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<br /> r3'L`- �K,...
<br /> . L.'Yf�.�-�� t .�.5 : -,� F r-��e ��c , � : � �_ ...i Y-x��^. i. x._"'°.`°`°a'°„Y _ `i�
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<br />- . • --� � S< c t y t� . .( ,5 - ,s� : � } ' <v.. � ��., �� t -a. � ` j $ � �'.y f � _ Y•.
<br /> ... .:. �-._� � c.:s��',.s.�e: E K�"3�.:er.�c�'��-::..F r.�F�� c.. ;i`.'Ls. Y.°t 1:.��..,�� 5.i'�a- ,�v�lytr ,�_,e.�., -fr ��,. F . o�� ..w. .. i. .
<br /> .1 '-.:Z� - .r- - 6�'F�� _ '.z .v.�..�`�t.
<br /> �'� i'i _•f:,•r;`r�'' !a:. --�,A -r.- � � - , . ' �,<< ,�� . .�'•P +.� .. ., ..�_�,. -�'^ .:r • _ _ -
<br /> ..�-: `: .5.,.��'. . . �v'� `'. .7.. T�-f.� q , � `ie ' c �.�c.0 �>t fi _e��,,� �,Y.L`'r ::G$:,a:�. .
<br /> ��r:..
<br /> �` -a� ��_� r �_`ws� ,'r•s'. *�'�- :�.F.. ' j�
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<br /> ' :F',.r z� • � .
<br /> t � [
<br /> r
<br /> y A
<br /> �Ft � t . _ . . � � F
<br /> � �'4 tCT��
<br /> r_ �r _., � �y'II�. BOYtOVlfet St18ll��t$B �TOY�I9 ROfN C1d�Ot�i�flCClNJ�QA 1i14 t� .
<br /> 5.Haa�r�ar Ptoge� 1 l
<br /> �`k��<°'�'`���� ��{n�ta�bY&e►baasrds�nclmdp�wIthia the ceim'euteaded aovera`;e'aatd eny Whcr Qntatd9..i�utttlding �`_.
<br /> c m
<br /> 'Ibis Insur�nce shhttttt be malatained in tlto enwuret�and[or ltsi pctt�
<br /> ��i�-s'��'".j- 800ds or ftoodin8•fqr which L�eader requitea ins�oe- S ' �.`.
<br />_. a��k..;.� ` tbat I�de��P�-The insnranoe car;Iar pmviding tha�ance shalt Qe chosen by Hare+uwer subJect ta Lettder•s apqtoval `��"
<br /> �rt �:r . r ' _
<br /> rF �' , '�° whicb sholi not 6e.�aabIY wit�hetd.If Bonuwer fai�s co maintaia onvaage de�sr[bed a6ave� i�r may.ut tsiM�t'� ;
<br /> ,a �`--� � : in stxo�ts�ee tviih pur�ap�7. ' ..
<br /> � `s�
<br /> option,o6tain cave:age to prote�L�de�s d�hta in the Ptupccty ` �
<br /> S f � =� x £�' pl1;insuranoe pol�Cies anc!�eaewata shail be sooeptabte w Eandet anA eMil iacWde o atandard martga�v claq�+o. Lcnder E��
<br /> ;r F�:v�`�' � ahall bave�he right so 6.ald tIle goticiesand cenewals.if Lender�equ�res.Barmwer s�ut!prompdY 8lve m t�ndet ali tr�etpi�.of ' � ;
<br /> �'<��-4:.�. pk�d�emiums and re�ewal natioes.�n We event of tas�.Borrawer s�slZ glve ptc►a�pt�ta�ltc!�cattltt a!�!!.�€��
<br /> �.`' `". L�d�may make�mmof of lass if not made pzamptty by Borrower. 4
<br /> �' moeeds shgll be npplied Ro t�sWCat[on ot rc�rutt uf!iw °`_
<br /> �-{�,�� �s Untess L�der u�td Boztower ottuerwise agrec in writing.'instuunoe p
<br /> 1'"� pcppeity damaged,if the�estoraiton ar�ir is ecoaamieally feasibte and Leader's se�uity fs aot tesscae�.If ttte restarattan ar
<br /> '� =;'����-;.� r�ir i s�o t e o o n a m i c�i t y feasi6te or Lender's seauity v�oolA be t�seaed.the insutauc�Pmoee�ts�ha116e appited W thc eum�
<br /> ',-°��f: wh�her or aot thea dae.wtth at►y escess patd to 8oizawer. [t Bntrowet abt�ndons tho
<br /> `�, i����;` socurEd b3►,tbis Secu�tl►It�mumeat.
