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<br /> -�' ��_z a':.�x , � ��.��O ����'� r�..c;
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<br /> _ . `r';,,:��'''`,�` '1�I�ETH�R WI7`H 8II tt�8 impl0Yen1enL9 IDDW Or hC[�et+e�ted(iH d1B ptOperty.and�il�. `
<br /> -'�" ° ..``':_ �: mnd additioas shalt aLso be covered 1sy t[ns Se�ty �,�`;:
<br /> `� ��'""`:�;'�.'` fiiidu+�.s aow or bereafter a pa�cr of the �� e ,.�<;'
<br /> ...,:.��,:�.. .,;. pr°pe�ty'
<br /> �` .`,�.��. - �tumenl,H!f af We fotegoing is iet'teried to iu this Se�ty tns�t ffi the°ProP�Y' � .,��,:�::;
<br /> -:�-�g".; �.�� BO1iROVUER(3QVBNANTS that Bonower is 1aa+fuflY seised of the estate hec�SY c�veYed and I�the dght to grant .rt�-�
<br /> ;, ,k � a • � _
<br /> d�r�'" `�:'! $(���.'�[O�y 13 UIIeIIG1�CIC�s 87[G�=�������0�- BOIIOWCI Vf18Ij8I1�5 'd�� F:
<br /> .-:�.-�. .-.' ��"�� al!claung aad d�ands.snblect to aaY e°�mbraaoes of recoid. ,
<br /> _ ... ,"F: �tef�geaecaltY the Cule to the PtopertY ag�insc . ..�."
<br /> -- ;:,.:.�:.• -:•, with li�ted �a�• �•.
<br /> �` ' THtS SECURITY INSfRUMENT uambines arrifoim cav�a�s for�tionat use and non-�aniform cav�nts �u_.`
<br /> � � E_?'•-.:t�� variations by jurisdi�ion to ooastitate a umfa:m seauit�Y insuameat oovermg ceal pmpertY. ��:•,:.
<br /> ;`` �:- U�A'ORNI COV�N�►N!'S.Bormwer and Lender oov�t and ag�ee as fallows: w6a� due the
<br /> � l. ��ment of Y�iadpal aad���Iate CLaiges- Bomnwer�afl PromP�Y PaY .�
<br /> ..=£-; � and lats d�arges due ander the Note. . `, .�:
<br />-- ���:� p�dpa!of and iatet+est on the debt evideuced by the Note and aaY P�Y�
<br />':�:,�:�.`.--�s=�,-�.�.' Z.6�tds for Taaes and Insmanoe.Snbjed to applicable law or to a wcztten waiver bg I�nder,Bo:cower st�a}I�to '�,`':�'�.�.
<br /> .�`�'���,�. !endes an the day moath[y payments ats d�e under the Nate,stntil tlie Note is paid'm fiilL.a sum( F�mds7 for:fe)Y�Y �
<br /> -`:�,•��,�,4 ` ` astd asses4mea maY�ain ty as a lieaz on the Pcupeatp;(b)Yearly ieaseho2d paymeuts "•�'r�
<br />�:: •� '�L` is whicb priaxity over dris Seaui Insuum�t ``;�
<br /> _�;:4-�"'��:� os�d ceuts oa the Prope�ty.if anY:(�}yeady ha2�d or prapeny msm$uce prcvuw�,(d)Y�ar1Y Qaod u�rance�+ �i.���
<br /> ��` •` �r if aay: te)Year1Y mos�e i�°ce P�'if aay:and(fl anY s�s PaYable bY Bormwer w I.euder,ia axo �
<br /> + r g H ; msurance piemiums.These items are wlted"Essaow Itenas.° . ��r,
<br /> s , ' �z.+:
<br /> the pmvesioas of patagtapb 8,in liea of the paym�t of mortga8e.
