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<br /> . 4 a,R.'� `s:':�._it.-N -s'� t t � � 2.L-.�3< -z r� ....2'r' . � a. a- o G, a.. . t: � s- .'�s-.E< .e a ..
<br /> ��2 a:�< <'t-. _t� �r ` "�o��''�. 'tr.r ar -.�...-�.'f. G. c� _ �t'� �n. r'.-- i �`-S� 2--✓�'F' . ' y.[.�. c. �� _ < ''rlr..� G. , � ..."°'�' � .. < ���;,�,. '�.--, .
<br /> :.F�',•�� _
<br /> �__.., c�:.Y?��_'��'C':?. �'r _..£c� . ._ `.€r_ .E' c'�t rF` ''� � ��'�-� .. ��.-�' � Y �,ti i _ ``� _ �``. s.�i d-: �.. .. o a _
<br /> "Z� . f.. � �. -t�. . � j-� �� .F � .��..: . . - -�.
<br /> �F '� _ [� _ '.S - - Y.i -c � `: - t . y ' 4-�"_s �'=t Azr�. - ' G a-�. m i,� '
<br /> ?..•� 1 > • l- �'f- ;.. ! _ 1 G 5:. �.t. !f'l ' � * I V�G E _ 4.:.
<br /> ��2 •;1; _ .q.r F, a- � .��.4 �r .
<br /> . `t' VMp ��� ,�'�+ k� `��F tik,`�
<br /> a c. 7 : .
<br /> r <
<br /> "�C �c_r a � u ..� t �t_ .
<br /> �Z.� � . �5.
<br /> _`,� ,�'�';.:-:' at tAa ogcian of Lendec, iP mortgage insureaoe covcKage (ia the ama.�Pt ead for the period tloat Lender re�ur�) . t � __�.` '
<br /> � ' '' ptovided by aa insurer aPProved by Lead�r ag�in 6ecosnea availeble and ia obtaiaed Horrowet shall p�p the prem1�►ms ; � _ *u
<br /> until the reaient for mortpge f Y '
<br /> ` � required W maintaia mortgage insurm�oe in ef�ecc.or to provide a loss reserve. 1'�Qlll ` `c;ic r` :: � s`,
<br /> ; .�.F „ �' insuraace eads in socardaaco witb aaY writteaagre�rseat betwcen Bflrmwer aad Lender or apglicable law. �r t
<br /> g - r �• q,Iaspectlon.Leader ar its ageut msp mate reasoaa6te entries upoa aad iasgectioAS oY the Property.Leader shajl ,�{ :.� w .��, ��. ..
<br /> � X ,�. give Bonower aatioe at the time of or prior w aa inspecsioa specifying s�eas�able caus�e for the inspectioa. L t . :"
<br /> .�:ti t.>'�: 10.c�a��o�.�$��o��y aw�a ar��c��,a�������,in coaaectioa with � 'i �`{ �4 r��,, ` `
<br /> �`` - ' �4°`���- on or ather taking of any part of the Property,or for coaveyaace ia lisu of c�ndemnation,ace herebp c.:;,.',( .`.. s,. 4:.:
<br /> ° �'` `t= �� sad aLail be paid to i.eadet. , � " _.Y.".
<br /> <<= ��e eveat of a total teking oi the Propertq.the Pmceedg�11��ed�o the so�as secured by thia Secucity '
<br /> `"�"��= d to Borrower.In the eveat of a partial teking of the PropertY ia s � ,f `��r -
<br /> � ¢� r# � � Instrummt.wheiher or not thea due.with aaY esoess Paz ����than the asnouat of the r � �,-'�'
<br /> �' ' � �� Which the fair market vaine oi the Froperty iramediately before the taking is equal ; h,
<br /> : � ���" auma secured by this Securit9 InsM�ment unmediatelY f�iore the takiag,ualesa$orrowec aad Leader otherwise agree .,Q , � R
<br /> tbis S�rit9 Iastrumeat s2�a11 be reduced by the amount of Yhe proc�,ds muttipked by 't r� .
<br /> ' 4>`:,f` �:• in�viitiag,the suras secured 1sy g �'
<br /> .c C. �f.�.:=.. � f.-'�
<br /> , � , < ;� the following fra�tion:(a)the total asnouat of the sums sec�u+ed imme�iately before the tat�tg,divided by(b)3he fair s ,.4 ,. .- t
<br /> ` nnarke�value o4 the Prapert9 immediatelp befote the mking.Any balanoe shall be gaid to Bormwer.la the event oi a ��' ` '``� ..
