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<br /> v�g Z� �. .-i-c� 74 � Cc F. .__ ' � � � e3' t' . ^� t '...r_ 1 T'f . � . .r Q r � tF .,
<br /> _� v �kx.... .��1 A .,_�.�. '"�"�i1.Y ���'k�,_Y._a- .^i�� - ,F c'-G"t r"�z�'.___",�� s[ L,� , `r�''_.�.. .-� �-'-a �= - ..
<br /> _ �rt t.•�,.,t-�^`ti�- r �-�-?_�,s-�^r-, . ..n. . , �c c-, .;, .r�'ie.xv- 4 �r.�c y �zv�t=<c-`� ��£�^y4 £--� Y _-
<br />._'"t-- ir�OS�V K_'�' t., ,f�.� .SC .a. �s.>_5���'2 fR. "a }»�"--b'. `5�-�-�x.�.�...,�:._�t °��.;�.�,,.��_.�..:�.�c:s.�_s.._.z_N '1� _w.��,`r
<br /> �. .•4 �1' � ���+��-a �` y'�Y-�,��?i
<br /> '=r.' -`'_P,.
<br /> -• 'N�=."k::
<br /> _�,E iw;'.'�_-�.!', ��"'3-f':<�:�
<br /> � � a 3 ��z of ttu Property or ury iu�aesc�n st ���.�. ::
<br /> 17.TR811S��Ot�C Ft'O�r t!t 8 B���1��D BO!lO�iCr�81�OIBIIJI QSR W1tTi4Ut ` `�:
<br /> '�� 4 ' is sotd or aansferred tor if a t�enefcial inteaest in Bonvwec ss soid or ttansfemed an�Barrowu�s�t a natural pe�soa) Q
<br />-_r;;,, .t:'t�", •�;: Iminodiate PaYme� in fiill of all sums suure�bY this `? `_.
<br /> - •- I,�r's prlor�vaiuen ooacent. teader may. at ►u aption. ����e�e�g��ibite�by frderal!aw as of the date `y�:•_�,
<br /> :4.�a`��'�'.` �y�, tfiis opiian shall aoi be exercised �b . �;;�:s;t
<br /> Howev�. i
<br /> .. a�G. .�i -. �YLLS�7W�,��".."r"'_"' .._ _
<br /> r'h
<br /> "�r=�°;� .: If[ender exercises this opuan.Le�tder shaU give Bomawer notice af sooele�ation.77ie notice s6at!��ums secu�red by th�s - M i°
<br /> �. �� �:.,..
<br /> -;`:ti:`°;,sa.:;� •;�`:� tess thaA 30 days fmm the date the nouce is delive�d or mai'te� within wluch Borrawer must pay
<br /> -:_�';`_¢�,`�:.,, S�nuity t�suument.lf Borrower fails to pay these snmg prior w the expiration of this period,i.cader may imoke any r�ies �-��_,�a�
<br /> withaut ftuRher notice or demattd on Bomowc,�. ' � x =
<br /> - pesmitted by t�s Sewrita'lt�ume°� to have _
<br /> ,�.•:r';�� 1& Borm�va's R1g6E to Reinstate. if Borrower meets �rtain cAnditions. Basmwer sl�all have the rigtit
<br /> �"`�� or W the eadier of: (a) 5 days tor such other period as :�7..,:;
<br /> ��;�.��r::�=•;`' � enforoement of this S�curity Instsss�ment discominnod at atry time pri -.-�.,, ::
<br /> ° _ - � fos�) before �le of the FrnPertY Piusuaru to any power of sate oontained in tttis ° � r ,
<br /> �" � ' applicable law maY speCifY �ent.Those oondiaans are tisat Borrawer:la)PaY$ ? ° `.
<br /> .�..}ti'� `."--'��<�� or of a' enforcing tfis Secu�iry t:,
<br /> .�: c....r:.a�;: SewntY Inswmeat; (b)enuy' ludgment �and the Note as if no acceteration had ocxuaed:f`b) .:_,r,;, �
<br /> j;y » : ieader all saras which then would 6e dae nad�this Se�uitY � lAN1TCd IA C[{fOIClA$III1S S�qlltY IOSI[UIIICIIt, :
<br /> � c�ues any ddault of any other oovenants or�reemerts:( ) PaYs �. ire w assnre - '� <=
<br /> ,�:��'��_.`";```,-:, �fudiu8•bin uat limited to.�casonable suomeYs'feps:and(d)taYes and Borrower's�obU��uon PaY tt e s�ums secured by t� �1`-
<br /> ��Lender's righis in the P�opertY - * -�
<br /> , �_� : titai tbe liea of tW's�Secnnt ty s h a l l oontinue �m c h a n g e d. U p o n t c i a s t a t e m e n t b y B a r r ower. tiris S e�a u i ty I� � the. �K 4.
