feTfiF'S y '�— J �� f 4 L� � .�',.:'J",C:�; . : - - -
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<br /> l , -�� �c Z . ,�..,, ,r•ys S�r "'�' � �F' �.
<br /> '[. •�. . - .'}a 4 _ _..c�' +b sac�4([.� � � C�� A Y
<br /> %F�� _�.� : . � c.-i. - • . .-r ic, f�`�S�?��- . j� -vs r--- 4�� �n w� .,,,c .[. y,ji �� � � � � , '� -�c�cr � _.-"`4
<br /> � ,4 a 4 . R'S � . ° - -• X` f+... - t Y .r �-' .i ' �. F. �:t f � L f�t E
<br /> - cfr`�- . ,�" .d�, _ �s . t . . - � ... tr'�:_ atrj�� L� r �� 4 tx `a t � Ai- Z�( . ; y -:cS,,�. - ..� f. �.t y. l t�.4,��, �EF .
<br /> �,,,�.,,_y;'�,raf ...c¢�'r��.�` ��� `� � x���,' U•'�..�<� ,�':Sf .a., .ac' crf �. � �,� te,.� i� +`, t . 4 . }.t :'r s f_� t ti,A` `vj �c. s � r . "� '< *- r..�.� f -
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<br /> . �'ti '.i�:_'Y Y<<�;.�,Fv.:.��^'...�'.^.._-•Y .- . ' �C -- - - .4._:'. ..�i ..� �'. � �
<br /> ,C C
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<br /> � .. �-'.� �.�ta'n_•—Fx-.srccv4:� �.
<br /> �` {�q{!��s
<br /> �� �: �:�� VV� � c 1'�'[ x. -
<br /> �t .� .�c.�;-� � � ...v.. u. .� �_
<br /> ; ����. The Fuads sha11 be he2d in aa in�itution whose de�osits are imvnd by a federal a�wcy. insunmentality. or entity �,t�,r -
<br /> • . -�`s ;�� findadiag[xader,if f�euder is such aa iasdwt�on)or in any Fedeeal Home Loau B�nk-Iaoder shall app1Y the Funds to pay the �,g; : �`� :
<br /> ;{�,?`�` " ,? F�aaw Items.I.e�der may aot r��rge Ho�wer far holc�ing aad a�plying tihe Funds.aa�nuaity analyziag the escrow�r,►nns.or f} �,�-,� s -... . �,
<br /> � � ;� �> verifyin8 d�e Escmw Items,un�ess Leada pays Bomower interest on tiie Funds and applicable law permits Lender w matce suc6 � � k �
<br /> � = <� r �:• a d�arge.However.L�der may requtte Borrow�er to�ay a nns-time cbasge for an indeRendent teal es�ate tax repotting service �'G :_ : -.
<br /> , Gc ,4,, �.. used by Lender in oonnection witb this toan. unless eppticabte taw provides otherwise. Unless sm agreemcat is made os � �t :L� r�;,_... ' �°'
<br /> .:�' �`-.` '��P.'-.� apPlIcable law requires inter�est w 6e�id.Leader sbalI ttot be w Borrower mterest or eamings an the Fuads. -':_�:. .,.` ,�:{=::::�-.;r-�
<br /> �' � Bnnowes and L�der may.agree hi writing.however.ti�at i��be�pafd on the F�s. I.ender shalt give to Borrower. ` �`� �':,<x, 4'� `.:
<br /> ;;� f, x:�. S a _
<br /> -� -4�-
<br /> '���{,,:�•�•� ';�s� withont chatge.an annual a000unting af the Fands.showing cmdiu and debits w t6e Funds and the purpose for whlch each . .,.�.:ti�;;.:;;`;F'•,;:, F:':
<br /> "-� � s r debit to th$Fands was asade.The Fands are�ledged as addiaonal se��rity fur all s�ms seco�i by chis Seavity inswmeni- ;:.�U �,,_
<br /> l r ��', :� If the Fnnds hetd hy Lender eaceed the amounts pe.rmitted w be held byapplirable law.Lender shat!accaant to Borrower � F� �-- � ;
<br /> = ` foT the exass FmWs in awoidance wit6 the requiremeQis of a�plicable taw.If the amot�nt of ihe FuAds heM by Lmcter at aay = -
<br /> f ,�.,,��� time is nat sufficieut tv pay the Escrow It�ns whe�due.Lendes may so notify 8omnwer in wnitiug.and,in suc�case Borrower �.' ° , A
<br /> ,.� � sha�l pay tn L�der th$amoum neoessary to matce ap the def ciency. Borrower shall make up the defici�cy in no more than � s � ;`� '
<br /> < '-` .r-L -� t'?IE�YC 112Q�t�,'�2.�2I�8 5018 dLSCL�tt011. s ,• : �� �N
<br /> � a -.�' Upot�p3yment in ftill of all sams s�by this Se�ty tasmtmetu. Leader shap pmmptiy refund to Bomowet 3uy ;� �
<br /> �' �.� S T � Fimds hetd by Leader.If,undea paragcaph 21.Lender s6a11 acquire or seJ1 the Property,ixnder,�rior to the aaZuisition or sale ---� . .° � s
<br /> { .; � r o�f dtes�y�,��i9�►Y Fuads hetd by Lender at tise tiate af acquisitian or sale as a cre�it againsc the sums secared b}r (' f � k _
<br /> � ... -. . i� . r .�ra.c'� ..,f ._
<br /> x' �'F` f r�;. 3.A p a a f P a y m e u l s.Unt e s s a�pIicable taw p r ovides otherwise.aTl p a y m e n t s received t ry L.eader under p a c a g r a phs . `�. �.
