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<br /> M�. ..S ' , .t.c- _3�' ' __ _ - - . ' � .t .k lf.._, . i _�;..
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<br /> ��. .��-s ' F .'��'yS�` �.4!. '�-i�°�+c ._ z _ '4it� . tt'`e:�s-' -Si�. �, '; �.
<br /> .. . .�k. � �F^ Y��l�r 's-''r.. 4 E + �
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<br /> �� $ .� r r �ti�oc � tY a��s�-:�o � t c �ar as �...t`-
<br /> , -�-°� �— < . .f a ai F—F e � �"� -3� , .�E. ""-� � �.. 'r- -°�; i' -< .x .•
<br /> - �Ta,o r -a � x � .e. s a� fi +c- n f
<br /> .,` •`y-{ e;. ��`U'''4�i.r ` ._"�"_G"��_ -(�L� '-c.k �_�S Ci'Lx �..��U�r _.•.�..;..�r� 3� ���� t . .-:a47CT'�"sb'i 2�,�",`��`<.....�"l�i +���X
<br /> �'i'� '�"'i't . r Yc?�,�< �,���. -�T Y��4� 9,�-<_•��..�.L'�a-..�-,_x��ri-Q. !::�r1-`'a'` aT` ,.,�..�'z'�-`�.�,� �
<br /> 4 '�' `4�. -- --r-_ ,_..�� �- _-_•_s,.'.�''`_ �_t, `� :�., _ - .c.;�_.i=�a'-�.:'u - - - - ' - --
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<br /> ,,��'.-^.�;\�„�w � '`E3��� _<�,
<br />`_`�.h-,`<�`.r..;�:, � � paymeuts m�y tm loager 6eseqtured.ai Qte o an of t.eadat.if taortgage insnran�oe aoverage(in the ammml�and for the�pciiad "��'.
<br /> ,v;�,� ....��<
<br /> < ;� tbGtt teudet r�quires)Pro�Ided by ea�ustuer appmved by�agaia mes available sad is obtained.Bonower s6aQ puy
<br /> .��;. :°V:�; the pce�ms�cNired to t�ainiain mortgage iasurance in effect,or to provide a loss reserve.utm'i dte requtm,�aent for mostgage - _
<br /> s�se u`�•- tasureaa¢ends in m�ootdauce wlth�►y wn'tten agreemeat between Borrower and L�nder or a�pl�rabte laar. -�
<br /> 'M1¢�r`�=i V F� 9:I�fioa.Ireader or its agent may amke reasonaWe entries apaa m�D imspectio�oY the Pmperty. f�ender shail give ..,�
<br /> �. .-,- m �
<br /> � ,X !4 {" Busrnwer aoNoz at d►e thae oY or prior w an inspectioa specifying ieasonabte caus�for the i�ion. `-
<br /> �.,....�°�__ �-• t0.Cond�tiot�.'i'f�e proceeds af any awaid or c1alm for damag�.direct or conseguential, 1II 0011ILpCftOA WItII 8A)► ��__;t
<br /> '",`��%`��., `�, coademaation or a�er taking of�►y part of the Pcuput�+.or for coaveyance in tieu of oondem�ion.aze herehy assigned aad
<br /> E.� , �%.` -
<br /> � �. -F r t y- shatl be paid to Leader. :
<br /> LL��, < <-4 fi � . In the eveat of n totai ta�ng af the Froperty.the pmceeds sflall ite app9ted to the sums secated by dus 5ort�rity Instrua�ent, �
<br /> -�.-�4 : •whether or uot t4eo dae,wIt1�a�r excess paid to Bormwer.In the eveat of a pa�tia!tatdng of the Property in whicl�the fair
<br /> l�µ��t.�_`c��� :•. i
<br />-y'�.:.�.-a=;�� • s ma�et wahce of the Pmpe�ty immediately before the ta�ug Ls equa!to or greater tLaa the amo�t of t6e sums sea�red by t6is J�<
<br /> �•..".-`" .�. . S�ity In�eume�nt immedia�ly befo:e tiie taking,natess Aanower aad I.eader otherwise agree in writing.t�e'sams sesured by �:
<br /> +. 3�:
<br /> � ` , this Sec�iry�shall be reduced by the amount of the prooeeds mW�lled hy dbe foUawing 5action: (a)the tatsl �''
<br />:;;`::�::��C;:=•-' � a�af tLe sams seau�ed immediateiq before the talriag,dvided by(b)the fair maik�value of the Property in�diately �:.
