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<br /> .��rr`""r4?«�x_-�n c-� �. . t . �' - . _Y..�. - - �--+F�_ky��r• 'S ,f-j a : G t—�,.r� i- �-1t t ���-`c�y�.j-c b�'C` �i�4. nr ,
<br /> .4, L `. _., t L,r . t - �1 i. t d+F .� ..j^ - o_ 4. t [ i e "- s Y{- � �t,•� .. >.<..
<br /> ` a '� - [tt-cL- - -c. . s.M-f. �f'.r "° .( b r .s - � '�` y �.4 - � wn - d � :
<br /> .a? �^ .�' `LS �'-G4CY � yF5 . ,�+ :t � h �r��.e.-. 'rc . . .� �n,+.� :c_ F. �ic - '{. �: s �a.°
<br /> ���r��i�4 .c � .�f# --. ,� Y r �-,� ; _� t�y,c� irx - ..f.-�.,4'.s'rr i �� 2-�"sC � �rfi . �;.ir � 54.�,, _� C ,� .. �.*E,.��Qi4 f, '
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<br /> ia`.T .v�``-<. e . � � �} - . : . �c'�•c. t.- S. .` ct� cJ._• ;,..t.. ' _ �._� �_
<br /> � - �q�/�/�
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<br /> °-t �s. . , a. . .y_-r. _t.� .I.- � -..,..... �.�.'; ` - p��g y��'�y�! �' �,._.
<br /> _ . ... .� . ..., . .
<br /> �,�c< " t 4 � . F . `t'- � fN���y++a�, E F 4 c '<:.
<br /> �'�
<br /> f".-v�`ca't: t f � '
<br /> <x�<; - • � � ._.
<br /> .� z - . • y��OOYCt3$C�tt1 tI1C 8�t�fOT W2�� -� � `:
<br /> ` . � , may nu tonger iTe reqa►red.at the o�tion of I.ender.if mo��avai3a51e an�is obtained.Borrower shall paY f.. -
<br /> ;:�;:;<':;;,.�•,;• PaY� ��� b Lend �° ide a loss seserv :��'�°�
<br /> th�Lender reqaises ded bY an iasurer aPPrc►ved Y e.until the rcquiremer�t for mortgage � ��„�
<br /> ��`-;�° :t the pre�aiums ce4uu+ed to maintain mortS�e iasurance inb��Q Bt� �L�eader ar apPlicable Iaa. <Q� '
<br /> _� "�a � �ce ends in a000rdance with any written� �!e entries u�on an��A�ons of the PropertY• I.e�d��F�`e ;. � �`
<br /> `�`� ° c 9.Inspection.E.eader or ics agent maY � reasonable caase for the inspecxion. ;�< r : .
<br /> �z ���}'�;����� Bormwer norice at the time of ar prior to an i n c p e c a�n or claim�for damages• dire�or ca�eqnential. in rnnnectian with an y �;y�:;.f_
<br /> 10.Cond�- T�e P�of an y or for oomeyance in lieu of co n d e m n a t ion.ue hereb y assigned and ; � ;,'
<br /> t _S4. .• '
<br /> f � t� oondemnauon or othet takiag of any pan of the PropettY• k r-y.
<br /> .,:z•�:T sl�a11 be paid w Lendec• shall be appiied to the sums s e c u r a d bY t h i s S e w r i t Y I n s�°� . :-
<br /> h In the event af a tatal taktt►8 of the Pra�y.the p� of the ProPeriY in w6ich t�ee fair �� f:
<br /> �� to Bocrower. In the eveat of a partial talan8 s.;:
<br /> ;,•..�.. .,�,:`,:_ wbether or not th�duc. �ith anY e�cc�P� u to os geater tiran tise�t�f the�s secured by bs .:.
<br /> ;_ �_ .�._ ::> market value of ttte Fmperty immediatelY before ttte taking erw�and Lender o�a8�in arriting.the sums secwed Y �-4a;:-:i'
<br /> 4 k �" � S�►tY��ediately before the takiag.onless Borro b the foltowing fracaon: (a) the tatal � -
<br /> ` `�° b the amount of the pmoeeds tau{tiplied y nz, S-`
<br /> �;��-n ; = ���y ��ment sha11 be re�aced Y the fair market value of the PmpertY imm�Y .�
<br /> ' `� �istely before t h e t a b ng.d i v i d e d b y(b) �g�the PropeR}+ in whic3�t he f a i� :
<br /> ;,� j �� ' a�nmmt of the sums se�d� °r���
<br /> `t.