<br /> k `r� �,��� 1 an8 2 be apptied:fust,w anY P�ayme�t charges due uader the Note;s�cond,to auwams payabte under paiagisph 2; f �, . a .� �
<br /> ' ° '�. .� �. ,
<br /> :;r E z-_.-: dliTd.IO iAGBies[due•folirth.io�el due;and las�t.w a�ry iate c6atgcs dne under it�e Note. ' -
<br /> F ., u°v. 4.C6a�I.tens.Bouoarea shaIl pay aU taxes.assessmeafs,�fiaiges fines aad impositions attR'bniable to the P�ope�ty . , ' � � �, � �_.
<br /> � ' '�' whicd may attain priority avei this Sea�rity tn�•�„�„�and teasehold payments or ground cents,if a�r.Bonower sLall pay . , `°�, <�..�`
<br /> _ 3y f � vf`�,.--�
<br /> 4 - tf these obligations in tIie manaer pravided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manaer,Borrower shali pay them on tane dir�iy f� Q- ��
<br /> � f L .%� to the pecson owed paymea�Borrowes sball pmmptiy fnmish to Leader all notices of amou�s w be paid uader this paragtaph. Y _, :l� ":
<br /> '� � �' f „ If Borrower makes these payin�direaly,Borrower sha21 PmmptlY fimus6 to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. t �. :a ,�_�
<br /> ° �•.� - � � Bormwez shall PrompttY dischazge any lien whish bas priority over Wis Seauity h�meat uhtess aarrower.ta)ag�ees en ��r;.�,�:�,.
<br /> ' � v` erriting ta the paymeut of the obligarion seaued by the l iee�in a manneraooeptable w Ixader:(b)coa�sts ia gaod faitb thc tim i� „ 4- ��
<br /> L '_ '�.` 6y,or defeQds against enforeemeut of the lien in, tegal Pmceedin&S which in the Leader's oputton uperate w prev�t the L ; u ' ,�, ..
<br /> 4 ._, . ,. ��:�- e�fo�t of tlte liw�;or(c)sec�ms from the holder of ttte lien an agreemeat satisfacwry to Le�der sabordinaHn�the liea w ;u, � s � .`
<br /> "`�` �:: � this Seauity Instivmen�If Lender determines that aay pazt of the Property is subject to a IIen�ic3�may suain prIority over � 'r_`;:�;__
<br /> ,. ' �.� this Secority Insomment,I.ender naay give Borrower a aotice identifying the lten.Borrower sl�alt sadsfy the li�or take oae or. `''N` ��
<br /> ."�;°�... "." more of the a�xloas sei fo�th above whhin IQ days of the givrag of natice. ,..
<br /> , : :: 5. Hazard os Proparty In.sar�ce. Borrower sLall keeg the impmvemeau now existmS or hemaRer ereded oa the l.•#i�_ ,.. � -_
<br /> , .: _. .
<br /> t. property iam�ed agains�t toss by fi�e.haza�da included arllhln the tcrm"extended wverage°and.aay other ba�c+ds,iacluding •��'' �`�1'-� , � =
<br /> .. r,��.',�. .:�.-ir.'F-" ��Q _'::: <n �';:
<br /> r''� f•
<br /> �%.- -. ftuads or Qooding.forw6ic�t Leader req�es insurance.This insatauce shall 6e�in the amonats an�for the ;..:, : � r�-
<br /> ; } �� tbat l.e�der�+oqa�ires.The insniance carrier providiag the insurance shafl be chosen by Barrow�sub}ect to Leader's appmval �� ,�'..�
<br /> _ a
<br /> <: afitch shall not be imreasonabty vrithhetd. If Homowez fails to maintain wveiage descn'bed aba�e,L�ender may. at I.ende�s : �.� �
<br /> : � • .en � . , y .
