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<br /> , F 'T '�R°3� :-r _ r-. .^2 -r,. �- ;._ c , � _ . : c ; ��.-.�.�-.3 r� .: ,y .,..��--*�.+�. .��C'n�-t,?` E f .
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<br /> t �i` :"°r' e^ . -"'"YN' C #R"cY_..� i �f fk _��C _
<br /> _ / � �-��� ��s.. . ,O �t .' �. � f- c - R.�-,r._��KF r,� �i .F +v _�,-�� ,� , ..4.F+�•_��,::�`-�Z� s _.s �lC .� .�^ � ,��-,
<br />-.c ^�h�K- �`..,;�,_.-_�-.�.���lE c*t�x �' � i.'�' �.4� ..� ��� i `i- ��„_] S: '.vY. � { = 2T ccf.. F } � s� . q �-r.c ...k s' 'o •_
<br /> .t. .d - ,,.a��k f� c� '.'�':ti...� k
<br /> �.�4.c -i f:" .K `49�� r� �+.47 •� '� -5� \�� m ,f� �t
<br /> .tt��.T . .r.ka. . �
<br /> - � �;. �.�:.
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<br /> t i�..
<br /> � - i}.:� t r g A� .
<br /> ti
<br /> ` 5. HazarH or Ptopety I�araac� Borrower shail keep the i�up�rov�s aow eustiu8 oz he�eafter erecxed on the ��
<br /> ,."•.'�: �.: .SYa ' � :,•�:�+
<br />_;,;;-;'=,:�. .-�� �'`` pi+aPert}'insure�againn tass by fire. ha7ards inctuded withia the te�°exUensled coveiage'and any othes ha�ds. ind�ing -
<br /> .: aa
<br /> : + "�`�` ,� `- floads or S�di�eg,for wfucb Lender requi�es insvzanoe.'17�is iasurance shali be mainiained in the amou�s and for the p�iods ,��.�;
<br /> }�`e+�:�_ ;� ' ��,_
<br /> ,�,,... �• --,�-,:���A�� that Lemder tequites.'Igte itu�traace oanier pmviding the in.wrance shall be chosm hy Bomowu sabjecx Lo L.ender's_appmdal ..,
<br /> ;;,.--�:. t�:,:.,r .�..�,., .
<br />� -,;`�•;i;:z¢�_�� :�-:� whic6 strali aot Ue urmeasonably withheld. If Boriower fails ta maintaia caverage desrn'bed above,l.e�oder mny.at txader's `.:r;_
<br />-,�:.':��'�.�:s.•; °�`,.• option.ubtain caver�e to gmt�t Irader's rights in the Property in s000rdanoe wit6 paragraph 7. . ±�._�`�
<br /> ,. .
<br /> . �� . o e claase. l.ender `'�°
<br /> ;� , �r:,::.. All insuraaoe policies and reaewals sl�ail be acceptabl�e to�.ender and sha[I inctude a standard ni � � .:_
<br /> � E�� < ..:
<br /> - _- -��:>k:.::,.: �_ sbaU have tt�right to hatd the goticies anc!re�cwals.If L�der�ires.Borrower strall pmmptly give to.Leader as�reaipts of _ -
<br /> °�°,-, .,, . , d r�neums and r�ewal notice.s.In the evert af toss,Borrower shall gi�e prompt aotioe to the insurance carrier and Leader. ` :�:�
<br /> s " ,�; : Paz F �` -
<br /> � ` `` Lendet may make proof af loss if nat made P�PUY b3+Bnrrower. � ,�;
<br /> -n� `".�- -� UNesg Lendec aad Borcower oWe�wise agcee w arciting,insaranoe pmooeeds sball be applied to restosation or re�air of the < .=,:
<br /> _:•� .�..,_"--- e wi ,
<br /> ;='y' `���:+;?�€:'<<` �P�Y�5�•if the resWratian or repair is eoonomica!ty f�"bie sud IRnder's secarity is nat tessened.If die restaration or
<br /> _Y�i _.�; ` :���,5':<�.
