s � '- � . v� • ra�=r�,y�- r - �iarsr er.afi� � � ----- - '
<br /> .a: ,..s. .c.�: "�. $ c,k � 4 �1 -c 5-"��.Fy. �zt.k.: �� A��� h
<br /> . ;„ �. 4�, �f t� ��..—;S'v(. "'li -1` l': • �5' l•—
<br /> .rr�Y_. -..r . ..su;��. t`I�y� ;� , t.: � f��,'r t '°�+f,� ?'� - :.�,�:, �,p��^'�,�+li`��r .
<br /> ��_��(�� 3 �S- t �-�c=--" ,i- �'2 _ c'�r.'4.�`=1"t` _
<br /> �:�LLA.a.LwtiLWi ��l. �en �'4 a^� 'C{11- ..- .
<br /> 'L�v'''4`�' � 'C T v �_ 5.�1 " �... " . � ' =•' � — ".�v'+'Ly�"�{'ve"rr�rt-�—��� f
<br /> �;°'.� - i s ,�- -F'^� .fL.��' ,v-.. �'?�;>`°�-��c���_< G- -e.- -� o� 't,
<br /> ..._.._.�.s--c.'�. .� . .f�F, .� - � :t 4 ��� Ync a � . -* � - H� "f�'.`-si.�. " _ .i _�k �._ ..
<br /> .� r_ � { s �- t �t� � a .�. . � � i r ....,c, ta __ �_."F a�' � ' �k
<br /> ,�T',,,r . S4s;� �' ; f-� tr< ° �� t_�:-�� � - desi �' , . ,,�r s< � ' f L t£� "�'�c i 'A jfc
<br /> .+�✓'�4 •i�"`°..�,.,� _ e-Y 4, cE 55 .-y� ,st -c. t , , �a . t -�-' � o` � �. � n� K d� T s r c f! tc s �.�' ..
<br /> . . ^� a « � Z ¢ n - tx. ..a, a. -i t -�^,.c -r _ ..�,.. n - l- $--- � �' -+r.--.%✓F r��-
<br /> G- g e a . . e� s 's .c z z _ S� —,c.r-+-rs.v c—c:�. .m�. �-4�
<br /> S .• xE.a 3.E.F�,�,_''_s� `ic .. � L. :t ,1 7 .k _ �
<br /> � �
<br /> ��`.���� �:` 95-��?�^ �,��
<br /> .�i o{� t�:�
<br /> � � °c
<br /> sr¢' t`4;5� �
<br /> < `� � F:,: no tanges be required at t6e option of Lender.if mortgage inguaace caverage(in the amona�t and for tlns pesiad r :
<br /> J ^i
<br /> �`�. �. -�`�';, ��Y beoomes availabte aad is obtained.Bnrmwer shaU pay
<br />:-�?���f`.��=_:�-<`'��: that Leader ce�Iuit+es)Pmvid�d by an ius�uer approved by E.ender again - :,
<br /> •.. rn;,..s-. `�•��-�';
<br /> _�.r . �;<�sF..i..:;'.: �P��4ttited to m�ntain mortgage insuraace in effect.or to provide a toss reser�e.aatil the reqniremeat for mostgage
<br /> ,; �� �
<br /> Y:1 .,
<br />.(�Y:. e��.�.:�..r'. 'C� �
<br /> ....'�t incurance eads in aeoa�clance with a�ry wrltten ag:�oemeat 6etween Harrower and Lenet�er or appticabte law. ��shall ve t..��-,
<br /> ` `" '� � ; 9 IaspectEon.Leader ar ia agea[may make ceasonabte enuix.s upan sad inspeaions of We Prope.rcy. gk _
<br /> ;2 ; ��i r Botrower nfltioe at the time of or prior to an inspaction spacefjring masonable cau�e for the inspection. -
<br /> •}�``„-�'�;� 10.Cond�on.The prnoeeds of mry owa�d ar daim for direct or rn ui wnaection witL� � ;`
<br />. :,F;:-;_-::...._._:�,�- damages. ��. ' �' .=-
<br /> w.1_ :_�.... s;',=r;
<br /> � �Z:'�t•..�'g W°•? conde�mation or other tatting of any part of the Property.or for conveyance iw tieu of oondemnatioa.are hereby assigaed and ,:
<br /> , � f ... ..
<br /> ` ' shall be paid to Lender. ", °
<br /> f ,z�,--+ s_.S� S�1 bC 8�!£�to t�1C SUIIIS SCCIli2d�1j+Ihis 52CIItily in �me*!e :
<br /> � � in the evwt of a twai taking of the Property.the pr+oceeds 1 t
<br />�.;.`„'.�::�; wh�her or not t�en due.with any exce.ss paid w Horrower. In t6e eveni of a paztial taking of the Property in whicfi the fair .
