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<br /> : y :< �%� ��aa��r�sr�;;r��,r;..., DEED OF 1'RUST ' 1,�,� �o �? �r' :��
<br /> _i� -�.. '=N:1�=ti't eoxaeos `� � LLT� 4��°_
<br /> •' °.`z��� :; ``'• 0ldAHA.NE 68103 ' ` ..�:
<br /> _,;;�'`:`��:.r` - A7TN�SFflRI.�Y{�VIWAEII$ � Qr` 'y��,-
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<br />-:-�L==�''!Y+= '4,�'(� _ ���.c
<br /> �`� � ` .
<br /> ' ��7..�� ��,: TfQS DEED OF TRUST(°Securtty I�suument°)is made on Hovember 22. 1995 .'nte trastor is f,•%`;:
<br /> �:t�_��..�;.:: ,�\.,:..
<br /> s,�.:; � Daniel J. Buzicka aad Lisa D. Ruzicka, Busband and 4life
<br /> ..- 27".: �s� 3"4
<br /> __ '.`���`�;,�.
<br /> �
<br /> c '�'.
<br /> -�.-i:.'.".�2..`J�..+..y' . . • . ��,
<br />:-.��':.- .: ;�.�"�., • -
<br /> _- `;� •:��:�� (°Borrower").The uostee is Nosaest Bank Nebras�a, Natioaal Assocfation =v=
<br /> '��.;,'�£:�- - �'r,_=
<br /> - .t' `•���' �y4i
<br /> L`•:: �•
<br /> <,•�, :lc, iZr� ("�1115IGC°}.ThC b�C�ti9 ts NOItii@St BSfl�i I$P.1fr38$�s NSt30II8� ASSQC3�t�0II .�.
<br /> ` J Z ' /
<br /> ^J!
<br /> t,��� �`,� � .� . wSsisB.is organizsd aad exist�S umder the taws of Unit�d States of Auterfca ,and whnse .k.°Y'
<br /> �°-�,,�.:�"`-�`t�� �s� 2d2 �est T6l.rd, 6rand islaud. LdE 68801 �.:`�;
<br /> � :
<br /> =r > °=. , ('Lender°).Burrower owes I�eader�the princ�pal som of ,�"7;�
<br /> ..���:
<br /> ' ` �p Dollass N.S:$9 000.00 >• S``=s'`
<br />_ , m. .:��' �,,�.:y� �ebt�'���ced by0�inowet's aote daied th� gme date as this SecurityWshimnen!("Note'�),wtiic6pr�avIdesfor ,. -�
<br /> ��Y FaY�witb the fari debt.if aat pald�ter.da�and pay�le og Nov�mber 22,'2000 , `.
<br /> h ^ • , -
<br /> ,, �,..;,:. ... ��� < TWs Security•Ia�mcnt secums to Lender.(a}the�cpaymemt of the debt evidea�ced by the Note.�V'ith iute�st,and afl.renewals. ��.'t.;
<br /> exoensions and taodifccations of the Note;(b)the Payment of ail other sams.with interest, advanc�d und�r paiagrapb�to , '?rs
<br /> `�' ' pt+otett the secarIty of dils Seea�ity Instrumeat: and(c)die peifom�ance of 8onower's oav�and�agreements. Fat tbis ���
<br /> �.,, ,: ,.`_ ',.';4 p�ase, Bormwer irrevocably g�raats and eonveys to Tra��e,in uust.wIW powes oY salE,the faltawing d�property . . <•.:�.�;r-:
<br /> �. , • � torate0 in Hall Caan�g•Neb:astca: ,,r=�
<br /> ..
<br /> ;�:.. .: �r ..,�` . • � �,
<br /> . ...,, .�z, _ _
<br />.. '� '�':�`:,;:�.=:��:r� ; ' Lot 63, 8agge'a Subdivieion, City of aRand Islastd. Rali Couaty, Nebraeka. =��-_-_
<br />- ���• .,�_ , --
<br /> `.�� ,�j-��i . . ` .. ---
<br /> -'`"_ r-..i� " . . _ . __—_.
<br /> s� w' ' �' ; � � 7i�IS DEBD OF �ST SSG[1RBS AN OPP.N END REVOLVING LIPB OF CRLDIT. � , � `` _
<br />' ` =%��— -�� SEH ATTeiC� HO�i38 BQITIT1t LIl48 t7F. CItSDIT RIII$R. . . � �. �---—
<br /> ;_i:a•�r '. � � . . — .—..
<br /> �;"--
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<br /> .�^n � . � �-;__
<br /> . (�..-� . _ -j__
<br /> tIl ! _�. .-?. .^ _ . ..