<br /> f , �.,
<br /> � :. 6efore ttre takin$. My tralance shalt be paid ta Bomower.In the event of a pa�rtial tatdng of the pcapeity in whid�the fair
<br /> ,., � � • u�i�vatae of the Propeaty immediatety trefure the taking is less thaa the amonnt of the smns serar+ed immediately before tl�
<br /> - ,uNesg Borrnwer and l.e�er o�ise agnee in v�mg oi uNes�applirabte law oti�vise pnm�id�.tlte pm�s shail �.
<br />- T�;�''s� -- i be�}i�W the s�s secvted Isy this Seauity�w�atLer or uat the sams a�th+�f dne. � . ===
<br /> �_`.�� If the P�opertg is abaudoned by Rorrower,or if,aftra nati�by Leaider w Burnuwer tkat the oandemnnr offezs Lo ma�an -�:
<br /> -�;''`-�3'F'.!^� - Z�
<br /> ; ., : 't;.�. p�
<br />="""�.�`��=:`=`�..: awa:d or sett�e.a claim for(�p}�pQ(1Q� Boriowea fa�s to }p��d to Ixnder within 30 s after the date the notice is ven,
<br /> �.G�.i vrj y F.[ '. �O^� ��"!""' � O' �i.
<br /> Leadet is�ndtorized w colte�t and apply the Qcn�eds:at its option,eithra to mstoration or repair of the Property or ta the s[ans
<br /> �
<br /> �f��_�,�"�: � ; ��Y��Y�•wk�s os t�t6en dne. �.
<br /> ,�'�:: Untess Lender and Eonower ot&etavise agnee in writ+ag, anY appli�ina af p:+noeeds to prinsip�al sha}l not exteatd mr� _�..-
<br /> -�.,=��` %:;;�"•y . �':
<br /> ':�'•� P�W�the dne date of the mosrthty paymems r+�feczed to ia prarag�ap�s 1 and 2 or c�ange the a��ttnt of such gaymestts. —_.
<br /> - ��:��=•�:.,•� _
<br /> �:4;- z€€�t l�.Borrower Not Retea�;8orb�raUoe B}t I.ffider Not a W�iv�ExtensIon of the tiine for paymeat os uiodiflcatFou --_
<br /> <'-',��"' ��.'-.� � of amartUattoa of t�e soms s�d by tl�is Seauity Ins�ment g�anted by Lender to any successar ia inte�est of�shall =.--
<br /> ';- �� -��� .. .not operate to releas�the iiabii'riq uf the origiml Bosower or Bormwer'a saooessors iQ inte�s�IRader sl�al!�t be c�qnirei3 tb ..
<br /> J:� -4:''..=s� cammeuoe P�ooe�nl�,s against�any►successas la interest ar tefase to eatena time far payment ar otherarlse modify emorti�tton ---
<br /> -- ''� '''-r'���`, .of the snms sewred-by t6is Secotiry IAStrament by ieason of nny dem�vd made 6y the origfaal Boaawes ar$otirawet's '
<br /> :r ;�;:r.�,- .> m v
<br /> '�� =" sacoesso�in Interest.Auy fo�rarue by L,eAder in exen3shig aay rlght oz�sball not be a waiver of ar g�ccl�de the
<br /> ;,;,s.'', ,,. . —-
<br /> `::;:,,.4�`'- exerc'sse of a�r rigGt as remed�r_ ----
<br /> ,'v'>:�:�f`,,. :�`�'': : 1Z. Suoc�ors and A�Bound;Ja�nt and Sev�al Ldabitlq,Co�stgpas.1[�e c�veaaAts�and agme�ts of this `_—
<br /> �_r..�i!,;�.�:y .,.a. ---
<br /> '-:.::�,� SecurIty Instrnm�t shall bind and beaeSt the successozs end assigns of I.�nder amd Borruwer.SIIbjECt f0 t$C p�V�S�OAS Of . f�'.-'
<br />"-:�,-°`�r�..:'�.,- h 1T. Bumrwe�s covenauts and cements shalt be 'oint and several. Aa Bon+nwer whu ro-si ttils Seaui ,----
<br /> _ '^,'��; D�P �& 3 Y 8�t tY • �-- -
<br /> �° '� �S� ��Y Y ��,8�and eaavey that � '—
<br />_.`��_h';;,::"�;;�:_ Iasu�bnt does uot execute We Note: ta)�is w�st this Ins�mteat onl to mo ,--
<br /> ` .t._?'_.. Bomawer's inteiest in the Pcoperty under the ternns of ttis Seauity In�enl;tb)is nat pezsonaily obl�ga�d ta Fay t6e sacns • ;_"J
<br /> _ k'
<br /> ,�j se�d bY�is Sec�itY J�e�aad tc)a8cees tbat/.end�r•and any other Bormwer may agree w extend.mod�iy.fo�r os s---
<br /> ,_ +'•.;:;,.,_ ,;�� t�ce mry aa�msuodatioas with reg�rd w the terms of this Sacauity Instcumen!or the Note withunt that Borrower's arnsau.� � ,--...