<br /> �-''- , ` `` �tion,obrain ooverage to pioie�t Leader's rights in the Property in acuordance wiW paragr�h 7. � ��-
<br /> •. � t �=;_ All insurauce polides and renea+als shap be a c e e�t a ble to Ixnder and shaU iaclude a staadard mortgage clause. Lende� ' .::. 'kt
<br /> - �,�.,:;:::.•�.�':: sball have the rigM w hold the poltcles aud zeneewats.I�L�der reqoires,Bomower shail P�mPUY S��+e to I.e�tder all receipu of .: :t:�` �."�� ;.
<br /> en '
<br /> _..[: .�F. . ,,..fi �CJ:�L �-
<br /> paid pr�miioms and reaewal notices..Ia d�a event of losa.Bormwer shaU.give proa�3 notire to the iasnrance c�rrler and Leader. 1�., . :��, � ,�.
<br /> m
<br /> � -''�; �. : Leader tnay makc pmof of loss if not made PromPilY bY Surrower. 1-r�,'�.�'�,; ` v6 -
<br /> �-.�:;
<br /> - '., Untess L�der aad Borrower mhecwise agme in writing,insv�ance pmceeds shall be appIied to reswrauau os repair of the :`Y.-= #�_:
<br /> • �.�: :" ��.
<br /> :'' prop4rtY d�d,if the testoratiun or repair is eoonomically feas4'ble ead Lender's seauity is aot les.�ed.Zf the restoiation os :•
<br /> � :epair#s nat eaonomicaUy feaslfile or Lender's sepuity would be l�ened,the insu�anoe proceeds s6alt be applied to the sums �'�',"�...
<br /> `` '-`•: secvr�d 6y tWs Secority Instrument,whether or not then due, arith aay excess paid w Boscuwer.If Bosrower abandons tde '�X--°s��+`
<br /> , ' � , ,; Pmperty.or does not aagwer within 30 days a notice fmm Leader titat the insu:auce c�rcier has offered to seule a claim,then. �`-'�-�
<br /> , : .��.�.:....:,� : , Leader may aolled the iasuraace proceeds. Lendec amy ase the roc�ds ta s�r or restore the Pmperty or to pay smns ��'�-
<br /> '...�:,_a: .`r,_ �. .�, : �''�___._��:=:�—
<br /> s�lry this Security insuuiment.�or not tl�een due.1'he 3 y pgrtod begi�t when the aorice is given. ._-._._--_-,-
<br /> ,�,;�...,:;: ",�•::>.'- .�.-.��r-
<br /> .. �,�i:� Unless Lc,uder and Borrower oWerwise agc�ee in arriting, any applicxtton af pmceeds w priACtpal shall rtot e�aead or =--
<br /> . ,s��:� paapone the due,date of the taoathtly paymeuts neferred to ia paragra hs 1 sud�2 or chaage tlre amaum of the paymeat�. If =
<br /> p ud � �
<br /> , � � s �mder paiagraph 21 tlte.PmpeAy is soqnired by Lender.Borrower's r�ght w aay Insurance poltdes and pmoe�ds resulttng fmm ,
<br /> ��t damage W the Prn prIor to the acquisition shall pass to L�ender ta the extent of the sums secuted by tt�s Seca�ity lnsuument . �, - -
<br /> perty en
<br /> ' `_� i�ateiy prIar to the acqtiisition. __
<br /> f- - 6.OrcuFauc9.P�es�vatlon,Mat�ead Pl+utecttoa of flie Properlyt 8nnuwer's 1.asn Applloatton;I.easeho;�. � �� _
<br /> � ;:�-�.:t-.".�� Boaower shalt accapy.establisb,and ase the Property as Bormwer's princlpal r�£dence cvtfhin sixty days after the exec�on of '" " �� =- -.
<br /> r An--
<br /> `.�",'="-`� tMs Seaulry last�t aud shall contjnue to the Pr as Bomnwer's iinct residence for at teast ane ar aRer '�'�-=_--�___
<br /> ''� - t' the Aate,ot occupancy.untess Lender otherwise�in wri'tu��g,wi�ch consent shaU n�6e unreasoaably wiebheld,or naless �4r ��'`�'x
<br /> ��°,::�'',:j'.�Y.',._i�". . e�tenaating cincutnstances exist whicb are beyond Sarmwer's co�ml. Bomawer shall�not destmy, damage or impair the ;:;�=-_-� .
