`� §s'".�"s Fa r�r- -r N 7- � '� - T �+�? ^ x - . 2 � ' �
<br /> -�.-��. .t�:-P+�+ , � ��� -, ri L� - Y' �s --'i'z - c ' .
<br /> � S +'�'� cz� r� �' �- f -- _ -
<br /> � �i €� ;�[.y . S` ts.z �. `< E`t �E G ' �tL�r 4` ?,,� r�.i -
<br /> �•�- . Y f{ t Z � V� �.• f�' . � t . , � � Y'
<br /> �� L ..W .'Y . �.`�..�.r .3_Y . )��� � i_tiT�. ?_.
<br /> :.�..�.� �-� _- ,.a�.t:� 3 ak � _.�_. - _ _
<br /> � e�.'! L .. -F •�v..•,--t-.:r`a"_-""'_'�' ��w}r.+�-Cr.-i°— ,�_ - -%c.." <
<br /> F . ' F- _ . . `Z• ,r�8' `-e- : b:�c�,w-r• x 4-.i �s c� .-
<br /> c.-,_. � 3 s k. c. r _.Y-i � t a. . � � .r., S�� � � �'a "r' �-�',v��-�. � r``�ra,- t
<br /> .r'c�T�`�. tm.r'�'� � q' ''` ., c , r,qScL -,�, SQ �- ��ES�'-cc i z. +' - r-� '[i -y`' ,c� n
<br /> .. �g ��_ C� .t S'�StL, ' �` cP"� Gr-9+ - "Y` :F d �s y>�- :i- ��-- .� ya..�iSZ� u .�y ,�.F 1Ci F`. � .
<br /> �y-�r�- rt �- . -t� "'-Z"'� Y_t "_.� �y,f c°-a l-��,� - �°�S R< t.-�. �-� �z.r �a .:,:u.t� _ 41c -Yr� :rv:E tyc.:
<br /> {�"�.�=+'"C4�tE r e�- Tt� � �sr; �a . - .� F -a. `t !S.:� s 6S
<br /> ��"'i f� � � �.z �. 4'.; tc . .�� -n,.. �:t � ;k_ cp4�• .�v'+'�1,�''. - ' '
<br /> �_ , -. -. ..�.. � ....,
<br /> .� . � ..
<br /> j� i : �rc "'E - ,.
<br /> 1�'
<br /> '�' � "�� . �f'_..
<br /> ' � f � is not ava�7abte.Homower shall pay w l.wuler eac6 month a sum equal ta ' 2 s :
<br /> `� = sabstanballY eq�ivalent maatS�ge insuranoe oar�age
<br /> � �``� x�`'� ane-nye[fttt of the yeatlY m��e i�P�nm being paid by Bormwer when the ins�rance coverage lsps�d or o�d to �
<br /> _, _- pe'ta�aec����•��••"°�"s�°•�t��',�•'° a 3�s :.oer:�in !'s� uf st�►rt�g? ina�r�mce. [.oss �esenre ��:'
<br /> -��`��z ° PaYments may cm longer be ' .�the option af Leader,if mottg�ge ias�suauce coverage(in the amount attd for the pt�iad� �'� .
<br />:`x�c:-�-��;>�=:4?�� tbat Lender re�nifes) � �y an insnr�r sppmved by f.eader a�aia beaamc�available and is obtained.Bormwer shall pay� t �-
<br /> vide a loss r�er+�nntil the ceq�t for mortg�e� �;,:
<br /> .�,.��.`..�.�,•`` �e p���LO�����b��ar�n rBonoaer an.d i�eader or applica6Ie law. � :�c_�,�`
<br /> �` '�`' iasnraace eads in ac�ondaaoe aith anY wnt� �reasonable entries npon and ins�tions of the Property. i.emder shaU give f �:
<br /> ����`-�• 9.Iospection.Leader or its agenc maY
<br /> :?.4 �s;`�";�: - s reaso�bte c�use for the in�oa � ,�sr`_;
<br /> ,`:,�;::,.T:h;�..w'; BarrBw�nudoe at the ti�e oY or prior to an I�spectco sPeafym8 . in conaection wit6 any �°_�:-
<br /> � x.,•�. 10.Con�emaatto�.'i�►e prnoeeds of any award or claim for damages, di�x or oouse�ue�a1
<br /> ���, - coade�aation or other taking af any gart af ttte P[openy.or for�nvcyartce in lieu of oond�on.are hereby asslgaed and� .''�_
<br /> -, ,.. ,G`-.�4�:'` shaU be paid tn I�nder. .