<br /> ��'�:. I3.Loau�ges.tf the Wan secuted Oy tiils Securiry Inst�amem is subject to a law which sets s�iauim iaaa�, ;�,
<br />. -��`..'..; : amd tbat!aw is 8aali so
<br /> �{� . y 1nte�Preted tl�t the intere,at or o�er[oan cl�arges ooQected.or to be caQectnd iA wmtecction with the '—
<br /> - Ioaa exoeed the permiued llmita.thca�: (a?anY suds tuan cLarg�e s6a11 be reduood by the amauat nece.csary w neduce the C�rge . .�
<br /> -a--._=_�,�,� � . ��,�a«����roy����a�►.�u�e�B���,�a�«�a���,��a m �
<br /> =�`; . Bos� ie�r may chaosa ta make tl�is iefimd 6y ra�dng tl�e princlpal owe�cudet ttie Note or by raaidng a dJte�t-:, . . -:�`s
<br /> ---�.��-,.---�- gayment ta Basna��% If a refamd rednocs priasip,al. the rednedon wi1! be treated ris a i�� P�P�ebt wit�out any'�,;;, E-
<br /> ��`�-�� �-"° prep�yment chatg�s�acder the Nate. � . ` �; �---
<br /> °�� � l�f.•Nottc�es.Aay nntice ta`�ortowei pmvided fas ia tius Security Insuurn�tt sball be g�v+qf.by dt�.ivertng it os�by mailing_ —
<br /> -,�� . it by fl�t.cL�ss mail uNess appficable!aa requi�+es nse of another mashad.The aui�ae shalt be dirert�to the P[a�leitSr.Address. , �-
<br /> �_.J
<br /> �. _ ar a�►y othea�addc�s Bormwer des3gnates by notice w Lender. Any aotice to tRader shaU be given try fust ctass mait to �..
<br /> a►y
<br />�r1�,.-,:,�'- ;`. Le,ndet's address stated herein os aay other add�ss�LenQer des�gnates by notfce W Borrower. A�r�nasice pravtded for Is this �, . ��' ��
<br /> '� Seauity Irffiqutneat sha}l be da�e�to bave been � -
<br /> � -�;. given to Borr+uaer or IRnde�when given as prov�ded:9a t6is-pazegesph. . , 'm�
<br /> az
<br /> ""�"�'°�-. . . 4S:Ga�erofng Law; 8esi�a6Dtiy. 79�ts Secudty Instrament sball be gavem� by tbdetal law and the law of the '.
<br /> 1 "
<br /> �`�� '�' j i v l s d t c t lua in w h�C h t h e Rraperty l s I o c a�d.I n W e event t h a t mry p r a v l s lon or c t a,use o f f h}s S e c u r iry I r t svut�ent or.t he Note_ �� °-
<br /> f/(�•:�S- ..r.
<br /> :�:, 'g oanfltcts with applicable law,such conflict shall nat affec�other provisiong of thls Sea�rlty 1ns�rumeai or the Note w�ich caa 6e . �' _-
<br /> , ' :' . . .. given effect wltimut the canfliding p�rovlslon.'Po this ead the provis�ons of this Searity Insqunnent aad ihe Note aie dectarod -
<br />-�-'`,:. �.�, W beseverab2e. . .
<br /> _��.�,�� . , _ .__
<br /> ;��:�-�;�:� 16.�ortawes's Copy.Borrower s�all�be givea one conforme4 copy af tbe Note aud oY this Sea�rlty Iaswment.
<br /> _-:��.����•, . #�-
<br /> .,�r..•���:, . ,—
<br /> � � - :, Casn 8028 9/9Q "�t� -.
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