<br /> ,�.,"�.
<br /> :.;��`�'-: �.�%:�`��`• maricet valae af the Property im�ediatsly before the taking is eq�ral w ar greater than the amoum of the sums secured by this ..�_:'.'.
<br />; t�,�.:�-::: � �;�_j:: r. -
<br />� ��:_-::::-<4�:::-:r, S�+IY�IIt imuudiatety before the�,unless Borrower aad L�der otherwise agr+ee in writing.she snms sei.vr�d by
<br /> `. tLis Secvrity Instmmeat shall be redaced by tl�e amount of dte pmceeds multiplied by the foltowing fiaction: (a)the wta! �:
<br /> _ F:. ,.a`` �'`
<br /> �.�,a� _.�:, •,u.
<br /> •::.;�. ,�_,.,.•�t`;:r:.; amonnt of the suns se�.viced immediate3ybe€nre the ta�cing.divided by(b)the fair market vatue of the Property ' " �r.,_
<br /> .r= x �'' befor+�the taking- An3►balance shsU be paid to Bomiiwer. In tlie eveat of a partial taldng of the Property in whic6 the fair ��
<br /> �` "`.,. �--'` markct value of the Property immediatejY befoie Ehe taking is less tban the amauni of the sums secured immediately before the � �
<br /> � .�. �.�•
<br /> "�'.,:c�� ��'`�" taking.imless Borrower and Lender othezwise agcee ia writing or antess a�plieable law otherwise provides.ihe praceeds shall `.``�:
<br /> f�..
<br /> a �'�
<br /> �,�:: �",c4 _{{::, be app}ied to the sums se�,vied by this Security Insaume�t whaher or aot the sams are then dae- ,
<br /> � .:
<br />'�=�" �::;c-.:r•>:>-- � If she PrnpeEty is abandoned by Bormwer,or if.after notice by Lender to Borrnwer that the oondannos effets to make aa ,
<br /> '��°�-.:,t.. .�.,�'
<br /> .';:i:.-;;`:;.:.;..=: award or settle a claim for damagcs, 8orrowet fails to respand to Lender within 30 days after the dar�e the notice is given,
<br /> `:',•,'"�;� .. .�` i;ender is�rthorized w collect and apply the pmceeds.at its optioa,either to restoretinn or nepair of the Property or w t6e sams .
<br /> ;�:.> �:.�,.
<br /> �� �;., ;�, �.p:y:' sei.vred by this Secauity Iastrwnent.whet6er or not then dae.
<br /> ��-:.-�=' Unless Lender and Bas�omerarise agte�iu writeug, aay �►of praceeds to princigal shall not extea��or . _`
<br /> �'._ ...:.'•.n:.�.. ?``_,.
<br />' 'f';��....,�' :, :`�,`� pos�oc�e the dae date of the monttilY PaYmeau referred w in pa�agraphs 1 and 2 or change the amonut of such paymec�s. �,.,;:
<br /> '"�::' .� ,r � 11.Bormwer Nat Reteased;For�reasance By Leader Not a Waives.Extensian of the a�for payment or modificatioa •_;
<br /> .. . .,y.`,�, ^�.
<br /> '. L. of amorti7atioa of the swas sea�red by this Security 1n���by L.ender to any sac.cessor in intet+est af Borrow�shali
<br /> '4� - .
<br /> -' "°��� aot aperate to release We liabiliry of the original Borrower or Borrower's suoces.sors in interest. Lender strap aot be reqaired to •
<br /> . '� , '.��: � commence prac�edings�anY saccessor in interest or'refase to e�d time for pa�eru ar ot6erwise modify amortszation � �=,r
<br /> ,�....
<br /> � �_� � ���: of the sums s� by this Secarlty Insmimeru by rcason of any d�and made by ihe orignal Bomnwer or Bortow s �=
<br /> �'{:;-`•=`s•=y�-�:�: suceessora in inte�est. Aay forbearanoe by Lender in eaeraising any right or t+emedy s6a11 not be a waiver of or prec[cede th� --
<br /> < �'r �J' exet�cise of at►y right or temedy. � .
<br /> � ,s�..:. . ,-`' �:- 1Z. Sncaesso�s amd AtsI�ag Bo�d:dalnt and Seve�al Ida6iUty. Co-s�ees.The cove�ants and agr�emeuts of thfis =
<br /> k.•� '�,.- '' Security Inst�ment stsaU bind and benefit the suocessor�and assigas of Lender and Bormwer,subject w the provis�ons of �;;'°..
