�. . ' `"'�. . A . ._.:;.rn:._:;-v''?l>',f•"' -�^'��z 7.Fa u,Larona �i-.�'T.yt4 � fa� -'G . . . . .
<br /> , _ '`s',... .� �.F -�il .�.h�i [ . '�� ! i"_' '{ I - v'�.
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<br /> r' _ ,_i'+''`r-�'_ i c�� - ;" :c' .=.�s.._ '' i - t. '�=' ��'l`, 'a �r i.,,� -'�:�v ..i�;��4 �
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<br /> 4.' � � • . � cC - R
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<br /> tY � 2�t� ����� ��r1�YO,�u� ' t � . !-Lf ,
<br /> r ��. ` ��` UNifORM COVENANTS. Bortower anQ Lender cavenant and agree as fatiows: � ���`°F�'
<br /> y� �4 ��- �.. } ,
<br /> � � � �ti :
<br /> `� S 7. paymg�af pr(n mW[ntetest. Borrower shafl prompdY Pey when due the princ'sDat of and interest on the � �� � � . p
<br /> s � �, ��gbt��evidertce0 by�tltptg,prepaym ent and tate charges es OroviOed in thft Note,and Me prinppal of end interest �
<br /> F on any Fucare Advartces searred bY Me�eed of Tnrst. "
<br /> :.. t, .x�,', 2 Femds ta�r Tm�es erd Inaurance. Sublect to applicabfe law or to a w�itteo waiver by Lender.BoROwer shaN Ray to � � ;� `; z;
<br /> �,.;*�- LenQe�an the day mor�Eh mstafimeMs ot pnacipat end inte�ast ere paYehle uader ths Note,unti the Note Is petd in furi.a t��� e _f ^
<br /> ' �,�-�,F- sum Q�erein'funds'!�to one-twetlth of the yeadY texes and assessmeMS which may sttain DricritY over this beed ot � f n j F �
<br /> �� � ,-�� Tnist,and ground rents on the P�roperty.if anfr.Otus one-twetfth of yeer1y�remium�taNmer�ts for h�zarA in�rance.P►us � = .
<br /> - on�t w e t f f h o!Y e a t t�t O r e m i u m.i�altmenis for mortgage isisurance,ifarry al as reasonably estirt�ated initialh►aM hom iime i; �'�u' `
<br /> ��,,,,,,:;•, to Nma bY l e�n d e r o n th e b a s i s of essessments and b ilts and reason a b te estimates thereof. , �
<br /> Th e WnCS shell be 1s�ld in en institu6un tt►e deDo�er accounts af which are insure0 or guarante e d,by F e d e r a i o r s t s t e � � -
<br /> r T ti ,�;,' ageney linciedin Cender if Lender is such en iasUtuUOnl. Lende�shati aPPhl t h e f u n d s t o pay s a i d t a x e s.a s s e.s s m e�s� �
<br /> sa�
<br /> ' � •:. insurar�e DtemHurt.s and ground rEnts. lendar ma�t not charge tor so holding end 8pptyit►g the Funds.anahRing said account t a -� , ,,'
<br /> � a����mp�g said a�erus and bitis,untess LenQer pays Borrower mterest an the Funds ar►�appficebte law S
<br /> � � ���� pemn'is 1.e n der to ma ke su c h a�e. 8 o r rower and Lende►mey agree in writing at the time ofi�on of WS O�d af N .�r
<br /> h r �_.• Tnist tt�at triterest an the Fur►Os sha0 e paid to Borrowet,and uNess sucA agreemeM is made crap piicabte iawreqw res s u c h � f ;
<br /> ,-_ iruerest w be .Lender shatt noi 6e required to pay Borrower arry iMerest or eamin os�the Funds. Lender shatl give u f _ �
<br /> 5� r�e� g�u , .
<br /> ` �° ""''`� �dt d��e F i sn�dsBwMesUeri�de�.u T�he h m0 a r e p i�e d g��a a�e d d i t i o a l s�e a�i r i t q o t t h e s�s e e c�r e d b y U�D e d ; -:r : r :�,
<br /> ` � Of Tn�st. ,.'�' f ' L �_
<br /> �� If thaemavnt ot the tunds hetd by Lender,tagether with the tuture moJ�tMt insffiitments of WnQs PaYaUie�mar to the h .t f .
<br /> r �r. due dates of taues.ass�.insurarxe premiums and ground rerrts,s�a11 exceed the amouM required io pay said taxes, .� - r ,
<br /> assessments, irtsurence premiums and ground rents as they fati due,such excess shal!be,at BorrowePs apt�mw,either 4 �� y �i .
