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<br /> •i" � "`V C t�i': Z� c S � .� � �F'�w.,�,�, ,..: ��by�' `Q' ..��-_• {,o'r t i t'��`�+.�.� .ca .. �` 4}�i-:i v� 't i.n�z y `rSS c;t. , r��.�.`y�° �� �" � C'i 7tt��&�
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<br /> :_ �
<br /> . .�iC.0 �_____�. ...�.v....r .- .�.,. . . . . � c . . ..-.' ... ..�- 1. ,R �Q:c__z.__
<br /> J.t.�� �f ��j w 'tl p/I�.f i'i7� 5 L..- 't��..'_ r
<br /> _-- 8�«���r/I £"� ._t . . ..,¢.
<br /> �„� ��Y ..5. .�r.,.'o-Y.. �.S4;_`, x
<br /> `�5 :''-a i r . 1T.'1�ensf�of ttte Pcogei0y or s 9eqt�al Interest in Bosmctrer.If ali or anyr part of the Proparcy or anY imerest in at , �, .� �-� 2�° �
<br /> 4 � �� • �
<br /> � =�'t` is soid or itansfesed tar if a Benefici�l interest in Borrower is soid ur ususferred aud Bnmower is not a naturai pessoa)withnut r :� �
<br /> �•. � F {a,� � :
<br /> `�p" �� i�ender's prlos written oonsent. Lender may. at its aptioa: re�ire immediate QaYment in falt of atl su�seeuied try this ; .< < .
<br /> ` � ' Security Insuument.Hawever.this option shatt not be exer�sed by Leader if exercise is pivbbnod by fede�ai 9aa as of the date t E, � �' -
<br /> � �,� • ,��; of this Secvuity Instnimen� � fG ` 4 Y =
<br /> -:'., ���sa f .::..�. If Lender exerei�this optioa,Lender shall give Borro�ver aatice of saaeleiatioa.The aotice shall provide a period of aot Q� '` ` , . `
<br /> exe i
<br /> ` less than 30 days fmm dte date the�atioe is delivered or mailed wit6iu whicb Boimwer must pay a!! s�ms secvrod by this `�€ < F,. z :,
<br /> <^ : SenuitY las�ume�t.If Homnwer fa�}s to pay these swns prior to thc eapiration of this period.Lender may im+oke any rEmedies ' � .;.: �=,
<br /> � ": permiaed by dus Security Iastrunt�u withaut fiuther notice or demand on Bornnwer. ' ,,
<br /> � r� � E x ` �:��
<br /> ,. '• �v � :�� 18. Bosrowet's RigLtt to Reia�tate. If Borrower meets certain w n d itions. B a r ro w e c shall bave the r i g ht to have
<br /> ., �; � � enforcement af this Security Iusa�uneat disoorttt�taed at aay ti�piiar w the earlier of: ta)5 dal+s (or sach other p�iod as �_ �_..
<br /> tE0
<br /> �F � applicasle law araY sp�cifY for�cinstatemeat) before sste of the PropertY Putsuaru to a�ry power of sale conrained in this �r >;� , .� ��� •
<br /> �` - �F S�nry Iastn�ment:or(b)enuY of a judgment enforcing dris Security tn5dument.Those co�irioffi are that Horrower:(a)PaYs t �
<br /> y �� . �
<br /> y '` Y.`� [.ender aU sums ahicb then wo u t d be d ue e u t d e r this Seau ri t y Lni�-u�ent and i!�Rate�if ao accete4atic►n 1�ad accurned:(b) � l c Y
<br /> _`; '� =: ceu�s any default of any other covenants or ag�eements: (c)PaS�s all expenses in�iu enfon�ing this Se�urity.Ins�sneat• : �
<br /> � � �... l ff3 5 „' rrL
<br /> T�' inciuding.firt aot limited to. r e a s o n a b le attomeys' fees:and(d)takes such aaron as Leader may reasonably requ�re to assu� ,,r h. r;.. G, E
<br /> Leader's ri u is�the Pro and Bosower's obligation to pay tfle s�uns secured by - :�:��`, �
<br /> f' � ° that the tien of td"as Secaritl+tasdraas�u, S� P�Y = �- �
<br /> t�is Sacurity Instramert shall contiime unchanged. Upon reirutatemea�t b3+ Horrower, this Seauicy.Inmunaent and the � t e� u
<br /> t '{ ` a_ �
<br /> _ • obti�at[ans searted hereby sball�in futty effecrive as if no aooete�ation had occurted. Howevet.t6is nght W reinstaie shali � ;.<`�' ,`' ` �
<br /> � >r r �` not apply in the case of a�oeEeratios under paragraph 17. . � .
