_'�'�-ma�r,s . . . . F -:.;y^: w:z:wMx.v,.-�:.r--`_.'_'___' . -V�1��r
<br /> .5 _�htE� ,.y^,.�._ .� �, i.T�.J�--^ y.��"..:,...����:'." 'i=��G-yT� �.�- c;I��'..L ,N,;Vsr4.a" . . ..t _
<br /> a���t P& 4V.-.?M� ` S'e.u.�� f Y�f - a}. a'1.r ^ 'i`s."-"���.-^ `z�,"'St��. b: �`�`�,.� .r�w�A_
<br /> � _.,.'g�._F <
<br />-..trr ;`'���a,:�=i�.- ':y,� �3 � "' _ rF-. �YrF:..- � -Y`"" 'C _ � �"� �-n'"u' �-" � - _.
<br /> �r. �..s � r. 4 -��i �t-.-.».����� �. ,r
<br /> • ;�<•�., �. _ =S� _c,.,�� --- �-k,� 4"' .� �_�-4. k_,�
<br /> .r�.: �� � 35..�.�.,_.!r,.—__�,._xn..... _ . ..� E.,��_ c�.• . .. . �'.
<br /> dr.y`r.,.5•.'� v':.�'-.�t��` - � Lr.. t ��• � c%`�{ 4`�;y -sJ,;r�� ` ,��.
<br /> - � �` s � `. ..a -S '� �t y�- ' i,�F� y�<S E'{ f '
<br /> ._i�� .�?�c= t� � - a -� A -i'°` �-``- �� -r-� . ..�+�r. �r'�, r---�� a`e'?X' -a r���;
<br /> �fi. o . R:F � : - r` 7 ;, .. P'•: - ,+r-+ee r .�.:`y' �'ffF ��Z°� v, � . r � . -
<br /> -- ..�'e. � �_,�1� ;t-,- _-c., :,x.r: ..� ��'.�r-�_ -�°� .S �-.�'�'_�."z-?�'"'�S'''�"��' "--�5 -i�i,'ci� -,�`rrxr' s`Ar, � `�� - -
<br /> _• ' £., v _�. ;� ' �.":..�_; .
<br /> . �.. , r. .. ' _z.h.o� .��d
<br /> ':s4;.�i�� .� .�cfi � �. �E.-` �. ':•'r,j,_�- }.�,-: t � -�`� .�f �i44i.�_. � .f k r .i- -�"'- �tY�� � .� .a`_��� - ��t ``d --"J.:
<br /> l ,: .. yr.c' � I#t"'ty_'.c-- '� . Z..s.. - �SZe----��'z '+>-^y . . :-c•z--�``. �---c-�— �-'a. �4-;_ _ �° _�.trr-- F-� .
<br /> 'v r:,-"-4-ec4r�N-e. a-- t- - 2 �'e ,:�; �.`°'�`°�{-�t� ._�"�'�-� .. e�.�...t...-"F ' e �-
<br /> a�TZA.A' -�K.�rr�---c�u-- �„k .,r--�-z. 4- ��S.Y- T-'�i . "�•JS'{'-,-� . �xz..•c+��"Fm.-.� . 3s, E.:t..-_ - � " k.y.c�:
<br /> G Ec �'..� c.� .:;._t L _.�" , .'_'.' � . ' _ :. �. ' " g��,g��q��p.�p"�� �:.u=
<br /> i �.
<br /> '.� . _ . . . . . . � u�b,pc�uG."9�►�Crs'i+ • rz _�
<br /> ��3�F�, .4 fi F` ������Vw`•D��QQ;BYttYGV16Y DVa1VNiw DIYiu�7�i�Gi��LHliif���.. �"^'t �x:�
<br /> ��� �p�emium being p�d bY$osmwer when the ias�uaaoe cov�age lapsed �
<br /> `��.�" .�t-�4;;� on�taelBL'ot.t�a y�rh►aaor�8� e �oe. i.oss resec++e - -.