<br /> -,: • �:�.��.�. -�,..�
<br /> _:,,.,.:,..,.:. . --- -
<br /> _ _: - patag�aph 19. Borrower s covenants and agre�nents shall be joint and sevetal. My Bmmwer wtw�igng th�s Secariry ��.oL
<br /> .;;� Instracnet�t but does aot execate We Note: (a)is co-signing t4is 9eauity Ingprarnent only to mortgage.graat and caavsy t4at �:.y
<br /> 1 �:,.,' Borrawer's intetest in the Property under the terrns of this Secauity Instrwneat:(b)is not personat2y abligated w pay the strms . � -�
<br /> �' `�'' secared lry this Seattity Iosuoment:and(c)agrees that Lendei and any other Bomnwer may ag�+ee w extend.modifY.forbear ar� �
<br /> ,;:,. . . .. . ....,..,:
<br /> make arry accammodarioas with regazd w the terms of this Security lnsuumeat or the Note without that Bo�rower s oonsent. ,.,g,,-.
<br /> -•- ''�..' 13.Laan C6atiges.If the Ioan secared by this Seauity Instcumert Is subject to a taw which sets masiraum loau ehaiges. �-=.
<br /> _: .` ,,,:,.��a ,.
<br /> � �,n��-:
<br /> - ' .� •°'�'�r��� and tbat laar is flnally imetpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or w he coIIected in com�eetian wiih the __
<br /> ...;� ,.:":'..'�`: : .:
<br /> .. ,�:::,.� Ioau exce»d the permitt�limits,then: (a)any sacG laan charge shal!be reduced by the amannt neaessary to�duoe the d�atge --
<br /> -;��''��`�`I����� f'�� to 3he petmitted limit:and(b>az►Y sums alreadY ooltec�ed from Borrawcr wl�cb ext�eeded pem�tted hmit�will be nefuadod to --
<br /> :;��.r`;�;�,'�-;�.��_ Bom�wer. lendcr may c�koose to make this refand by mdnclag the psincipal oweQ tmder the Note or by making a dltrct
<br /> � �� ' ,�'=-� payinene to Borrowes. If a refaud redaces prinapai• the reduction en'11 be ueaied as a Fartial Dte�aYment without ffity
<br /> ...�.;�:; -.�, ,:
<br /> ;`I ._ •� .'°,:' _ � Drepayment c�arge uader the Note.
<br /> :':-•.;r,� -
<br /> :', `,`,`...��;:_-.- 14.Notfc�.Any nodce to Bomawer pravided fos in this SecurIty Iastnunent sl�all be given by detivering i�os by maillng .
<br /> ;;:''``,�°.�f. it b' 6rst etass mail antess ncable law requires use of aaot�r meWud.The notice adall6e direcced to ihe fir3pe�ty Address
<br /> ;�.i:�:�,...::__,.,: • . Y aAD �
<br /> .: �� _ or aay ather address Borrawer de.cignates by nodce w Lender. Auy notice to l.ender shall 6e given by first class mail[o
<br /> . . "" ',::�';R: :'. LenQec•s address stated f�ein or airy other address Lender des}gnates by norice to Bomawer. Any natice pmvided for in ilils ___-
<br /> ,..:.•.
<br /> t�� .�i Secutiry instratnent shali be deemed to have been given to Borrower or LRnder ahen glven as provlded in this paregraph.
<br /> �:�.;�T-�:;:�- ��- I5.Gavemtug Law; Seveealtility. Thia Sea�siry Instrument.shall be govemed by federal Iaw and the law ofthe __-
<br /> ,: .`:,`.:' r•- . .jurlsdicdon in which the Praperty is tocated.Ia the event t6at aay provision or ctaose of thls Se�unry L�stcoment ar the Nate � —
<br /> �'`: ��!:�;�;;� oouflicta with appIicable Iaw.suct�confllct shail not affe�t other provistonv of th�s Seciuiry Instrument or the Note afiicb wu be =__-
<br /> •,,,.;�::.,_;. ____
<br /> :'•'::r'.:.,.-:�..�
<br /> •t� , givea effect without the conflicting provlsion.To this end the provisions of this Secudty Instrament and the Note are declared ���;.
<br /> ..t�,��� �;, to be severai�te. ���_
<br /> �.� ::�� � `, ' 16.Borrowe�s Copy.Bomnwes sbaU be given one confoaned oopy otthe Note and of this Se�auiry tpsWment. �y;:;.
<br /> ,.�
<br /> ...i:.',�r.; ,.
<br /> wr,n aoze smo �°_�
<br /> .. . .,.
<br /> . . . Ve�4 of 6 -
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