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'�" �.,�„�n�..,�-�!-., l • �'�^'_ �`�fi' ' ��. <br /> �_�.=0a��i r; :Z�L C/ . _ � c � Etl - . t ,�r �t / iy �c"Y.-. �r6� -�1-3- . -`E k,=[=>( S.-. .4' N �". 4_ .4�i u,.. <br /> �_ << r . . -�� .t .��1° ?- 1_ ..C`.`c.C_`�`i�" ;h., .. - �.E t s -y' . � �t r . <br /> x.• � L rH�'i.,t `w'?�z r��- � a,,ct,� ' }-� .-o * � .-�-' ^-'� --z i 1 u, 'R" .='t,- } sc� �m�� - �� _ #. .. <br /> -. i.�--�.-k.:� r ti �_;:. ( t� ; �.•z h� Vt'tr`'4� , �� G ..t:`.c_ .. . <� � tT 6 ` _t (�- � 1 a �Lc. a- :� „- Y.t 'C � Y ,.Ta'c-,`� p. <br /> ,�.at£cr �lr"„ air e�� �' _7 M .f,,.c, r .4--!'c. �� t ,w �� '`1_ �� .t ��: _ ."4 .c.y ��:<c .:�P � `_. <br /> i�.x.r - .+tt t_ _�_ S � _ <br /> i_ •`.'�=-F,, c�., <br /> �- '� '' aq ���!l -s��c <br /> �£r _.._�i4-x-. ��� �/�/�� t '� <br /> �� ���� T�CiE1�IBI�QVYI�E18l1 tHC tIDQIOVCmP.IIL911OW Oi h�C�C1�Ctld OII i1iC plO�tty.Sttd 8�1 CASEmQliS.A�►StIO�S.8I11� �. : <br />:�<''w���'""`��: as shaU also be cove�d by this SocuritY s�.-�� <br /> '�` `n�:�°��•. fix�es naw or 6ereaRer a p�t of t6e pro�►. Ali c�lacements ar+d additia . <br /> _..` `:e,`�=:`�r'°g'`� ". <br /> �, u, i . Ia�ment.AIl of tfte foregomg is ref�red oo ia this�ty Y���"�OP�Y•� <br /> �:., r• BORROWER COVENAHTS ti�at 8omawer is lawfufly seised of the ecrate dereby oonveyed and has th�right w gtant aad � <br />:`'`'`:-•;:`•.�'°':°°°;' comp�the and that the Praperry is uaenca�mbered,excePt for eaaunDiances of record.�Borcuwer wartants m�d wlll �,.:.. <br /> �, 4 ii'�, `? �J � �"'s..r <br /> -. det'�d genetally che titIe ta the P�ope�ty again.�a11 claims and demm�ds.snbjed to aay enwmbrances of mcord. f� . <br /> a;, . w ,; <br /> `�`•� � °li'=�` 'rHIS SECURITY INSfRUMENT oombines mrifotm cave�ts for n�ational use aad aoa unifoim oowenants with limited ,,_ ;ti, <br /> 4 <br /> �i <br /> � � vazianons bY�i�on to constitute a utdfimm s�writy insttumeat covering real pmPertY• _ .. <br /> ,.QU.:._c�,..�� -. UNIFORM C4'i/EIVANTS.Borrov�er and LEnder covea�ant and ag�ee as fallows: �c. <br />-.-.'�.,.,`-�: `°-r 1. Paym�t of PrlBd�l mid I� PrePa3rmett and Late Cbsrges- Borrower shatl PFVmp�tY P�Y �due tite '-.;:F;,• <br /> "�"'-- aad late diarges due under the Note. �� .�: <br /> ��, P�of mn�!intcicst on the debt evid�ced by the Note and anY P�Y� <br /> mi est <br /> _� -:�_..,�, -...._� � ,- : <br /> �:.`,: . _,� �-;,� Z.Fmtds for Taaccs anti In�aac�Sabject to appliwble law ar w a arritten xraiver by L�tder.BQnower paq w <br /> _ zz•_,�== - l�nder on the day wo�hiy paymeats are due under ihe Note,nnd'1 the Note is paid in fuli,a st�m t"�ands°)for.ta}Year1Y taxes � `:< <br /> nder >� <br /> � ,'` �.�" and ass�ts wlucD maY at�aia Priority over this SecaritY Instn�mene as a fiea oa the P�ty:(bl ye�iY t�Old p�°y'm��s _ . <br /> a�'c`�, � or grouna rents on the Praperty;if aay:(c)Y�hazard or PmPec�Y�P�ums;(d?Y�Y fla�instuanc�e premivais. y <br /> �', if an3►:(e)YearlY mort�age�nsu�ance P�uass.if auy:and(�anY sums Payabte by Bonawer to I.eudes,in accordanoe� <br /> _ :'s - the provisians of paragtaph 8.i�!i�of the paym�t of martgage insu�anoe prauiums.These items aie calte�'Fsc7aw icems.° � <br /> =`s����:�:��.