<br /> ��`��� � �-� use aad retain tltese payumemts as a loss �rve in lieu of m�it888 ' ;�`:
<br /> �,,....$ �, ,��,�,_ be ig�.�er wiU a+� • mO��� °° m the amauat ead far the period =
<br /> �: at ghe opdoa of Lender �f � '�e C
<br /> �EF 4 L P ,�,`" ��gY�O tOflgCT bE �y�A.4atF�8pj►�VCd b}I I�CII��n b80dEAC3 eY81�81fIB�IS O�!ffiI11�.BOJIOWC[Sb81I Q83i C"�i.;S
<br /> �_Ft. .,�. ,. u.. t3��t�ender requit�)pm �l' for mortgage `
<br /> �. '�;. tbs preminius re4uired to m�°m0��°�in e�c�t.or to.pr8vtde a toss reserve.�m1i1 the�� .,\_,.,_
<br /> r
<br /> b�envvo�Bairower and[xnder os appUcab3e law. r ,,
<br /> ` � ' tnsatana�ends its s000�danee with aay writtea a� le entaes and�s�Oas of the�tty.Lend$r s�a118n'e ` "�-
<br /> k y �p�On,isender or its agant atay make�casonab �
<br /> f �`; <<�� • reasanable canse for tLe iaspearoa- �� `��-
<br /> `.F ,�- Bortower�tt�at the tlme of orp:ior to an i�n�� . in oa�an�vith an.Y �.
<br /> - t.��....n,-.�,:r 18.COII$�OD•�te P��9�f�Y�os C�iII1 foT d8m8$es.dlieC�orrrade� .++�n�,are i�Y assigned end "'
<br /> oondemaazion or other taldug of any�rt of the Propeny►.or fa.wmeyaaoe in ti�of � �: ��
<br /> _a j0.F��l`,} � ',',,
<br /> rt� { : sba!!be paid w I.eader. s�be agp�ed to t6e snms seasred by this Seca�+�sw��+ —
<br /> ,�, - a °. - Ia die event of a wtal ta�It►g af the PmPe�tY�dte pi°°e� in wludi the fair �
<br /> `'Y'_� �� • wit�her or aot tdeu dne.arith a�►Y exoessp�W w Bormwer•In the ev�t of a partia!midag of d►e ProQeA.y
<br />- `�`� m�et vatua of thQ propestS+ $efoie the mloag is equa�w ar greates t�n the amo�of the surna serured by this 4,.. -
<br /> <.,L�`::�>�y �y tsldng,m�less Botrower and IRader otheraise ag�e wrii�nS the sams s�bY ..�4�{"
<br /> u~� �ty befure ttee � lzed the f�llowin f�actian: (a)the to�l >•;�
<br /> ,``'� `� ' this Secarity�6e redaoed 6y the �nmmt of the pmooeds t�P,.
<br /> befote tlte tsking. iry the fa�r mar�ket vatne of t e Pmpe,rty�Y �` "'
<br /> :':x�.r:�:;:�':�;F��:�: amount of the svms secured immediateTY ��of a pattiai�ing of the PropeRy in whid�the f a i r `--���;:.
<br /> -� .=�:� before the takiag.l�ny batance sha114e paid to SmTOwer.is less than the amount of the saa�searced�Y before the - :
<br /> .; ~`�=:'���-:}: n�srk�vatne of the PingertY immedisuly 6efore the tagm8 -� �.
<br /> - = - jn or untess applicable taar otherwise provides,the P�o�s� h f.,•�.,
<br /> , ,° �°t� � `.�.; takiaS.anless Botmwer and l.exider otherw�se agree wrlt�g . �..,..�
<br /> _ � �°'�' 6e applIed w the�smns sewred 6Y this Sec�iry�whether or aoi the snms ate then due. ..