<br /> b e f ore the taicing• a►9 balance shari be paid w Borrower. In the evmt of a parda! before the ¢ ��
<br /> ': martcet value of the PropertY imm��Y�ore t 6 e t a k i n 8 i s l e s s t h a u the am�l law ot�henv�'ssew�� ��s h a U ,•;�
<br /> � '+`' �. tsldng,anless Borroa�and I.c�der oth�wise agree in wsiting or nnless a�ppli "` --,
<br /> ` j<. t6is SecvritY lnsd'ameut whether or not the sums are them due. or offecs w make an �`'�.�
<br /> .':�-.��:.--: .,-:.•."'�:. �e aAP li e B t o t h e s u m s se�aue�iry t o B o r r c�wer d�at the condemn __Q,,_
<br /> :S"'=;.�`.�• � `�=." If the Propecty is abanduned by Boaower.or i�after notioe by i�e a d e rarithin 30 days aRer the datc the aotice is given. :_•-_ .
<br /> ,.� - ' .• Borrower faiils to respond to L.ender ac eo the sum.s °�h '.
<br /> , _ �avffid or s�ettIe a clsim for damaSe�• w restorat�oa or repair af the PrapenY s .'a:
<br /> ����orir,ed to coUect and a�ply ttte praceeds at its option,either � }:
<br /> ''�' _ �•�i t y i a s t c a a�e a��or�wt tLen dae. � �not extee�d m r� ;�
<br /> exc
<br /> ` T-.�,�,r. :` � Bos�uw e r o t h e s w i s e a 8 r e c in writin aaY aPP l i c�i a n o f F� :
<br /> � : UWe� ix�der m a d g� hs I and 2 or change eth amo u m o f s u c h p e Y m�• ;
<br /> I �� � ����{��.�}� '.
<br /> t -' �� OT LWUJiia�wAD �"'
<br /> -� -_,�,:i-;;_"•: P o s t p O n e thc due date of th�ma�thlY PaY�ref�d�N op�w a{v e r.F a c teasion af the time for payment �=-
<br /> ° �'` `� Il.Sosrow�No4 Reieased;Forbearaeoe BY �er to ar►Y suoces�or in intere�of Borrower s h a 1 1 `
<br /> ��� �pRt�lt��Y CSS
<br /> t _ `c � � ofamocti�don of the sums sea�red by this SecuritY
<br /> ' gorrauver or Borrowec's saccessors in intecest-1.ender shall not be reqaitod to �` �
<br /> - -_- ''-,���, w ietease the lisb�ity of tM arigina1 ent ar otherwise modifY am�°n �p ,
<br /> r � , ,,,�. aot opetate mce�nSs����Y sv�r in inte�est or refase to e�cend tinne for P the or�ginal Bortower os Bomawes's �# �4_
<br /> �` .` ' F;.:: ���sum.gp secured bY thi� ���Y ���� hY =eason af a�► demand made bY�l not be a waiver af or prect�de the v�-
<br /> � " ri t or remedY
<br /> ' ` An fotbsaarance bY Lender in exercising a�►Y g�►
<br /> r� , -`� sv�o�s in iniccest. Y � �=,:
<br /> . ` '`= exercisea��y�ShtorremedY• Co-stgRees.The oovenants and agm,�ettts of this
<br /> : r �f.;4•: ]�„$�affi5039 8IItI��BOUrid's JO� BAI� SeYC18�L�3U�ZYf
<br /> �:�,-.