<br /> '-:, �� smmediatel before the takiag is tess than ��. ,'
<br /> ,, r `y partiai taking of the FropertY ia w}uch the fair market value o4 the Property' Y ia writiag `� � ��`,`'��-``•.:
<br /> E '� �:'� the asaouat of ffie sums sec�ued imme�"iatelY before the taking,ualess Borrower and Lender otherwise aSrea �:'"� .. _
<br /> e _ �
<br /> ` ��k, �, `�,, or untes� applicable taw otLerwise pm��. � P�ceeds shaU be applied *.o the snms secuc�ed by this Securit9 r. � T V:
<br /> �� ; : �
<br /> r , f�r;'4 �OS1L131116At W�Cf Of IIOL ti1C 8Uf1t8 STE�Cf1 aUB. .
<br /> � �;;; 1f tt_�P�opert� 's abaadoned bY Borrower,or if,after uotioe by Leader to Horrower t6at the condemnor offere w �, ;' � `;�'''�"�t
<br /> '� to Leader withia 30 days after the date the �
<br /> j t.'! make aa award or sertte a claim 4or damag�.Horrowet fails to respund T `+-t.�*�-,�KSf � .
<br /> ° `r `.. uotice is�iv�,I.easier is suthori2ed to collect ead apply the pmceedg.at its optian,eitLer to reatoratioa or repair oi the , . _
<br /> " r.•` ''..: �j118�UA1CII�W�'Ot AQL�BII�6 r - 'u # ';t c
<br /> '' ,; Os10 L1168t!!!!9 secUted by th+s� -
<br /> �` ��9 aa licatior►at praceeds to PrinciPal sbaU stot exLeaa or �+�� • .�.
<br /> ' �� , '�'�' Unless I.eader aud Bsrrower otherwise agree in writiag. 9 8PP ' � '
<br /> ':�-``- ,. . ,_�_� � aae�s re4etred to in paregraphs 1 aad 2 ar chaage the amount of such ;4 f . ��-t `.,
<br /> ne ti�e due date of the moatLlY PaY _ �a- .
<br /> , �" ' PaYmenta � , ' r, � ,,�...
<br /> ,`�` ', - ,� Forbearauce B Lender Not a Waiver.Extensioa of the time for payment or
<br /> � r 11. Horro�ret Not Reteased; Y � 's
<br /> � , ,:. � �u
<br /> ,;;_� t K-`., � mod'ification oP ataortizgtiaa af the sume�by tbis Secvritp Instsumeat granted by Lender w aay successor in -
<br /> . ; ,� � . inter�t of Borrower abaU not operate to releasa the liab'slit9 af the� �r in�interest qr reft��siend ' �� �..
<br /> '` � x .�� iatieres�I�ender etratt aot be reqiured to coasmence p�edin� S�� y Iasw�ent by reasaa of any , q '. � ��, �:�
<br /> r tiate for pe9nient ar otherwise modif9 amortizetion of the sums secared by tbis Secauit9
<br /> ..r_� :`'�.`� demaatd made bg t�e ori g w a l B o r r o w e r o r H o m o w e r's s u c c e s s o r a i n�A n y forbearance b j►Lender in eserclsing f '� � � , .f {.:
<br /> ^ -`r':i• - r.. -� {.. Y � � :
<br /> � .:.� aay L�g6t ar eesned9 sbaU Aotbe a waiver of ar preclude ttrs esercisa ofanq rightos temedy. . �
<br /> � r `. t .3_;v; Co.si 'The covenanis aad agceements , �.
<br /> i2.Successoss and Aasigns Hoossd:Joint and Several Liabtlitp. �a m � ��;
<br /> � •'� '«< ` �`i oi tlus 3e�uritY Iastt�snent shall bind aad beae�t the succeesors and asaigns of Lesider and Borrovrer,sub�ect tio the �� :` -�`-� �'�y�� ,
<br /> � : ` :�- : provisios�s of garagraph l7.Banower's oaaegants and agi+eements shall ba joint and seveial.Any Borrower who eo signs .1 � �� .
