�J�• 1� 5�`'������.. - Sk : =cx�t���.F � '�s.r�•,r �. f�- -!•�4 v .
<br /> , ... �^�:t'y-�� .;. . Cc c r l - . -� rr . �""'- . - �' .
<br /> .?c.r _��� �f � - - - :- t b . � k'-�j-< � .
<br /> _� �h �' -�.ti �r { C U..'P� •k. � /' {'"C't' 3 - _
<br /> .f S 4 �
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<br /> .�"- ' —_�'Y Y . (- �►t � �a ...'[Y`'°'n4 iR�"....0 'i}��'��'��4��r'KK . �a 4_' .(�-..
<br /> �� " - � i - ',c cF A� . � `'� S .pr�`� h �- "-�.�.^�s�`:=.4�`"F".-G-'��� � <� - * � � a.. :.
<br /> ..Y,`,g.t�-��Y.`CC k .- . . .,-_ ry . � ? . .•,�, �' $ �� "
<br /> ,._,- g _ � �x-:s s „i� S'-aYC 42t�*.cF.. �_ s__ z'^:c �i._ 2-r,. Z� , s ' ��� -cr .. ,� � ar�.i
<br /> _ ',t ��_u..� c -a�t y c� ` ��."+� Y} " �� y. '"4 �L"�';:'�:S.,�i Fy�-_.<�iE� ,c� '�-z�.. w-:
<br /> � - .�-i,h y' "''. .__ �r � n - r :.-.. ,t 'Ti - .7.- t 'F ` C �"�- 5 @,.:''r `a'•.- .Y �t:'� �.ta� :.�. -iFn§- �n'' _
<br /> ,r c." i :a. _y..�C:
<br /> ��yrr.Z R .O +--«� S k `�''i:r' �'�� �:`a?:� �`�.• '`� +'t.w' 'H _ ..{f.'�:.,.,_',•...r,._.�...�ttii�- .�a. �
<br /> �� t t . � �<�' - � ��� �^.
<br /> 4.. �� µt'. ���J i �
<br /> ..�. � .:�..- , . .
<br /> 4 f ''� °
<br /> •� ` � '����mi�8n tjlC IIDpT011CII1C9t8 QOW OT��OII tflC QIOpCCl1}I.SA�8u�.�nREA3it0�S+8� ,: ^
<br /> ! �
<br /> � � ���
<br />:;:�g�:;��:�r�-_�:� 6uusr�s aaw oz 6�a pffit of the pmpc�ty. Atl t+eplaoe�ata ead addidons sEiali atso be cov�ed by this Se�vrlty ,
<br /> ���_. ...�:.< <��
<br /> -F"� r �-- I�m�t.AI3 of the fa:egoin$is�'erced tb�n this Secatity tt�as tbe'�ropetty.' ,
<br />':::�::.,G,. _�..:: ,;s�,.
<br /> � ��
<br />•:';ti:�_v;�;,: �: ,.M BOItROWBR COVENiiAI�that Boirowu is taafiiliy seisod of the�e be�eh!►oonveyed aad 6as t4�e right w�ans . ..
<br /> E�i-a L .�
<br /> ,.•t.l;
<br /> :F��< �.� agd t�at We is n�ed.�xce{st fot eaaimbianoes af reoord. Bortower wanants and ' <,,
<br /> .�;.;.•-k.�:.,;_.. wavey tt�e Ptope:ty �P�Y .. �
<br /> F�� •t�:::•.°.;;'��`•: • defead genetallY the t�tle tosHe PmPerty►against r�11 claims and demaads.sahject to any�of reoord. ::�.;�
<br /> _".'`� �`�:�.: II Q S 1 T t U M E N T c o m b i n e s u n i f o r m o ov e n a a s s fc�c�io�al tise and ma-,mifona oove�ants with limited -'''�..
<br /> ••�c-. _;�.� THLS SECURiTY h
<br /> ^��` var'rat�ons hy jinrisditYion w a�ue a uaifomt sewrity is�suumeat caveiing te�ai propetty- `'"`-
<br /> ` � ing
<br /> ``'r � ` UNffORM COVENANTS.Bormwer aad Leader�oveAatrt aad agiee as fouoasrs: 't �,
<br /> ^"�-F'`� `.r-' Borrower sl�ait a whas due th�
<br /> � � ,�'x ' �'� l.P�yme�ot Rinctpal and Indei+e� Pte�aym�t and Late(�at�s- 1�P�Y P Y { ;..
<br /> j� x principat of aac1 imfla�est�t!�debt�oec!by the Idoie ans!any�ayment aad Iate cGa�rges due under the Note. �.