<br /> � k.,,�...rT pmpertyf or d a e s ao�answe�w i t h i a 3 0 d a y s a n o d o e from�ihat th�insuronoe carrier�has o�'fered ta settto a ctatm.thcn � "
<br />-,I�„a.:•>:.��;:=3, '
<br /> Leuder maY callecx.the iativranc�e praoeeda. I.ender muy use tPte praoeeds to teaair ur restare 1lte Ptoperiy or W pay eu� `
<br />„r i�,•',���i�z - �1.
<br />-:rt-�.�;>�;• .;;- secared bY tbis Secvrity Inst�ment,whetherm not tl�a due.'ihe 30da�pertod aill begia whec�the nutf�e ia given.
<br /> .:- `;'� : ���_ Uuless Ixader ar�t Barm�rer otherw)se agree In wrIttag. anY IIDA��catian of proc�eds to pdnci�al�tall nat e�tcn�at �
<br /> ,:�f;�:�� ;.� _-=
<br /> ; ,•.`1�.�� � post�uae the dne dat�of tfle raow61Y Paymenta refecred w ia�arq��hs t amd 2 or cbange dte smaum of�o paytt�ES.U . _-
<br /> .�. : � . i�' under paisgaph 21 tt�Pcoyerty is aequued Dy I.eadeT.Boitower's dght to any insumnoe pottctes and prnceeds reaulting Crom �°'
<br /> "`:,-s._; orto the acq�sidaa shai! to t�Wer to the ezteat of the sums s�curPd by this Seaidty IastrumeM
<br /> �; c� �- d�age tu the Piopertq P�i A� �-'
<br /> '-'���: �mm�diatelY Psfor to the ecqaEsrtfon.. �'
<br /> '�'�n�a� . 6,O�eapaac9:�a..N�a�te au#Pratectlua ot tt�e Pra�ri 8osra�s�'8 ls�a App!lca�ton;t.�selto�Qu.. °
<br />.,e.i'.�r:�f���tii��:.' �L_
<br />;r..T:,,;.��?�,�.tj�. Borsowez shall oocaipy,esteblLgh.and nse the Pmp�y as Bermwer's prt�cipal�dence witb[n slzcy days after the eaeatttori of �.
<br /> '��` this Searri�r In3tnupeat aud s�atl eoatimte w accvpy the Pmperty as Borrawer's prhidpal residenee far ae teast att�yrar c►tipr --
<br /> rt_:1; s{'��,:. .
<br /> __ :�..�>:,,�;:;: � the date of aau�3ancy.nnless Lender atherwise agte�in wr�ting..ahlch consent shatl rmt tre unceasaaablY withheld.or ueless
<br />'•;: r::. .�`f;.-. ,.;> . , .
<br /> -�„<�-�' .,� exteno�ceraimsfaaces e�dst wldc�h are beycnd Hormwer s aomtml. Borrower shaU not destmY. damage or impair tha . =
<br /> ' Pcopecry. aUow the Prn�erty w deterio�te.os oommit waste on ttte Prapetty.fforrower sbatt be iu dcfauit#seY forte[tar�a
<br />_ - ..r�'�;��.�" �ctian or pm�im� whether dvit or crirntnal.is begqu t6at in I.eudePs suod faith Judgmettt coutd r+esult in forfeiWrc aY tA� —
<br /> � - ..k .`�;�:' � the llen cseated b tbis S�uriry tusut►ment os I�er's securIry itRe�st.Bosrower diuy
<br />=�,:;=���,-�°,_;__ gt,opeity orotlterav�sematei�aily tmpa�r Y
<br /> :' ��: cure suc�a defuWt and teinstate.as pmvtded In parageaph 18.by causiag the actfo�a:�pmceeding to be distnissod aYth s mling
<br /> , ��'��ti: d�at, ia Lender's guud faith detemdnsiiAn. Pr�dudes forfednue af the Hmrow�'s iaterest in the Pragetty or otHee muiedai . .__
<br /> , .,. r+u=z i't�.�' hnpaUmens of the lien c�eated by tt�s Seauity Insuumeiit 4s Leader•s seturity interes�.Bomnwer sUall atsn be ia def�ilt if
<br /> �., •"-`'''��•�'�A.;. Bort�wer.dur�a�the toan applte�'tlon prooess.ga
<br /> ..��,��,�r,, ve r�at�lalrY fal&e or inaccivate iafoaaation or statements to�ender(or f�iled �;__
<br /> -� to pmv�de�.ender wlth any material itmformatton)in cora�ection wtth tke Ioan evidenoed by the Note,inctudlt�g,6ut nnt timited
<br /> :,��`.;:-`;%:''��`:�: to.�entatioas conceeming Son+ower's occupancy of tbe.Pmperty as a principai residense.if tA�Securlry Iasuunroe�ri is vn s --
<br /> r �r; ��n __.
