.4 �e..��.r.�f`7�' p� . ;�c i. �,ti `'t` 5'rrY':t ? e5f -. ;F's r_ .`�laycyer�.�e •:v. . �- . .�•: P '
<br /> 7�+'�H�'�� -,�� ,� c�}.�u r+t�-.S^: �� ` c�� I ,�< .-.. . ���7�i5_r�.� :�tT`'-_`
<br /> '�^ y� T`'C L
<br /> .1 t � T uf ' ' 1 (.� ). t�j1 i i (,4. ' - _
<br /> � h �'
<br /> �`ras�-'€ l {y� � � `c ����48�fs. Y'�
<br /> :x. }s:1 `_ _ ..;c=��.,. -:i o--:...�: � 7F.. � - .:
<br /> `-`��ri `. S _` �Y��r.�'ur�., � y`�.r'r'`�2�.;:+��;i'�`�i.'�_r'i,`�,,,,�,>,,,c-,.,�r-._.���:�f::�,'..^�!�__ .�r��`�F�:zc � <' ��,.
<br /> ' �rc�r-`�t��iF"��..; t � 1 k c"n . �,'. a `y ; � � �_ F :cf '� - '� `� t�Y f� ��,c+o- . �-^ Rc. x�t_ ^.s �� �a-+p;.
<br /> _1t,�.0'�l` ..7.tl'1`��^"_-S:G� 5 �e �Y' .C ��- e� S S �1' ' � .S`i e1 A.�u �P L�x'Z y it�..t X - 5 # �y, l �. _
<br /> { �r��. .. ,.n.-g4s"�-� .. F-��, t - -T}-'F'�- -� ��,r -�c� -rr- .•-z- ta^c_ - "'� z_ , �` �c'�.r"--��.`�---��`� ��,':_
<br /> ..,. .,..g..+� ., s-�'t� f•�-� .
<br /> -'_i'�^?Z'"�.s'k, •�.'-'`i:.4`II _Li°'ir:�F .....� ..f n:_ ^�t,�`..3 :.a..F" - �'4`�"`•�-- - ' '"y`"�
<br /> � '-c
<br />-� _. ._�.: .� -t, .• :� e.. .: ....--. _ �.�a, . . •uc,,'., ... --ifri.'
<br /> . . .
<br /> a': . �. � �� :� .. -... . -.. p
<br /> 't;='`���k; .i�y' .�e:f.
<br /> _4�-.'S�`•�`.�;y� . .����� c�_TrE.
<br /> � �JC-
<br /> r �'�`4 `�: 5. Bmmtd or Fina�p�ty Iasueaac� Borsower sLall keep the empmvements naw oxisting or hec+� e�ected on the � `
<br /> }� _� P�aperty insuted against toss iry Fue.ha�ds iacieded witLia the t�m'euended ouveiage'and any athea h�ards. indadmg .F
<br /> ;=����:' _ -'�= floadg or ftooding.fut cvhis6 Leudcs rec�}it+es ins�a�tce.7�is ias¢r�toe s I�I I�mair�tained in t D e amoun t s a n d f o i t h e p e�u d s �-,f;
<br /> ".:�'.K'`.r��i'�4'"`. c.C..f
<br /> %.�.,�.. :-: tbat Lender rpqaires.The iasvranoe carrier provi�ng the iasm�oe shatt be chusen by Boaower subjoct to Leader's approval
<br /> � 4�.:+�
<br /> �;���'`` ,''.`:� which sdai! not be�easombfy wid�freld. If Borrower fa�s w arainrain wverage de5cribed above. [.ender may.at l�cader's -`�v
<br /> _s . .�.� ,,� � s,:,�
<br /> `�' '.�.�'° ` -' opt€on.obtaiui wverage w protect Lender's rig6ts in the Ptoperty ia aconn�oe witb parag�aph 7. `.. '
<br /> :a�;�.-:.:l.;� ,,�.� a:t���
<br /> � ��:•. Y `r:°. All insmaace poticies a�td t+enea�als s�hall 6e acoeQrabte w Leader and sball iesiade n standard mnstguge clmue. I�der }�a�
<br /> ----_���`- st�all have ti�dgtu w hald the po�aes and r�evrals.If i.eader mquices,Borra�Yea shall proaaptty give to Lend�a!1 recapts of --�,�-
<br /> `''�r:�' ��,` paid premit�and mtewal tmtices.In the eveat of[oss.Bormwer shall give prompt�nodoe w the i�uanw carrier and L�der. ,�;-
<br /> , _ „ :.