<br /> . _;l ��� pramptty�d ta Borrower or cred'Red to Bortower on monthly instaliments of Wnds. IE the amotmi af the Wnds hetd by .
<br /> - _.- - . L�der not 6e su�cient w pay taxes.essessmeMS insurance remams as+d ground rents as ttegY fap 0ue.Boaowet � � �= t.:,,
<br /> - � <.� shaf10a1►W Lend��+sY artwurt��aN w make up tl�e�efiae�ult�3�days from the dste noti�e is maaed Dy Lender �, , � r
<br /> . ,. � �
<br /> �r � ;�` to 8ortower requesting�paYment thereof. � � 4 `�.
<br /> � � .� Uponpaym es�t in futf of eD siuns seamed bY tlds Deed of Tn�st,Lender shatl promptty,ae'f+�nd to BoROwer enY Funds held L r rc _ � ,
<br /> � K ; �; by LenQer. (i under paragreph 18 hereof the PropertY is solQ or t�e Properry is otAenmse acquired by Lendet,Lender shaA � � -
<br /> �� �4 L ,��: apply,no tafer than immediatety.prior to the safe of the Property or its acquisitian by lender.and Wnds hetd by L�er at _
<br /> ;� the tima o!appGcation as a creQK a�ainst the sums secvred by this Deed of Trust. _ti �- . � _.
<br /> `f ' s���' 3.A�an af P�lRn�. Unfass appflcabte taw provtd�s oth�wise,atl psyments received by tender under ttie Noie : �;
<br /> , , ,,, a n d p a r a p h s 1 a rt d 2 h e r e o f s h a f l b e a p p l i e d b y L e n d e r f i r s t tn p a yment of amoums payabte to Le��r by Bottower under .>- � ,K l __
<br /> - �. �'' para g�2 hereoi.Men to irtterest payebte on the Note,then to the principal of the Note,and then ta i7sterest Sn d p r i n c i pa t � s �.
<br /> .�-��_ 'Y �: on erry Wture Advances. ` "` �-.
<br /> � . . 4.Chargea;Lte�.�Bortowers shait pay ail texes,assessments and ather charges,ftnes and impositions attributable to � �� -
<br /> ;� . ° � '�' the PropeRY v�►ich may attain a O�o�t►over this Deed of Tnist,and teasehotd paymeMS or graund rerns,if er►1►.�n tne ` ,,G;�,� �{'r ��
<br /> �,,;: marm�provided urtder paragraph 2 hereot or,if nat paid in such manner,fi►Borrowet making payment,when due,d�rectly
<br /> '-:� . w t h epay e e t h ereot. Bomuwer sha11 promptiv tumish to Lender att natices ot emouMs due under this paregraDb,a�ti ia the r s F ,
<br /> . � , .. .'r�- ' everrt Bonowrer slt�tl make paYmer+t directiy.�orrower shall promptiy fumish to Lender receipts evidertcing suchpaymeMS. ` ::,f�k :_
<br /> :=�� Bnrrower shati prom p t I y d i s c h acge any aen w h i c h h e s P d o r i t 1►o v e r t h i s Q e e d o f T n i s�p ro v i d e d,t h a t B o t r o w e r s h a 1 1 n a t b e ! ��� �?� �
<br /> r , �' `�'` ien so!on �9 � ''�
<br /> .�.,: r e q u i r e d w d i s c h a r g e s�ry s�.tch 1' g es Barrower sha0 agree in writi to the paymer�t af the obfi on se�by ,�?�. �4� l �
<br /> , �� �'� such lien in a manner acceptabfe to Lender,ar sfiaU in goa d#a i t h co M e s t su c b I te�b y,a r d e t e n d e n f o r c e m e rt t o f s u s,t�i i e n 1 �s=
<br /> << ` ..'��: in,�1p roceediags which operate to prevent the enforcem:nt of the Ilen or torfeitu�e of the Property or amr paR�reo}. ��� :� '-
<br /> ,.� -.,�• 5. H a�e d p t s t u�r►e a. B m ro w e r s h a i l k e e p t t�i m p�o v e n s e M S n o w e x i s�i n g o r h e r e a ft er etected on the Pro p e r t yarr,a�reA .
<br /> against toss by fire,hazarQs inciudeA withfn the temn e�dended cove�ege .and such other hazards as Lendar may require `;. ft ,:��
<br /> �n d i n a�c f►e m p�m i s a n d}ar yvcf►per�ods as Lender may require;Drovided that LenQer shali nat�a that the amou�of � .
