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<br /> ��C� =,��'"' . _ r. c�i.. 7' ' � . y.��'_� ��.. ��!'-'G.�3 �� _T'`�-,G ram��-
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<br /> ..� �.:i� t . cs'"a �� ,r �,�3,.��-,�e.•"-r+'�.�t,k`����J s a �
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<br /> '��...s`3'L�_ _ ) _ �� � 'f '�l� ; 'jF.' t' �'�"�.�'�ae.� ��� � x��Zx� C . S'6'c`�"t J -.�. ..�.
<br /> '' �E � ..� - �.c .S E^3-L`�� 4. �.. ��r_1 �F� t-�-t - - < i���,}�t� c tr vy �� pf �t i'Y -.
<br /> � i i�° �-C� F tr°v7 2 � � �q. - c- Cr .:.� 'N Fa�"�.�SI'`+Ft-:�s b'c -yx a.t. �-,� 'Vt' c� f y i�r. � ��fl
<br /> '�,,,�t ..�; R` R
<br /> �K `f' � °a�.,�' � � �-3.... � F"' fi� �, . �p4sk. 's. -«. f- ,� mc S> _ �_":. - ,F�-�''� �,�_-
<br /> .'i'h ..-:'z�.. �u . . P�. -�.... ,(::: . e� x._. c '�.-r <.:t- �.x° � `t,ic, <
<br /> . i-i _ t °�� _..{_y__%f-. xa. '%sfi.w� _k�-�T�.:.• �-r —x .._ _ ;�
<br /> -1 :� 4�-`�e
<br /> ,��" a - � �
<br /> �. K.. >
<br /> i�-_!� i. �� �4 _sl> 'E °;� ! -
<br /> � 4 a�.t r1+�a -.-��
<br /> °� � �- `_;,.�t� or enriry
<br /> `-T � '�- � Ttc� Fuuds shall be hetd in az► iastitaiioa whose deposits are � by a federal agensp�' � .t � `� �'-�
<br /> L �.. ��.�.� ��...
<br /> ~ ,, 4;-�`,-��;:.� ('m c t u d i n g L e a d e s:i f L,e a d e r i s s a d t a n instiwtion?or in an�Fe�eral Home Lflan Bank. [xnder shall appiy���acoo u�n t.ar �t `'`•''•:,,�� -
<br /> �` � Fscrow Itemg.i.ender�3►uot cha*ge Borrow�for ho2ding and applYiug the Fands.aanlnl1Y�Y�S t~:°����^,�z< <,.
<br /> ` ` �' '� Bonower in�on the Funds and applirable law peimits Lender to mage such - ,.
<br /> ;�, � ;,,,,.,: verifying ttte Fiscrow Items.antess 1.�cader paYs k {: `
<br /> " • �� a sha�e. Hawever.Lender may ieqnire Bmrower to pay a ane-time d�arge for an independent ma!estate tax r�orting servioe r< ��
<br /> ,+`"���'�tr`` used b Leader in oonne�ioa wtdi tlus loaa. uatess applipbte taw pmvisies otherw�se. Unless an a��tn the Fundsor z �� �`¢ `r " <_
<br /> '�� - � or eazwngs - �'::�.:,,'-.`_. :<'��
<br /> t •. ., _ �� eppii !aw requires i�to 6e p a Id.Ixnde�shall aot 6�e�equired tn pay Borrower any inte�+est
<br /> R -, Sosr+awer and lr�der maY agree in wnting,however. that intecest sAa1t 6e paid on the Ft�ands.Lenaer shatl give to Bnmower. °h -�4�.�:� F� °
<br /> � � t°"'� withoat caargc. an amu�al aooauntin8 of the Fnnds. showing cnedits and debits to the Funds and the puspnse for wluch cacb � • }< = ` •,"
<br /> ,.:���."��. t �� .
<br /> � ;::�:','.:< debit co the Funds was made.T6e Fmsds are p�edged as additional secwitl+for all swns secured by this 5ecurity Instcnment r� :; . .
<br /> ` ' If the Funds bdd by l�euder exceed We amo�ars permiued to be�eld by applicable law.Lender shall acoovnt to Borrower i� �.`�; r f .
<br /> j ��•, � �` for the eaaess Fundc ia acoorda�oe wIth the r�ts of s�l�ceble law. If the siaount of the Funds held by i�det at any � t > , _
<br /> t l�� time is not suffici�t u►p:ty the E.�crow Iteu�s whc��iue.L�er may so ao6fy Horrower in writing,and.in sudi case Borrower � � M_
<br /> z �rt � �:bLf =
<br /> sl�s!!pay tt�Lender the amonnt ne�Y to make up the deficieacy. 8o�rower shail roake ap the defic��cy in no mme than y : .