<br /> � ` i,e�tdeF inay ma�cee proof of tnss if aoi a�de Pt�mptlY by Horrowcr. �rh;.:
<br /> , � , � : a
<br /> �' '.�',-� tl�tSeSS Lc�er a�d B�rawa�wise agc�e ia�rriting:ins�uancc piocaeds s1�a11 be agplied w�eatoration or�epair of the � < .
<br /> � � p,�}�p��
<br /> Y P .G.` "ui"'�7��.if dQe�s6or�iva as repair is econamicaUy feaal�fe and L�tsder's s�ueity is not lessened.If the testaration or �� `_
<br /> - --"r`;'` ''. T(�1T�.4 QQI�OAOIOIC3�j�fCd51�I�C OT I.CII�CT�S�WlL[yt WOLtI�IIC}�IEd.t�2E iffitllailCE pI�S S�1dII�2��t2d t0 tIIC SUIDS -
<br /> , .-:�.. ... t
<br /> �`:' ;: '"��'-�• � ses�ed by thi�Secutity Ioutumeat, arhether or nnt th�due.wah anY exc�ss Paid w Borrower. If Bormw�abamdons the
<br />. ..y�'� r�.�.i.
<br />_ -'i4r�'�_i'�,-:y' v _
<br /> `'�: s.;`:.;;..:'• Ptupeaty.or does not aaswet within 30 days a na�cx fcam Lender tlaat the�.�n�c2rri�das offered m sdtie a ct�m.thea ;�;
<br /> �, :. , � L�der may w!lect tfle •���nog pmaeads. [.endes may ase the pmce�ds to repair ar ceswre the Propeity or to pay saa�s ,i.
<br /> " �f� ' se�rea 6y this Sesvuity Imtrume�.wh�her or ttot tIiea due.The 3Q-day period wi1Y 6egin wl-.ea the noti�e is giv�. �.
<br /> $ .� `=- Unt�ss t,e�+der aad Borrawer oiherwise agree in writing.anY aPplicatian af pmc�ds to priacipa! sball mnt eatead or t
<br /> �_:: ,..�.,,,K ,_,
<br /> � �� � �`' postpone tfle due date oi the monthly payme�ts referred w in parag�aphs 1 and 2 or change the amouAi of the paymeats.If
<br /> r` _ ttader patagrap!►21 the FropertY is acc[o�ed bY Le�er,Eorcowet's ri�t w suy ias�ance policies�d pm�ds resWtmg fi� �`-
<br /> _�:. �.;t- - = •:
<br />_- �:-���; .:`ms. �e��p�o�ty luior to the acq�ian s1�a11 pass w,l.ender w the extent of the sams seamad by this Sec�ity Ia�t .
<br /> �•�.,�-;.;; �:r. , . ���
<br /> '>.F.<< : ..:;,. tmmadiatety priar tn the acqaisition. �
<br /> � •. � •-.<. �
<br /> ` '��-�--:,-,;`.�,`_ 6.�ruy,�vattan.MaL�aaoe sued Pr+ute�ton oF t�e An�rty;Borm�s I,�n Appitssdoa;l.�olds. ' ;;; ;
<br /> ' �„4�,..�. ...
<br /> '�'•."�{:r:- "�.
<br /> ''. . . r .. Bortaw�s6all oocapy.establ'isb.and ose t6e Prope►ty as Bornawes's pmuipai�rccid�[oe within sixty days after ihe exe�tian of :.�.k
<br /> -�t_ �_; , tpis�arity Ia�and s�a!!c�nd�ue su,Qacupy the Propeity�Bortower's priadpal tesdpu�f�at least one year atb�
<br /> ,:. , .._,� .
