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<br /> --r^ .{ :� ':.�-:_.,..: f . + e F". ?.� ..�.� �„ . �a� ^ .��1; _`k.-`'; u, s,Fr`� . .e�.1� _.c...�. .t,.>e _-�`�. r .._"� �ti i�.
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<br /> �;�_. .. � �'S ili FF[[ ._ .'� � --1 s
<br /> T''� 'r f-S � 4� ^ aa � � F- ','C t �-
<br /> Gw-• � �� w • � V��:� �/ � �.
<br /> �Zl �.S- �y..: -. .
<br /> ? � `�°''' p� S�tf�g g�@� thiS 0�2d Of T�t�SL. �.�� z ` r
<br /> ti _ <F.fiv a ,
<br /> r::.,° �.,. In the everu of a totai taking of the PmpeRY.the proceeds shall be kin gof die ProperN.unfess orrower anA LenQer ' � "
<br /> r„Y'` - 4� � WlL�1 L�18 B3fCBSS�(f 8riy.O$id to BnROV►er. 1!!d19 eYBRL Of e p8iti81 te rtion of the prc�fleds `y:.k t - ��•��. ',:.
<br /> � • -�`���-` d w r e b h e l i 08 a p pGed to the sums secured by t(nisDeed of Trost�ch PropO
<br /> F�:' �..••..;.�' O�BtWISBH�i11 W 1 K l t i�! tO th8 dBYBOt
<br /> �a1 po r a on wtucb tt►e amoimt of the sums se�cwed by this Oee d o f T n►s cvuiM tet►de ba�t a Ynr�of the Oro�eds � z' 3� �:
<br /> �°- , r 4 , as i s R o t h a t P r o emmed'iatehl Orior to t h e d e t e o f t e k i n g. Y� � < .
<br /> tatcing bears to ttut feh martcet vaiue of ttffi DroII�t►
<br /> � t u t?�•,� p a i d to Borrow e r. �F
<br /> ��P� f a :
<br /> s � �?, it�he ps,pp is abandoned by Borrower,or it,atter notiee bY t.en der to B o r r o w e r t h a i t h e c orulemnor otters to make f
<br /> '� °; � ! -:r 8R 8W8�O O!�e a daim tor damages.8otrower fei{s to resPond to Lender within 3�da�co n�a�ont o��o=f�the ` `� ��' i .
<br /> o,.»� s`•_Y �naited.leisder is euthwized to co8ect and app t�r Me ProceeQs,at Lenders oD n a�n. �+
<br /> ProPenY or to t Ae su m s s e c u r e d b y t h i s D e e d o f T n e s t.. -�, °_ �_
<br /> Gcation o f pro c e e d s t o p ri n a p a i s h a U n o t e M e n d
<br /> � UNess Lender and Bortower otherw�tr n e�.n t s ie!�tin t a��P 9�P�1 and 2 hereof or change the amaunt of such � ' `�
<br /> ; ; �• . ar postpane Me Que date of Me marnhM� -
<br /> � E x t e n s i fl►s o t t l t e t l m s t c r p a Ym e M o t m o d i i i e a t i o n o f a m o rt i z a d o n of the sums secweA
<br /> .{��-1-'"".: inslel(menis. � ::-
<br /> : 1d. Barawet t11ot ita�eQ•
<br /> � 3 ::_'•','��-;_�,; Lertde.r toany successor in iMerest of Borrower s h a l i no t o pi s�eb�e�d �mmett �C8 :_� ,, � f y .
<br /> ....�.::_.r..Y•,,_,�.. d y t t u s D e�o!T�ust g r e!u e d W
<br /> - tt�e liabiti4y of the urigm a l Bortower a n d 9 n r ro w e r s s u c c e s s o r s i n t e�e s t. L e�det sh� _��
<br /> � �< ��; proceedings a�ainst su C t f suvicessar or retuse to eMend time for pay,me�t or othem�se modify emo r t i a a t i o n o f t h e s u m s �, 7„
<br /> 4 � � ��tAisUaed of T�wt by reason of amr dernand made bY the orig�rtal Borrov�er and Borrowers successoh���nQerr.�or � r�
<br /> s �� '�:'- 11. earen�e b�l ts�er Mot a Waive►. Ar►y tofiearance by Lertdei in exerc�sing any right or remedY �< , .
<br /> • r:� " � aiherwise affotded b�applicable law,sbali not be a waiver of or prectude the exe�cise o t any s uch d 9 t►t or remedy. The :a :,
<br /> :�_ _..-�����.;. eni oi taxes or other liens or charges bY Lender shall not be a waiver of Lenders right . .4 4. �
<br /> �.�:. proc�uement of insurar►ce of tl�e DaYm '�° �, � , `
<br /> � `" ���- to acceterate the matur[ty of the�n de b t e d n e s s s e c u r e d b y t h i s Deed ot Tnist.