<br /> ;�� r.;,. Pmpeity.altow the Pmperty to deteriorate,or oommit waste on the praperty.Boirower sball be In'defaWt if any forfeltoze = � � '
<br /> , .., r- m�tian ar psaceeding.w6ettier civil or criminal,Is begua drat in Lender's gaod faith�dpnent awld resvli ia forfeimre of the ,��'� #1�'
<br /> - P r o p e rt y o r o t h e r a n s e s�t e r l a ll y i m p a i r t h e,l i e a c n e a t e d b y t W s 8 e a u i ty l a s t i u m e a t o r L m d e r's securi ty inteiest.Bmrower m a y 7? t = , '._•
<br /> , �• = c�ue such a defanit and reinstate.as providod in pa:agrapb I8.by cm�smg We action or pruceeding to be dismi�sed wlth a nAing . . +� �:
<br /> . that. in Lender's good fa1tD Qeterndnadon. recludes forfeitrme of the Borrower's interest in the Yraperty or other matetia! Wi ' •
<br /> . y.•' impalrment of the lien crested by thla S ry Iagwment or Leader's secarity intetes� Borrower shall also 6e.la default if "�'='�•:i"�°;.�;:
<br /> Bomower.dwing the toan appllcatton praoess,gave mnterialty fatse os�naccueate infomaation or statements w Lender(or failed ;��-� :
<br /> • • to pmvide lxader with airy materisl infonnation)ia c�nnecxton witb the taan evldenoed by the Note.lrtcluding,but not limited ..�fz:,-.� ,,..;�.., �.
<br /> �` ' to,representadons�nceraing Borrower's oa�tpaacy of the Property as$prL�pal�esidence.If Wis Security lasunment is on a : ��'
<br /> . , �{� t�asehold.Bmrawes shall oomply with�11 the provlsions of the tease. If Borroarer soqutres fce dde to the Property. the ' .'�: .
<br /> r�. ;�
<br /> ,_^, leasehold and the fee tttle ahall not merge umess Lendes ap,�ees to the mesget in writing. j
<br /> 7.Pt�utection of Lender'e Rlg6ts In t6e Fropertq.lf Borroaer fails to perfmm the cavenants andag�em ents arntaIrred in
<br /> this Seca�rity lnstinmeiu.ar there is a legal pso�eading that may sigmRcantly affect Lc,nder's ri�hts 1n the lm�erty(snch as a ` ,,�
<br /> pmceeding in baak�uptcy,probate.for conde�nnation or forfdture or to eaforce Iaws or regulatiot��,then Leader may do and `'
<br /> � ., .- . pay for afiatever is necessary toprotect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the PrnpC»y. Lender's apiong may � ._ „
<br /> mclude paying any sums sewred by a llen which has prloriry over thls Security lnstnunent. aPF�S in oowt. PaYing ,
<br /> .,_. .� �easo�ble aitomeys'fees and entedng aa the Praperty to make repairs.Although Lender may take action un�er this parag[aph - '��•� • ••
<br /> `'�� 7.Zender does not have to do so. ' �•��, �'
<br /> '�L '•� ' ' Any amounts dlsburaed by Lender under this paragrbph 7 shall bewme addltional debt o!Borrower sectued by this � 'L°' �:��� '
<br /> -��?.,':,�--`.:`' Seatrity tnswmeQt. Uniess Borrawer and Ixnder agsee to other terms of payment.these amous�ts shall bear intenest from the �-;�;-=�:,:•.;��:;:;�-�.�
<br /> ' • date of dlstinrsement at the N�te rate and shafl be payable. witi�interest. upon nodoe from Lender to Borrower requesting •:..:7..°,;.�:� ••..�.:.
<br /> payment. " . � .
<br /> _ ' ���� 8.Mort�e Insurance.lf Lender required mortgage lnswance as a oondidon of maging the toan secured by this 5ecurity �
<br /> ' � � Iastrument. $orrower shall pay tht premiums requireti to maintain the mortgage insnrance in effect. If. for any reason.the � .'. ° ' �: , �'
<br /> ��-��,..'' .. , ;� .
<br /> . . mortgage in�ranee asverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in eifect.Borrower shall pay the ptemlums requirod to ,.��'.�.;'�:•:,::�.�.. .:`:;
<br /> .' ' :.� o�tain coverage subsiantially equivalent to the mort e insurat�ce previouaty in effect.at a cost substantisilly equivalent to the . :•
<br /> rat ce
<br /> ... � COS!Stt 80tt01°M t�!kC 1R0!!$3�'C �1t4!l13� }' }!!��ECl. f!�!!2 3!!8ZtCtAB�C AW!!s8'}�!!!S!lt2l 8pQfQY£Q tlJf �.E!!dEl. � �-.� .
<br />_. .' ' . ' _r';.. .
<br /> • � . ' va90 i m� iomt 3028 9/80 .�y. . .
<br /> _ _ .. ' ,.. ��,. "� ... .'�:.
<br />- � � f' ' -..
<br /> ,. ,.,. .,
<br /> . . ,,, ,: � •
<br /> .-
<br /> ,. , , ... _ _ . . � s�:: ..
<br />