<br /> � ,`•�':.,,;
<br />� ^:��::,;..�`�-�r�":•' the cexds shall be ied to the sums secaied by this Security Inst�a�t.,� k :.•;,
<br /> .::�,. :,•,<.:r• .L In the eveat of a wtal taking of the PmpertY. Pro �� fu wluch the fair " �:�-
<br /> '�° whe�her or not then due,with anY excesspatd w Barrower. Ia the event of a garteal taking of the Pcoperty `�
<br /> ,�r F F =:'', mark�value of dte Property immediately b e fOre We takin$is equa!ta or g�ter t h a n t t t e a t n o�n t O f t h c s u�.s s e w re d b y Wis :�
<br /> �.. ,�;.y�...�.� �T Sec�ity Iasuuineat imm�ately 6efote qie tagin$.antess 8amnwer aad Lander otherwise agree in arciting.the sums seaued by
<br /> -,'�:��� ilus Seauity Instrumenc shaU be reduced bp the amount of the pmceeds multiplied by the foltowing fnaron: (a)the total �r.�;:
<br /> -�'n° divided bY(b)the fair martset vaIue of the Propercy immediatetY
<br /> ,; . , .4 maount of the snms secuied im�iatelY hefo:e ttte taking,
<br /> .�,,r•:,�:. �� befaie ti�e taking.AnY halauce shall be paid to Borrower. In the evem of a pardallaking of the Pr+opercy in wlsich the fair °
<br /> ';°`� ;,"f_�`.,....�` befom the t a l a n g is less thar►t6e a�omu of We sums secured immediately btfore the .:'.;=;
<br /> m a d s�t v a l u e o f t h e P r+o p e rt y i m m e d i a t c 1 Y
<br /> 3` '`��a�' �� m�g unZess Bortower aad I.ender otberwise ag�e in writinS or oniess app t i c a b te l a w o t�r w i s e Provi d e s,t h e p r o D e e d s s d a U ' x u '�
<br /> � ..,, : ..'{;; , 1 w�
<br /> �`:•;`,:�.°"«�r;,;-:'°�; • beapp2ied w the sums seaarzd by this Secnrity Insuumeat w h e t h e r or not f he sna�s ane t h e n d u e. ':':; ,
<br /> ;'F;.,,.�`-:� - I f the Property is ab�ndon�d by Bornuwer.or if,after uatice by Leader w Borrower d�at the contleamnr offers w make an -:.;
<br /> �;?•''Y. .°' award ot seute a daun nd to Lcuder within 30 days after the date ttre notice is given, «-;;s•.;:
<br /> ,� �� for damages. Borrower fails to tespo ff
<br /> � �` •` Lender is authori�d w onllect and a�tpty the pmoeeds,at its apuon.either to iesw�ation ar i+epair of the Propeny or w the soms �
<br /> x .. � � "� whe�ter or not then due. °,
<br /> 4 �; v a sec�ed 69 this Sewri�Y I�� shall not extead or '
<br /> � ,,,� ;.� Qntess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writiag, an3+ apPllcatioa of prac�eeds w Princigat ? :
<br /> �,r r, �':'� Fo�Poae t L e d u e d a t e o f t h e m o n t h l Y�Y m e a t s�e f e r n e d t n i n h s 1 and 2 or clmn ge the amount of sucb payments. '�•
<br /> er
<br /> ' l I.B a r r a wer 1 l S W�e t e a s e d:F�a a o e B}►L e n i d e r �c 3 a W a f v e r.E�ension of the�me for paymeut or modifcwtion �
