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<br /> } � t� ;� -_T„y._:. •;x.;' s. :j �h a. FS _s s '.F^v°'y'�=-•r`:jf `-�
<br /> ` � � E--`b- .�, r s - -'4 t t : � �- �� ` (-. . y c.
<br />�tf s� {��..4 � - � A - ,;`-"� .�- : � �.... 1 .�t�� c�. ¢� o � '�`° c _ _a' -�,.��rl�� �- L �•.2 ��-. � � ,�_-.�.. ^� .
<br /> . -�r � T a� y. .Fr� r�,, Ft -�' S� � �o. .t--� '.:� 4 _ z -avc t S 4. .
<br /> �< �• °y '_ �, k .
<br /> t . .� . -...�. -' ,c �h., �t F G�
<br /> �,4.� F f 95° ����� �tk ` ` �
<br /> � �. -� � � t
<br /> � ., ''' . �
<br />—�� ,y,t ` 4��� ,,,: � t 6.Horrower's Co p Dormwer shall be vea oaE coaforsaed vopy of the Note aad of this Sec�n�ity Iastru:neut. �� ��.:'` �`u . -
<br /> -•c,�. 17.Transier ot the Pro�or a Hen��cial Interest in Borrower.If all or say part of the Property,or anp °` � s r , :
<br /> F ' �2 L'��:: . iatetest in it ia wld ot traasferred or if a beaeficisi iaterest ia Borrdwer ie sold or ttansFerred and Horna�ver is aat a �" } . - _ .��.��� ,`_:�.
<br /> a °- x . aawral petsoa}withoui Lender'e prior written c�nsent,L�der map.at itsoption.require i:nmediate papment in furi oY `,'�` �'_ ,
<br /> � � � .� -
<br /> -- �`-� ` t stl ewns � by tLia Sectu�ty Iaswment However.t�is option sha11 not be esercised by I.eader if esercise is �. = a �+ :
<br /> u' . 5
<br /> '� ri�� pT�pbibl�Bd�yf�l8�18W88oft�9aStCO�t�l18.SCCalfity�8�i'iItABAL. :.`'. �' : - .' �. x `f
<br /> e� Ii Leader esen�ises this optioa.Leader s�all Sive Bosrower notice of aa;eleistion.The notice stxall gravide a perio8 " �r :y S �� ;'
<br /> ti ,-
<br /> �, � �: -
<br /> .�, of aot Iess than 30 days from the date theaotice is delivered ot meiled witlun w}uch Borrower rausi pay ali sums� t�.�� -�II••
<br /> `�-�' _ � _ bp thiaSecurity Instrumen�If Hottowec fails to pap these sua�aspnor to the e��v'nratt�'an of this periad.Lender may invoke � � � „ T
<br /> ;,4 ;�.L� �: `
<br /> Y .<.` ��,,,;..,� aayremediespenaittedbythisSeairityInsttttmeatwithoutfurthetaoticeor onBonower. ' f:� � ;°�
<br /> _ � 18. �orrower's Rigbt to Reias�tate.If Bomower me�ia certeia conditions�Bon+awer sha11 have the right to have � f �X
<br /> '� enfot+cetaent of this Securit�Iastsumeat dis�amianed at any time prior to the earlier of:(a)5 days(Qr euch other period
<br /> ��� -.: ��.[2l r F-. 4` - S ..
<br /> '� � for reinstatement)before sate oi the Prop t to any�ower oi sale coataiaed ia : �� c :t
<br /> _� t ,, : es apglicabte law may spec�fy F��
<br />� j_, . � tbia Se�ui t y Instivmen�or (b)entrq of a j u dgme�rt enforcing this S'��mty Instrument�1'hose aonditions are that ^
<br /> !. �"Y..J:'..��
<br /> B O f f O W C� �S� Y a L e a d e r a l l s u m s w h i c h t h e n w o d d b e d u e under thie Securi t y Inscrnment aad the Note as if no :. ,`, : ` ` � , , L
<br /> �a � `� `- - �'` �1�h����d;(b?��Y default oi aay other covenaats or ageesuent��c)P$YS a11 e���'��► � � � ` E �`fi��;
<br /><° : r e a s o n a b l e a t t o r n f a n d d �a u c h a c t i o n a s �': x r�C:,�
<br /> K s = �. enforciag this Se�u�itq I n s m�ment,iac inding,b u t n o t l i m i t e d w, e p e' ce� ( �
<br /> �� Leader may reasonabiq require to ass�tte that the lien of this Security Inswmeat,Leade�s rights ia the Property and ` ° k '
<br /> f J
<br /> � H o r r ow�s obli tioa to p aq the sums�by this Security Inatrumentst1a11 continue unchan g e d Upon reinstatement ::� �, .�'�� :
<br /> , � y� r;� by gorrower.� Instrumert and the obligatioas sec�red hereby shall remain fully e�ective as if no acceleration , ��-�.,,� :,� "-
<br /> �,:� badoa�usrEd.Hawev�righttoreinstat+eahallnoiapplpinthecaseofacceleratioauaderParagtaPhl7. �� ,,. � ,� b..