<br /> ai
<br /> � =�� such coverage excee0 that amount of coverage require0 to pay the sums secu r e d by t h i s Oe e d o t T r u s t. . � '3
<br /> , - �� -;: Th�ins,ranc;e eartier pravi�ng the insurance shaq be chosen b Borrawer subtect to epproval fry LenQer,provide0,thst ' `, f�s��� -..
<br /> � '�4'° s u c h a p p ro v a i�a i 1 n o t b e u n r e a s o n a b t y w i t h h e l A. A I I O r e m i u m s o n i n s u r ance pottctea shali be p aid in the me n ner p ro v i d e d ' _°. c
<br /> - ��, ,�peragraph 2 hereM or,it noi t�id in such�marmer,by 6onOVllet t[��kif19�BYmRfl�.l�vhEt�.S1etB..Q3reFtiV-tc.the.t:isurance ` ,���!
<br /> c�:�
<br /> C8f11er. 'v'� txr•.
<br /> t . ��
<br /> T,, q0;nsuranee poficies an0 renewats thereof snait be in form acceptabte to Lender an0 shatt Enclude a standard martgage � �. `�
<br /> , : � _ clause in favor of and in torm acceptable to Lendeu Lender shall have the right to hot0 the policies anQ renewaia thBreof, � `.��:
<br /> , , :�:; 8nd Borrawer shat!promptiy fumfish to Lendee att renawai noticea an0 a0 receipts of paid premiums. tn the event of tase, � ,�• ' ��. �,o_
<br /> �,. ��� Barrower shaii give prompt notice to the iasurance carrFer and Le�Cer. Lender may mate proof o!loss if not made prompUy ,�._,.;
<br /> i� . ' f ` by HOttowe�. � ,���.K.�
<br /> . " � - Unfess LenQer and Boaower etherwlse agree in wdting,tnsurenca proceeds shail be appt�ed W restaratlon oa�ey air of ,.` ; -� -
<br /> ' the PrepeRy damage0 proviQed such restoratfon or repair is economlcalry feasibis and the sec�o�f thls Deed ot Ttust is �
<br /> ;. ? ` • rtoi thereby impabre0 �if sush resWratlon or repair is not economicaity feasibte or it tfaa searit1►oi Oeed ot Trust wout0 , � �=�
<br /> - �. ba i�ired.Me msuranee Orocee�sheit be e�D U e d t a t h e s u m s s e s u r e a bv t h f s O e e d o f T n,s t.w i t t►t P r a e x c e s s,if a m l.O�d . f��_-.
<br /> to 8anower. tf the P�rape R V is abandoned b y Borrower,or if Bortower raita to r e s pon0 to Lender ar.3�U 30 Qa y s fram the � � �- ����;�
<br /> � ' t ' ��pt��g�g�1�BQ by l,8n d er to Bonower t n at the insurance oanier oNera to sett Te a cleim for irs�ance Esne l i i s,L e n der � „�y `=_
<br /> _ �, ��°' is euihprized tp eeQect endap�1y th9 insurance ptoceeds a�tende�s optiori ehher to resto�ation or repeir of the P�apem m ,�, �
<br /> ;�` r. �;�.' t o t h e s u m s s e a r e d D y t h i s o e e d o t T r u s t. " "
<br /> i �. 1_ Untess�ender an0 Borrower othetwise agree fi wriHng,a�y such appiicetion o f proeee d s to p r i n c i p a f a h a l t n o t e x t e n d '_.`• �� `�T �
<br /> or post4one the Que Qate of�monthry instettmerts refeRed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change MS emaum of suct�
<br /> ' -` '� ry�allmerts, It�Qe►paragraph 18 hereof the ProDeRy is acWired�y lenQer.att dght,tttie and interest at 8oaower i�s ena r' �`` �`p ;
<br /> �`.. � , -..•�:;;�: to eny insurance policies and In an0 to the proceeds thereot resuftin8 irom damsge to the Property pHar to the sete or ;�M
<br />`� ���: `'�" �� �`�`' acquisition shaA pass to LenQer to the extent ot the suma secure0 by this Oeed o}Trust immediatety prtor to sueh sate ar ...,,�;� �•.,-_•,�, :�.,".
<br /> . b "_',:- SCG�isiti0n. • . <
<br /> ` , 8. Fres�ve8m�ar�Matmonance of P�oAerM.Leas�otde;Ccndomfitums:Ptenned Ilnit Osv�opmeu�. Borrower shail _ •.- i '
<br /> " � � _' keep tlte�in good teD$�r and ahatl not Ccmmit waste or permit im0alrmem of Aetedotation ot the Praperty end sfiall ,
<br /> e o mp t y w i t t h e p r o v i s�o n s o f a r ry t e a s e i f t h i s D e e d o t T n i s t i s o n a►e a s ehotd. It thla Oeed of T�ust ia on a unit in a .