<br /> �,: �- • Z.Fu�ds fos Taaes and Ia�reaoe.S�ect w applicabte taw or w a wrimea waiver by I.ender,Eorrnwer sha91 Qay w
<br /> ,..�-,�- - �r4`.
<br />.�"�-.�`- --`�:,-'`�::' L�ender on the day mo�hlY Paymeat�are dne aader the Note.anlil i!�Kote is paid ia fiill.a sum('Funds°)for.(a)yearly tm�es ,.
<br /> ��h`�,�`'�`: i�f. ����,,, �wvich may auain prio:ity wer Wis Seauity Iasuum�nt as a H�on the Pmpeny'(b)ftood� pe� ;
<br /> -�t::�• s��`• ;L. gound�us on the P�uperty if sny-�c�Y�Y��PmP�Y�Pt�iums:t�Year1Y �OI p�. c�y�
<br /> T :a �• or , .
<br /> �� F k•��: if aay;(e)Y�Y��8e sncnran�i,mvmn�r g,If BIISI;aad ifl�Y�p���Y Bonower to i�nd�er.in awordance with
<br /> z.,�.._ ..�.
<br /> ``� ��' the vis'sons of 8.In!iw of dte of �svranoe pneati�s.lbese ioems are called'Escmw it�."
<br /> =� „ - pro �S�Pb PaY� � �`.
<br /> •e�`-�� �;:".°s;:�°. L�ader�nay�at aay time,aultecx and hotd Fuuds in an amaaat�mt w exceed the�tiu►anwunt a[ead�for a federaily .`_: -cr
<br /> 4� `. � ,�� ":. tetated mnstgage tean�q teguine for Bomawet's escrow e000uat�uider the federa!Real Egtase S�eamert Pmoadtues Ass of -
<br /> ne �u 4�.
<br /> `�:�. � 1974 as�from t�e to time. t2 ZI.S.C.S�tion 2601 d seq.( RLSPA ).ontcss aaotl�er taw tLat app}!es to dte F�tds
<br /> �.�-'° ...;.?;y'• r�
<br /> z.:"�::-:�:_��•ku�:�. seta a i��ata�t. If so. L�a�des ataY,ai�Y liate. eollect and hold Fmtds ia aa am�nt noi tu exoaed the ksser,amatm3. :. '�
<br /> ��:. ?�`:'�- . _ti',7
<br /> . -.�-.f�::.;:�:,,. �t�:�tc the amoara af Fuads d�re oti the 6asis of wsre�rt data end r�asonable�of expeadito�s of furitte h
<br /> ::::<.• :,. ,..,,. . ..:.
<br /> ° F g�cmw It�s oz oth�twise in ac�acc w�tb�splicabte taw. ,��
<br /> `''� . � 4 The �ands shali he 6eld 'm � �oa v�hose de�osits are iasared by a fedeaal ege�c.y. i�str�litY, o��itY `��:
<br /> -:=l.�_u�';:;�;.:' . {Indndi[�Iratdes.if Lender is sacb aa�pn)ar m aay Pede�al Etome i�n Bang.ixader shall appiy the Fwids m pay the
<br /> r '� '" Escruw Items.I.end�r may not diatge�anz+aaru f�holdinS aad apPlying the Fands,annoslly aaalyang the esaocv a�amit,ar
<br /> ' � � verifyiqg t6e Escmw Ite�s.udess L�r pays Boimwer int�est on the Fands and appticabie t�av penaits I.e.nder w make such
<br /> :".,-};`"�'•.�•'::;� .. I�ader Bormwer m a on�time c6arge for aa iade,peade�t¢�1�tate tax mpbrtiag sesvice . ��`�-
<br /> - ' a drarge.How�ver, maY requiT� !�Y
<br /> � -;L�:.��::��:�' ased by Ixader in oormeQion witb dris toa», untess applicabte !aw prnvides ot�adsc. Ua2ess an�a�u is made ar ;: ..
<br /> . _.�S_ - . . 2:
<br /> appticabie taw�eqtiires imerest to be pa�d.Lwdrx sD�l1�mok be c�equired W pay�ower ar�}r imerest or eami�gs or►the F�ds.