<br /> ... µ�``.{� ?^.- - ��c �ycd� s�:,
<br /> tr 19. Sale oY Not� anae af I.oan S�vio� 'fhe Note or a partial interest ia the Note(togethe* witb this Security �� :5�� � u
<br /> F Inst�ent)may be soid one or morc times withom prior aotice to Borsower.A sale may result in a c6aage in the entity tkaowu
<br /> � ° �`�� L ;; as the°Loan Servicer")tbat oollects montlilY PaYments due tmdcr ihe Note and t6is Saairity InSwrnent.'tYiere also may be one t � ,�,�'�,.,�.�-_
<br /> � ..� �.� :':.`�' or more changes of the Loaa Servicer unrelated w a sate of the Note.If there is a charige of the Loan Servicer.Borrawer arill be ¢�h?`� ��_
<br /> ' . .�` '. givea arittm nouce of the c3�ange ia aaordance with paragraph 14 above and applicabte law.The notice will state the name and � t�tiw �.
<br /> �"�'���+�-'� address of t6e nea+Loan Serviarc and the address to which paymarts shonld be�nade. 'C6e notice wi1S also cantain atry other ,. '. -
<br /> in � �.
<br /> P'." ��`,�,��$,�.� }�j �.,�y �iL: `
<br /> 3 `�_��J yy'a �� �I�f{O►{YQilVY��J��1WVIB�W. ��C._i.�S i�._ i'�if�+.
<br /> ZEi Ba7ardous Sal�tanr�. Borrower shalt nat cxusc or permit the p�+eseaoe,nse.dispc�sal• sto*age.or rdease of aay ; �
<br /> � �i; - Ha7ardous Substanees on ur in the Property. Borrowu shall not do, nor allow aayone else ro do.anYth�nB affectiag the ,� .�. ;`��,
<br /> t'�'
<br /> -�_a F�`..;,.`�..r-:;�' Fruperty d�ai is in viotation of ar►y Env�ronmenql Law. The ptocedinS taro sentences shall nat agply to the presawe.use,or ._ � s �; "..
<br /> • �;�'`�;-.•h:� stptage on tfle PnapeRy of sm�dl qua�tities of Harardous Substanoes that are geaerally r�ecogni�ed to be apgmpriate tu uomial ::,f;�a<;��sv�,�,
<br /> � �` "' � n � nesidential nses and w maintenaa¢e of the Prnperry. "� r
<br /> � r�. �.. " S.
<br /> Borrower shall promptty give l.ender written aotioe of eiry• investigatian.claim,demand.lawsuit or other aaian bp any .�-
<br /> jr, `.�:.`;,:�':'`,, over�tal or or rivate party imrotving the Property and a�r Aazardous Sn6stance or F�vuorimeatal Iaw :,,;:.,:,�`'_ ..
<br /> - r �;� �whid�Bormw��ryacmal lmawle�ge. If Borrower learus.os is aotified b3'anY govemrnental or regulatory authority.tt�at ,�,�.�,s:` tt. '
<br /> ` "? ", .� a{�Y iemoval or oWer remediation of aay Ha�rdou9 Snbstanoe affecting the Prop�ty is necessan+.Borrower sball pmmpcly�alse -:�.:°� �.�� ,
<br /> � � � �;;
<br /> � all necessat�+��ia1 actions in accond�ance witb Environmeatal Isw. � ,� �
<br /> ���"':}'�±;�'� As used in t1t�s pffiagraph 1A. 'Hazardous Snbstances"ate those sabst�ces defined as toxic or hazandous snbstanses by �` -- - :.F
<br /> � , ,; Envimnn�entai Laa+ and the following substasces: gasoline. kerosene. other flammable or taxlc ge�+ola�m Qraducts. toxie �.r ,, ;,:
<br /> - �
<br /> ... •'. � ` pestiades and herbici�s:volan'!e soivents.mat�als oomaining•asbestos or fomiaidehyde.and radioacx�e matenaLs.As ased in �%�" �, �.