<br /> �' t��� nf amortiaarion of t�e�as s�by this Securi�tc�ent gianted bY L�ta any saooessor in iMer�c of Bomawer shail ,,,,s
<br /> s�,f.�,:�;,�.. ant
<br /> �' �-`T.;. not apeiate to tet�se�tiability�of t�ariga�al L�a�rawea or E�crot+Aer's sac�+rs in uuerest_L�oder s�ail not 6e t�eqaited to � ^
<br /> � = .�
<br /> � r:; ;��'`•F- .co�euoe pro�iu$s against anY az�s°r im iaterest or iefa.�to extcnd t�e for payme�i or otherwi.se�:odfy amozti�tio�
<br /> � '-
<br /> -.: -'.�,{�.,,.,'f..�.::� o f t he sw�s e c u c e d b y t i�i s S e c a t s t g I n s u u m e n t b y r e a s o n�F a a y d e m a n d m a d e D y t h$ari g i n a l Borrawer or Born►wer's
<br /> � successais in iatemst.AnY fathe�ru�bY I�ader in exenising any right ar r�y sl�alI not be a waiver of,ar prectade the
<br /> r �
<br /> ,.,, �:':t..�� acercise of aity rigltt or�emedy Boan ao� ena s�� t�aentcy;�. �rne���u aIIa����
<br /> 8 19 (�e �
<br /> — ...._. 12.Snco�s aad Asgtgos d3 -
<br /> '��.` • •�� Secarity Iastmmea�c.shall 6ind and 6epefit the successars and asslgns of Leader arni Bonower. sabiea m the provls�ans of .�.,_ .
<br /> �,. :� -:�',,'�` - pa�tagraph I�. Bomnwer's cavenaats and agreeasenta st�aU 6e joitu and sev�al. My Bcsrawes who co�siigns this S�uhyr . !�.r:�d
<br /> � < co s
<br /> ` Ins�fiu does aat exe�ute the Note:(a)f�casignmg this Seairity Instiumerst only to mo e,grant and comrey t�at � _
<br /> " �;- gornnwer's irrterest in the ProPertY under the tenns of this Seamty in4uumen�(b)�S not peison�y ubligaud w�Y the saais ._
<br /> . r ;f� ' that Leader aud auy other Borrowec may agree w eatcad.modiry•fp�or `
<br /> .� aecuied tiy this SeFazi Instrumeat;and(c)a8rees �
<br /> `�'. matce any aocomm�ons adth regaM to the umis ot dus Security Iastrumem or the Note wItAont tAat Aorrower's conseat. �.. :-:
<br /> ° ;�':,:. • ':'P:.`: 1�.Laan CUaages.If the loan secured by this Sectuity instn�ment is su6jert to a law which seis maxImum loan charges.
<br /> �.�_�:
<br /> � "`''`':• ' ° aad t�tat!aw is fiaaily intcrpre,ted sa tl�at ths interest or other toan cf�atges coltected or to be callecte�irt conaection with the
<br /> _:';:...:..",. :.,, . �_;��
<br /> . ;:. .�;: . taan eaoe�the permlttect limits.them(al�Y�toan charge shall be reduced by�he amonm sary m red ce the charge _ — - _
<br /> _.....,- . .,_: . - _
<br /> - . :;: -�;.-;'.�.�``� w tha�initted 11mft:and lb)any satas aiready cottected&om Bonower whid�exceeded permiu�cd Iimits arilt refiiaded w ____ �
<br /> ..,1�.'.::/.:-'. .'�-�..='i5_'
<br /> -,. ;_ .,';, �._�. Bonuwec. Lender'may choase to make t6ys r�fund by reducing the principai aweA under the Not�or.by making a dim�ct =�_
<br /> " �� - payment to 8orrower. If a tefund reducea pr�ncipal. the reQuctton wilt be meated as a pattiai Prepayment wlthout a�ry . ��.