<br /> 12, p��y Cumu}ative. All remedies Pravided in this Deed of Tnut are distinct and cumu l a tive to��p���8� � �,s� � ..
<br /> �� 4`r `� �s , or remedY under this Oeed oi tr�st or afforded by taw or equity,er►d may be execdsed concuner�ttls : 4 v ;`� i
<br /> � sve�ssivefV• tions. The cavenan t s and a� ents herein < ' E t
<br /> .�£ ti • 13. Sueeessare and Assi9as Bourtd:Jatnt a�d Sevmel Ua$36tY CeD
<br /> 16t
<br /> ,�; ,: ��� ��ed shBU hmd end the righta hereunder shai!inure w,tl�e resDe�e�of Borro�wer�sAaU be joint and se ger�et� ��Y� L rt��
<br /> 7 �, su6ject ta the pmvtsfons of para9rePi�1?hmeof. AD covenents and agreem �_ 5 �
<br /> x x �4 and Aeadings of tls�Pareg�aPhs of this Ceed ot Tmst are br convenience a�iY and are not to be ased w interpret 7 t• ,--
<br /> :4�, o r�de�e t fi e provistons her�f. rry '��; ,�;''�
<br />� �,., � ; ,.�'�. 14. Nattee- ExcePt fer emt notice require d un d e r e p p l i c e b t e i a w t o b e g h►e n i n another manner. Ia)e notice to
<br /> t ;.Y; Barrawer pravide0 br in tfis Deed of Tn�st shali de given 6y maiting such nottce by certifted meil addiessed m Bortower at ��,4 ti, F � `
<br /> '' �hep�p erty AQdress or at such othe�address as Bortawer may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein,end tbti �j y_ �
<br /> ` ,•= � � f f..° as�y nudce w tender stiati be given W�ed ma7.�ewm rece�Dt requested,to Lender's address stated he�ein ar to suct� .
<br /> f' , � other address as L e n der mall d e s�9 n a t e b y n a t i c e t o B o rt o w e r e s provfQed herein. Any notice ptmriQed tor u�this i)eeQ af r� �; .
<br /> (- ,J �' ; Tnist sha11 be deemed to have heen 9iven to 8arrower or�d�a c�opy of a y not�'c�e of def s uft aan�d n�'.�e�of sate made h����'' `__ '�t-,
<br /> ` , d�°; •14.1 'ReQu�toy r�Notl��r end bene�iciary re�W '' r �`L ��- _
<br /> .�.,,� o��d py q� to the rovi�ons hereof be sent to the Tmstor and Beneflciary at their respecUve maiiing
<br /> ' F 7��� addresses set foRt►above.' " '(�
<br /> -k �. 15, UnHrnm Oeed of Trt�Governbt�La+rr:Severabi�tY• T�form of deed ot mist combines uniform covenants for ` F�s
<br /> .� r ' r o�l/�F.
<br /> ' � national use and non-u�O�of T�iust s sil be g va e��b�e uv ot he�1u_risdlctl�on in whicA the Pr�e Yt����
<br /> ",` ^ , ` eovedng reai propertV• a�p
<br /> ,,u •,�{,�_�: N U�e event that any rovision w ciause uf this Oeed ot Ttust or the l�lote confltcts witt� ticebte law,such conflict st�D ,'�,�l '!�jrf Y
<br /> 4 ` f` '� nat afteat other pra�ions af this Oesd of Trust or the Note whic.�can be given eHect withoutthe wnflictifl9 Provisios�s. x ,'� ,� :.r
<br /> ` �`?`;` e n p t o t h�s e nd the provisians of Me Oeed of 7rust and the Nate are dectared to be severabte. - "� Y '
<br /> z `:: ' ,w�`. 18. Bamwefa C�y. Bortower s h a l l b e f u m i s h e d a c o n l u r m e d c o D Y o t M e N o t e e n 0 of this OeaO of 7n�st at the t�me � ,- �. � ';
<br /> ��.:: � ,. o!exeartion or afte�recoNation hereot.