<br /> ''r -�`. s�: tbis�h?A,"F�vimruneata!Law" means f e d c r a l laws a n d l a w s a f t h e j u r i s d i c u o n ahere We Pro g e.r t�r is loc�ed tha# �� .,�;,�� 3 s ,
<br /> ,°- �., . ::;:, retatetahealW.safety ar.enviromnentalprotectton. ' . ,,,
<br /> - " • •.. NON-U N I F��N 1 o r r o w e r a n d Lender furt�cx cove�ant and agcee as follows: � _, 4•:
<br /> � ��;;.;`.., `.:��;,s_.;' COVENAN'I'S.B
<br /> -- . . --;:�_:°' Zl.Ac�ni��tes.Lender shaD give nottae to Horrawar gertor ta aviceteration fulluwmg Bor�+owtr's DieseD . � ; r-:
<br /> ` °:.:;`�: of any auv� �r ag�eement tn tWs Secnrlty Im�trament (b�aot(�tor to sooeterat[on onder ParagraPb 17 aatess �{ . �. .
<br /> ._ .. ;'. ,'�:::, appllcabte taw pruvtdc4 othe�wLse).T6e ao t tce s l�a 1 1 s p e c i f y: (a)t h e u�a d b N)tlee actton r e q a i r e A to wre the�faW� ;��a,:
<br /> _ �.
<br /> (c)a dat�not tesg tLan 30 day�from the date the mttoe is given to Boeeower,by w61ch the defanit must be caeed:and . ;;_:�%-��•_�i
<br /> °;.. da � k},�:t:�_��_
<br /> ,}.,:� : :,;;..`'; (�tltat taitnt�e to aue the defaalt on or 6efore the date spsdfie8 in the notice map r�arft in aa�e2eratton of the sams .�:xL��:t_:'�—.
<br /> ' � ",- sepned bp tbls 8ec�itY In�mn�t and sate�af t6e PropeitY-T6e natice shalt tartIIer iafo�rn Bos�ower of the rlgQt W --
<br /> r�te aftes arreleratton and the rtg�tt to bring a ca�art actton to assce!the ao�stenoe of a defaNi or a�other _
<br /> :;:r detense of Boreowes to aoceleratlon and�[e.If the defaa[t is aot cared on or 6eSore the date s�ed ia the aottce, ,.__ .
<br /> �`-`:-;::;`�;;'';;-;;� Leudee.at its option,maY�4���l�Y��ta t'all 04 all snms secur�d bp tids 8�4y �LeiWer��be --�--_--
<br /> - .:'`�;�: fnrt�er decnsnd enb mey tavoge the�wer at�te and any other remedteg pecmitted Dy applt�a62e 1aw. ---- - -----
<br /> s �s 'ent�Yed W eoitect efi egpense�incnrre�in paesuing the r�ed�es pmvided in ttds parayrai�tl,induding,but uot Watted : �_�_�
<br /> � ��• W,reasoaeb�e attasueYs'fee9 and c�of Httcevldatce. �
<br /> �-. Ii,tltepaw��af sate.fs iavoked.Trustee s6aU recasd s aotice a4 detantt 1Q e�cnuaty in afifcb any gart af ffie . _ - _
<br /> �'�'• Pru is Inc�si an0 slmtU mai!wples of sace notice ia the maam��ibed by.appl3ca6ie I�cv to Bormwer an�to _— _.-
<br /> t8e ot�ber peraons grc�16�by appl[c8bte Iaw.After th�dme reqWreB�Y aDidicabie taw,Trast¢e sbaD give pnblic nodce
<br /> era res�
<br /> �� '� oi saie to tha pessons:aad in tbe map�uer presari6�by applicable law.T�ustee,withmrt demand on Borrower.stiall scU ' f '�,�
<br /> �;'�x '� the�eoperty at pablic suc�on to the ltighegt biddet at the time ancl ptace and�dgr the tern.v�ated ln t6e natice oi � *t��:1~ =
<br /> r•� sate of aU ar any paz+pei of tae . s,,-�:-�����`-"'"
<br /> � sale dn one er more pa�ets at�d in eDY arder't'rns4ee d�ermines.Tn�stee maY P�
<br /> - ,,�;:;' �p�Y 6Y PnbHo a�ent at the ti�ae aad place oY atry prevloasly sc6ednled sale.Lender or its d�igaee may � ,'�`f=
<br /> - - pus+chase t�e Peog�y at uny sate. - '� ��?� '''-
<br /> n
<br /> ,t,;__'� _,
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