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<br /> . 1..} .� ..4 . : ,.iy V FY t
<br /> .��`L4'•;,:i `l!�- ���,�.::.<,•� .•, F �.�G ' ''�,_ _ -' ��'' �` <- -� , f � � 3 c�'"��,`� `�Q' ,.. .y`hk`rcx�'` z. �a S<� �y ��`.:�
<br /> F ��;1-. IT'..y 'ti'.T�i � -t�ti� � _ SY.,r /-a.�c`C _`Y S -`°_ K�'.'.'.�m:t- i i :.. �_ 'c(�uy �.•4 k. .. :C�.
<br /> A . ? C �1'. � .5`iC Y' - . .�. �.. \ �II�. R �
<br />: b � � . .fi r-.,:.� _. t_ �4. �¢�`k...-' r -� : h �i ...s�G.. �4 Y--v F a _ � . l•'i.�c;�;r t42 c s'e..H ra'= �``.- �'�" '4 . �C, �°i ,.
<br /> ., _'a
<br /> _ ...,-.:..�S�
<br /> ✓ � :4 �:.�ri.- ��' . 4 . � rbk i'�.' ��. K_ . - . :r.v .�`f€-"-ru;
<br /> ,. .-� .r.-.� "`�.. .: �•;F-<. .x:.? '2` s .y{�c 't.. _":.�:t x' �t. ^r°, t ,u _;�`" _.c- � ~
<br /> � ` �. . .� 5�..� .. . _....-. ..-!� :>,_ . ..=� . :-1:.. 3..^ Ut ,.1• _ _ - '''.f:.Y',� ' ^ rcr .4C"7 � . � S _.
<br /> ;� ��,�_ �.� g 5�0�� Q �t i � . >
<br /> � t � .� �_ �.
<br /> 11 'i- � �ia;t:,- , .¢. ..- ��`•{, �t.r.ic-
<br /> -� .; '�.cf ..,:b `''r-C•�r•,k ' t�•.
<br /> < p� . � °� � ��� :
<br /> � `' �' 1T.Traad�oi 4he Praperty or a Bene8dal Int�in Borrower.If sil or any part of the Property or at►y utterest in it ���'�`'`t ` �-t�S
<br /> c, o�`,�-���:��. is soId or uansfemed(or if a beneficial interest in Bomower is soid or tra-�sfemd and Borrocver is ant a natnral person)withoai �- � , ��'� "
<br /> �t� :� � -�; Lender's prior written consent. t�nder may. ffi its option. reqvire i�iate paymerrt i� fatl of a!t st� sesu�t by this �� , �`�Tr�, �
<br /> `� z t y;, •' ' Se('c•aLr.,i�ty Instrtmife�m�.}�.H��o�wetver.this option sdall not be exercised hy lender if exercise is pmhibited by federal law as of the dstte 1�� `;s•t�;.
<br /> f C :}ttp F� . f. 0!U I L��lY.ZYWYMfI� - i .� 4 � Y :
<br /> � <� -: If Lender exercLs�es this aption,Lender shall give Borrower norice of acxe�eration.The notice shall provide a peci�of�t `t. ={ Q �'" -
<br /> ��:'.,.°`_':r:•. � less than 30 s from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within wiuch Borrower must a!1 suau secured b Wis �. 4 ` '=''�L.r Y°
<br /> d�Y paY Y ,s.,�
<br /> ' ��� c''`;- Seattity Iaswmeat.tf Borrower feils ta pay these sums prior t�die eapiration of this periad.l.euder may imoke an}r remedies �' ,����` :
<br /> `<< �.Y< permitted by this 5ecurity Instrumeat without furtber notice or demand on Borrower. ��` � � '�� '�
<br /> .�:�a." `:��`. IS. Bornnver's Ri�ht Lo RetaState. If Borrower meets certain condirions, Borrower shall have the right to have .''.�,�`°`�`4�- -
<br /> h � �
<br /> :� �-n enforoement of this Security insdnmem disoontinued at any time prior to We eaziier ai (a)5 days(or such other periocl as "" ._ � , _-
<br /> ..��_'. applicable taw may specify for rcinstatement) before sale of the Property puisuant to any power of sale oontained in this ` r �`
<br /> ��C`' 3etwityr Instrument:or(b)eatry of a judgment enforring this Sec�uity Instrument.Those canditions are that Borrower:(a)PaYs _:z . , r 5
<br /> �.� .i. ,�; .z.
<br /> � "'``y�'-�""�` Leader all sums which therz would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if ao acceleration had accur�ed: (b) - ��;-��';<=
<br /> ``!'Y�' ��`? cures any defanh of arjy oWer covenants or agree,inents; (c)pays all eapenses inc�rred in enforcing this Sewrity InstTUmeat, �=-;::.�` .":.#°. --
<br /> ':`- including.but not limited to.reasonable attomeys'fees;and(d)takes such aciion as L.ender may reasonablY requir�W assure � ;`- •�`-•. '�
<br /> .. •R. �. . � h. - .