<br /> l. .:, ; w�ctrhas the address of 621 Hagge Aves Gxa�d Is].ead _ [sueer.e�tyt. ;� -
<br /> ti, .: ]1J�� 68801 ��pfOp�A��S9`��i � . - ��,'
<br /> • - - (y�D�l
<br /> :,�� :i� . . . ':�`
<br /> :�:;:'� ,,:.:. 4_'
<br /> , ' TO(3EfHER WITH ell t�e impravements now or hereafter e�cted.on thepm�erty.and aU easements. enance.s.and
<br /> -�' � �ixwres now or hereafter a pait oi the A8 reptacemerts and additians shall also be oove�dd�tbus Sewrity '.
<br /> ..;'. �, . •• .:`' _j e s Id ._
<br />_ .` ', �, In�tr�nt•Ati of the forego}ng cs referrad�this Secnrity In.atra.ment as the Pro�erty. � ::-;'x�'.
<br /> ���,.,��. _ . � BORROWER COVBNAN7'S that Sonawer is lawful�y seised of the esfate hercby caaveyed and Aas the dght w grant snd
<br /> : `�. :. � i convey tha Properfy and that the Ptaperty is uaencambered.except for ertattnbraaees of ce�ord. Borrower watrants and wIll
<br /> :`;;:;'.�:,=;;;`�::.�:: i def�nd genetally the dtis to the a�ainst all ciaims and demands.aubject to aay eaavmbraaces of record. ,
<br /> a ns
<br /> �._:_,.;:,:,, � THIS SECLiRITY 1NSTR U�1 4 1� aombiaes nniform covensnts for n a t�o a a l use and non-unifoitn covenants with limited
<br /> :..�.�,;:.;: ; var�ttam b urlsdlction to oonstitute a unJform seauity insuument covering real prupeity. �':� ..
<br /> pj c
<br /> UNIFO�M COVENAN7'S.Bormwer and Lender oovenattt and ag�e as follaws: •
<br /> '..::�:,,``';:•`.:'„° ; I. Pl�yment of ptiudQai and Iat�est,PRpaym�t and Late Chtuges. Eom�wer shall pmmpdypay when due the .;�`.,:�':.,
<br /> . prlaci�a1 of aad interest on the debt evidenoed by the Note and aay prepaymem an$late charges due under the Note.
<br /> � . .. Z. FimQs for Taaes ead Insurance.Subject to a.ppl�cab2e law or to a wrluen waiver by Lender. Bomnwer shall pay to ' ' �'�
<br /> ��.-:°' '"- ��;�- •'''� ' Lender on the day momhlY paytuents are dne uuder the Note.untll the Note is patd In full.a sum("Funds°)far:(a)yeatly taxes : _
<br />.�.'.;;.�•;` . ` and assessments whlch may attain prlarlty aver this Secutity Insttnment as a lien on the Property:(b)Yearty lea5ehoid payments ���'�;
<br /> ••, ,.�; :" or gronnd rems on the Frope�ty,if any:(c)yeariy ha�ar�d or propeny insurance prem9ums•(d)Yearly flaod insuranee prenelua�. -
<br /> ' `:`�;:..`�_�.�,; ,�`. if a�r:(e)Yearly mortgage insurance premiwas. �f siry:and(t�s►ry sums payable by Bonower co l.ender. in aoaordance wit6 -r-_
<br /> • � � = the provistons ofparagraph 8.in li�of the payment of mortgage msuraace premlums.'I'hese items are cailed"Fscrow Items.' �:�.,;•
<br /> '' .'�..'2;';'; •.:�. Lerid2i DYdy. at any time,wllect aad hotd Fnnds in an amomm�ot to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a feGeralty •. .: •.
<br /> ' . . • ' _ related mortgage toan may�quire far Borrower's esc�ow acooum under the federal Real Estate Setdement Procedures Aci of `r��:'�
<br /> .'' ` :��-" � 14T4 as ameaded from 6me to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 el seq. ("ItESPA"). unless another law�hat appl�e.a to the Funda '�;•_;;�,�
<br /> ,. ,.. ..
<br /> seis a lesssr amount. lf so. Lender may, at nny time. oollect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed We lesser amovnt.
<br /> : , - l�da mny estirtmte the amount of Funds due on the basis�of ewrrem date and reasmisi�le estimgtes of cxpendiiur�ot futnre �;:�'�;_
<br /> --- Fscraw ttems or otherwise in aa;ordance wich appficsibie iaw. -,�
<br /> _ .. �..
<br />- :;�..�..:'":.4'..�i..
<br /> ' '. HEBRASltASingle famity-F9nntv MaslFmAate Mao UNIfBRM INSTRUMENT Forro gp�A 9190 •. .
<br /> . .' �NI 12T97 kiTO VMP MOi1T0IlGE fOFU41S n�3�zs3 e�oo isoo�sz>>2s� vasa,o�a , q��0 8/gy ' �`
<br /> ;'.
<br />- .�-� '
<br />- ;i - - 3 ..�:'� ..
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