<br /> � � ^ condominium or a Dtanned unit devetopment.Bartower shail pe�form aU ot Boaowera obtigat�mis u rt der t he aec tarat ion or � � =° , � ,
<br /> v . covenants cteatirtg or goveming the condominium ar ptanned unit devefopmeM,the by-lawe aM regutattons of the a
<br /> � ` ,� r conQamirdum o►plarmed unit deveiapmern,and cansUtuent Qocuments. ti a eortQominium or ptarmed untCQevetapment�Pde► : ,
<br /> `� is executed by Borrower and recorded togethei witA this Deed ot?mst,the covenante en0 e eMa o1 sud��tQer shalf ��
<br /> t .` ':r� b e i n o n r p o r a t e d i r R o e n d s t i a D a m e n d a M s u p D t e m e n t t h e o a v e n a n t s e n d a g r eements of tl�s Oee of Trttst es if tfte rf�wer0 ':
<br /> �. apg�hereof. •
<br /> " 7. Ptot6adan of L�dera Saciaity. I!Borrower faits to pertorm the cavenants an0 agreements contained tn tiais OeeO .
<br /> "� - of TNSt ar if any action or ptoceeding is commenced which matedetty affects Lenders interest in the P►operty,inctuding �� ` �
<br /> '. '_� but not I�mite0 to,eminem domain,insotvency,code enlorcemem.or anangemer►ts or proceedings invotving a benkNpt or ,*
<br /> decedent.then Lender at LenQera opt�on,upon aotice to 8onower,may make such eppearencee,Aisburse sueN sums and , .: '+ �
<br /> •�:�R' take such actlan as is necessary to pro te c t len d e r's i n t e r e s t.l n c i u d i ng,b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o, d l s b u r s e m e n t o f r e a&o n a b t e � �
<br /> '��� atWmeys tees and ermy upun the PrapeRy to make tepaha. (f LenOer requ lred moRgage insurance as a condiNon of making - � �
<br /> � .' , _, .; - the Ioansecure0 by the Deed of Tnut Borrower shatt pay tha premiuma�equire�to meintain such insurance in etfect w�tlf �
<br /> - suchUme ae the�e�iremeM fot such�nsurance tem►inetea in accordance w�M Borrowers end LenQera written egr8ement .. ,
<br /> `. - �_`.;,, ot applicebte lew. Bonawer s ha l t pay t he a m o u n t o f a U m o t t g e g e i n s u r a n c e p r e m i u m s i n t h e m ennet provi�e0 unQe� -..z::1 i.;. ,,_ _
<br /> : patagraph 2 hereof. •
<br /> ��,� Ar�y amounta disbursed bV LenQer pursuant to this paragrapb 7, with interest thereon, shatl beoome aQdltianal ,�
<br /> indebteQr►ess of Bortower secure0 by this Oeed of Tnist. Untess 8ortower and Lender agree to other terms o!paymer►t,sueh � � .
<br /> amounta shell be payebte upon notice trom Lender to Bottower requesting paymeM hereof.and shail bear interest trom the _
<br /> � . � Qate of dlsbursemerrt et the ratepayable from tlme to time on outstanding princtpai unQer the Note unteas peyment o1 iMerest
<br /> `, ..�:, �: .; at.such rete would be contrary to appticebte taw, in whlct�everrt such amaurns shali bear intetest at tfie highast rete ;;
<br /> petmissible tenAer apAliceble law. Nathing cor�tained in thia paragiaph 7 shall require LenQer to incur arry expense or take ,�
<br />- � any acNon heteunder. �".�?�`` "�`'.
<br />_ " • 8, b�. Lender may make or c�use to be made reasonabte ent�ies upon and inspections of Me Property. rovtded ••
<br /> � Mat lender shell give Bonower nofiCe prior to arty such inspectton speeitying reasanabie cause therefore retated to Qende�s •
<br /> - - inter�st in the Property. ,
<br /> 8. CenQm�madoa. The proceeds of erry award or ctaim for damages,di►ect or consequential,in connection with any • . . .
<br /> � � condemnatian or other teuing of the Property,or part thereof,or for conveyance ln lieu ot eondemrret:on,ere hereby assigned � .
<br /> - aixf sha10!se paia ta lesssler. - --
<br /> . .• • . .'
<br /> ;�::: �•-.4,•� . .
<br /> `� .. �� CCt08318l881 2 't��' -
<br /> • ;
<br /> -,�• , _
<br />� ,4. � . . . . ..----.. � .�.._ .
<br />