,.-...�1': • . C��,_
<br /> , ,`::. Y ..� . .�$ection 5 and a�so being in the East line af t��lnut Avenue :,�E=�__
<br /> � , r° �` �'::� . � e widened by Condemnation by 287th Jud�:cial District � -
<br /> -..r:-�:...;:A.�_,:�; . �ouitt of Parmer Coun�y�� Texas, Cause No: �l0 • �-�
<br /> ` ''� `! �'�'� T l�e nce Nort h 40 feet Z�ast of and arall,el ��h the � West � � ��
<br /> , �..- , v� ,
<br /> � line of said. Sec'tion 5 and along t e EaC �c line o€ Wa�l.anut ���
<br /> , _� r �` Ane�ue as widened,� 698 .50 feet to a 3�4 inch iron pipe � �
<br /> s . , : : fotmd; . , . . ---
<br /> ' ,' '� Thence �Tqrth 89 de 03 min. 3.2 sec. " East at 2�0 .00� feet : -
<br /> ,; t �
<br /> I r �� � ��� a 1�2 �:nch 'ron rod found and at a total' dis�ance �of � .. �""--��
<br /> ' ° •� � � �87.88 feet a 1�2 inch iron rod set; � :,
<br /> , , �..�s
<br /> �� , ,";:-_; Tb�ence North 00 deg.' 56 min. West at 400 .83 feet ass the � �
<br /> .�� ,��.r South line of the alley within Buske Addition, a� 420 . 83 _
<br /> �-::.:>�� � r�--- feet pass �he. mo�t So�xtherly Sputheast corrxer og Lot 3
<br />