<br /> '���r- 1�, ?rans{er o f t he P o mpe�r.A s s m n p d a►• �f a l i o rer►y p a rt of t he pro pe r t y or an iMeresE therefn is soid or transi�r�ed �� � �� �j `
<br /> ..:�,; r,' ` ��
<br /> , „;,�� � ';::;� b y B o rt o w e r withaut Lenders pdor written consent,exc l u d ing ta1 the cteationof a tien or�ncu�!br(c1 a t�i ens�et by dav�e ` • , � ;y _,
<br /> - s., ;,,,:.�;,� OeeA Of Tntst,lb1�e�UOn o f a puc c h a s e m o n e y s e c u r K V 1 n t e r e s t f o r h o u s e t i a l Q�A�:
<br /> ;:� �,r r,�. descent or by operetion o taw upon the deatb of a joiM tenant ar(d)the grant a#an �ea dY�t h�o�� r� � ���°�:,t`�����,
<br /> tess not ooMah�r�9�optlon to pu�rchase,tender may,at Lender`s oi+�on,dedacs atl the sulns , „ �i,
<br /> �- >-.�;'`'s�". to be immediatefY due endpa�ebt9. Lender sfiaB have waived sueh CS�►to.ecceierate it`� ttot to the�e o�tranetet.�ender r .
<br /> �• �::�;�,'... •�':; ' and th�eD erson to wham tne ProOefh►is to 6e sotA or transferred reacA ag�eemer�t in�tTng that tf►e cted'ii of sueh Oerson -�',,.��:�
<br /> ,�c_ f `:y
<br /> ' '� �•` ig s�sfactory to Lender and that the interest Oayabta on the sums seared by this Deed af Trust shall be at sucb rate as �. ��
<br /> `` �. Lender st�all request. H Lender has watvad the option to accelerete proviQed in thls para9�aph 17.�aaQd�S�U ewe sa ° ��� T��
<br /> :��`,'` successor in imerest has execnted a w�ttel►assumption agreemeM accepted in writing by Lender,
<br /> ' ` r-::�,. Buaower itom a0 obtigetions under this Deed of Trust snd the Note. � _•�-
<br /> ` ' '� lf Lender exercis�sucb option to accelerate,Lender shatl maii Boaower notice of acceleretion in accordeace with , y4�� •:
<br /> !•�'K�•
<br /> �,,n,;,a.• p�agraph 14 hereot- Such�oUce shail provide a pedod of not Isss than 30 daVS ftam the date the notice is mailed within � �*' -
<br /> Lf ' Lerjagr��sr.a�y, tU�putpfuRher ot�c9a�mand on Boao ei f ir voke a y reme0 p mitted bY Da�9 aph 18 he er oi. lod. : , �
<br /> ,� .. � �
<br /> , ,,s•_. , �
<br /> . , • NQ11t-UNIFCRAII COV�B. Barrower snd Lender iwd�ar soveoant�a�re�as toQow9: �� <�
<br /> 1hu ; } - �f : Y��_t
<br /> � ` ;� �'� �a qyeetorettpn;Remadlg9. Except as Orovtded in De�B�Ph 17 hereot.upon Borrowe:'s breacl�of am►eavenam ur f _
<br /> : , �;`;a`` agreement of Bortower in this Oeed of Trust.inchsding the covenants to PaY wheo due erry s�rms SeaueA by.thls Oeed o!
<br /> � :, Trust.Lender prlor to ac�eteYatlon sha0 ma�7 natiice to Barrower as Orovided in paragraAA 14 trPxeat specityings{1!the 6rea�: ���i •.
<br /> .� na
<br /> • y�y�uhi�Such�bt�e�BCditt mu�st b c`�'.u�be`d8 a a ia�ihai i�n;re to c�ute SuCh b esCh on oi before U�e date sp8ci��e�d in�e noti� � � �-�� _
<br /> .�` % may res�dt in aceeleration of tha sums secured bY��ed of Tcust an0 sate of ths PropeRy. The�wtiee�hali turther inform �. � ' �-��„
<br /> ,xr � yc� F. Borrawet of the tlgM to teinstate after acceteration and the rtgM to bring a eaurt ection to assert the nortexistence of a . .
