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<br /> �4G� � �� - �� . .; s ..�.���C..�'�...r_::i� . �,.�.--�r'. � r �e .. . -y � �� 'rv-"T T
<br /> +�.. C �:�l.t` -E-r� _s �-s--��'' S��n '-r- x !� ��r+fJa�:..�. �a_� --�`-K -1--'�,-�- .�x� . aa -
<br /> �;f�� ' 7-T- cr t 'S^ '�3i-�"_.� -,..-°�c-- _ .'�„"s:'�" _ . r . - C_'_'�_�a.'_-_"
<br /> . �.� . t y, ,y�-�c'4 --�' �:P ..�t ` . 5"" .)``,if � ' ;�� E `Y ,�;il`. � �..� _ i..�... oP r -i � 1�, �'} r Y� �
<br /> . '�:- '! Y.ft�, - {Te�`�` ,�`.: � � �. $ < - .. � ^, .�Casr.t r ' -� � �--.,�,-�rr . "t_..se. !.5si � ��2�.ri -_..R._�.. -�. '�' � �'�tf .F .��. � -
<br /> .� - t�'` - �t -}� - �a � . a� 7 ,t r'-` e r tr'- .v:^:,F >�;�...-
<br /> �=u e�.t��F .Et _.}S� �-ce.r - _ r`�.f u- �L. -y:.'. �.-Ci-, � �Ga...-_ �_� ` �C T k,..
<br />_�-'x _��s CL � >' ti . n<;- � i „�o -t,-`!: _• .�..`�e. .c,- -�'ar.; ��.e ' _ c,,<C_ _�� �.''�.,� _
<br /> y/:
<br /> ...? ��f.;� �.�.+.... t �. -
<br /> �
<br /> o♦ .>i-. - �.. �. � �
<br /> <i �``4'.i ' q �f gFa� � E4�� --, t
<br /> `h`�T , �V P^ L s,. . YL ���� :t r
<br /> .'� , '^.t 4�Q'P
<br /> �- 5 . ' • QII UKr � y.Y ��e e
<br /> � �
<br /> s • tttC i�lsovemCats �S � �,r. �'`` `k�#
<br /> I . aow ari or et �
<br /> '`T 5. Hazard or R+o�Y Ia�rauce� Sotm�ver shati kee•P�.,�.�wM.�����e ��a�haza�. ��� .� -
<br /> �{ILG 4Grs+� r y� tC G�= C- G....
<br /> e ` r ' Yt p�pertY i�SUrDd e�i�IOSS by�ttC. hSZ�ds IIICltide� � _ Y.
<br /> inswraace.This inaucaaae sttall be maintaiaed in the amauhts and for the periods ,k � U=
<br /> .`, �� .�.'� 8aods or flon�ing•for�vAich Lender*equires iding the ins�►rance sl�s11 be chosen bY Bomuwer subject to Lender's spprovai � , 4
<br /> �� � $�-_' 'Phe in5mance cairier P *` '� .� -
<br /> that Lend�r�. I.ender me at Lendet's F �
<br /> e descdb�d above. Y• �� : a .. �u �.