<br /> "�° 19.Sale oi 1►tote�Change oi Laan Servicer.'Fhe Note ar a partial iater�st u►the Note(to�ethet witit tbis Sec�tt�it9 .�`4 � c"n�- _
<br /> � °:, " ? . Iastrumeat?map be sold one or more times without prior uosice to Borrnwer.A eals map result�n a cbsage in theeatiEy - :
<br /> „':'` `� '� (knawa as the"I,aan Servicer"?that callects montWY P$Yments due under the Note aad this Security Instr�meat There .� p r
<br /> ,�� also may be oae or more chaages of the Loaa Servicer ur►related to a sale of the Note.If there is a chaage of the I.oaa ;' , ;.+ 7� t ,
<br /> =r � -' Setviuer.Bormwet will tie giveA written aatice of�e chasiga ia.a�aoordaace with paragisph 14 above and applicable la�. ,� • • :
<br /> �`'' � -. °�,,% The notice w�l state the name astd addreBS of the aew Loan Sernoet aAd the addre�to wluch paymeats$houid be msd�. � `` ��� '^ - f .�
<br /> ,, . �
<br /> fA f; , r� �y TI18 flOtLCB W1U 8�50 COAtB�fleIIY Ot�i6t I�OTm8ttOAtCQi111+���eQ�IiC8bI8I8W. u t -_�,s ;
<br /> " :• :' � : 20 Hasardoos Subsfaacee.Borrower ehatl aot cause�permit the pre�ce,nse.disposal,sLOraSe.or retease of , .� �„t ,� ,-
<br /> F',, .r= <r.�:� aay Hazardoua Subsmacee on ot in the Propert9.BormWer 1 aot do.nor allow aayoue else to do,eaYthiagafte�ag ` � ,. ; :._�--
<br /> '�' ¢- �� the Prngerly that is ia violation oi aay Env�ronme�l Law.The psecedin two senteaces shall aot a�pply to the preaeace. :;< : r :;-
<br /> �-�,-�=• geAeraliy reoognized to be ���
<br /> .%. `� • use, or swrage an the Pmperty of smell quantitie�oi Hazatdous Su�that are
<br /> ::.� �f� appropnate t o aormat tesidentiat uaes aad to maiatensace oY the Propertq., ,; r� �, .'
<br /> ' �osrower st�aall P�P�Y 8►ve Leader writteu uoti�of any investi�t�on,clain►,demand.lacvsuit or other action bY �t G�_ � � -
<br /> �.. ° � u
<br /> ' S4 !=�'�� a a 9 g u'v e r l►m e n t a l o r r e g n l a t a t 9 a g e n c y or p r ivate pasty iavotving the Praperty and an�y He�ardovs Snl�mnce or -�; : `S`` , ''.
<br /> _�c� �:�`��i.;�;; Bavuonmeatal Law oi w b ich Bonawer has acwal krcowted�e:If Borrowet learns.or is n o t i f ied by any gaveramen t a l or ' ` i t �«
<br /> wal ,
<br /> � �'°� regWatorq suthority,thateuy removal or o t her rem e d i a t ion o f any H a z a r d o u s S u b s m ace afi e c�g the P r a p e r t y is �.,- ' � �`r�=`�,: .
<br /> �-; necessary,Bormwer shatl pttg take a11 necessar9 remedial ections�n accordance witb Bnvironmeaia1 i.aw. `,�_,::;���``:��1 �..
