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<br /> a °� �• 5. Na�td os Peopr�ty Insnraaoe. Rorivwer shall keep the improvements now eaisting or hereafter eie¢ted on t6e �
<br /> =`� t'"'`� propetty iasetod against toss by fine.ha7ards included�vithin the tcrsi'extended oovera�e'and aay other hazards. incladin8 z
<br /> �-.•�` `�-�-_":� ttoods or tlaoding.for wtuch LRnder requires insurance.This insurance shaii be maint�ned in thc amounts and for the periads ''t`.� "'
<br /> �Cj....t.`e '�i ..1t�:
<br /> F � ` m �L_• that Lender requi�es.The inguracue ca�rier providing the incurance shull tre chosen by Borrower subject ta[.ender s approval ,
<br /> `:.F�;;t�i`� ; . whfch shall not be uureasoaabiy withheld. If Bonower fails to maintain cover.tse descrihed Rbove. l.eeuder may. at l.eader's ',....`;�
<br /> . . „� ..�� � �.,. .
<br /> '.` .-��°�` option.obtain coverage w ptute�t Er�der's righu in thc PrograRy in aa�ordance witb paragragh 7. . !_t�r
<br /> ' ' - r . : ,
<br /> ``��-�;-*���;.;='`' pU i�ua�ioe policies and tenewats shall be a�ceeptable to Lender and r+daU include a suinndard martgage ciause.Lender u<;;��`
<br /> ',•.�,... ,,; ,
<br />. ,;,e" ;:•:. °;' shall have the cight w hatd the policies and cenewals. If i.ender requires.Borrower shaU promptly give to Lxnder a11 reoeipts of •�.`+,,:.;
<br /> -'•�'� � ���= paid premiums and�+eoewa!uotioes.In the event of loss.Borrower s h a l l pve prompt ao t ice to t he ins u r a i t ce c a r r i e r a n d L e n d e r.
<br /> �,<.Y.�`�'"�: Latd�may makegroof of toss if not made P��Y�Y�• ;
<br />,°�`�"T�'=�.:��"°>':� Unless L�ender and Borrower otherwise agree in aniting.iasuranoe pmceeds shall be applied to restoratian or repair of the ,�F�°;�
<br /> r_ i +�,
<br /> .s °� : � :� Property damaged.if.tke reswration ar repair is economicatly feasible and L�ncter's security is not lessened.If che restoration or K.�,
<br /> <,.
<br /> :`.�:��`�;;<Y:Y repair is not eoonomicalty fmcible or Lender's secarity wontd be tessened.�he insurance pmceeds shall be applied to the swas �. °
<br /> -: �;.:��"
<br /> ` � �:��,y�� sewnd by this Secnrity Instram�� whether or aot then due. witd any exc�ss paid w Borrower. if Borrower abandons the •,;}�.;
<br /> � '----'-����•� Pvop�ty.or does aot answer within 30 days a notice from i.euder that the insurauce carrier 6as offered to s�tle a claim.theit
<br /> --' ":� ; ;. .,`-z. Lender may oollect the insuiance proceeds. ixnder may us$ t6e pmaeeds to repair or mstore the Property or to pay snms µ.�`
<br /> � 4`�,,r , a �by this Socarity Instnunent,whetber or aot then due.'t�e 30-day period wili 6egin whea the notice is given. � Fs,
<br />_�'y.:;J�.�`-_ ;�`::;.s:�� Unless LeMes aad Borrower othawise agree in writing. aay application of pmoeeds m principal shaU not axteed ar !�-,:
<br /> ...;�.�:::._.:..�.:--_;:,_ : _�.:v
<br /> '-. ,-:.'. � <;;::� pasasone the due datc oj the manthiy paym�nts teferied to in puagt-aphs 1 �nd 2 or change the amoant of the payments. If
<br /> :,�.- .>
<br /> - und�patag�h 21 the P�upe�ty is acquined by Lender.Borrower's right ta airy ins�uance poticies and proo�oads msniting from , '�
<br /> - -:��:i<,�:, -
<br /> - - _����L� damage m the Pmperty prior to the acquisition shaU pass ta Y.ender w dte extent of dte sums secaued by this Secvrity Inmument
<br /> 5. - .i � � �. �B(I!ffiilyl plLOf[O tlt6 SOqOfSItiOA. :
<br /> � {..� 6.U+ccnpamcy,Freserv�tton,Mainteaaaee�nd Pmtectdon of thP proPertY;Borrov��s Loan Appttc�tion;Leaseholds. � ;�
<br /> `�`;� :: ��.: `.< gnmswer shali aca�py,estal�Iish.and use the Property as Bomowa's principal residence auithin sncty days aSer the exewteon of ::
<br /> �-.Y� '-'v ->C. . .i. .�_
<br /> �`�� <`;� this'SecurIty It�uumeat and shail cantinue to occupy the Property as Bo�wer's pri�pal residence for at teast one yeat after
<br /> ° � .�' the date of occapaary.emtess Lender otherwise agrees in writ�ng;wluch cancent slrall not be w�reasonabiy witl�held,or unles4 ` �:
<br /> ` ? r�`` � �;j'. exteaaating cuwmstaz�ces eaast whicb are beyoad Bor�wer's oontrol. Borrowu st�ll not destmy, daaia�e ur impair the
<br /> -,�.._,-: ._ ...
<br /> -.7'.:�;: :-dE::' .� ' •� -
<br />- . r i�4�;ry. .�.�',.