<br /> . ' C;.. (4`i'�'YG`..•-.'.ty�r •,� � .�.
<br /> � : r: Eh3i ih6 l'IeO of illis SOCU�iiy Illshvtlleul.lender's righu in the Pr+operty aud Bonower's obligation to pay the snms secvred by '-�.�•��•;.�:�-�,, _
<br />_ :,.:�:�• � 4' this Secarity lnsoramem shall con6uue unchanged. Upon rcinstatem�t by Borrawer. this Security Instrnment and the �"�� '•`^�.� '-�. .t' `
<br /> -� ��,�*x:;::-- �-._
<br /> `:�N;;=��_--°�:;7�� obiigations sewred hereby shall remain fulty effearve as if ao acoeleratian had o�.However.this right to teinstate sAap `"�'•k>�-'.��,"�;:�,;`��::
<br /> ° :, , ,�" not appty in[he c�se of aa�eleration nnder paragraph 17_ � ; '� ;.
<br /> _ z �� I9. Sate oY Not� �e of Loan S�vFcer. Tt�e Note or a partial interest in the Note (wgether with this 5acauity "_ �c ti �`
<br /> L�aaieat)may be sold one or more times witi�out nor notice w Barrower.A sale resu{t in a e in the '` ..� ?%
<br /> P � maY chang entiiS'(kaown z.�, .:d .
<br /> st ~ :: as the°Y.oan Servicer")that collects mont6lY PaY�is dne nnder the lvote and this Security Instrumeat.There also may be one x s �
<br /> f t ,-,, or more c6aages of the Loaa Servicer unmfated to a sale of the Atote.I€there is a d�ange of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be , r��,yr,f:P "
<br /> �; g ivea wriuea notice of the c h a n g e ia acrnrdance with p a r a g r a ph 14 above and a p plicable taw.'Rte notice will state the name and ;h " ° }
<br /> ` E � addr�s of the new Loara Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice aill also contain airy other ` , o� � �: "''
<br /> , � ,..
<br /> � ..4 �� ' � infomration requir+ed by applica5le law. <� 4 s �' z �s
<br /> , � �. 1A �do�Sobs�naes.Borrower shaU not caose or perntit t6e presence. ase, disposaf. sto�.ot release of aay �"� � �� -�
<br /> , vY ; I � ?�� Hazardous Substances on os iw the Properry. Borrower shall not do, aor altow anyone else to do. guything affecting tl�e • f
<br /> x " - -- Property that is in viola6on of any Enviconmental Law. The pr�eding nvo sentences s6all nat apply to the pres�nce.use.or ` ,'� `�',�>-.'
<br /> .� � . _ ���!t.��
<br /> � `<{ _ �, stmage on the Property of small qtiantities of Ha7ardons Snbstances that are generally recogaized w be appmpriate to normal E {; ���'�`
<br /> T.� '. � ,.,. IESIdCAl�31 uSes 8Ad W rt181tt[e11ARce o�ihe P[OpCJty. ��=:'='
<br /> �:��
<br /> �':. :�.:; Bortower shaU P��PUY S�ve Leuder wriuen notiae of au}+ investigation.ctaun.demand,lawsuii or ather acoion by a�y � :: <.. � ;;;
<br /> r' z. govemmental or regWatorY aBencY or prnate parry i�rvotving the Property and any Hamr�dans Substauce or Fa��ironmeatal Law
<br /> _ ..;,,,,.::.,,: .,:���. ..
<br /> 'S�� : f ���•�- of which Borrower has act�al knowledge. If Borrawer teams,or is notihed by any govemmeutat or regalatory aathority, that '�•'��" �
<br /> '��-+c''_ _l~- - ' BAJ/[CJIIOVaI OT OS�1C!�!lCdI�IOA Of 8A}/H2T�T�OUS SIlbS�811CC 8ff@CIIAg aIC PfOpC1�l iS IIC�CSS2f�l.Borrawer shatl promptiy take �`C� ��"
<br /> _�S ��:F�'� <.�� ��. ;.:
<br /> ; � atl neces.4ary�ial actions in acoordance with Enrironmeatal Law. ,�, ;: ,;`
<br /> ,,,.�„�. . `• As used in tiris pa�agraph 20."H�ardous Substances"are those sabstances defiaed as toxic or hazardoas substanoes by ._w;;�� - ;;:
<br /> ,t, �- ` �. Enviroamenta! !aw and the following substances: gasaline. keroseue.other flammable or toxic petmleam pmducts,toxtc ,� k .; '
<br /> +r� � 't : pesdc�des and herbic�des,volatite solvenu.materials containing asbestos or formald�yde,and cadioactive materials.As used in ix� ``= ``; �;.