<br /> -� � `� this SecuritY trad aocurred•However.this right w reingtate s h a 1 1 h.
<br /> � �;,�, .- �>°: obligg�ons secured herebY sha11 remain fiillY effecrive as if no accetetation
<br /> � h 17. � ,
<br /> i �� � '� not in the case of acce�eration ande,r PatagraD ��t in the Note(to8e�her wtth this Seaurt�► _
<br /> Q; ::: ` . of Loau S�'� Note or a pa�tial � ,
<br /> .:,��...r�:z.,':�L`;.r� ��y�N�o�re times without prior aotere to Eorrower. A sale may resuh in a chauge m t6e endty(kno�nn � .
<br /> 'Theie also may be one
<br /> �� `�` as We"LQan Servicer")d�at collects moothlY PaYm�s d�under the Note aad this Se�rity Im�rume�t- . � 4 z.
<br /> r';�ti;`:;«;:y,.:.s:. � or mote change.s of the Loan Senrioer unzetated w a sate of the Note.If ffiere is a�8E iaw.The au u'�will state the name and :� ;:-
<br /> ,. . °`.`.`:y. 'u-.F; en written aotice of ttte cbaage in aocordance with pataScaph 14 above and appl.
<br /> ��;.
<br /> '`'�">.`''� :. a�ddtess of the aew Loan Senricer aad tha address to wt�ch�ymea�ts shoutd be made.The notioe wiQ aLso contain aay other � y.,
<br /> "+"'.::.:��;'�`A�`.' � infom�aUion reqoired bY a�Plicabie law. ;;...•
<br /> ` t the .use.disposal. stotage,or zclease of arty �,,
<br /> .- `�` > 24. Hamsdous Suhstances.Bomower sl�al!aot cause or permi �°� affecung t6e `�
<br /> '' ,., � '�`' Ha�ardaus Snbstances oA ar in tde Property. Borrower shalt uot do. nor ailow azryone else to do. � ; �.
<br /> :`,�;:::..;;
<br /> ... s. :�;: p[operty that is in vfolatioa of aay Envirotaaental Laa.The pie�eding taro s��� tY to presence,use,aI F�f.,;.:°
<br /> � -=w--�;r... on the Pcopeity of small quanuties of Ha�ar+dous Substa�es that are ge�uY �w be appropriate W aormal
<br /> -L'!��;<�:� c�denaal a�es and to mainteaaace of the Prope�ty. ��,demand.lawsuic or ottter action�y ar►I+ :i`�`
<br /> : .x :`�'` .:,i � Borra�ver shall pmmptlY give 1.endes writteu natice of aay investigation, _ .'_.�;'
<br /> • ,.f::. �•�;� � ous Substauce ar Em►imn�nental I.aw .�.;-.,��.
<br />,r�...:.�:-;,,.:.:.,:_, mvolvin the Propecty an�any Ha7ard nmen
<br /> - � -..,_... .;,:�._t: gove�nmenta!or tegWawtY or psivate Part9� S oveinmemal os regutatary aathuti�tY.� '.�,`.:
<br />�'.ti':::y,:,': :.;:;:r.; of wL3cb.Bomawer das a��wledge.If Borrower teams.or is antifed liy aq3►g tahe �¢,�`
<br /> -` �',. ,t_: a�t t�naval ar other remed�adon of anp H�dous Substance affecpng�the Pmpert3►Is neres�Y.Borrawcr shaall prnm�dY �. :
<br /> . �11 n�sary reme�ial actlons in s000rdance arith Farvimnanental Law. � .-T-,
<br /> � ` �'"�i��` deflned ag to�ic or haTard��bY �-
<br /> _ .;�°�` dous Snbstanoea"ace those sabstances • t
<br /> f�r:. ':1�.'E As used in this paraSraPh�• �Hazar
<br /> - Smimra�tal Law and the following substamces' gasuliae. kerosene. ather flammabte or toxic peuoleum pmdncts. w� +;�.�;;
<br /> . containi ashestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive matecials.As used , ���.°:..*,:.
<br /> �°=.: ':�- �> :°.,, estictdes and becbic�des.volaatile sfllverrts.materiats A8 �s located t�at � �.�F. .