<br /> ` ��: which shali aat be ua�asoAably v�tt�eld. If Borrow�fails to maia�tin oQVe�aS
<br />"� , :. : ,� obtaw oovee�gB m V��I.�et's rights in We PropertY in a000tdanoe with Pa�S�Ph 7. � � � � �,`
<br /> , .`. �°D' sdaU be aooeptabte w l.end�r and stiaaU iactude a standaz+d�ao�t8age cl�vse. leuder � .:� ,, -_�'��
<br /> ,s ` ; AU ins�uauoe Pollde�aad renewals ve w Len�et all tec�ip�s of �� ,•` �
<br /> ° .� gormwer sdal!pmmptlY gi t ...� '�: *
<br /> ,y ;� � ;, shall have the right to hotd the poiicies and renewals.If Lendec c�ti�• ;
<br /> �.,�:,=; - paid pmxnimus and r��notioes.ta the event af losg.Borrower shHl1 give prompt notice co the iasurance carrier and Leader. � � :-`�`` ,
<br /> «��,� •� f o f los9 i f n o t m a d e p m m p d Y b Y Barrower. a ` t � f
<br />' :�r?t a' ..�e S.rrJ' K,i U�I x n d e r a n d B o r ro w a otlterwise a g r e�in writing,insuran�D���I 6e appli o d to r�ta t a t io n o s r e p a i r o f t h e
<br /> � is nut t e s s e a e d•I f t 6 e t e�aratian or � .�� ' �Y
<br /> .E,: y;;. if tke�ration or regair is economicaily feas�te and l�ender's sea�rity ����ed to the sums .� '° , ''u �:
<br /> ;rc., �O�'��' S S would 6e lessened.tha iasucaace prae� e ,� _t,.�; : :.,, � _
<br /> �Q � �` repa"v is noi eoonnmicalty ft.a�bte or Irender' �Y ���d to Bormwer. If Borrower a6andoas t� ;.�
<br /> ar aot then due. with aal► ° '°
<br /> <.- �' �d by thic S�sitY�°t• �� carrier has offered to settte a claim.thea `
<br /> � � � :
<br /> �°� a- prapeity,or does noi enswer within 30 days a aotice from I�euder t6at tUe inswunse `� &�`� `�Z t
<br /> �`� � Lender may collert the insurattce p�no�ls-
<br /> use the roceeds to nepau or resto:e the PmpertY or to pay sutns � r �
<br /> �� �S�urity lnsmm�ent,whett�er or�not�then due.TI►�30-daY Period wiil6egin when the notice is given. '.°``�' �`. �
<br /> L , .f _:: secared bY m writing, any aOPliration of proceeds w p� shall not extend or '� "'; �.�`'� r ,,-
<br /> ;, � . Unless I�der and Borroarer otherwise agree e We amotuit of the paymei►ts. If � } `
<br /> f, � �; hs i and 2 or d�ang � �m�: �
<br /> ' - - postpone the dae date of the mnuthlY P$Y��erned w in pasagrap � ' ,...��:
<br /> � p�agcaph 21 the Prope�tY�s aaNi�bY� Bormwer's riKht to aay insurance policies aad pmoeeds��I� - ,�-
<br /> , ` liIIdCt �I N `
<br /> s Jw�e�.+o- .
<br /> .,�.�� Y`' , damage w the Prope�tY Pnor to the acqui�iuon shafl pass w 3xnder w the exteat af the snuLS suurefl bY this S�unty f r' : ':
<br /> F• � s
<br /> �;,, inuuediatelY Pn �����Protedlot�of We ProgatY:Bosrowee's Loan ApPlIration;I.eas��� t�" �- °`" & °
<br /> -'� � ti0ri.
<br /> � � OT t0�!C 8l%�II1S1 -
<br /> - . `r _` � . �'r'tS -`r i .
<br /> �.�.�` 7� 6•�+ establish.and nse the PropertY a s B o r r o w e r's p r fi c i�a l ae3ideace within sixt9 days aR�C We execation af r �:.� ` .�
<br /> � �t . Bomuwer sbaU acapy, � as Boirower's principal tesidenoe fo�at least one year aRer �. � ,
<br /> �.`: this Se�auity h�swateat a n d s h a l i oontiaue w oaupy �P�7► 1 w l t h h e s d.or un2ess y �-� �' =` &...