<br /> :°'4`�_._�`:.: the�ate of occapancy.:unless La�der oth�wise a�rees m writmg,which oonseat shaU Rot be maeasoaabiy a+itl�d, or aaiess ���.
<br /> _ _ �;. ;�.,:; ..._ euenu�tiag ci�ncxs enist �ar+e beyaad Bo�we�'s vo�nol. Borro�rar shali aot desuoy, daa�age or i� the �i
<br /> ,�',.��;-�`` Propierty.aftow the P� w deterioiate,or ooaunit waste on the Ptoperty.Borrower shall be in defaqit if aay farfeiUUe ---_
<br /> ' �i�• ac�ion or pr+noeettiag.w�ther cav�7 or cr�l,is 6egua that in Lender's g�d fatt6 jadgmex�i ooatd restilt in farf�itaie of i6e ��'
<br /> ..n•'i:``.-�"`,`�-- ptape�ty or at6erwise maReriaUq i�pah'dte tien cr�ted hs tdis Seeurity Ins�ament or!�'s se�riry�Barr�ver may� �'-,
<br /> ..�.F.: -.:
<br /> �.A:.; cute sucb a defautt and reiastate.at provided in paragmpb 18.by causing the acuon or prooaediag to be�dismissed witli a tWmg '�-
<br /> ,. .':'r.:..-.,,:.�.�. � --
<br />- `<r:;=;�:: � that,in t�ender's gaod fatth d�erao�tion. gr�dade,s forfe�tane of the Bormwer's �atece�t in the Pmperty as other material _
<br /> ., y�rfr�,:i. — _
<br /> �°- impaa�t of the lteu c�ted by dus Se�aaity Iasanunent m Leader s secutity interes� Borrower sfiatl aLto 6e ia defaalt if _
<br /> _- - -�=���• �.dariag the Iaan applir.ttiou proce.sg.gave arat�riaUy Fatss ar�iafarmauoa ar statem�ts to Leader(or faited _°.-
<br /> � � ` to provid��..ender�vitls atry mataial iafurmatinn)in�ffiearon with the laan cvidaued hy the Note.utcluding,bm aot ih�ted ��:;.
<br /> `�` ,��<'•' ' �to �oas ooace�ng Boa�uwer's accupancy of ths FropeRy as a pricc�cipai residenae.If dris Se�uity Insuameni is an a �'_
<br />_.. � � ' ';. . ; ' Pl�z.`-:
<br />,�-,r::'�:�';=:��:'�'�:,: teacsetcote; Bonovner s1�au oompiy with all the pivvi�ions oY t�e tease. tf Bormw�acquires f�ati�w d,c r,mpeaty, tbe ,—_
<br /> � .,•�-,,.•:.:_:.. . . ,
<br /> -- •T<-. - leaseltoid and d�e fee titte�Lall not merge uaiess€.�de�r ag�ees to the merger in writiag. � =_
<br /> ''�„ ;���� •`�'_; 7.Piote�Oaot�.cad�s Ht�hts in the Ekop�ty.If Ba�rowei f�ls to perform t�e oovea�aats aM agre�wntaiaed.tn --- -
<br /> {;, this SeauitSr Insd�arnem.or thene is a legal P��A���Y�5��►affect Lepder's rig6ts in the Prnpaty tsac�as a .�;:-
<br /> ` proceeding in�ptcy:probate,fos oorW�a►adun ar foifeiaue ar w�Pafonce laws ox reguiatiaffi>.[hec��may do sn¢ --
<br /> _ == pay faz wtr�te��es�S ae�ssasy ta pmsert slee�at�e of the P:o�tty�L'ent��'e s�gtu�in ttre Prag�tq. I�der's a+�ia�s may ---
<br /> ";::a:::�:�t•: . indudr�PaYinS a�r sums secured by a lien vr$Ic� 4as priority over.tLis SeWrity Insmirueat. �ing ia oourt. PaYIag
<br /> ��`,``.,�"�"�`;�� �; r�soa�te auoraeys'fee,s ar�eatering on We Pcuperty w a�Tce�cpaiis.Atthough f�eader may take actlan under t�para�eaph. ---
<br /> �'-_:"° - :• ; 7'.Leaderdoes aot have toda so. • � � —
<br /> �l•i�:i.:'"' - '
<br /> :::�;'-_-�.��-_'�.:=''_�•'��i' ' ap�t Sfi01IRtS�Sb1115��ljl �C11dCi III1�Ci t111S�7 S}l�b00�C S�ItiOffi�QCf3t Of B01lIDWC� S�C71lCd(1ji t�S .
