�w.l��� r. r $� � iYr+`�YF�A' � .i ccti-`v� --�, r �--a,�.,.r ia � ��` u �.� ct . - i
<br /> �.� ct s�, ��,� .' .,,�;tk-.3-�s,.�'� �z ' �� F,�g r�� �s r �'• � � �. ����i c ����:-
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<br /> . .. ����=.�1� � r '�, t�_'�+'.��'"_ � `:�k,a'"'t,c _- -t�'
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<br /> ,�-s-
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<br /> ,x�'� z�_t�ry cz �.-,' t. �h, " i R � . ' c �'. - 1 . . - ' 'a.,��'�,"'- '. .i-.` .'�F ,C•c, i R f� '.
<br /> r
<br /> ,._ .�L_ .�.-•----,c ' ._: -.__ � -�•+f��_ F �a ,r_�:r ii--fr� r._�1.• ...f'��r`f+- <•,,.:�, �t- .--.BF�
<br /> _ .FS':.,....... ,� C t.,T.' . �_ •��=r_T —L7 '�.��..�.:.� v
<br /> ;.u_ `_`�`�:t. ."� LO '+c r�4"' _ � � "'.5.�<` ' �:S•_-r':Y� oe2f:•�:;.-,.'�'o��`.?.'.a.�c�F+"'1�,._,�� � , Y' f n.:�yti� .L� "-�- �f 1 k G_ �.._
<br /> i. "k:�F,.-`-tr,°4ET .,�. ,k. .L .r �2•. .��Xe: .c.v� • ' r�s.�r " 6 �\ �" x . .0 4 � �
<br /> ,�.
<br /> '�`-.�` 7 •<.ts' < �. f-�:4�t�% ? • o�g r oK� �';
<br /> �,q. 'f. L�i'� '�a ..�c s r!. ``G'. ���, � c a�w-� F. '.k �.t� u ` c g .-1-
<br /> ,z�4 -�2,cj_ �.- . . , � � � .3_.• .•.a�b _ __ .�.c._ .s,•T�,�c`• `- . , 4.�L�•V, o--k.�-. ,.
<br /> ._x t Y" ''�:_ � ..� �z� '� �
<br /> _"r'?T�-ic"r� _'�'.r.,--�ir yzs.:'<�T�'`s'—�"„?t-'_�"?- . � —re --==ia- '�'�'�� a Yt.`—�:t..� _�.....r.._.t�'_ 'M1 .
<br /> ,�'.P_ �� � ��� s,�.sx.���St�i-��3,L�':_ •s�'._;ce;`: '� ,a,eR" e 6- :c.� '�.rr ,�, --.r-�C -4.•..t� n'� �'c�l°� a �
<br /> ,R. b. 1�. � c..�n�-f-t:-. . ,. .... _ _ � . -
<br /> `?�-�- - p L4� ` V/���� ��� �.
<br /> 4 t7 ,^�'Y',ri�E_
<br /> �-���s'.• Y' �
<br />,�_ . ._•_�. : Qaymeats may ao tonger Ise tec�uB+ed.at the optioa of Lender.i£maatgsge i�covesage lin tfae amount and for the periad _ �'
<br /> _����-.:'`.".-•`,``` �at Ixnder requires}Pm bS+sn insur�er beoomes availeble and is obtained.Bo�ra�wer s�11 p�y j �^�
<br /> -: . ,4�� , vided �'ed 6Y L�da agai°
<br />` ��'i= `- :, ';;;.' �he pre�wms requ;:,ed w maiutaim m�rt�age is�uacoe in effe�t.or w F�ovide a loss reserve.an t i�[h e t e q i a r e�c f o r m o rt g a g e � - -
<br /> 'x.
<br />_ �>, s ; ��m�o�ance with�ry wnuen eg�nt between Barmwer and l.cadgr ar applicable law. ` ' �•�,
<br /> :,%=.;•:
<br /> `��4 L c�.r�� 9•�on.LEnder or its agent may ma�s cea.wnabte eturies upon and inspe�ions of the Property+. L�ender shall geve ',� ;
<br /> crasoaable cause for the �on. �.ri'
<br /> *L."'� `:°`Y':_- Botrow�r aati�e at the time of or priar to su�atipecqion s�a�'ylag �
<br /> �''`.- .". :'` 10. Coad�aaYion. The pmoePds of eny awand�claim for damages.dire�x or coasequ�tial. in connectioa with arqr �.-.-:
<br /> --xT�.�=�.n�`:: :.,_
<br /> u S 'n O-' '
<br /> �;;,,� •° oondemnatlon ar ather talting of any pa:t of tLe Pnoperiy.or for couveyance in Geu of oonde�'nnation.are her�by assigne8 aud �� ` 4`-:_
<br /> Po
<br /> , ,. , shail be gaid to lender. r `
<br /> In�the eveni of a tota!taking of the Pmpe�ty.the praoet�s shalt be appleed ta tke sums seaued by ttus 5acuriry tast�ament, �
<br /> ` (
<br /> �:�-'-,�'�� afiethet or�t tha�dae.arith atry excess pai�to Bozrow�. In the eveat of a�takiag of tbe ProPertY i�wt�i�the fair , ,_;,:
<br /> �.�r.r. .;...-.�
<br />�':�:;��-':;-`;� ��: �ricet value of the Pmperry�ateiy before the taldng is equat to or gceator than the a�tc►unt of[he sums seaired bi'this a,�-;;.