<br /> .1..' �`'`- � the date of ocaipancy.un2ess I.ender otherwiss agt+ees in wrlting,afiich�onsent shall not be u n t e a s o n a b Y e or impairtd�e ` ;r ,� ;!��~
<br /> � '°' :�.,:;•��w=_ eaast wlucb ate beyond Eorrower's contml. Bomower shatl not•desaoy, dama8 ;�:
<br /> `�c.--- �- extenuaHag cua�mstances goROwer shall be in defadt if aay fa:feiwre �
<br /> �`T" i . aIlow the etly to deteriorate. or comrmt waste on the Propeity �d resWt in farfeidtre of tlte ` _{..-�u�,-�;
<br /> ProPertY � p
<br /> � that ia lender s gbod faith,lud�� -z .
<br /> ,� ��: acHon orprooeedinS.w�ether civil or criminal.is begun ��or La)d��s�sitY interest.Borcow�$ r '.�,;��� ,
<br /> - Y`��°' '�'",� pcoperty e r o t h e:w i s e m a t e r i a i t y i m p a u t h e lia►created by tbLg Seauiry m t o 6 e d'u m i s s e d w i t 1�a _ .:-.. +_-
<br /> :., � �=;`�:�: - as vided in p�ph I8.by causiag tlie action or p r o c e e d S � ``� �
<br /> ': .��'' :�: �:•.`� c,ure snch a default and reinstate, P►n t $ � Pm or othet materisl . y�`.:•: , :-'�`' ':`
<br /> �� ,�.-.
<br /> �.F ��s,- tndes forfemue af the Borrower s interest iff the Perty► :,;aF
<br /> ; - �,� that. ia L�uder's good faitt►detemiinatFan. P�ec gorrawec shaU also be in defautt if ..�:��T-.� . �' ��:_
<br /> , ��. Insuumeirt or Lender's security iate�t.� -°;�. �`�
<br /> - - .` impairment oi the Ilen creat�bY this Se�°MY 1 false or irtaccutate information or statemems w l�ndec(or failed '.,,;:,, � .�,
<br /> . ,.�:' ve material y '
<br /> "`"` Bomawer,dnring the loam applicatton process,8a includin bat not limited .•:;, --
<br /> :: loan evidenced by tke Nate. 8• `i �;,:
<br /> �; -s `�'�;T� to pmvid�L�ader with any material�uformarioa)in coimection with the �idence.If this Secarih►InsC�ume�t is on a _-,�. ;:
<br /> of the Pro as a p� f�title to the Fcaperty.t6e �'�t'�'` " ���
<br /> � �Y h�°,=' w,s�P�ese�itations conaemin$Borrower's oa�pazicY P�Y .. .
<br />,, �,,:..,;::..•:.�.a: :.;•-��'; leasehold, Eorrower shaU coa�plY aritb aU the provisions o f t h e l e a s e. I f B o r r o w e r a c q a i r e s ,��`: , �
<br /> '� leasehoW and the fee tide shall not merge unless Lea�der ag�es ta the mecge*in wrlting. : .,.: _-
<br /> � .; in the Feope�4Y.If Borrower fails to pertorm the wvenants aad agreearents oontainrd ia . >>: ., �,.
<br /> en ��
<br /> •�� 7.Proted�on of Lende�s Rig6ts s ri u in the Pmpert9'ts�h as a ,=v?"'
<br /> . . `.I' tbis Seanrity Insuument,or there is a tegal pmceeding Wat cmy sigaifwndY affect IRndes' P,h - �
<br /> •',:��i...-.;,;°.. ,����., r �.1` -
<br /> . . ;.:�• • proeecdimg in baakcuptay+Pmbate,far condemnattoa or forfeioase or to enforcc lawa or negolarionc).��a�oas may
<br /> �'":`'''-= '�:'.`:''. w mtect the vatue of the ProPe[t}►and Lendes's c�gbts in the PropeKY• . .�`-`
<br /> -�;'.',"-;r',�:-'�<`:`>: PaY for whatever is�sa�S+ P t in aomt,.pa7+mg ��<-_
<br /> . .Imclade payin8 anY � sea�red bx a Gen wt�:�ch has prioritY over thYs Sea�rity tnstrnmen. appea''ing
<br />