<br /> 4 � As used in thia paragira�ph Zll�°Hazardo�Substances"ase those snbsmaces defiaed as waic or hazerd'ous substaacea -,- -� �t;,
<br /> s ` -� .` ` • bq Euviroainental Law and the fol�owing se�bstance�gasoliaer kerosen�.otber flammab2e or tosic petroleum product� � ��
<br />- ;��:�:'�`':-_ _ wsic 'cides and herbici� nola�le wlvent� mate�ats caa�iai�g as�b�tos or formaldeh�de, aad radioactive =�_«�.i�:.;
<br /> f.. . r.- _ p�c =:::�r -- ;:t:�.:;,
<br /> �'� . aaatereals.As u�ed in tl�iapara&ePb 20."BAViranmeatal Lew"means fedetal lawa aud laws of the�usiadiction whete tha -T ��. -
<br /> 4. `. � 5 4 - �' F;
<br /> � � Propertyislocatedtbatselatewhealth,sefetqorenv�ronraeatelprotection. ` r ���E ��
<br /> ;-; F� r ' NQNUNIBORMOOVENANTS.BonowerandLenderfsutherwvenaataadagreeasfollaw� "r ��,
<br /> � - � �f: 21. Acceleratton: Remedies. Lendes aha11 glve aatice to Honower prlor to seceleretion foUowing ;. , ~
<br /> 1 •�`, Honower's breach oi any coveasut or agreement in tbi9 Securtty lastroment(but aot prias to saceleretiaa �� � t �`
<br /> ��'� u n d e t p a r a g r a Pb 17 onless e pplicab2e law prov�des othesw�se).The aotice sbsU specity:(e)the deiaol�Ib)the � : `� � �
<br />� � •f ; -, acHon sequited to aose t�e dafault; Ic)a d ate,aot less t h a a 3 U d eye�rom t l te d a t e t h e n o t i c e i a g l v e n t o � ' -
<br /> cHo
<br />�; � � ' `� Honower,by whieb the dotault zanst be cu=ed;ead ld)that iailure to caire tha defeolt oa or l�efare ttm dats '; .: �,.�.����
<br /> ` � ` '•`� spceitted isa the not lce may tesa tt i n eoee lera t ion o i t he s n m e s e�o r e d b y t h i s S e e a r ity I�s t s a t n e n t a�s e t e o i , :� , ,
<br /> ��i � Y tha Prop�.Tbe r.otice sha11 lnrthes iaiorm Bosnrower oi the rlght to seiastate atter acceleratlon sad the ,
<br />�� u . dght to bsiag a caLrt actioa to sssert the nan-ex�stence og a defaolt os eay�ot�he�defense ot Honowar to `f` 5 . ��.
<br /> i'.: :.- ::. .,: .r � �cceleration ead sa1e.I!th�deianit is not cnred on or hefore the dste specUted ia the nottce.Leader,at ite , ..j._ _t�;
<br />,�-�_�:'':::':'?:�:;�.:,� .r?, o p t i o a. ma Y requi�e immedlate pay:nent in ioU ot a11 sama secared by tbia Secarity Iastrameat w�thout _ . .:i;:_---
<br /> � .:�.;,:f�, .':.� .:.. forthes demaad ead asay 3avake the power ot sate aad anp other temed4es getmitted by applicab1e law. :�.:-;:ez::;=z.
<br /> � Leader shaDi bo entitled to colle�t oU eapenses iacassed ln pursoiag the:emedies Provided ia tLis paragrepb �_ , -��..r�<-
<br /> "' r ,: 21.iacludiag,bat not]imitedto,swsoaable attomeys'ieaa nad costs of t�tle evtdeaca. -� �� ,.
<br /> `� U the powes ot sele is iavokee,Trostee shallrecord o aotice o!defanitlaeach couat�ia whtch any purt at
<br /> �� � '�8 PfOpplty�8 ZOCStC�8IId 8h8I1 IDB�I COQ�BS Of SIICb IIO=�C8�II�8 f�flIIBi �sctibed by apRflcable tew ta „ -` ' r":
<br /> . , p � �;
<br /> `' ` � '� ' H o r r o w e r a n d t o t D e a t�t e r p e r s o a s psescr�bed b y a p pliceble lew.Atter the time reqnired by applicable lsw, ' �.._
<br /> - '.�� ��;��_�+ � Ttvstee sAell give pobHcaotice of sale to thep�rsons aad�the maaa�r psescrtbed by appl�cable taw.Tsnstee.
<br /> _ ��..�;,:. .,:_�..,_,:,�.� Without demaad oa Borrower.shel!setl the Froperty at.pabl�c suetian to ffie highest biddes st tha time aad '� .: . ` :
<br /> 1 parcels and ia any order Trustee ' `�� '
<br /> '� ;:,� p1a�e t�ad ondes the terms designated ia the amioe of se e�one or mare ' .
<br /> _� a
<br /> � 4 detcrm i aes.T ro s t e e m ay p o s tp a a e s a 2 e o!a U o r a a y p a r o e l o f t h e P m p e ri y b q p o b l i o e a a o u n c e m e n t e 4 t h e ,
<br /> �'��- timtle snd pleoe of any prevtonsly achednted�,le. I.eades os ite desigaee may pareha�e the Property�t aay , •
<br /> 4 � ._.
<br /> �" •-� �V� -•/.(�:`� t- t
<br /> "t.. 1 .,r. .- _
<br /> • f5)
<br /> f�m 901� 9/90 ` �:;:
<br /> =' ' �8R(NEfcntzio� �u 6�e Initlate �`' _ •'"�"
<br /> ';F ,;.:.. ; _. .
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