<br />_ .f��` �,-,: `.`.;,: tl�is p az a�TA. "Envi ro r u n e a t a l Law" m e a n q f e�e r a l l a w s a a d l a w s o f t h e j u r i s d i c t i o n w h e r e�e P r o p e r ry i s l a c a t e d t h a t ._�.� � :� �,°7 �t+��
<br /> �° : ` �� '�� relate to eaitb,aafety or eaviromnental protoction. «�"�~ ;�
<br /> ._-,` r. i�;;i NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrower aad L�nder forther coveaant aad agiee as follaws: $"".4:•,'' + ���'�
<br /> ;:�,f.'.�`�":':;:l.-Ffi.f� Z1.Accete�atIon;Ranedles.Lender shaD give aotice to Borrower prio�to acoeteration foBawdng Borrower's br�c6 ,r�;�;;;`' ���=
<br /> � � of mry oov�ant or agr�emeat in t6iv Security Inshvment Nut ani pstor to uooeleratton under geapb 17 aate�ss r, , .. ���
<br /> - �� applleabk taw prov[dps ot�erwise).T6e etnike s6a11 spedfq: (a)the defaWt;(b)the acttoa na�u�e�wr+e the defan[t; 'r` �� � s
<br /> ': .�' :. ..`,' (c)a dat�uot less t6aa 30 days t�+om the date We aottce in givw to Bossower,by wbtc6 We detanit mast 6e cared;aad ��"�' �_�'
<br /> � .,r.;,:•�..:�.'`'�;.�_�> (dj tbat Yaifure to cace the defaatt on or 6efor�the date speciftetl in the notice may�solt tn soceteruttoa of t6e stuns - �`�`�:_�>
<br /> ` �.. t ' s e e�d 6q t h f s S e c a r i t y I n s t n m iea t an d s a te o t t he H+ugaty. T he no t ice a d a U f w r Mes t a torm$use�uv�er o t t i�e l g h t to .�,o.�..r�
<br /> <:,;,�,;•��h:.���..::;.,.:` re�state after acoeleratton and ths d�t to bdng a aonrt acdon to assert the non-a�steace of a defautt or any othes. �_
<br /> , =� ? deYeASe oi Bormwes to aceeteratton aad sa1e. U the dePaalt is not c�ed oa os before the date spedfie�iu tAc na4iee, �
<br /> � �.ender,et its oPtton.may reqalr�e fmmecUate paymeat in fdl oY all sauis sesare�6y t61�Sec�ity In�teameaot without
<br /> �'� � } �. faether dema�nd and may i�oke the wer of sate sIId a�oy other r�nedtes petmJtted by appltcabte tew.Leadev abali be � = _
<br /> po aI
<br /> `; �`;: artitie�to c�Ited ail expe�Incm�red fn�d�U[e remedies p�vlded in ehls paragrapb 21,Wctading,but eot flrafted �.,��_'�_:--
<br /> , ��. `:' to.i+�.samabl�e attorneys'fees a:W a�ts a�43tle evideua� W--
<br /> � �� IP the powes of sate!s lnvoked,7Y�s6aU reourd a noitae ot detaati in eacb cormty in wblch amy�rt of the ' ° '
<br /> �,,F� .;.� ,. Asopwty 1s[oa�ted and shall ma�wples of sacb nottce in the manner�r�by aypltca�►Ie Iaw to Borrower�ttd!o ���=---
<br /> ,:•" `�;� t6e other persons pr�rtbed by syplkabte law.After the thee Tra.sRee sLaD gtve pnbHc notice a : _--_
<br /> � � : . r+eqWred 69 ePP�Sa6Ie 1aw, -. ,�.��_
<br />. , • ;.; �z.,_:. oY safe to the peesnns and in the roanner prescribedl by appUcable Isw.7'rnst�,wttlwut demand an Borrower,shaU seD . . • h: ---
<br /> � :, �� the Pt+uperty si pnbllc aacttan to We 6lghcat btddee at the ttm�and piace aad ander the termg daignated in the noNc�a� , �"�'�'���_
<br /> � -:, <. sate in ane or mor�parcets and fin aay order Trastee ddermtaes.'i'eagtee maY D�Aoae sate pf aU or any Parr,el of Gl� ;`,���-�.c�`� `
<br /> `• ,, , ' �yerty by�pnblic annowtoeraent at the time and place ot atry psevianaty srL�dWed sate. I.ender or its desigaee may '', "�� ,�.� -
<br /> ', . ,� Farchase We Ptaperty at aay sale. y '�`� l;
<br /> t ��, ..
<br /> t' ' �t.r
<br />.•.f`, i.�l." __ ..���1' ' 'tij" �`�i�1�' '
<br /> ''' " ��Y�,-,,�V!:� .•�!'�
<br /> ���-'- .
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