<br /> ri,,}�' � leasehota,Bosrower shall comply� wIth ail the p�avisions pf the tease. If Borrower aalulres t�tide W tfie Property. 1he .
<br /> .'�,:; `'`s�•`'>::.,-�� Ieasehold aad t�e fee dtle s1�t1 not meige ante�s Lender agrees to the merger ia wrlting. ; --
<br /> �.: ��_..;;�.����{;�,,
<br /> :::°;s;r�^���`�.: � 7.Pentectton ag Lendee's RtgLta M the Ftnp�ty.If Borrower feits to perloAn the coveaants au�d eg�eemeats canmiacd in —
<br /> ':� .�,._.�:.:,..,_; . , � tbis SeGUity Instramem.ar the�1s a le�al pmceeding that may signiCccantly a�ect Lende:'s rights in the Propetty(auett as a __
<br /> �'', :� � ;_:" . p�ing ia 6anlaaptcy:probate.for oandemnation or forfelture or to eaforce laws o�,re�atadons).tt►en Leader may do and
<br /> � ,.:
<br /> _:.�;=;;�„�:--.; pay for w5ate�er is neressary tu pmtea�he vatae of the PropenY and L+eader's dghts la tha�mperty. Leader's acdoas m�y .
<br />----�;__�;� 1nclude°Paying anY sw�s s�ore�'bY a liea which has prtority over tl�ia Securtty tastramem. aDP�8 in coutl� payla8 .
<br /> ;���� rta�onabf�auarneys•feea�nt entermg on tiie A�operty w�ke r�pairs.A1Mnugb�.endee maY take action und+�tbia patagr�b
<br /> �. �,, �y . 7.Lender does aat have w do so.
<br /> ``°- .. Airy amounts di�sed by Lender under tbis para$rspb 9 s}uill 6eoome addit�onal dehLof Batrowet secntea{by t�s '.
<br /> ---=r'`��� Securiry Insatiment.Un1e�s Bosrawet aud Ixndcr ag�ree ta oWer tem�s of�aymem,these amoaats st�a11 be�s Interest feom tha�
<br /> L Y2� Aate of�dis6araemei►t at the Note rate and shall be payable. wiW interes�,upori notice tmin Leader to 8onuw�r:�uestiAg . .
<br /> _ '� -,��,:, ,� . p2�y�en�. ` � '
<br /> ��'_'�`..' . ' ' S.iMorCgage Ias�uanoe.If t.ender required mortgag�insurar►ce as a coadition of making the loan secut�i by.tbis Securlty ..
<br />_ - ._,,,,-.r:: �;.:.;�• .
<br /> �:;t_1�, . :
<br /> -:���:..:..�;.�.�. �:.:�. ��oateumen�,Barmwer st�a3l pay the premiama required ta rnaintein:�he mortgage insur�ruo ia effect..if.far any rr�son,the .
<br /> ����_:. mn�tgage insarance cevenage reqnired by Lender iapses or ceases w 6e.in effest.Borrower s2�11 p�r th�premiw�os tequtre0 to
<br /> "--=y=�--.��,::�� � ' eat w the inortgage insi�ianSe Prev�ausiy in effect.at a aost substanti�ally equivatent to the :
<br /> _ �.� -. ,obtaia canrerage su6st�ndaUy equlvat _
<br />-, -_;- �: �;;•���::�� � cust to Bnrrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. from an altern9te mottgage ins�+ee appcov�i isy Lendet if,
<br /> j'����_ snf�stanaialty equivateat mortguge insu:mice coverage is nat svailable.Bairower sAall�ay to Lr�der ea�fi mor►th a suAi e�Na1 to � _
<br /> .tt!,�.
<br /> _-•:�: -�.,. - ono-melftu of the yearly mortguge insnrmice p�um�belag paid by�Borrower when the fnsucenoe covernge lapsed or ccased W _
<br /> -=�:;r.�„s-� - •
<br /> ,-,r,ri.�:� b.e in effect.�ender will aocept.use and s�vain these payments as e.toss resccve in tleu of nnortgage insar+aace.�LOSS t�CSCNO
<br /> _ '�_':-�_Y�Y: . . ' . . - - . . . ' '
<br /> _ - -_ � • iunn 80� 8/80
<br /> :<< - ;:: :s: . •
<br /> .i.',� PaaD 8 0!8 � • —
<br /> - "n`-"_ - _ . ' . � • • y � . " �' —.
<br />�'�� . �[l.'i1: , �-
<br /> . .. . _ _�'-.
<br /> - � _ 'r _��"--.1..�.�...:�t--�,,... -
<br /> t . - ,
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