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<br /> C.,. ,.� -
<br /> :.� . � -z �y ,�_F"_,_e._�� ,�,�"..c._�_rL �--�_ .z..: �-+��=�'s`` �...`�s -� i.�� .�Z t �.-
<br /> "�r tr` c� ' _ _.�" - � : :�,c �r . r�?.c T�"�i'c—=---'�. t� .II"'"rc--r-rr"'Z-r...,v.-`-... . r'r `" ��� - -
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<br /> ._, �y. < >_ . ?w 4, . ! s_ a j_ .. ��. ' i. � �°r`�_""- $�4.� - i. tY2�'--��: .ti � r �s �.�._.�.�,,. -,.�i;c c.�. - -- r*c�Y��
<br /> � �. --�-rr7' �- 6, �c.'s ."L�.. . tr t r��..�r'. ,'� . .Y . ..C....� ""F-- - - `x�' "� .
<br /> �.�,e_T. - .ff. _cl.,;�.y `�r`f
<br /> F Sr R•Sct^ f���4 ��1D��iU.'7 I .d �:
<br /> .: ..h. •�.�t..'2. ����� Y i .
<br /> �':��;,;`_:°'�,� TpGflTHER WPfH all the impmvemegts noar or he�aftes erected oa the prope�ty.snd all easemeMS,aPP ��`�.
<br /> �' f h t: A11 t�eme�s Srid eddihOAS She11.aLSO bE OOYCtEd Dy dns S�urI�Y � ::
<br /> a,.,`�<. �,.:. •` fixtures now or he�rafter a part P��Y-
<br /> , r�
<br /> 'r �. Instrumeat.All of We foregoing is refened oo in this Sec�ricy Insuument as the'�enY��veyed and has the iight to g�ant and ' r,� , :
<br /> ` .� ti •� HORROWER C�VEAIANTS that Borr�wer is IawfaUy se�ed a f�e�bhe�reb�Y of recor+d. Hoirower warrants a n d w t�l �
<br /> � y ,i r ,�: oopv�y,the Property a a d t l i S t t h e P r a�t y I s u�a 2 n w m b e m d.ex�,'• �
<br /> ^ °• • � ��t{�eaerally tbe title to the Praperty a8aiast all claia�s and dema�tds.subject m a�►eucwnbrances of record. s � :r,
<br /> - �; rm oovettants witb limited .
<br /> .:<�;�.��x- T�IIS 5FC[JRITY 1NSTRUMLNT combiaes oniform wvenants for natioasl use and non-unifo . r.;
<br /> `.td '1��;,.,-. ���.r_c�._.
<br /> �°������.. : variatioaS by j�risdiaion w oonstttu*x a unifor�security insaument oovering rea�propettY• ':", -
<br />'- r- :=��':�;� ;'�`_``.' UNIFQRM COVEI�SANTS.8orrower and l,ender covenant and agc�e as follows: `-_"•..
<br /> `' `` -_ !. P�ya�t of Pclndpa!e�d inte�+etit; PrepaYment aad Late Chatg�'» BOrr°wer shall promptlY PaY wden due dte r �,.
<br /> ;� ' ' �.. . {` principal of and intcrest on the d�t evidenced by the Note and anY P�Y���ate chasges due under the Note. �.��`
<br /> �;, �,gr�,��?��Iasuranoe,gubject to applicable law or to a wriuen waiver by I.eader.Bonawer sha11 Fa5►t°
<br /> .... CS.o' .. -..