<br /> � 7 prepayme�m cha�e imder the Note. . �
<br /> �J�� ; !4.Nouc�cs.Arry notice to Borrowcr proviQed for in this Security Instrument shall beg�ven by dellverlag it or by mailing � --
<br /> . �::��.,, it by f�tst�class m�il untcss ayplicabte faw reqmres nse nf another me�tod.Tltc nosice sl�st!be d":reet�to the property Addtes4
<br /> _��:.1;���r:='E';t;-.�� or.any other address�Bonower des ignaws by n o t i ce w L e n d e r. A r ry n o d c e t o.L c t t d e r s h a l l b e g iv e n b y first ctass mail to
<br /> ' �`• Lender's address stated herein ar.any other address Lender de.sigaates by nodce to Bormwer. Aixy notice pruvided for ia this
<br /> 'j-��t Secadty Instrasnent sha11 be deeme0 to have bedn g�ren to Bmrower or Lender whem gh►en as pc+nvtded in this parapaph.
<br /> _-=- - "=-� 15.Gov�ing Law. SevarabNt�..17ils Sea�rity lnstramert shafl be go�+emsd by fedeml !ew and the taw of the
<br /> :�;�:,,s'��� jttrjsdictlon in which the Pro�erty is Iocated.la tite event ti�at any provision ot ctaase of linis Secvtity�up�u�eal4r the Nate =--
<br /> ��, •;:, - oa�fl�a with applIcable law.s�ufi cunitict shall not affect other provisions of.th�s Security Inswmem or the Note wluch c�a be . __-
<br /> given effect without the wnflicting pmvisiaa.To this end the pravlslons of tNis Secorlty Insuument anA the Note�are declarod __
<br /> `- �, - to be seve�ab�e. .
<br /> �� i. 16.SosroweNs Copy.Borrower shail be ven one oonfor�aed coPY of the Note and of t�is 3�urIty lnsunment.
<br /> :.. ��.;r.;:'.;;� 17.Teaasfer of the Property or a B dal Inter�st in Borrawer.If all br auy part of the Pro�etty ar a�+interest ia[t _�
<br /> -�..��� .,'" .;. : ; is sold ar tra�ferrod(or iP a benefcial�nterest ln Borrower is su2d or traasfe�ced and�omawer is nat a naroral�erson)wIthout
<br /> � � �.�
<br /> ,` ,��_�" ,.�. Leader's prior aritten oot�ent. I.ender'may.at its opaon. lre immediate payment in�'utl of all sums secu�ed by�this
<br /> , �s�.;��.�_�.-r_�'r ' _
<br /> a;.��:;-. _•,: St�curlty lnsnument..Hawever.this opdon sha{I r�ot be excrcisei�y L�ender iYexercisais pmhibite0 by fede�al Iaw as of the date . =_ .--
<br /> z ,. .� ' , '�, of lhis Secnrity Instnm�eat. ���� ve B orrower n o t P c e o f a c ce l e r a t i o n.7 Y i e n o t i c e s 1�a U p r o v t d e a p e r Fod of aot � -
<br /> ' , .: If Ixnder exercise�tl�is option. g�1 �
<br /> `�•�<= � �� `-�•�' less t h a n 3 0 d a y s f ro m t h e d a t e t h e n o t t c e i s d e livered or maited wIthin which Borrower must�ay sl!sums secuned Iry thLg
<br /> ,;�.���:,�::., :";...T� 5ec�ulry�asKUmeat.If Barmwer fails to pay thesa sums p�ior to the eapitation of this periad.l�nder may invoke a�ryr recnedles �_d-�
<br /> •::T peTmitted by this Se��ri L�shvmera without further nadce or deiaand on Borrower.