<br /> �� � �ILyI�1.v11tCS4 80iIOWfl 8Ad j.CII�Yi 8$IOC t0 0113Cf[ClII14�f pti�tl�.thGSC 3IAOOIItB S�l�fPa!�CSt f[Dtn ihC
<br /> �, r:- -t�,. =
<br /> ,; .�� daLe of di.sbu�nent at tl�ee Nate.rdte and.s6ai1 be paya6Ie. wlft� ituemst.c3pon notIae fmm I.ender w Bo�mawer reqaestiag - -
<br /> j• ��r- I t, -:�; . ��tg8�e Iasusance.If L�der reqaiRd mortgage�as a coadition of maicing the toan secnrnd by Qds Soc�rity --
<br /> -�-�;�,�>.. . -
<br /> :_ I�uuat�t. �un�wea sha11�ay the premiams reqnired w�a the mastgage ins�ae in e,ffea.If. for a�r m�n. tbe ,
<br /> �' n mosigage insusaicae oaveeaP,e regai�ed bY I.ender lapses aar oeases to 6e in effe�t,Bormwer shaU pay ihe pi�uums req�ired to
<br /> �'�. :'�'. � . ��'-_
<br /> �;'`,. obmin aoverage substa�allY eqaivatent w the mortgage insuranoe ps�evioasty in effeix.at a oost su6stantiallY���4'� =
<br /> ...y:,�`.:',' . .
<br /> ��i,.zes:�:.,, ! �'.:--•-
<br /> ::�� �'� oose w Bormwer of the mortga�e i�wsinoe psevioasly in effea, fmm aa aitemate murtgage�eppmvm by t�caa�r.tf � �-
<br /> :�,;.
<br /> �•��.:��.t�Fr.',�:....rF^_.:= ::� Sllbstantialty eqaivatan mortgage�i�sa:aiwe eaverage is nat avaita�2e.Bormaver s�hall pay�r�Ie�der eac�muntb a sum�ual to� � �:��.-
<br /> .F..�
<br /> �� ,.:.; • -�°:.; = au�taQdffh of the insurance um bein d 6 8omower wh�the inmrance aavera ar��d to
<br /> 9�Y�� P� �F� Y Se� `"� _
<br /> ! '
<br /> ,�:.; ,be in eNect.Lemderaro}l awept,use aad retait�these paymeats as a toss msetve in li� of mortgage in�manoe. L6ss ces�eve _
<br /> � , � , � Fcrm Ss28 919D
<br /> �. } � ' v�ea�e �
<br /> , � , . �==
<br /> � . . -.
<br /> .. r�l:r-� ,'j . ' +"�.
<br /> _ :'if�j� � �. _
<br /> _. �.irt; , .D; '���N. :iC/' . _ ' (< .
<br /> -t _ -� . t'W - i�'i 1 i . . _ �. . �7.� .N � :
<br /> �S 1 `i- ... . . ���� - ' �. �f�'i i?� , .'-
<br /> ..,.� _ ..'( ' -} `.� i` �s.,,[ ,q 4 -'! . ' -f� , ' � .
<br /> .l� j r . . . ... _ �. . . . . t� �a. 1 . . . .
<br /> . .. �� f:� _ , �_.
<br /> . . :
<br /> . _ _ . , y •s- - �c-
<br /> . _ .-�(. .� f1 ` - . . . _ c - ' .
<br /> f ,. • _ - - .`+ j � ;`( 7' _
<br /> . �. 1� � t�-. _ _ ' "_ - - -•+f ,r _
<br /> . ' - ' � - � - • _
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