<br /> �r�, °,��: repair is not eooswmically f�bie or Ixnder's se�urity would be tessened,the insuianoe pmoeeds shalt be sppiied to the snms `:
<br /> , t `� ,� ' , sewred lyy this Seauity lustrameru.�vdether or mt then dne, witb anl►exccss Paid to Bonower. I�Barmwer abaudo�s the _
<br /> 'R o � ` �-'' ,ar does not answer ariti�in 30 days a uotice fnnm Lxader d�at the inso�ance carrier fiag offered w seule a claim.ti� ~ ��
<br /> ° �� r�.",�� l.e�a�ay colled the i�sce prooeeds. Lc�der may ose the proaeeds to iepair or restore tbe P�+ngaty or to pay snms {`:
<br /> ` ,� '4 ,: sewred by this Se�sity tns�a�nent,�vhether or aot the,n due.17�30-day pesiod w�71 begia when tl�e notEce is givea. � � `;.
<br /> - �,. ` ��
<br /> `-`- .- ` ,.`.: . if�Lender.aad Barrawer otherwise sgree ia writ�g, aaY aPPlication of procea�s w princigal shaU noi e�end,or
<br /> _ �---:�- .:�-.:�;�_ _:..:.�.
<br /> :°:;,.:`�5,,.. .., ., :_..
<br />��.��.. :��::.;.F;-4-" Po�F�tke due datc of the morutilY PaYme�tcfeired w ia paragraphs I and 2 or change the amoont of the payments. If :_.,•
<br /> ..� c,:�r�:�:;:•:.��� _.�.'t
<br /> under pata�caph 21 the Praperty is acquired by Ler►der,Bormwer's right to�rsy insuiance policies and proceeds msutting from _
<br /> ::t�:'� " - ^;,�� dama8e.to the PmFeTty Pnor w the acquishion shall pass ta Lender to the ext�rt of the snms sewred by this Secarity InsErument %�
<br /> . . ..r r�'�.
<br /> d �.���� Immediately prior to the acquisirion. s :
<br /> ..`�= .. ,:b �". • 6.Oaea�ucy,Yreservatton,Ma�ace and Protedion of t6e Ptogerty;Borrower's I.oat+�1pplta�tton;Leaseholda. .
<br /> ...t�c ,.j�(rL�.t_.J../lv ; ..,
<br /> `""�``� I,'<;�t�•�-:,;�- Borr�wec shaU oc�y,estabtish,and use the Progeccy as Bor�ower's priacipal r�sidenoe withu►sixty d�ys aiter the ex�ution of :�.,-"
<br /> '..-::,.,='-:< �:-,":°T,.,
<br /> -�-- .,. , . tfis Se�uzity in �ment and shell w�ltimte to aCCitpy the Propecty as BoT[owes's prlaCipal�+esidenCe f�s at lees�oue yeac ARe[ x''�
<br /> •,:��� • - ,,. .� ag�s $ w6ich consent shall not be tmreasonabi witb6eld,or unless ^
<br /> �" -�; the date of aaupancy,onless Leader oi6erar�se fin writin , Y ;';
<br /> „�; .,:_':...::,;�': . . e�°g ciramsqnces eaist wh(d►are beqond Boirawer'§ co�mi. Barmwer shaU uot destroy. dama8e ar impair the . ' 4 -
<br /> �� �`..�°,;�`'s�;�°_�: Pmperty,allow tbe Property ta deteriorate, or commit waste on the PrQperty. Borrower shall 6e in deiaWt ff�v forfeitnre
<br />,�'::hJ:�..l.'.�'.'_'F:�.. .:.� ��.'
<br /> =-�.,:�� action or ptoceeding,whether civil or cri�ninaf.is begaa that m I.ender's gaod faith judgment contd result ia forf�t�e of the s�:;=
<br /> � r ._ 'f ' PrapeKy or�theeari.ge materially impair the tien created by this Serutity Insuameat or Lender's secudty i.�erest.Bacraw�r may � � _=
<br /> � �: _
<br /> `" :. ", � cm�e sud�a defanit and reir�tate,as provided in patagiaph 18.by cavsing the acoion or pracxediag to bed'is�issed aiifb a raling �� �_
<br /> "• ';s`F .: F�:;�: .
<br /> �.::;` ' _;.:��.,�'.�:,;.:� that. in LEnder's good faitb dete�minadon, predudes forfeiture of the Bomawes's interest in the Propeity_or oth�a�aterial <
<br /> J" .��,��,.�";�,: • imp�rment of th�lien created�tII�is Security Instrnment.or Lender's secvrity intetest. Horrower s�ai2 atso be in defauh if' �r,
<br /> t � . � a ,
<br /> �'% �' �'��"`' Bormwa,during the toan applic�tmn process.gave materially fatse or ttmaauate infaimation or�ts m Lender(or faited �r�•=�:
<br /> �j �: ;';'�T to provide Le»der aritb any+material Wam�ation)in connection whh We loan evideaced by the Note,.inciud�ng,6tit aot Wmteff •�f
<br /> ',�; �:..� �.�.