<br /> �: .'". �� 18. Borrower'�� tv Rdnstate. If Bormwer moets cettain condltions. Borrawer shall have the risht to have .
<br /> ' ��:• , enforcement of this ty.Instru.ment disaontinued at any time prior to the eariier of: (a)S days(or such other period as
<br /> �" for reinstaeement)befora sale of t6e Ptaperty pursuazu to atry power of sale comained in thL9
<br /> applicabte iaw.�nay► spec�fY =
<br /> � gecurity Instmmeat:or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcing this Secnrity lnswment.Those coaditions are that Bonower.(a)pays .
<br /> - I,eRder a11 sums which tt�en woWd hc dae under this S�urity Inswmeat and the Note as if no aaxleratton had occu�;@) "���'�'
<br /> `-��''�:::�.��.;::; pue.a any default of any other covenants or agreeruents:!c)Days all ezpen5es incvmed in enforcing this 5eeurity in5tsumetu. '�_��
<br /> ` . � ' including.but�ot limlted to.�asanable suome}rs'fees:and(d)t�tces such action as 18nder may reasonably trquire to 3ssure `�r;�
<br /> '',<<:.�.:.,,:.. ...
<br /> ..°:,'.: tf�at the lien of thls Securtry Insm�menb Lender s righ[s in the Propeny and Borrmver's obllgatiop�to pay the sumg secured by
<br /> " this Securiry instrument �l car�� '��g�e ffi�pf n a t�erallon Mad.occurred. Ho ever�.this n'�ht�to re nstate ahall �
<br /> :- ,. . .,.. � � obLgat�ons ses+ued herelsy y
<br /> :r,::,<:�::..:,., '.. '. • �a�p tyr in the case of aoaeleradon under paragraph 17.
<br /> ,,:;�:.... _..,., .
<br /> 19. Sale of Not� C6ange o!Loan Servteer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (tugether with t63s Secudty
<br /> . ' instrument)may be so2d one or morc Hmes withont prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> _ ':-�'"`� ` -• `-� a�the"I.oan Servicer")that eollects monthly paYments due under the Note and this Security lnstnnnent.There also may be one .a
<br /> •' .�'��,�`'�-''L-'r or more c,hanges of the Loan Senricet unt+elateA to n safe of the Note. If there is a change of the I.oan Servicer.Borrower will be =� -
<br /> ._;=,� ' _ . ����q��n noace of the chasige in accordance with para8raph 14 above and applicable law.The notice wiil state the name aad .
<br /> •.„�tt... '.� addras of the near Loan Servicer aad the address to wtuch payments should be made.The notice will also contaia any other
<br /> �:�• :., ; 1 9nfom�asion requireci 6y appl4cabie taw.
<br /> ' � `.:,�'.' 2p. H�+dans Sabsfauces.Borrower shafi not cause or pennit tiie presence. use.disposal. scarage. or release of any _
<br /> '' Harardot�s Substances on ar in the Praperty. Borrower shall not do, nor allow arryone else to do. anything affecting the
<br /> _ prope�that is in vlolatlon of a�ry�nvironmental Iaw.The pmced'mg twa sentences shatl nat apply to the presence.use.or
<br /> -=,..r. � storage on t6e Ptoperty of sit1711 qtklntitses af Flazardons Sttbstmtce5 flret arC gef�ei�ly r2cog�i�uxD ics bc a{�ropr"sase so nozma!
<br /> = residential uses aad W maintenance of the Prnperty:
<br /> '�1..,1� �'.1. '� ���.i,���,. PoOs3of4 form 3028 9180
<br />-- 3r,.
<br /> ., , . ..
<br /> . .
<br /> � , , _
<br /> ,.-.,
<br /> _� -�� �- �. - _ _ _ - -_ _ ._.___.W�
<br />