<br /> . .,-
<br /> ��;;� R.-o•:?.,
<br /> _`-°�._....:_ S�rIty Iasdn�t i�iiatety befoie[he talang.untess Harrower and taader otlserwise ag�ee in wriring,the sums secu�ed by :"-
<br /> _ ��:�4.....i.j:..=�_t. .
<br /> , �is geauity Ias�ume�t sbaU be iedaoad by the amouat of the psocceds mutdplied by the fullowing frastion: (a)the to� ; "';:
<br /> � ',. 4 ,. .,�.
<br /> . .�-ti-Y amonnt of die sums se�+ed�ediateiY 6efo��e ial�g.dividaf by(b)the t�s mark�value of the Pcoperty immediatetY -
<br /> �,�
<br /> .'.y`�'-- ,�� hefore t6e taicing.Any 6aiaaoe sDall 6e paid m Borrawer. In the evem of a paitial taking of the Prope:tq in whic6 tlte fair •;,,
<br /> ":��:...��,-.:�:. �ry,
<br /> .. �� Y�r.�.�t.e:�
<br /> : � ���`�;:.;'= bef+ure the ralaa is less thaa the amount of the sums secared immediaLelY 6efore We `"• :�.
<br /> -`,';�•;�;-;<<;_�. maruet valne of the Pmperty immediatejY g
<br /> �� r.._ ,.° �` os nnless agp�icable taw othe�a+ise pmvides.the pr+�eeds shatl :`..
<br /> ,_%;;,.;=;x-::-�_�. tatdng,mnless Borrower and L,e�det othezwise ag�ee u►writing . '
<br /> _ `�"��:•��x 4��:= be appHed to the su�as setu�d by t6is Sewrity Insuumwt whetder or aot the sams are then due. '•z i';.
<br /> _. , : � if the propeny is abandaaed by Bomnwer.or i�after ttoti�by Leader to Bonawer drat the oonde�r offets w make m� :-
<br />. �N�.:.";`�-`-� � award or seut�a ctaim fos dam�ges,Bor�ower fa�s w tespond m I.e�er withio 30 days aRer ttc�date t6e notwe is$iven, .;-x.,'
<br /> -��'-'�'••`�'� � I.�der is�Worized w wlleet attd appty the prooeeds,at its aption,eithea to t�storatiori or reyair of the Pr�operty or to the sums .
<br /> ': �, '� sewted hy th�s g¢curity Instn�nt,whdher or not then due. � �' �
<br /> " '`� '• ` iJutess I�udet and�Bomawer o8tesa�ise agree in writing,aaY a�plicalinn af pmeceds w principat s6a11 not extaid:os. °_
<br />-: - �.. n
<br /> -,;r•a+•''�,�f�j� � ,
<br /> +�:.; P�P�the due data of the moadtlY PaYme�rsferced to in paragrnphs 1 aad 2 ai change tbe amount of su c h paya�ts. ,.
<br /> ?... �Y, r;� 11.Bos�we�'Nat ReIe�;Forbearnnoe By I.ffider Nat.a Waiv¢r.F.atension of the time for paymeat or madificatioa �
<br /> ;-:�: `'::` �" � � of amort'ruu�on of the sams saTUed Iry t6is Se�ity�asu�ment S��5Y����Y saoassor in intenst of Borruwer sha!! ' �;��.
<br /> '��` :�_�`������ nat operae w release the liab�icy of d►e original Eoimwer nr Bosower's successors in iateces[. Lender shafl not 6e i+eqaired to `�:•
<br /> �'% ` oomtReaco�ooe�gs ag�as�anY s���sal in interesc ar sefuse w extend tim�e for paymeitt or otheawise mad'dy anaarthat�oa ��-�;
<br /> �'.,..i,,,'.ir.;.c1:: . �'�,..