<br /> ��; r�s ,�, L�der t�y.at atty tIme.oolt�t and hoW Fnnds in an amo�mt not to exoeed tha mazi�am amam�a leader for a fede y
<br /> �J .°� ,..; related mnrt�e loan may�qui�e for Borcuwer's escmw ac�co�nt under the fedetai Real Fstate Setiteme�t Pr+ao�tt�s Asx of . Y �
<br />_ �..�.<+���, 1974 es amwdes!from ttme to time. �2 U.S.C.Se�tian 2601 d seq.( RESQA ).antess anothea taw ti�at a�plies to the Fouds
<br /> { a: � :-i SC1s 81�5er 8irio11IIt. If so. I.eEdei R18Y,ffi eEty ti1AB.col�ect aad riold Funds in an amaunt nat w exc�d the lesser mmoaat: yt�.c
<br /> , „ • w l�::,
<br /> ,::,��,-a-:�,.:,:. Lender may estimate she amount of Ftmds dae on tize basis of caneat data sad�easonabte estimates of eapen�Aues of fumte .,��e44
<br /> $��,�- Escrow Ttema or otltera�ise in accordance arith applicabte taw. ' TF, _,
<br /> '�•.=:.,v�- T6e Fnads sha116e held in an insdtndon wtiose deposits are insare� bY a federd4 ageac9, msuumes�tY. ur e�St
<br /> �`f::":,,•.<<::.:.,,., ��%-
<br /> .� ;�: �� °,.�..=�:� tiitctadiag Laider.jP l,ender is sucA�m�insrit�aon)or in aay Federai Home Loan Bank.l�ndei s2�t1 appiy tke Fimd�w pay the • "-, :<;
<br /> t
<br /> ° ` �-�`;'% Lscmw Iteaas.l.eade►RrsY not c6atge Barrnwer for hoMing aad agplyis�g tLe�uads.anr�aitY�g the escrow accomn.or • � �°:
<br /> , 't �,�., v the Fscmw items,unless l.ender pays Baarawer interest an the Fos�ds and applica6te taw permits I.ender to make sach ��;�:
<br /> ` _,��G 4._`5�.• �� Borrowac ra a one-time chatge foz an indepeadeac ieat e.�tate tax t+�orta�g seavloe �.�--
<br /> ,.., `��- a cfiarge.Howevcr.lxndee may re�qulre �► . . �`;
<br /> :;�'�' �l; ;'�. ased by Lendes ia cormectioq with tbia loan, antesg aPPUcable law pmvideps otherwise. i1Patess aa agteemeut Is �ade, or e-r:�
<br /> /� fJ t•r b�:'`� ` i70�Q{N��111t��t��1S iil�i FWIW �` -
<br /> ,-;::...._ . •� appt�cabte law s�u�interest w be paid.I.ender sha11 aot 6e reqQired W paY
<br /> '�"''��-`"� Borrower and Lender may agr�in wrhiisg.however,�at intaest s�ll be paid on dse Fm�ds. I.�n�e���e��w�r� -
<br /> _..4..,:�:1:,
<br /> ,:4i-:�;�:;�,'; wtthout charge..an annua!acoounting of tbe Fuads, shavving cr�dits and debits to We Fundq and t�e yacpose�or arhiFh each , -
<br /> a .
<br /> .�.;�': debit w the Fuicdg was made..71ie Fuads are pledged as atiditional security for all sams so�ued by this S�c�'s�Y��ns�• �
<br /> 71
<br /> , ',: . ... , if the Funds lt�ld by t.ec�der exceed the amounts permiued to be heid bY$PF�te taw,Lender shall accuam ta Hoiiower �.,,,..-
<br /> ,.r .�r,:. ;. ,.
<br /> i... .` s..
<br /> � � �„`'``...-;:. • for the exoes9#runds ia accordattoa wltb the requiTements of•applicabte law.If the amourrt af the Fuad"s held tsy I.endei at aay. . �:°;.;°
<br /> t �'. '� - -
<br /> time is aot suffic�e�rt to p�y the Escraw Items arhen due.lxader may so aodfy Borrower in aaiting,and.in sach case.Bnnower
<br /> �'� : . shait pay to 1 endee We amount ticcessat5► W make op the deficiency.Bqm►wer shaU make ap tba defid�ts.9 ia no�mas�than =
<br /> �_�: . ' . � �_
<br />_ . ;�•�.. ��. : `. tweIve monthtY PaYmenta.et Lender's sole.discrettoa ����y.�d co Bomower any
<br /> `�=:,};`���:`�.r::= � Qpon Oayment in futl of aU sums secured hY this Se�ri�Y In�n�� ___"
<br /> .:. ..x...,,. ---
<br /> :�#`,t'-`�:`'.�."`�r Funds held by Lettder.If.urcder parng�aPh 21.Leader shaU acquire or se11 the Pmpeity,[,cnder,Prior w ihe acquisidon or eate a___
<br /> a $ acqu
<br /> .,;� 14-�:'i:; oP the�opeKy.sUa11 appty eny Funds hetd by Lender at the time of acqnisiuon or salc as a credit against tt►e snms secvred bY .