<br /> _ • , , �'`�. Lender oa the day maathtY PaYm�ts ar�due under the Note.uuuS the Nate is paid in full.a svm('Fnnds")for:(a)Year1Y�s ��:t., ,;�
<br /> _:<.�.,- �'�`:�,� aad ass�ats whid�taay atta�priority aver dus Secmity I�t as a lieu on the Propetty;(b)Yeaz1Y teas�otd paynients _ •
<br /> '�` ` msinaace premiums:(d)Year1Y Qaod iasaranoe premiams+ y_
<br /> .� _ , : os gaou�rents oa the Ptoperty,if at►y:(e)yea�'1Y hazard or PmP�Y "`
<br /> ,�ti�`� ,z� if uco iativranoe pc�miums. if any:and(fl�Y S�PaY��e bY Borruwer to I�euder.in accosdance wish � ,-:
<br /> _ :-,�,�,,._,,.:...•. �Y:ie)Y�Y rt8� 'These itr.mg are plZed"Fsccaw Items.° <
<br /> '-::�;;"_�:::-::`:'` s t6e pmvisions of parag�aph S.in lieu of the payment of mnrtgage inswanne p�minms- '.,Z,:_
<br /> , ' • .:- Leuder may. at aay time. oollect and hold F�nds in a»amount not co exceed the maxinm�m amoant a lender for a federally ,,;.-.�'-�_,:
<br /> � �.. � � � -
<br /> ,. ,�. : � '�. .mlated mortgage tuan may teq�uie for Bormwer's esc�+uw acconnt uader the federal Real Eshate Se,aiement Pnoo�Act of �� `,
<br />.•:� �_.::;Ft,��� ;�,:;�; 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Se�ion 2601 et seg.(°RFSPA').tmless anadter law that applies w the Ftmds ..�,.;•.
<br /> "��.�''i
<br />;.��� � ,L� `rz..;�, sets a lesser amouiu.If so. Lender may.at anY wne.collect�d 6old Funds in an amom�t not tn eaceod the mnes of future �
<br /> ��t`'' ?�`� ��:�`�-�'� estimate the amount of Fuads due on tlie basis af curnent data and reasoaabte esoimates of expendi �.�:;
<br /> :".�.��f� I:�; , Lendet m�aY _
<br /> ;�E°:• .r Fscrnw Items ar otherwise in aocordance wi'd�apPlicahle law. .
<br /> w
<br /> u� �� .F,-`�' The Funds shall be held in an in�titatiou whose deposits aze in5a�d by a federal ageacY. ins�am�ny °i�tiY
<br /> „: :°.:::;�.,=-.';;'� (indading l.eoder.if Lender is suth an iastitution)or in�aay Fedeial Hum�F annually�aly�ing the escro�w acxouat,°r
<br /> •.�S_•� �� �...iY� •4'.!"�'J' Escrow�ems.i,asder may not charge Borrowet for hoIding and apptying �,���,.�
<br /> � ! -; � `
<br /> � ��� verifying tlie Esccaw Ite�s.tmtess I�mder pays Bormwer intenst on the F�mds and a�licabie law�ts Lend�r m malce such f �:;
<br /> Borrower to pay a one-�ime charge for an independent real es�e tax rep°rting seMCe �:.
<br /> � .s.�; a d�ge:Rowever.I.euder may require . .
<br /> ,�._`��`.rr.: . is mad� or ' �:.';
<br /> - _��`=:'�.��;;. used by Leuder in•oar�xion with this loan. uatess appl�ble law pmvides otherwise. QnIess sa agte�t J..
<br /> <' °.• applicable law r�qaims iruesest to be paid.I�nder shall ant be required to pay Boaower any moe�est ar eazaings on tlie Fands. �
<br /> 1 :�, �r�:
<br /> '4: . !C". --
<br /> ,,'F,:.:,?�,:;,;:=;.: . Borrawes a�Leader may agree in miting,hawever,that irrtecesc sLal!be paid on tae F�mds.I�ead�r shall give to Bomswer. _`_-
<br /> a� � :,� . wIthout c�a:ge.au ana�al aa�ouatinS of the Fimds. showing cre�ts aad deb�is co the Fands and the pntpose far whicb eac� �F�
<br /> .. . .; « _ .;:�:;. debit to the Fri�s was made.The Funds are pledged as additional sea�rity for all saras secured by t6La SeauitY Iasuament. �;;
<br />,,V�`�'°°; LL'r • if the Funds hetd by Leader exceed the amouats pernnItted w be held by agplicable iaw,Lender shall accouat to Boriower '°�,`
<br /> -n. �.. :,; '�;:.
<br /> `:��'' ' `' � for.the exoess Fnnds in acoordance with the zeqoirernems of applicable law. tf the amount of the Fimds held by LEadec ai any �,.
<br /> :i,... :;�,:,°.
<br /> :`' --;t-->i::�.;:`�,�`` time is not sufficient to pay the Essmw Items whea dp�lxnda maY so aotify Borrower in writing,and,ia sucfi case Bosmwer '.,-�;
<br /> ` t shall pay w Leader the amowas neoe.s�ary to make�p the defuieacs+. Borrorra shaU make up tbe deScteacy in nu more t�an � -
<br /> ,�� _�. ea � �
<br /> ' �.�� ' �• tvicetve tuoadtly paymeats,at Lender's sole discr�eerion.