<br /> � ,z �f dte sums sea¢ed by ttns Seauity Insuttmea�t bY reason of a�r demaad made hy t6e original Bomnwer or Botmwea's
<br /> �: �� t or not be a waiver of or pr�iude @te —_
<br /> �-•,.:-.�. -�;s:. e¢oce.s�s ia�. M}�forbeaiaaoe by L�da in exea�isiag at►Y rigt� r�nedY s1�11 —_-
<br /> .,�'':_::�±:':'>.�'"'.�;, e�cncisa of anyr r3ght or temedy. • �._
<br /> ,� .� i �. �1Z.$ao�ssais end A�igos Boaad;.Loint and Sevesai I�;Co�g�teis.The oovwmsts aad�of @ds. _
<br /> � �� n z�: Seauity IasCrameac shall bimd attd benefit t� sacassars and assigas of L�der and Borrower.sabject w the pm�visio�a� �-
<br /> ; , . .. .:. ;_ .- paragraph 17. Borrowa's covenants aad agre�ments shall 6e joim and several. Any Bomower who oo-sigas this Securitq, [Q„�_
<br /> ` '�•; Insti�nent b�rt does not execate t&e Note:(a)is co-sigaing this Secosiry Zasau�only W mortgage.Srartt and canve�F that
<br /> ft +`- ':. _
<br />:..,;_°_F�ca._�`.•. Bocrawer's iaaer�st in the Yropaty m�Qe�tbe terms of t�s Secarity IASUUm�t:(b)€s not peisonally obligated to.Qay the sums -
<br /> . ---- se�d by tt�Seauity Iastmmen�and<e)abrecs tbat Le�dec aad arry othec Borcowec mag agrcc to extead.modify,fo�emr or —__
<br /> �`` `..` wa&e anyr ac:a�madattons witB negand to ttte te�ns of thSs Seaulty Iam�ment or the Note withaat that Bottower's wnswt. �_
<br /> ` ` � .13.LOa�Chm'ges.If the lo2n&es�t�d hy tLis SeCinity►natmms�+*is subject tO 812�av wluCh sEts ma�dtAlttu lOBD chffi$es, __-
<br /> - ?'.:.>z.:::.� and that taw is finaily intecpreted sfl ttrat the mterest or ot4er toan chazges coltected or to 6e collec�in oo�octian wlth the ---.-.
<br /> <��':,,;;'r..., :.� �.
<br />---- •�.,:...�:�,��, loan eaeeed the permiued limits,tlteo:(�)aaY sach ioan charg'e shall be iedoced by the amoant aocescary to c�ae the d�asge .
<br /> ;:1 �:� '� � to the peruutted limi�,and(b)anY sums atreadY ooltected fmm Borrower wlrich exoeeded pemriued timits wiU be refunded.to
<br /> "��'� Bormwer. Lend� may choose co m�ake thia refaad by reduriag the pr3ncIpal owed nader t&e Note ar by making a di� ��
<br /> ;-~.^_T;��' t w Bormwer. If a refimd_r�uces principai. the roduciion will be treated as a pat�ial pr�aYment s�hoBt anY • ..
<br /> a �`" >�::;-,�-.�`� P�� . .
<br /> � '�:' �r�apmeat cLaige under the Note. . � ,
<br /> 'w`'�-!:�:;_�.�„ .
<br /> `t:�
<br /> .� i4.Npttca�.Anyr notioa to Borrower pmvi�ed for in this Secarity Insdnment sl�atl be giveu by deyiverifi��it or by a�Hrtg �
<br /> �`�r-:,-.e�' �it by 6�st class madl untess applicabie 1aw reqaires nse of another method.T6�uotioe si�ali be diroeted w the Ptayerty AQdres�
<br /> ��'�M����'.� :
<br /> or any o8ier addce.ss Bormwer desigoates Dy nodoe w_Lender. Aay uotioe to I.eader sha11 6e g�ven by fust cdass mail w
<br /> '^`-`:::,�f .;;��'' • � Y.e�+der's add�ess.stated.�ercin or aay aiher aQdress Leader d�lgaates bq iwtioe to Bomower. Aay aotice provided far us this • -
<br /> ` `:,���.�,.'". . �rityr Insnu�mert shall be Aee�tted w have 6eeai giv�w Borrower os Leader whe.a givea av pravided in this parag[aph.. --
<br />;�',�:;•.��: .� . n � . �
<br /> ., ��=»r,-: �- !�.Gave�ag �cv; Severabillty. '[bis.Seca�ity lnsuumenf shaU be govemad by fedaal taw aad the iaw af ttce ___
<br /> >-:� ? .
<br /> , :� ` `�� jt�lsd�Ction in afiich,the Ptapetty is located.In the event that anyr provision or clause of thls Security insdnn�ent or the Note
<br /> ' � ' , oonfllets with appticabte laa►,ffich mnflict sha11 not affe�t oiher provisions af this Seauity tasuument ar the Note wficA cau be =
<br /> ' .;�:':�.;:'•.� . glven effed wittarat the eon�lic�►g provisfon.To this end the provisions of t1us�Secudry Instrn¢nent and the Note are declared �-`:
<br /> ,�r.- 'Y'..fti:•'.. ..]'. . . Ol.-.
<br /> ... : ��� ,:..'.�., ' tobeseveraAte. � �.-�
<br /> :j'�;:. ',". :. �,�:•�` � 16.Boriatives's Copy.Borrower sha116e given one conformod oopy of tLe Note aa8 of tLis Sewrity�trumait. =-_--
<br /> •7, '. /� �•:, iorm SD28 9l90 =-
<br /> �...�
<br /> � �,,;.: :�.: � . v„�esole �'',;.
<br /> ..��,r. .Z'• rci.
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<br /> ':h:` .
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