<br /> '� defeult a►arry ather detenge of Bonower to acce1eration and sate. tf the Areacri is not cure0 aa or betore tha date specifled
<br /> ' ` ��;`•,r; in the�tice,lender at Lendefa opdon may deciare ell of the sums ssc�+reA bY��ae�of Teust to be immediatety due and (
<br /> �t z . payabte withaut fuRher demand and may invake the power of safe and erry other reme�Ces Oe�med by eppflcebte taw. �' Yc �`
<br /> , ;J, ,�,>;.,,-,} Leader shall ba eMitted to co�iect a0�easonabte costs and expenses incuaed in pwsuirtg ahe remedies ptovlQed in ths ''G_� r A�
<br />`t : �.,r par8�raph 18,inctuding,but not Umited to,reasonable attomey's fees. �,
<br /> 1.' � � H the power o!88te is invoked,Ttustee she11 tecofd e natiCe of eetautt in eaCh county in which the Piroperly Ot some part �
<br /> , ,, ; thereal is facated and shall mall caAlee of sueh notice in the manner prescdbed by appticebte taw to Bonower and to the other
<br /> i �•. p e r s o n s p r e s r l+b t s d a p D�e law. Afte►the tapse of such time as may be required by applicable law,Tn�stee shetl give 1 r �
<br /> ,�.�: ��' pubtie nottce of sa1e�the persons en d in t he manner pr e s c r i b e d b y a p p t i c a b t e�a w. T n,s t e e,w l t h o u t Q e m a n d gn Borrowe�, • �
<br /> shall seU the Property at public aucHon to the hlghest bidQer at the tlme and ptace end un6er the terms ABSt nated in the :
<br /> noUoe ot sele in one or more 0�*�ta ana in sucb orQer es Tn�ate9 may determine. Tmstee:r.ay postpone 5ate oi atf or ar�t� T�;3 `•
<br /> ,` � �. parcel of the Property bY public aMOUnCement at tne time and ptace of any previwsty seheduted sefe. Lender or Lenders `�, ' a , �:
<br /> v f.,;�>; A e s ig�e e m a y p u r e h a s e th e Pro pe R y at any sete. . ''
<br /> t ' • �� • l►�on receipt ot payment of the priee b 1 A,T n t s tee s h a A d e l i v e r t o t h e p u r c h a s e r T r u s t e e s d e e d c a n v e y i n g t h e P r o p e r t y
<br /> ' �""'i '�•�1.;��r', s o t d T n e r e a t a i s i n t h e T n w t e e's d eed sha8 be pdma facie eviQence of ths truth of the atetementa made therein. Trustee � '
<br /> � � s h a l l a pp t Y t h e p r a c e e d s o f t h e s a t e i n t h e t o t l o w i n g o r e e r.(a f t o e 1 1 r easo n a b t e c o s t a a n d e x p e n s e s o f t h e s a t e,i n c f u d i n g, ,.�
<br /> ' ; `� but not l imited to,Trustee's fees of not more than %o t t h e g r o s s s a t e p d c e,r e a s o n a b t e a tt o m e y s f e e s a n d c o s t s � , �
<br /> � , ° ot tit19 evidence;(b)to all sums secured by this Oeed�'�rust;and lcl the excese.if any,to the person or persons(ega(ty `,
<br /> - - entitled thereto. .
<br /> 1g BO�towda Rtght to Retnatate. Notwlthstanding lenders aeceteration of the sums secured by this Oee d o f Trtist, + •�
<br /> � ; '. , :. Bartower sl�all have the right to have arN praceed'mgs begun by Lender ta enforce t�h aM tot he power�of sateRCOntained in the
<br /> p8m to the eaAier to eccu►ot(t)the tiith day before the sale of the Propor owet paya LenQet all sums which would be then ��`
<br /> � Oeed af Tnist Gi)entry ol e�dgmeM enforcing thls Oeed of Tnist if: la)8
<br /> � � due under thla Oeed of 1`rust, the Note and notes sewring Future AAvances. if en1►.had no acceteration ocwne0: (b)
<br /> - �•ti.'��:''•. Borrower Cwes aU breacfies at anY other covenants ot agreements of Bonowet contained in this Deed of Tnist:icl Borrower ._,
<br /> ' pays atl teasonabte expenses Incurte0 by I.ende►anA Tnistee enforGng Me covenants and ag�eemerns of Borrowe►cob� t
<br /> ° - � �����' � in this Deed of Tnut and in en torcing l e Me rs an d T r u s t e e's r e m e d i e s a s p r ovided in para grapt►18 hereol,including,
<br /> �' Gmited to,reasonebte attomey's fees;and Ial Borrower takes sucb aeNon es LenQer may reasonabty reQuire to assure tAat �i:��`":
<br /> Q .' ` ' �' the lien ot this Oee6 ot Trust, Lenders interest in the Property and Bonowera obligation to psy the sums sewred by this
<br /> � . . `�•< ``� Oeed of Trtist shall coirtinue un lmpa l re d. Upon su c h p a y m en t and cure b y Borrower,this Deed of Trust and the obtigatlons
<br /> � � � secured hereby shall remain in fut1 force and effect as if no acceteration had occurred. ,
<br /> _ . �: . . j..
<br /> -�,..' '--- -
<br /> �" : cc toaa tsres► 3 � .
<br /> -'r
<br /> .
<br /> . . ,
<br /> . .. . .
<br /> '�t '• � ' ,
<br /> . . , .
<br /> ,. .
<br /> . .... . -. „�. . ... _ , .
<br /> -_---�--... . . . .�._ . ...__ _,.•:.� ,.. � . _ - — - - -__ , -
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<br /> . ., . , , .. .. -:�
<br />