<br /> "a'�, : this Securltq Isistrument but daes not ea�the Not� (a) is oo signing tbis Security'Inst�eat onlp to mostgaSe. . � ��?_
<br /> ,:..�.,. � ,
<br /> ;,,'.,; graat s u d oonveY t h a t B o r r o w e r's i n t e r e s t i A the F r o p e r t y under the terms of ttus Security�nstrumeafi(b? is stot `, � �:.:
<br /> .'� FF„ .. , , that Lestder and aup othet ,-'r �._ ` �..
<br /> ,:�` persnnAUq oblipted to pay the sums s�uned by this Securit�+Inavumen�and(c)agcas : ,,,, ,} :.
<br /> �.. T��•- mo fo:bear or meke any accommodadons w�,th regasd to the terma oi tbis Securit9 • ',
<br /> < Borrowes may agee to esteud, di�Y. '�
<br /> ' IaaWmentor the Note without that Bornnwer's eonsen� `" ��
<br /> �':;,�y. 1 3.I.a a n C h a s�e s.I 4 t h e l o a a s e c u r e d b y thia Securi t 9lpstrumeat ie subject to a law wtuch sets masimum loaa .`, _.�
<br /> � c,.harges,aad thai 1aw ia PaaUy iatetpreted s�u thst the iaterest or�r loaa chasges c a l l e c t e d ot t o�c o l t e�f i� ,' ,' �'_:
<br /> �:::i
<br /> 'tted umits.thea:{a)aaY�ch loaa charge shaU be reduced ts�►the amouat F : � _
<br /> �� �� ��'.°•��' COAt18f.KfOA Wftb L�16 208II O%C��Q� '�
<br /> ' .� ��ry to r��ce tha chasge w tha permistee limi� aad (b) anY sums.elread9 oolte�d fmm Borro�er wl�cb �,� --
<br /> �.5 = :: t� �����J,,,/ � s ..�-�
<br /> ���i( �-.�rr_. CEf.'GW W�i�r�a u��W�-�:�aea w Bo��a� may oh�w�ce t��a� ��g�
<br /> � < prlacIpat owed uader tha Note or by malcia�a direct paYinent w Boa�wer.Ii a refund reduces prbicipal,the reduetion z�,�- ,��=.-
<br /> r.� � ;.`r:�, mentwit�uutat►S'P�PaYmentchatgeundet theNots. T;�a.
<br /> . , .. . � wiri be treated as a gartial PrepaY � fos,'n this Sec�u�ity Iastr�ment e6sU ba givea by deliveriug it or by � � .
<br /> � =;.r=` � 14.Notices Any riottcato Borrawer ptovlded
<br /> � '''.'d',: � maiting it by first class mail c�lesa epplic�ble!aw requirea use oi aaother medwd.The not�ce sball ba directed w the ",�� .�b;�
<br /> prap�rtq Addeese ar aay other address Bore�wer d�igqasea bY aatiae to L+ender.Aay notice to Lender ahaU ba given 1fY ; ;t����
<br /> y y b notice W Bonower.Any
<br /> � ;,�t;_" , ������t�a�e 8aa���a��o�� os���aa�r.�a�a�t� � . -, �:
<br /> - - - .•:'° � notice provided f�r ia t b i a S e c uritq I s�s w mea t s h a 1 1 b e d e e n a o d t o h a v e b e e n g i v e n t o B o r r o w e r a r L e ader when g iven ' -- {�:
<br /> .`.': ';��_�.
<br /> _ as provided ia t 6 i e pareScap b• � ,
<br /> ;� : ' !S.Ooverniag Law:Severability.'Thie Sec�n�itY Insteu�seeut eha11 be gov�erued by fe8erai law aad tha taw ot tlre , . �f ,,���, '
<br /> y on or clause of thie Sectn'i1Y Isistrument or the ,
<br /> � Nris�diction ia wl�ich the Ptopertq is tocated.ln the event that enY P� , , '',
<br /> NOte Co11fl��ls with eppl�Cab1818w�suc,h Co�I�M 8h811 tlot e�feC[othe!ptovts1ot18 of this SeeuTity It18�tumeat Ot the Note "'{yr� , ';.
<br /> •,,,'. , vis�on.To thia ead the provisions oi tt�is Seewlty Is�swment and
<br /> �- :. ,
<br /> _ ..., �, ..= ,,: ::'_ � which caa ba�iven effect wlthout tha co�Iiedn�pro ' ' . :;:.:.'.�. . ....�,�_ .. �,
<br /> ,� ,
<br /> - �: : the Note ate deelared to be severeble. -� ''
<br /> ,
<br /> --:�,,� . :.� k..��
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