<br />;�".��::-;•,;� thia SecurkY Instmtuent. � -----
<br /> < �'"' 3.ApDlicc�tton of Playmeflts.Unless ayp�icabie law pmvides othm�wlse.aU payments r+a�e�ved by Lendes u�Pa�bs ----
<br /> ;, :;
<br /> � ,. �--
<br /> °�.�_�'���'
<br /> 1 and 2 ahall be apDliad:first�ca anY Pre�aY���Ses dae uuder the Note:s000nd,ta amaunts payab2e mmder��h 2;
<br /> � ��:� �. . tb1rA.to intenest dae:fwrlh.w prinstyal dae;and last.w any tate c6arges due under the Note. .
<br /> �- ;- ���; ' 4.Chaeggsi�•iea9.Burrower sha11 pay all taxes.asses.smerrts.chaiges+flnes and imposlcions awibutable to the Praperty. —
<br /> - �= � which may auaiA pdorlry over this$�urity Wsavmea�antt teas�ehold payraenta cn gronad rents.if any. Botmaier shall pay.
<br /> :r ,��:��" � p� Harrowes:shaU pay tbem on tlme direct�y
<br /> ��� • tnese obiigadons in the manner pravidod ln paragrap 2,or if not d in.that manner,
<br /> �+ to the pe�son oaed yayment.�orrower shall promptt�fumish to Lender aU natices of amamits W be pai�uader tids paiag�s�b:
<br />::,:�:': ,:�.,..��. a;.:` dtrectl Bormwer shall pramptlY fur�isti ta Lwuder re�evidencin�t1�e Dayrments. --
<br /> �: � If Bon�wer makes these paymenta Y• ,.
<br /> _;:;�'-��:?�<..�..:'.�r:s� , $orrower shatl piomptly discdarge auy lieo wldch has qrtorltytoves this Se�ty Insttnmmt unlcss Bonowe�:(a).agcee,a in
<br /> - � <��'*� --
<br /> �=-=',`=�`""°`�°�'. wrldng w tlie paymenl ot the obUgtnion secured�y trie t��in a m�ner aooeptabte to LerrAer;{b?cvntests�u Sood fa�th the Iiea
<br /> _9��r�r��.t
<br /> '�'��;�-:� �� �� dy. or defeads agaiwst enforcement ot the Ilen in. tegel Proceed�ngs wbic7� in the Leader's�op3�lon operate to prevem t�e �_
<br /> -,, '`�.�,-�-'�9-' enfoioement of the tien:�(c)secnres fram the hotdet of the lien an�ent satist'acaosy to Lender snbordinat�ing t6a lien to � .
<br /> .,. -. .
<br /> �:� .
<br /> , �..a�� t69s Serurlty Instr+iment.If L�mder detemtlnea that any pan of the Propertl+is subject to a Gen wt�cb may suain ps�ority oves. � ,"-'
<br /> � +'�.:�� , thi�Security Insttument.Lender tn�y give Borrower a nodae�dendlyin�the lien.Borrower sha11 satis�j►the 14en ar ia�e une or �, ;
<br /> '� ��'::;��� more of tue aetioas set farth above aittdn 10 days of the giving pf notice. =_
<br /> '` . • form 30� 9t80 __—
<br /> �.�: � • _=-
<br /> ':i,:e� v,�sza'e � 'ti�:-
<br /> .tt .i:.� � � �� .- t q;' .
<br /> - - -..t- :�.i�;:�. .
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