<br /> .:� : ',,.�, ,.:P� If d[e Pta�peaty is abmtdoned by Borrow�.or if,after aottce by Lend�w 8oirower that the oondemnor offers to amke ar� µ�;_V(
<br /> €`�--"-=-. award as seute a da�m far damage.s.Sarmwer faiJs to mspond to L�der withm 30 days aRer tha date t4�e notiae is�ven, _ ,y`,
<br /> '�Y ;- "' -=` at its option,ertherm reswrat�oa or�air of the Pm�perty or to die smns
<br /> a w�t Lendea is anthor�Zed to coltect aad appIy the prure,eds. ' �'� ;
<br /> '� ` �by�q S�a�ty Ia�sa�nmeat,whether ar rmt t6eu dae.
<br /> 4�' sf�all,not e�aend or a `=
<br /> , �•�`-y � Y�:: Unl�s LendCr aad Bormwer atherwise ag�ee ln ardting, az►Y appl�cation oF prooeeds w Prins�pa� r� -
<br /> �:..� 'y4 . .'" referreei to in hs 1 and 2 ot�ange the amount of sucb payments; ...,.:.�_��`
<br /> � �'; '� `<;;,- pos�ane the due date of the montblY PaY�� ��
<br /> °� ..;�,��:. LendeF ot s atver.Extensian of the ume for paymeat or�� � _
<br /> iL Bnnow�1Vot Re2�Forh�asQa�noe{�yBY�e��by�des W any successar in inta�st of Ban+na�ewer stiail ;
<br /> . f Y` ' � :�":.f, ��S�7VYW�ty 7!`..: .-
<br /> ��,..-.�'._:......u�;�: nat operate to retea� liability of the original Bomawer or Bo:rower's suooessois in intecest. Lender shali nut be t�equtred to � :--'
<br /> �x_ �� : � ceedia agaiast aaY�in iate�eat or refuse w extend time for parymeai or ot6eiwise nu�di$►aawt�ia� s :
<br /> �co�Pr'��by thia S� �nsuameru by reason of ffi►y.demand made bY tlie originat Bo�rower or Boftower s � y��:.::
<br /> �� � ?. ..�,� �: '^'� �T',.,
<br /> � � ;.. • ri t ar remedy shafl not be a waiver of or pr�rlude � �.'
<br /> 7, y �,, s�sn:s ia int�t. Aity for6earaace by L�der ln exe�isia$�nY � .-
<br /> �;: euerase afQ a,,a�y.�d.�g,�ttt or re�y. p�,.n���. 74te cavenmats aad a��s of this �, ".
<br /> .�. 'lt . -� t e, .� �• ►iv►+�eaWl'8��B�Qdf a� SIlL� �Y.Q���u'•7s w�'6" =i1-
<br /> ` •,:` Iaauument s5si2 bind and beaeft the successora snd assigas of Lender and Bornower,sa6jea to the pm�ag of �
<br /> ` - t` p�arag�apb 17. Borcower's covenaats an� a�ts shail 6e joi�and*s�e�ver.a�t,�A�ay B o•nA o wer.who o�op:�s�i�d com+� �"°
<br /> 4Kl, �. ���:. �$��{/1147YYYMrW"'�� W�����1Yr"�
<br /> �.� '�`- ' � lasaame�tt 6rt does not execate the Note: (a)ls oo-sigainS - -- �,
<br /> ` '� ��� Barrower's iater�st in tb Praperty under the te�ms of tbia Se�rity InsOn�ment;(b)Is not �1i��Da3►�� ,
<br /> fotbearor ���?.
