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<br /> '��A���� 'T �r Lot 1, BDI FOURTH ApDITION TO IOWA CITY. Towa, a replat of .Lat ,��:.`
<br /> . <i;,.�.�,o,``�, 1 oE 9DI First Additioa, aacordfng to the plat thereof recorded v;;,:.�-
<br /> �4� ,� _.�� in Book 23,. Page 51, Piat Records of Johnson County, Iowa and; � "
<br /> t� srr
<br /> ` 'F " A 33 foot t�viide atrip of land adjoining a part of the r
<br /> �TOrthwester➢.y line af I.�st 2 of 9DI Fourth Addition to Iowa �'=Y'
<br /> `;4 �f �,j:;;'"Q, City, Iowa, according to the plat thereof recorded ia Book 23 :�?�Y'i
<br /> ! � � ': Page 51, Plat Reeord� of Jvhnson County, Iowa, said 33-Eoot � � �,:
<br /> _ > �, _�, toide strip beiag more particularly described as fallo�s: �
<br /> �-�. �� <' � `; Commeacing at the c¢ost &outherly corner of Lot 1 of BDZ Fonrth �,,.
<br /> r� `� Ai3dition to Iowa City, Iavoa; thence Nor�th 38°41�4Q" Sast 124.88 �(�`_�`
<br /> �-°?e"���- feet aloag the Scutheaste.�►ly liae of ��;d Lat i to a poiut;
<br /> ;"°��-,�'�`�'�`L"`;' thence North 51 30 40 West 50.20 feet along the lot line of � �
<br /> � C .�sn- o . u r-:._ -
<br /> �3:;;:'�;;�:�<����'- safd Lot 1 ta the Foiat af Beginning of the parcel hereia ����
<br /> �•;.. .:;`�� de8cribed th � • "
<br /> ence, Narth 38 41 40�- Eatst along a li.ne wi�ich ia �.�?:�
<br /> ��`-� ��E; pa�a12e1 to and 33 feet in pe�pendi.cular distance from the `�=�
<br /> � � � f : Southeasterly liae of said Lot i, 66a.79 feet to apo int of ` �
<br /> _r � � -- ..-�-�:` curvature s th�nce Northeasterly.along a 413 foot radius curve `s�;Y`
<br /> - ,�< `.:< ctmcave Northwesterly 369.20 feet to a point tsaid curve having s�
<br /> _ , �_.:._;�-z r:�; a 3S7.03 footi chord bearing.North 13°OS"04" East); �heuce -;:;:-.;
<br /> 3 � ;., Northwesteacly along a 379.5 Eoot radius curve concave
<br /> ' Northeasrerl 118.32 feet to a 4`._;
<br /> + ° }�_.= y point (said curve having a 117.83 �
<br /> � :'ft�'°-.r��;;° fvot chvzd bearfng North 31°4�'28" West); thence Svuth �����-
<br /> � ..
<br /> �°` ; 'l,i �,h-�'�. 15°95•36" Bast 90.00 feet to a point; thence Southwesterly � t .!
<br /> �'��-,�--� :� =along a 380 foo� radius cuxve cancave Northwester�.y 361.16 feet
<br /> ,�..,�
<br /> `����� � ���' to a point (said curve havin a 347.72 foot chord bearin South
<br /> l_'�i.
<br /> .�.,`_,
<br /> }' " ; 11°28•OZ" West) f thence Sout 38°41"40" Weat b60.91 feet ta a
<br /> . � � f point; thence South 51�30'40p Bast 33.OU feet to the Pof.nt oE
<br /> '"y� ��`"�"� Beginning. `� �
<br /> ., .. _�;`,.-t,,:. =.4%.
<br /> �S 4Y�. •.-• .-. . -
<br /> . . . ��. ' . . . . [1 I'
<br /> ` f � , !.jJ4'.
<br /> � %'�ti� > s?.r �A. tract of land comprisin� a part of the�4ast Haif of the
<br /> � �; 4` �"'� ;�` ••Bout6west Quarter of Section 4 gownshi 12 North
<br /> � � :��,_< � P . Ra�9e 9 West �� =
<br /> , �;� r<:, of �he 6th F.M. i�.tt arand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, tao�re �,:�,'
<br /> �,_•� -�� ���.=�° particularly desaribed as follows: '
<br /> . _,:.
<br /> +�-- -. ,r -•f'^' . . -;.
<br /> �;� 8eginning at a poiat on the West .line of said East'�ial� of the �
<br /> � �,, , -
<br /> • Southwest �uarter, said point being 1,327.82 feet �outh of the
<br /> . ,� }t� �Northwest corner a€ safd East Half of the Southwest Quarter; �v -=
<br /> { _ th�nce Southerly along�rhe West line of said �ast Half a� the -
<br /> ;�L' Southwest Quarter, a distance of 719.55 feet ta the Norther�.y , �.{'•
<br /> :��,: ��:: tight-of-way li.ne of the Bur2ington ivorthern Railrosd= thettce u'._:
<br />� ' l��TM•:���` � •: � Sc�utheasterly along aaid railroad right-of-way lit�e, a dietance � �-��
<br /> - ``�_�,�'":'�"� of 816.� feet to a point of .curvatuze; thence coatiauing -`=�-
<br /> �� Southeaeterly alang aaid s�i;lroad rfght-of-way line, aud on the
<br /> �=-�-.����_=::�• arc �of a curve whose radius is 2,9I4.s� feet tthe long clio�d of �
<br /> _ �� whi.eh deElects zight 00 92 from the preceding course), a . �
<br /> '`�;'�;�� :: ' •- • ' o � ---
<br /> *;:��`::::;�'�.�:}��_�•� dfstance o� .94.83 feet= •Chence deflecting left 137�34•17° froro --
<br /> --=.�-.,,..�.-;,-,
<br /> :;_;-;�,:r�:., •Y� . : , the Iottg chord of the preeeding cur+re, and runaiag ��
<br />_ �-"-" �'�' I�arthwesterly, a dietance of 423.35 .feek to the East line o� " - --
<br /> � '-. ',;,�. .•- ::_ ..
<br /> --,;:_��y,_�,_-:��;; the West Half oE the Saet Half of the Southwer�r ��ta.-Fo r- ��.e++.._� � � _ -
<br /> �: �� i�csrtneriy a long tae Bast line of said o�est Half of the �ast
<br /> i�i
<br /> y,� = :�•=r � Half of the Southw�at Quarter, a diatance af 608.� Eeet; tiheace � ' � �--
<br /> �_� de£lecting ieft 89�39'24" and running Westerly, a dietance of z''
<br /> �• ;.:,; 65'7.12 £eet to the Plac� of Heginning.
<br /> .,,..::_.:4._� :.�., �.�...
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