���;_;: f <br /> ��: ,•- ._.,;:.:.....i �may,at aay tune.ooI[ect and 6old F�nds in an amauat nflt to exce�d the mas�awm amount a teader for a feder�y - <br /> `�'i4�;,-'��:�:-;�'' nl�ed mortgage Ioan may require for Bomnwer's escmw mccmmt ander Ne federal Reai F�te Settkanent Pcocedates Act of <br />':`�'.:'..::�:•'::,::"�-lr 1974 as ameade�€mm time w time. 12 U.S.C.Sertion 2b01 et seq.("RESPA").anless another law tbat egplies ta the Fuads ; <br /> ry- �� !�+ �.f�: <br /> � ;s� _'-. SC�S 8�C48Pd BIIttfititl.�SO, I.C�de7 8IIy t1W6,OO�Ed ffild 110� BUIId9 lil 8A BInOl1IIL AOt LO CxC�CCd thC�CSSCI 2fIIdIIUi. <br /> -`��:`�-�:����: ':�� Lender may estitpa4e the amonnt of Fands dae on ihe basis of a�tcreat data aad reaso�bEe estimat�c of exp�ndiuues of faame °;,.��` <br /> f� 4_2,M-�r 'a_._ <br /> r _ r +.::. g.StTOW�.S OJ W�[EiVYISC 1A BCtOS�BIICC W1t�13��11"��IC�HW. ..� <br /> .�,::. .. s - '�e Funds st�all 6e held in an ir�taaon whose deposits sie�bS+ a federal a�n�Y. i�satm�en�lity. ar�dtY <br /> .�. <<,v �_:;:' _ _ <br /> .;;.�_��-`;,,.� ;"°.� (iadoding Leader.if lxndcr is such an institatton)or in any Fede�al Home L�an Banlc.I�der sLall apply the Funds w gay tlte <br />,.,, ��. :� ,:. .:+:::.. thc esccaw acvotmt,or <br /> � '"�:�• �F :�.:; :;, 8actow Items.Leuder maY.aot chatge Borrower for ho2ding and apptying the Funds.annualtY�Y�� <br /> �..:�;�; -s�::� • _°� <br /> - '„ `-�..�=--�; .ve�yits�the iserow It�ns,imless i�ender pays Hoscower i�oathe Ftwds and appl�cable taw permits Leader w make sttdt . : <br /> a , ;� � � <br /> : '`, a chacge.Aawever.Lender may recNice Barrower w pay a one-tlme d�asge for an iadepe�dent real estaie i�c r�orting semce �.. <br /> ..'�r,;,.`� � :- <br /> _::<<,__�-.,,.,� .: ..: osed bp Leader in oonnett�oa with this loan,.anless applicable }aw prnvides othecwlse. Unte�an agreemeat is made or �. <br /> _�" , � applic�ab2e law�iaterest to be paid.Lender shall not be�w pay Borroarer any in�ar eaminP,s on she Fmids: � _ <br /> _ ,4 � �-,; <br /> - . . .,�r�-.� Bo:rower and�.eader!baY aScae in w�iting,however,t6at IateresE s6ap be pa�d on the Funds.Lender sj�a11 give to Bormwer. ��-. <br /> �;�,�.r.,;:i w. �Yr'. <br /> ;_..:tii�,L:-.:,. arittwut chaBe,an annaal acconnting of the Fuuds,skowing c�lits and debits w t6e Fnnds aad the pnipose for wt�cb each <br /> �4�x_z; <br /> . .�:S. •��.;.;a-: �isit ta the Funds was made.l9ie Fwids are pledgeA as a�diaonal se�uritY for aU sums securrd by this Se�urityr f�zament. �f i <br /> -`�:.��.-':��•.: :�-:��` � If ths Fands hetd by Lender acce�d the araouau permitced to be hetd by applicahle law.l�ender shall acca�t to Boirpwer ' ���,.,,-- <br /> 1 .�! � � f. � -• <br /> t;h� � ='.� for the�Fimds in scoondance with t�e cequiremems of appltcable laar.If the amonnt of the Fm�ds hetd 1sy Lender at any �,,�„ <br /> ��>,,.,A:'�>.:�.: ;.-;={ time is not sufflcient w pay the Fscraw It�ns when due.Lender may so notify Bosrower in writu�g.and.itf mch case Bairowe► :� �°__". <br />�_;,r,fr:: '; '`.:s��: . s6a11 pay to l�ender the amonnt nece.ssary to make up the deficlency.Boaawer sLall make up t�deSctency in ao more thant `�` <br /> � s ''� twelve momhly Payments•at IRadet's sole�iscretion. � , ��= <br /> .°.'`� • `:'� .".`„ UgoD payment in fall oY aU aums secured by Wis Securit�r ln�umeut,I.eader shail P�P�Y��oo Borrower.any p,..�_ <br /> ..:_,;:.,.�..:?.:� F`ands held by Lender.If,uader pacagraph 21.Lender s6a11 aoqulre or seil ttte Prope�tY.LEader.prlor to 4he aoquisitiaa ot�te � � ,�_ <br /> '1f.�'�•�:','",�'' `J��'_ O!