<br /> �l�
<br /> .,.'y'.. ta.n�conceania$Bomower's occupancy of the Prupeny as a principal residalce.If tbis Secusity�nent is on a �-
<br /> ,. << `.�;,., " , leasehotd. Bomnwet sl�all comply wlth all the provisions of the tease. If Barrawes acquires fee titte to the PropeltY. the Y;�;
<br /> �: .;.T. leasehotd end�he fee titie ahall aot merge unless Le�der agrees to the,merges in wridng.
<br /> , ,;. L`�:"' T.Prateetton oi I.s�We�s Rights in the Avpeaty.tf Borrower fails to perform the covenams and agreementa contained in ��'"`�
<br /> ':-'<, � .._°•... ' , ��..
<br /> .- ::.' •`�• ., this S�curlty Instsumens.or there is a teg�l grooeeding that may significamiy affecc Lender's rights in the Propetty(sueh as a . .�"'-
<br /> .....;� t:�.���., --
<br /> � <:r:,�:';'':�;` , Pince�iag in bantauptcy,Pm6ate.far conde�m�on or forfeitnre or to eafarce laws or regWatFoas).then Leadet may do and _--
<br /> '''°''�; `` �," :`' . 'pay far whate�ter is neeessary to protect the value of the Propesty and Lendds rights in the Properry. Lender's ac,tions may
<br /> , �'t'�� - atctnde paym8 ar►Y s�as secured by a lien whirh has priosity over tt�ia S�ry �ast�ame,nt. a�spear�a$ iu eourt. PaYin$ . . ',---
<br /> '�" ..�,�,,�j��� ^• rea�so�ua/b,le atwmeys'fces and enteling�on the Property to make repairs.Although Lended may take actian uader this�Paragapb _
<br /> .�aia� � . ��.. 7t�+G1WW�Q�. �1t llarei����S0. - • . -. . . .� ..
<br /> �"'_"l�,�� _ � - Any aawunts disbursed by I.e�et under ti�is pffia�aph 7 sbaU become addittonal debt of BaesQwer secatred by this '
<br /> :.,.=•--�
<br /> -�=,�..:.;��:. `�` $eauity Inst�ament:ilNess 8oicower and I.end�r agree to otRer tenns of paymeat.these amounts shaig�be�inu�est fmm the
<br /> �"°' "-`'-'�'f;':'; ,�: date�of dlsbursement at the Note rate and shall 6e payabte. with tnterest. apon notice fr�am Lender to Satro�er sequesting =__
<br /> ��:y,'� t'.!,z�'",�,�; . �y 'S�MO}�9$8 inv�ranq'.If Lender teqtdred mortgage insurauoo as a oondition of making the loan a�by this Security °--
<br /> ,` `{°�i Insuuruem. �orroavea�shall p�y the pnemiwms mqnlred to maint�n the raortga$e lnsurance la effect. If,fo:any reason,the
<br /> r,..__�u:,_ _.'.��.��� � � mortgage i�rance caverage requiral6y Lender tapses or ceases w be in effes�.Bomuwet shal!pay the prcmiums req�sired w __-
<br /> . � : �` ' obtain cave�ge sub�tantially eqaivafer�t to the mortgage insuranse pnwtously io effect,at a cast sabstantiafly equivaleat to the ��r_
<br /> ',..:i�...r::`:'`;�:`•s•� v ---
<br /> ..•,,:;�.�...:-.,.,. oast to Bosower of the aaortgage li�sanae prevlously ia eff�e, from an alcemate snortgage�nsarer appm ed hy Leader. If. . °x.".
<br /> . , ,�. . �.,.�, . �..
<br /> .., ;_ ,; *. snbstantiaUy eqaivateat mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Borroarer sUall pay to l.eader each month a swn equal to
<br /> '�.`'.Y:.�._� �:�.�_,-� �: one�twelNi of the yearty mortga�e insurmnce prea�ium being yatd by 8orrower when the insurance coveisge tapsed'ar ceased w. --'
<br /> . ��� -�'�%�' be 1n effect.Lender arill ac,oept.use and rdain these payments as a lass reserve 9n lieu of mortgage ingurattce. l.ass reserve —_
<br /> ,. .:t .
<br /> t'� .a.'�4' �
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