<br /> ��y 11Pon PaYmeut in fiill of aU sams secwred by this Se�vrity Insunment. Leader shall pmmpdy cefnnd to Bomowec aay
<br /> .`:` Funds he2A Dy Leadec.lf.under patagraph 2!,Leader shail acquire or sell the Property.LEnder,Prior to the acqni�sitioa or sale �,,���
<br /> agrap t the sams sec�ed by ' ' �`�Y
<br /> ;:�'.'�'�'�;`'�2:�.::`o-s..� shall aPPi3►suY Funds held by lznder at dse tlme of acquisitioa ar sete as a credlt agains
<br /> _ oft6ePrope�ty. �:.�:'
<br /> .: ���'''-;::` th'ta Secarlty Instnunen� _ -
<br /> _`:<,.�'".:-.;,= '��; 3,Ap�on af Paym�ts.Untess appticable 1aw pruvides otherwise.aU paymems reeeived tiy Lender nnder p�apl�s = :-
<br /> � :..:; 1 and 2 sba11 be appHed:first,to anF prepaY�em�har8e�dae nnder the Not�soouad.w amauata gayabte under paiagraph I; __
<br /> , ,`. �'' thind.to iptecest dne;fourth,w Princi�al dne;and Iast.to any►late chasges due uader tlie Nute. . .
<br /> �.�-;,. -�- Farpetty -
<br /> �:, �r �: ;�r�,; fines and impositlon4 attr�utable w the
<br /> �;ji�� j 4.C6atges;Lieos.Borrower shall pay aI!tax�s,assessments,c6aiges.
<br /> �-�s;._r, '��.:> whfcfi may attain priority over this SewritY Idsuament.and leasehold paymenta or g�sttnd reats.if suy.Sorrowe�st�aU'pa3► _-_
<br /> :.�__ . �
<br /> -`- `:;-':,;''''� • titese obllgaQions in tbe rna�mec pmvid�in pazagiaPb 2.or if not paid in.tha!maaner,Bo�s�awee ehalt pay them aa time y _ -
<br /> =? �~� �':' • ' � ta the persoA aared payment.Hoaawer shaU pmmptlY fiu�ish to Leadar all notices of awua�s to be paid under tlus paragtapb: . _
<br /> ';�,;�' If Bosmwer makes these payments dis�ectly.Borrower shall promptiy finimLsb w Leader�eoeipts e�rids�c�ag the payinents• . : . _.
<br /> '` �. , �:� `'. ' . B o r r o w e r s b a U p m t r�t t y d l s c h a r g o a n y l i e n w h i c h h a s p r i a ri t y ov e r t h l s S e a l r i ry I�ament naless Bor[ocver.(a)aStee.s in
<br /> _ . y::; w ri t i n g w the.P a 3+m e n t of the obli g a ti oa secured by the llen in a maaner acceVtabte to Leitdea;(b)cantests in good Faids the liea ���'
<br /> _-�:.,�,-.. tfl eat tii� _
<br /> ,�, ;I :.:�;r.; - by� or dtfends agaiast enforcement of the lien in. tegal'Pmo�d.tIISB w1dcJ� in the LEnder's opin�on opecate Prev " _
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)sea�r�s ftom the hoIder of tl�e lien an agreemelu sadsfaetory to�der sub°rdinating the lien to ��
<br /> ::`:.,;';-.°�� �•''.,::�'-:':� this Secudty Iastnunen� If I.aWcr determines tLat any pari of the Propetty is subject to a llen which mas►�Priority aver -�,
<br /> `�;.Bvj.'... �.• .
<br /> .. .,,r, ;�` t6is Security lnstrumeat.L�ender may give Borrower a nottce identifying the lien.Bormwer shall satisfy the llen or take one or
<br /> . . . 'vin of nodce. . ' ��':
<br /> '��:��� ..-:•.:':.:�}:. • more of the actions set fort6 above wiWn 10 days of the g� g !���s
<br /> ;� .,,`� � Fatm80Z8 9190 �`.
<br /> •' ,:�.. , *'. �^
<br /> .:�,' ..�i` �':i.� • �7016 . a . -
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