<br /> i�.=.:�'-I=,::�i";`-`:�:;<<::�� p ^ �''s:�''
<br /> � tb�s D�P�-20
<br /> °Bnvhanmeatal Law means fede�at taws and laws of the yurisdicdon where the PcapeRY ' ��__
<br /> ';:,,�� � = relase tP health.safety or easvimsuuet►t81 Pmte�on.
<br /> NON-lJN1FORM COVBNANTS.Bor�ower aad Lettder fnrther ooveaaiat aud agree as foltows: �
<br /> "F .� . � � Z l.A a ce leratioa i Remedtes.Leades x6all give notice W�omower pstor to aocelesatton foitowing Bos�ow��� . _
<br /> � at unY �v�ant or a�n�t in t�1s Secadt�► Ia�trameut tbut aot p r t or t o e a e t e e a t i o a a n d e r ��p�ethe dd� �"x'-�
<br /> . ` . ..{`. appHcabte taw peovidcs otherwlr�.T6e aWtce sLaq s{�ctfYs ta)the defaoik tb3 the astton reqote+ed -�
<br /> �. ... {c)a date,not t�s tban 30 days fram the date the nottce Is gtven to BorraRer.f+Y afi3cb 3he defaatt magt be��d:a� F - °
<br /> ;�;�-,:;:'::•°-=�'�; in tl�e noUoe m8Y-resWt in accelera�an ot the smns _
<br /> - �:-: �,�;'.:.��;.:i��-. ttn tbat.faA�e W cure tiee defautt oa or before the date spedited
<br /> ,"�°`;tri��°� ;�', seeue�bp tids Sec�tty IAStrameat aad sate of tDe Peop�4y.'I�e nottCe shafl�faAdee inform Bormarer•af the dght tu _
<br /> �; �;���� ��. �. e+etnstate aftet aotdeta�on and the r�ght tu l�Ing a court adion w assert the aomesistcace af a ddaNt����eith�a��
<br /> • '-� 'dePe�e of Borraw�W accei�adon and sal�IP the defaait i�unt aw�+e�aQ ar Defose the tlate sg�afi�d ..
<br /> .��_,.�.�:�x�� tmme�#ate�rmeat in fo11 of aU sams s�cvred 6y thls Sec�tt9 Instr�eat. -
<br /> :�.�;�:;; :::�:; . Leader.ei its optloze.a�y� lIcabie law.I.cudet sha�be
<br /> -.'�'"'�:�:`;-: :.:�` Ymth¢r demat►d a�ed a�ay invo e tUe wer ot sate and aay at6ea rwsadt��mitted bY ePy
<br /> u d�d tn tMv para8raph 21.tadadmg+6ut nat ftmite�
<br /> -°:�:�::_,:;.�.;� ;uc�e�°in puusut�the semedi�pr�vt
<br /> endtte�to wttect att expenses
<br /> �.�.y�.._���:.��. :.� ' to,reasanable attopaeYe'fees and cosTS oYtitte 4��% ----
<br /> 1:�r : ��f the wer oP�e is lnvoked.Tetistee ehall r�car�a nattce of defantt W eacb caaa�tn w1�1d�.aa9�ae�af the -
<br /> . . +�'" Propeity is�ted e�d sbaU maU e4pfes of sus6 nottae in the mammer presce+l6ed bY aPD iaw to Bomawer�nd to � -_.
<br /> Y
<br /> �••'-. � � the othee pctsams g�e��'aDD��ble isw.Aiter the Wne rrqolred bY BPP��te faw.Tr�tee shall gtve pubftc aottoe !�`
<br /> `:_:.:,.-�?_� - b e 1aw.Tra�tee,wit�m�t danand on 8orrawer.s�ti scI{
<br /> - r o!sele to tde pPl&0�AI[d lA e maAner pr�a�ibed Y SPP� i�u tbe II��oe 1�
<br /> '.�. � t8e Pr�►a�P�b1�c aadian to We htghest bldder at t6e time end fp a�e aaa undes���ot���•a�
<br /> . sale in ane or more parceie and in a�;y�order Te�tee determines.Trustee�Js�dn1�sa1e.Leuder d�e =
<br /> °-- .�• ; °::`i':' prop�ty by pnplic annoanoement at the�me aad place a�snY P��` �•Y_
<br /> � .�
<br /> , ::�,. . QmzUarse the Yroperiy at airy sale. �__�
<br /> ,_¢, �u.•.
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