<br /> ` s` • hvelve moathlY PaYm�s.���s sole discceaon. �
<br /> �� �uit}r Instrument. Lender sl�ail pmmptiy rEfuad to Borrower airy �'� " `
<br /> '� < t �' _. l�pon paya�nt in fuil of a!1 suuns secuzed bY tbis or seq the Property.I�nder,Prlor to the acq�is,ition or sate r s t
<br /> F'�` Funds held by leader.If.twder h 21,Iender shaq aa[wre on or sate ac a ccedit aga�nst the svms.s�try �
<br /> _t ti 6 ,�;
<br /> '`•��� �� of�du Pr�y.sha11 apP�3+�Y�hetd by Ixnder at the rime of acquisiti . � Y ';, �t`�; �-
<br /> � �� F this Security G�. recaeived tsy Lender�mder paeagrapbs , .
<br /> ' 3. tafloa oiFaymeu�.Unless appWxb2e law prorides othejwise,a11 PaY� �� `°��' � 4'F �
<br /> ��r j , i m i d 2�6e a q�lied:fitst.to aa Y P�Y���under t6e Note:secand.to amoonts PaYa6Ie un+der paiagraph 2; '¢ `; ` __
<br /> thind,to iaterest dne:fourth.to principril da�and last.w any late cQa.rges due under the Note. � �'�" _�:•� :�s'
<br /> �1E s��: 4.Cba�ges:I.Qeas.Borroaer shali pay all taxes.�nents.charges•fines and impnsitions aunrtnuable to the Pmperty 4 -_ t ..
<br /> or nnd ratu. ��Y-Bormwer shaU pay < - � � '
<br /> � Y � wtucb may attain pnority over dris Sea�rity Insau�men�and teazehaid� � . ..��� ,,�
<br /> Y�k 4�`2'_��''2,' these obligdtions m the marmer pmvided in parag�apb 2.or if not paid in that mmmer,Borrower sLall gay tf�era on time diraxlY :,.., � ,�-$ :;.
<br /> . ' '.:. to the pe�son awed payment-Borrower shall promptlY furq�sh to Iender a!1 nouces oY amonnts m be pacd under tlus paragtapb. t , � u f_,5 ,,,
<br /> Borrower shalj d fnmish w L�der reoeipu evidenciaS t�Payment�• . ' >`:
<br /> '� - <�''k If Borroaver makes these paymPnts di�x1Y, P��P Y a. ,�, ' "', y �
<br /> � _,,X„�.�,. � Bozrawer sbail pron�ptly dis�rge aa9lien which has pna�rity aver this Security Ir�hu:aeut untess Botrower:(a)agiees in :� 4 .
<br /> � • ariting w the payment of the obli�tion secured by the liep tu a m�aur�table w Lender;(bl contestg in gaod faith the lten `4 -�- � _
<br /> u .
<br /> t , � ;, f►Y, o r d e f�d s a g s i n s t�o�e n t of the Iien in, t e g a l p m o e e d'mga whicb in the I.ender's opiniaa opeaate ta preve�rt the , f
<br /> " - emfot�cea�eat of the lieri;ar(�)secures fivm the holder of the lien an�t satisfactory w l.ender�t he liea t o •� :_ :�---
<br /> ' F '' � this Seauiry L�firautea�if Lender dete�nes Wat any part of the Property u subjett w a lien which may aaaia priority over � , : i�.�
<br /> r: : � �"'�;,-`• dtis Securit#+Instmment,Lender may give Barrower a natice ide�tifjriug the Uen.Bomower sha!!satisfy ihe liea or tatce one or G • '�"
<br /> ,:�"t"' � moze of the acttoac s�fonb above wit�n 10 days of dte giving of notice.
<br /> �• a pro�iy Im�'ance.Bomowea shaU keep ttte impmvemeats now or h�e�e�ted on tbe . z-
<br /> 5 ��;•' prope�R3+Ins��se�d a�inst toss by fir�,bstrards iqcluded within the tetm "eztend�oaverage��y other t�.�(a� ` '> ;
<br /> , 4• �� F..._ C�' ��f Y .` {:
<br /> ' , , fioads or 4taoding.for w1uc�Lmder tequires ins�i�artce.This in4uraaoe s1�aU be umiu�ine�in the araownts and io=the periods
<br /> that I�nder ceqnires.The insurance carrier p:+uviding tLe Insuranoe shall be chosea by Bo�mwer sabjett to Lendet's appmvaT _ "���, r;
<br /> , ; z ;:;:, whld►sball not be nnre�sonably witt�eld.If Borrower fa�ts to mai�ntain ooverage descdbed above. i.eader may. az I�ender's . , `�� .