<br /> r ' r7. ' �.L�_-
<br /> '� „��; Bo�ower sud L�d�mal►ag�in writing,however,tl�at intae.sti s�ll 6e P�d an the Funds.ieader shat�give to Sor�aa�er. `„
<br /> �.:�;�j L�"��:-:��. . � withouc cb�ge.an annuat aeeourtir�of die F�ds,showmg cc+edissand detiits w the F�mds�d ihe pncpo�fos afiich each _ --
<br /> _�r�,,.._,,_.<:.=.��.T:- deMi to ffie.�unds a+as made.l7ie P�s a�ptodge3 as additionai s�vrity for atl snms scc�bp t2�is SecorIty Fns�uuoe� • -=_
<br /> �," .� �: _ _
<br /> _�.. . . f x ' If the�uada hetd by Lender exe�ad the amouaes Qewiiited to be he2d by•appl�rabie taw,i:ender shali ae�at to Bomnares =-=
<br /> :';��;:'� �';_:.�;� for the exoess Funds ia aa�ordance aitb t�e�eqairements of applicable law.If the atnontrt of the Punds hetd by Lender at e�r .,�_�.r.
<br /> ;;,,:,:�,,.',,':. . %_', time is aot suf�eiwt to'gaq'the Escsaw F,�as whea due.I.ender may so no'dfy Bormwer in w�nS,aad.in svcb case Bns�owes , �==
<br /> T' , sha!!pay w-X.etsder the amount��eo�to make up the_deficIeacy.Bormwer s6a}I ma�Ce a�r�ihe deficiea�cy in uo mare than �°�`;
<br /> ', . c .r7 - - . _
<br /> ����;-.`:_ '--. twelve mo�Iy paymeffis.�t,e�tder's wte discrdinn. . __-:.
<br /> '•; `��� :.�°Y`�'��. . ,U�an payment in fn11�af all sams seratted bp this S�writy Iast�umeut, Leader shall piumptly refiu�d w Sorrowa auy . � m.
<br /> - � � -r�--
<br /> •�:'•,._. �
<br /> �":`�-•.'.�":;..:;-,f 7:%' Fwtds held by Leader.l�ander parag�aph 21.[�ender shaU acqnire or sell the Pmperty,i.ender.prior w the acqaisitioA os sale� �F;_:..
<br /> '' ;'r.,':;,; �"a of the Prug�ty.sha11 appty any�ds hetd 6y Lender at the�ime of ac�uisttion oz sate as a ec+edit aga�nst the sams se�u+ad by =_
<br /> ��� this Sec¢�fry Instrumcn� �
<br /> ,: f ` 3.�an of P�yments.Unie�a appHcable•1aw prov�des atherwise,ali paymema reaeiv�by Ixnder ar�der parageaphc —
<br /> ` .L,. ,. '-` � dne uuder the Nate;second.W aman�s papaDle undet paragapb 2:
<br /> �:, , '1�d 2 shalI�applied:firat.to anY�DaY�� --
<br /> ` " ' dmd.to inteaest dao:foortti.w princlpat due:aad last.W ang late charges dae undes the Note. . � --
<br /> , .�.�._.,���, • .
<br /> •�z�; _ a,�ae�L4�.So�rawa shaU pay aU taxes.a�,char8es,fiqes and Iu�OSitians aun'butable w We Pmpeaty . -
<br />,r ,_�=�.�;
<br /> �- wh{ch mey suain,prlority over ttus SecurIry insprament,aad I�old payraeats oT gro�m�nenta,if aay.Boirowea�s6alt�pay
<br /> ..„r_.... hm ne
<br /> ' ��:'r�r.; . these obligatioas in the maimer Provi�d ia garageaph 2.or if�ot paid in a�at manner.Bornnv��sbaU pay t6�on tlme ditestiy `.
<br /> � w t1�e persan owed payment.Sorroaer shall pramptty fumish a irender a11 nntiaes of aaiotmta to be paid�tWs pa�apli. . -
<br /> �_ `°::,�:.`:! If Bormcver makes these payateuts directty.Barrawer shall pmmpttY fi�mish to Lendet teadpts evidend�g tbe payments• �
<br /> �`:�,"`�';`;..',.� _. ' � Bmrower sAai!PnomPtiY�isc�ge aaY ue�wbicb has Qsiarlty oves this SecarIty Iasorum�t m�tess Borroaet:(a)agrees in , _ _
<br /> � 'r..,-'•::. .•
<br /> ��' •' "•<��:;- wdti�g w the payment of the obligation s�by the lien in a�armet soceptable to l.eader.(b)oontests dn good faitb the lien � --.._
<br /> ;:y�_"�}�:-"�'����:� by.or de�:tds agaiast enfaroemeat of the tlen.in, tegal Proo�iin$s cvhich in the L�Wer's apinian opet�ate w�re�t tha !`'--
<br /> •-�;��..~.,��,�,�: enforcemeat of the liea:or(c)securc4 from the holder of tha lial an agneeme,nt seQisladary to Lender sabordinating the I'�ea to ---
<br /> ,,_:,'���: yhis Set�otrttq Instramen�If Y�ender determines that an af the �s sn 'ea to a I�en ah4ch imay attain priority over °
<br />