<br /> of L.eader and Borroa�'. §ubject to the prnv�c�s of � �;,
<br /> � �� ' � Se�vritY Ias�ume�t shai3 biad and beaefit the suooessors and� several. Any Bor�awer wlw co-signs tbis Sr�rity
<br /> 'X``��?, b 17: Borcower's ooveaaztts and agce�laeuts shall be j ' ����awrt�age.Srant and ennvey t�t . �;�;
<br /> :�.- P�$�P
<br /> 'Y ' I�t but dces nat execate the Hate:(a)is co-signinS this��7+ �not pecsonalty obligated to pay the sums ' �:
<br /> y ��' "> � in the ProAert�►undes the tenns of this Secnrity lastrumenr tb) �����dify,forbe�or _,
<br /> Borrowe�s iuterest e and(a)a&T�s t�Lender and any+other Borrower maY� ,-
<br /> �� �� r secureA Bg tfiis Securlt3►Ins�u�t� et or the Note without thai Borrower's cansea�. ���_�-
<br /> 1 . '" ' . �Oi:.Lt -
<br /> . ._.� . ^!. : �,:;� ��y�ommodatioas witb te�w the tenns of this Secuaty Listnime ;oan�+
<br /> .�"•`.;..� I f t 6e loaa s e c n r e d b Y this S�cutity istsaument is subject to a law wtnch sets maun►um �r;�:
<br /> `:.w.::�;f���=�� � .��.�;'' 13.tman Cha� so that the inu�or other toan ct�arSes coUecced or to he aa l l e c,t e e d m w n n e c d o n a nth dte ___-
<br /> � �` � = , sud that law is finaily i�erPreted �taan char8e shall be reduced bp the annount n�+w rednce the cha=$e -_
<br /> �� `•`. timiu.then:(a)anY �d limita will tse Yefmided w� -
<br /> ..:f:,..:;,-�:�, ,;'��= to�tte ea�cea�the pe�mitted —_--
<br /> ~-- �..:�`�;''���.'; to the permiued.limit;and(b)ai►Y sums atmady wliecxed from�arrowes which owed underp the Note or by.maidn8 a dueM --
<br /> ; ..::. goauwer. l�ender ma3►choose to make thi5 refund bY redacmg the principal a p� arithout auq . ---
<br /> �� � "
<br /> the reduc�ion wtil be aeated as a pattial PreP�
<br /> ,�' � '= -� wer. If a tefand rednces prin�p�• � —
<br /> r �.�" � �� p�mend chai'8e oader t�e Nate. t shall be given by de1N�it or by mailiug =—
<br /> :3,� � :�z� I4.Notl�s.AnY notiee to Bosrawer pmv�ded for in this Setauity Inst�ume�► ' `
<br /> .ft,:.:�.:.. .;�-
<br /> ::.-��::;; •.-� s, i t b y f i r s t ctaas mail untess applicable law req�ires ce w L e n e d r�. A n Y n a�ce t o l.e n d�shaEl b�en b fl�class ma�7�to
<br /> ' : '.:;..°,,�`:;: m any other address Borrower desigaates by —_-
<br /> �;� :� l,ender's address stated herein or any other addres ven taBonow�ero.Lender wheo giv�prov ded in th�y p da�agrap6:in t h is � _
<br /> � .end
<br /> �,``�'.;".,`°,��.=�, �Secnrltl►1nsm�meat ahall be deemed to have been g� �ment ah$i1 be goverued bY fedeml law and the !aw of tha � ��:
<br /> ` ���`��`'� 13.Gavernlug Law; SeeerabilltY• 'Phis SecurltY or the Note — _
<br /> .:. � ,_;. rovision or clxuse of thls Security Insuument ,
<br /> -;; - --' ,•"�; � � jurisdiction in which the Pro�ertY is ta;ated.In tha event that anY P Iasaumeat or the Note afiich can be . �_-
<br /> .:��:::,''.� ,.:-�� oontiicts with a�plicable law.such conliict shal l no t a f f e c t o t h e r provisions of this 5ecnrity
<br /> �., �;�y.,;.� given effed without ti�e conflicting pmvision.To this end the provisioas of this Securlty Iasuument and the Note are dec l s re d �-:v:
<br /> �•
<br /> � , :; :: W be severable. of the Note and af this Securi13►IatWment. —_
<br /> �R f�;` 16.Bofl+�wes's CopY•B�n°wer shall be given one confom�ed caPY -':--
<br /> Fann 8028 9/EU
<br /> ._;..... • .•�j . �:
<br /> papo 4 018 �,-
<br /> � ^ F �
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<br /> " i_ "i:i'." '4:. 1 _ . A � •t.. S"- 1-
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