<br /> �: '�:�'•�•'• _,,, . Prapesty,allow the Propeny to deteriorate, or oommit waste an the Property. Borrower sball be in defaaIt if any forfeitnre .:
<br /> 2 7 '.
<br /> .. action or�g,whether civil or criatival,is begaa t�st in Leader's good faith jndgmeat oouta c�t�lt in forferture of the �� '
<br /> L — i�'• f
<br /> .., Pmperty or othecwise materially impair the lien csieated by this Security Insuumem or Lende�'s seeurity iate�st.Bmrower may :
<br /> . - , ..�:. �� -
<br /> ` , ,,- care snch a default and rein�tate.as provided In paragraph 18,by causing die aaron or praxeding w be dismissed wdth a toliag (�_
<br /> :�,...: _..;�.,
<br /> �� ::�. ,..�n". that, in Lemder's good faith determination, predw.es forfeitu:e of the Bormwer's interest in tde Pmpaty or othec materPal �,..•-`
<br /> ` ` '_ itapaircneat of the li�created by t6is Secarity Insuuuieni or Lender's serurity interest. Borrower shall also be ia defanit if � :--
<br /> ; , . `�Ff '�"`=
<br /> �.,,.-.., �___.::� Sarruwer.daring the loan applicatian pmcess.ga�e materially false or inaocurate 3nformation or st�nents to Lender(or failed ��,,:,_:
<br /> , � `,� { �:'.; to pruvide LenQa wlth any+materiai information)in oonnection with the loan evidea�ced by the Note.indud'mg.bnt ttot 1'united ( � �
<br /> - ::��.'�.� =�.,-,:`:• ' w,re�seatatious�IIaerning Bomnwer's occupancy of the Praperty as a principat reside�e.If this Sewrity Instrament is on a. f�s_;:
<br /> :' t=l;� teaselwld, Borrower s�1r3I1 campty with all the provisions of the lease. I€Botmwer a�sqnines fee ti@e w the Fropaty. ehe it� �.;
<br /> !� .
<br /> f , ,, :_ IeasehoM arnI che fee atIe sbatl not uoeage uatess Lender agrees ta the usager ia cvriting. -
<br /> 7.Prutestion of I.�der's Rig�ia We Prnpeety.If BoFrower fails to petform the coveirants and agreements conta�ned'm �, ;
<br /> �=��.� '`� � .' this Secarity Instmment,or there is a Iegat praceeding that may sigaifccandy affea Lender's righu ia tlne PropertY(sach as a � -
<br /> . _ - ptnoeedjng ia bantauptcy.pmbate,for condemnation or forfeiture or w enfoire taws or�egutationsf.then Leader may do amd . :���
<br /> ;* ',.�,�.
<br /> . �. �._ pay for whatever is ae�cessary w pmtect the vatue of the Property and Leader's fights in the Fraperty.Lender's acdons t�ray . r� -_
<br /> _ - ,l`';'.;�� ineiude paying suy sams s� by a liea whicb has priority over this Securfey Insuument. apPearinS in�oanrt, payiag '�_ --
<br /> .;�,:;`;�;;:.:�; r�asonable auomeys'fees and entering on the�Property+to make repairs.Althougt�I.eader may take sezion under this patagapb !==-
<br /> ;m=;:;.::,;,. ,. 7.L e n d e r does n o t h a ve t o d o s o: . . � �
<br /> . . .`�;`�.` Aay amuwus disbutsed by LenQer nader this pa�agaph 7 shall b�ome addidanal debt of Borroaer secatte�try d�is --
<br /> �;;'�-."���::.;°�.�.:• wus
<br /> ..>�.::- _;.: Seenrity Instrument.Unless Bonower aad I.etider agcee w other terms of Pa}'ment.these amounts s h a l l beas interest f c o m t h e . --..- -
<br /> �����;' Qate of disbarsemem at the Note rate and shall be �ayabte. with interest. opon notice fram LaWer w�arrower req¢esting __
<br /> ��'���:_:'�.>;.::., _f DaYment• � ' ��
<br /> �.; � ; .�,.. 8.Mo�e Iacpaaae�If Lender reqoited mbrtgage insutanoe as a c�ndttion of ma�ing the loan secnred by d�is Secatityr k _
<br /> -';""`. ' ':.�.. . I�suumen�Borrower shall Pay the premiums required to maintain the mortsage insurance in effed. if. for any mawn. the ,�;_�_,
<br /> '_.: :_.: mortgage itrsvrance coverage req�ired by l.ender lapses or crasea to be in effect,Borrower s!►all pay the premiums tequired w i�:-,L;
<br /> {+ obt�in caveiage snbstantialiy eqaivalem w the morr.gage insuran�pnevlousty in etfe�x,at a cost sabsraatialty eqnivalent to the � '
<br /> -� ` " cost to�ormwea oY the mortgage ur�ranoe prev�ously in effe�t. from an attemate mortg��e iasurer appraved by LsaQes. If
<br /> `�:,"".�'°;�-:- �':. sa6sttr�iialty eqaivalent mortgage ias��rance oovemge is not ava�tabte,Bmrawer sha11 pay to LenQer each month a sum equal to �'-'���
<br /> . � • ia j �,•.: ..
<br /> � :''`' :`:`�:,:'� oaatwelftA of'the yeariy mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the iacurance ooverage l�psed or oeased w
<br /> � �"�_ 6e in effect.Lender will acoept,use and retain these payments as a loss resen+e in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss resenre �
<br /> ;-.� <;: � � `;.t�'�
<br /> .::,. F�rm 3028 9/90 �
<br /> '•� . .. � . vagn9o16 ! -
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