<br /> ,, �:'. <. .'.,.�_, option.obtain coverage to protect Lendes's rights in the Propecty in socordance with paragraph 1. claase. Lender �:+...;'.�.. : „ "'
<br /> , `: , ,' Al!insurance Policces aad reaewats sha11 be acaeptabte w Lender and shall iaclude a standacd uwrtgaSe .; ,1�
<br /> .. shaU have the right W 6old the�olicies and renewals. If Ixnder requues.Borrower shall promptty give to I.eader a[i,.teoeipts of '. .�
<br /> aotice to the imviance carrier au���ender. , ,-�
<br /> r : paid Q�ms and neaewal nouces.In the eveut of toss,Bormwer shaq grve Otampt f�,`� ,. p �:
<br /> � i�der may malce proof of toss iP not made pmmptiy by Borrower. .. `�.�•,
<br /> � sppair of the ';:#;�.° � �y::
<br /> :ti .;.: .. �..�,,;:; � Udess I.ender aad Barcower otherwise agree m wnun8.i�u�oe P�c�.s shall be apptted w nesto�atioa os . ;::< .
<br /> ���!;.
<br /> � . ��� dm�.it the sestotatioa or repair is eoonomicatly Pea�'b2e and I.ender's�ity is not lesseaod.If ihe restoratioa ar , �.:;:.. .
<br /> � ,��;, PrvP,ertY `
<br /> • � .. !:._ �paur Ls not economlcally feasibte or Lender's sea�rtty would 6e Iesseaed.the insurance pmceeds.shaU he apptieci to the swns ,J��.:=:;_ , �;:
<br /> ": ``��;'`' .�'� ^''��� seasred by dus Sec�uity Instmmen�a r h e t h e r or not t hen d u e.w�t h a n Y e x ce s s p a�d to Borrowet. If Bosuwer a6a�tdons the . _
<br /> � • � Propehy.or dfles not aASwer witbiA 30 days a nodce from Lender that the insorance rarr�er Gas offeceA to seute a claim,.tl� ^:'::;i�`r - _____.
<br /> ,.. ' : - L,ender��ay co!lect the insatanoe Pmceeds. I.ender maY use the pmceeds to repair or reswre the P�aperty►or to pay st�s � � -��"'"RF:-
<br /> "- ' secure�by this Saaulry Insunment,whether or nat thea due.The 34day per�od wi11 begin wbea the uatice Is give.n. �_�°_`_-
<br /> .' w
<br /> , - � Uutess Lender and Borrawes ot6erwise agree in writing,anY aPPlicattoa of praceeds to priacipal shaU not exte�id or � -_
<br /> � �t�e due date'of the manthJy paymenx�refened to iu p hs 1 and 2 ar change the amuaat of t�e paytr�ts. If 6 -
<br /> '' 1'� I.ender Borrower's n t to azry insarance q�olic�es and proceeds resolttn8 frosn —
<br /> :, ;�:v :,.:�: ander garagtapb 21 the Propeity is aoquired bY . � � - _ __
<br /> -.: ,t,� _L�,.. dama�e to the Prop�Y Pr�or w die acquisttion sLafl pass to•Leander to the extent of the sams secnred b3►this Secantty Instcament ��Y v." _- -
<br /> •�� uamediarety prior to the acqaisiuon. . -
<br /> ,. <<;�'�' � 6.pp�ncy,P#�rvation,Malatenan+x and�rotectton ot We Pro�,crty;Bormtfe�s Loait AppDeatfon;L�o2ds. C'' . - -- �-
<br /> ` � �?•:; Borrow�shall oocapy.estabt�sh,and�ose the Prope�ty as Borrower's prlucipal resldence witbia skty daYs after the execadon of -�_�.=�-��v
<br /> ' ,��
<br /> �.�•; this Sec�rlty Insuumcat and shalt oominue to oocupy the P n o p e c t y as Borrower's prtncipa!residenoe for at least oae yeaz after � _
<br /> ,� �� :.���� the d3re of oocupancy,untess Leadet otheraise a�in writing.ahich oonsent shall not be wmeasonably withheld,.o:untess r `;�,�� �
<br /> _ •..:�+�i,` -�: e�ctenu�ting cir�nces enist �vhixh are beyond 8otrower's.oontrol. Sosrower shaU nat destmy dama8e or iarpair the . �:..;�+P�°•j����^`
<br /> '� # pmyertyr,a llow t h ep�oppty W d�t e l io r a te.o r c o m m i t w e s t e o n t h e P t o t t y. B orrawer s1mU be in defa�dt if any farfeimna. r �
<br /> '. ':... ,,.'�,r.,` ection or proceeding,wf�etlier clvil or criminal.is begun tliat in I.ender's gaod faitb jadgment oontd tesWt in forfeiture oY the { =� �`x :;�, '
<br /> � .-.�.:., ProQerty or othetwLge u�terialiy impaic the lien created by this SeanrltY insttumerrt or Lender s s�writy�3nteres�Bomawer may �, -
<br /> ns tume � _
<br /> ��E�;lt; cnre such a defaWt and reinsmte.as provided in paragraph 18.6y cmuing the action ar pnoo�ding to be dismissed aitb a ziiling : ` `,:, ,
<br /> � „" Wat. in Lendes's gaod faith determination. Prectudes forfeiture of the 8armwer's interest in the Pcopeny or ather material� .;�s, ,
<br />_ -- �. '.�.�.._=-;;; impairmen�of the lien created by thla Secarity lnsuument or Lender's sec�urity inte�+est. Banower shall,also be in defi�tt if _ ad�' , .