�PIO�y.shail aPP�Y�Y Fnnds beld by Lender at the time of acqaisitton os sate as a caedit eg�ust the snma seco�{by . _---- <br /> - . .- ';,r ,�; � � <br /> �.':i i Y. .' .. �.:,.. t�4 S�i�Y ItL4�ACI�t� — <br /> ' �� 3.Ayglicatton of Fayments.Un2ess applica6le law�rovides payments ieceived by Leuder undee yatag�phs � - <br /> ;,'^ �ry�� � �1�.r. . - l.and 2 shall be agplied:f� anY P�Y�1�8�due wtda tite Natc; amonnts payabie t�der paragrapA Z: � . . -- - <br /> _ '`• third,to intetest dae:fourth,W principal dne;and tas�.w any late ciiarges dae imdec We Note. -- <br /> --� � � .'�`.r.:r:-: . - <br />'�,,�`.°;:;: ::�:� 4.C6arg+es;ldens.Bormwer shaU pay all taxes.assessments.charges.fiaes aAd imposiduus att�utable to the Propecty . — <br /> �{°�-.;�:":, .'::ro. :. whfch may attain prioriry over tWs Se�iEg lastromen� aad lgase6otd p�}rmenta or ground t�eats.if any.8orrower shall�pay . -- <br /> "�°"_.,.. . t�ese ob}igations in the ma�er provided in patagr�ph 2.or if not paid in thac matmet.Bomower s�6all pay thern on dme dire�tty _-_ <br /> .�-r��.,�',..::�;;��. .. _ <br />, :.�•. , �'�� to the peisoa owed paymen�Bomower shall pramptIy futtntsh to Leuder all nottces of amaunts us be paid under ti�is pa�gt�gh. __^ <br /> :..� '�„� if Bormwer makes these payments directly,Boirower shall yromptly ti�mish to Irnder�eceipts evideasIug tho pay�ents. � _.r <br /> � Barrower shall promP�Y�8e any 1IeA which has psiority over thls Se�auity I n suumenc u n less Borrow e r:(a y a g m e a i n - <br /> ��' ��. ' wrlting w die paymcnt of the obligatioa sec�ued by the lien in a srra�uier acceptab2e to l.ender:(b)ooniests in gaod faith the I�en — <br /> `'__'v1:-'...'sr',.�'_' �?'- <br /> ..�.,.��E: by, or defends ag�nst enforcemem o f�he l len in. l e g a l P m o�d i n S s w h i c h i n t h e L e A d e r's.o p i n i a n o p e r a t e t o p r e v e n t t�e <br />_ .: �._;:.. <br /> _ `'-'::'«:.., �: �nforcement of the Ilen;or(a)secures from th�hotder of the lien an eg�m�mt satisfsctory to l.ender subordinasing the lien w �,�_�_ <br /> r.: �n . - <br /> ` : � ' ` this Securit�+Insuum�nt.If Leader detennines Wat any part of the Property is su6jed to a lien whlch may attain prioiity over � <br /> ::�•-;�..`•:;,:';_�.� this Securiry instrument.Lender may give Borrower a not�tce identifying the lien.Bosower s6a11 satisfy tke tien or take one ot =-- <br /> '�•t`"�"' '" �"���'-' more of the acdons sa fortb above withia lO days of the glving of natIce. -'"" <br /> .. . `:��. . . . r�n ao2e g�eo � <br /> Y �., <br />, �`:i Pape4ot8 �r_ <br /> _ 1:, <br /> . . - _ . S ��_� <br /> � - �',�r.`' ' . . �-i`> <br /> _ _';7"�._,:'�s' . <br /> i '�,_ •-t •� �5� � �� ..t_ .� ' .'it"�1r .y. � . <br /> .i . ». : - �. s .7'. �r4 <br /> 1. •1{1� . t' '` ( {. i _ { ,. � ' .'J _t �t� •,4�� + � , . G <br /> �.7.� �\. .. . ; . .f _ . <br /> � <br /> , )' ' � {, � �'� � t• ( t � <br /> -�,x ' . - , -' -t ..... .-- t l. '..T..� 'U' t .- .S'.'� ' ' :. <br /> �. r .. <br /> i . _y- i ' ��..i' _;'�:...., �} �t�, � �'i :t �:� � . <br /> � �1 ( 1 7 . �. y � -' �, s, k - .r � . .,� <br /> l, '' .�._ iJ .:'_= - �' -. t _ ;{ -d:� . , ._-.a....;.. - <br /> . h.. _ t' . °i�--�^�'^"^.� i,' .. . .'�r•. <br /> � ' � � ' - . ..�. . <br /> ... � ...,� �.r � <br /> .. <br /> � `y. v� � _t . . <br /> t. 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