<br /> , ,�:'.° � - Bomowes,d�ring ths toaa appli�ation prooesg.gave�materyally false or inac�auate Info�auon or sV�tetdents to Leader(ar Palled :: ..., .�•_�:�-�
<br /> • . � , ,,' t to provide Leader with�aay materlal lnfom�atton)in cannr�ctton wiW tUe loan evideaoed by the Note.inciuding.hut aat limited ',``�r,:,,: ' +� `: �
<br /> ' � � to�repre�eatatloas ooaoemitig Borrower's oc�upaticy of tha P�operty as a princlpal te.gidence.If tbis Sewrlty lnson�mem is on a ,:,
<br /> � leasehotd, Horrower sl�all oomply with all the proviaions of the fease. If Botrower soquires fee.dde to the PraQeRy, tha �
<br /> ��' ' ' teasehold and the fee dde shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in wriNag. , '' � , ,
<br /> ; � ' ,' ��� 7.Pe+ote�laa of l.ender's Rlghts in the Ymperty.If Borrower fails to perfoan the covenants andag�m eats oontaineA in
<br /> r`r.F t h i s S e c v t i ry I n s u u m e a t.o r t h e r e i s a l e g a l p r o o e e d i n g t h a t m a y s i g o i fi c a n t l y affect Lendet's ri g hts in the r r o p e rt y(such as a
<br /> j j . .'�..: �g i n b a a M u p t c y.p m b a t e. f o r c o a d e m n a t i o n o r f o r f e i t u r e o r t o e n f o r c e f aws or r e g u t a t�ons).then l�dermay do and � � ` � .
<br /> ��� � ' pay for w h a tevet is necessary tap�ntect che valae of the Praperty and Lender's d g hts in t he P r operty. l x n des's a c�ons ar a y .. ^,. :-
<br /> , `': ` Inciude paying atry swns sewred by a lien which has prlority over this Secvrlty Iactniment. appearing in oourt. payin g
<br /> :. ' �.•..; rea�n a 6 te attomeys'fees and entertng un t h e P r o perty to m a k e repairs.A l t h o u g h L e n d e r m a y t a k e a c d o n u n d e r t h i a p a r a g r a p h ; , } _• -
<br /> -- � � � • 7.Lender d�s not have to do so. ' "' �` `• � •
<br /> .�.� ��;;.,' '�:���..
<br />-��:,•�:.. . . ,;. Atry amounts disbu�sed by I.erWer under this paragraph 7 shall become addidotml debt of Borrower seared by this � '.':.h`.:•�=��_•�.
<br />- � . -,�-�,._;:: Se�xuity lastreunent. Un3ess Bossower and Leader ag�ee to other terms of paymem. these amounts sha11 bear interest from the _. �'_'- ;- .
<br /> •.��_•.,��.
<br /> , � ;�;;.; date of dlsbwrsemert at the Nate rate and shall be Qayable. with u►terest. uAon trotice from Lender to Borrower reques8n8 ��-� s �
<br /> ,' .'< tnent. '�'�•;:'.
<br /> �,A;� ' :�'� , �Y g-MortgaSe lasvrance.It Leader requlced mottgage insntance as a oondidon of making the loan seaued by thls Security : :, + �
<br /> tacteumeni.Borrower shall pay the pm.miums reqWred to maintain the mortgage in5urance in effect. 1f. fm any reason. the �}.r,:� _';
<br />. ,` ,���� mortgage insuranoe coverage required by Lender la�pses or ceases to be in effect.Barruwer shali pay the premltitag reqa�ed to . .
<br /> '� -_ obt2in covetage substaatially eqaivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost substartdally equivatent to the
<br /> .. - - oosi iu Bu�w�of the mr+etgage incursnoe previous t v in effecs. from an altemate mortgage insum.r approved by l.ender. If � , _
<br /> ' ;;� -
<br /> .i`- '"i��" � ;'4:.' . _ �.1..: ..
<br /> �,. . .. Paoo2 m e Fatm 3028 9190 , . - ti:, .
<br />. . ' • '0�
<br /> .-_�.�,. .. ,••. , � . _: �•:
<br /> ,. . ., • .�� ,. .
<br /> , . :.
<br />.._ ,.�� , ' - — `� �. _.. . . _ .
<br />