<br /> ,�; ���� `� r� s��S►�50�� '����e t� this Socurtty�Insdome��o the Noteyvvith�au�t d�at Boam���cons�tt. -
<br /> � :r� ��� ;. make auj+aa�od�the loaa secared bY a�SeauhY Ins�dm�is sabjecc w a!aw afiicb sets max�mam laair ct�es. � _
<br /> ,�', r', =�:. 13.Laa�'� . � -_-
<br /> ,:,:.� and ttmt Iaw is finaliy mterpreted so c�tGe 3ate�t or other toan.c�arges wltected or w be coliecieii to�dace t11e cbarSe -__
<br /> :r��''���'-�'� taan eaceed�e pamiued linilts,tt�'��)�►i+sucb loaa e,�a�cge sbaU be reduaed by the aanotmt --__
<br /> ., r,r�� �; : ati!Iectcd from Borrower which exoceded permit�t�wiJi be reftmded to �
<br />.r.;•. .....:t.._•.:.;:,;.�,' w the pennitted linnir,and tb>anJ►s�s atmaaY � awed �der tbe Nate os by matdng a diiect .�:
<br /> without aity ,�"
<br /> `�• :-`:P_.: .��:;� ; Bosrawer. i�euder may chaose w mak�tbis��the redac�oa w�ItI be ueated as a.patiat FrepaYment .�-�=_
<br /> `rf } `", ,;:-� . py�a py�m�e n t w Botrowe� If�La*retf♦i�md redaces PrjnctP =__
<br /> 4 . .'•: . Y•�i'7...��'t��Yi83�OW� --__.
<br /> ::,r� 1 4.Nottaes.M y aotice W Borrowea provid�for in this S�cari t y Inatrament shall tre giveri by deliverjng It 9r bY wa�ag
<br /> _,.. -.:.,._:�;:�:-•.
<br /> _�,� : :; :.�.;-� It by fuat class a�anless appl�ca b l�l a w r e q u i r e s use o f a n a t h e r m e t b o d.'I Y t e n a t F c e s h a U b e d l�t e d t o W e P r o y e r t y Add�ss --
<br /> ,._`.,�`�.,:-: ,, .z.,. b notice w Lender. Aay.not�oe w Lender sbatl 6e given by�ist dass�1 to
<br /> --�� t:;�;. or arry athes address$orrawer ctesigaates Y no@ce w Bnnower. My natloe provtded for in thia
<br /> �'� �� • Latde�'s addres�s�e��t�ein os aaY ad�er addr�.a I.estder desi�bY .
<br /> A�` � '� Ser�rlty Insoramera shs,CB be d�ined to tiavebeen gtYen wBarrower or Lender avhen given as ymvided inthis paragrapl�. -
<br /> r'0 Thia.S�wrltY �astmmeae shall be gove�aed bY•fedeiaT taw and tine taw of ahe
<br /> °�.A�- ,. �; 15.Governistg L�r 8evesabL�di7t• os the Nate . _
<br /> . -'�.:-�'.r� : � sdictlon ia arh�ch.tite Propc�y#s�cated.ln the e+rem tf�at any provislon�ctaase of t�ls Secartty 1n�t —._..
<br /> `�':�.y'-?�sa �ds�d app�cab2e taw:sacb c+�x��t sLa11 aot affecc otber pmv3sions of t6is Se�nritY Y�retumertt ar the Note whicFq ican be .
<br /> ':r'�..;-:,:� on.�To tliiis end 8ce provislans of.this Secmtiry I�rameat aad the Note are�d8clared �
<br /> - _:�t.: �,� � ��� giva►effeccwithaattheonnflic�in$��s1 t . .
<br /> ;.,<.-f:�`;.:: �
<br /> : . : :�,- -�. ro be severab2e. . ---
<br /> 1.,:;�;�'�,�'-.:�..; '�:r;: . ' 16.Bon+awer's Gopy.Bosowet sb�ali be give,n one canfotme�oopy of tLe Nate and of this Secarity olns�t�..�in.it ,o_--
<br /> I7.Transtee of t&e or a Beneftdal Iate�st in t3orr+u�ver.lf aU or aay part of the PropertY az►Y
<br /> �° ` '�'� . .fa s n t d ar t�s f e rn d t o r,i f a��c i a t interest ia Bo:mwer ls sold or�uansfared and Borrower is not a natutal persaay with�sst
<br /> - � ```���;`-':��';' 1,ender's prlor�vtIttc�oonsent, LEnder may. at ita optton. immediate paqnAent ia full af ail sv�ns �b Y t l fi a
<br /> . . .. :,_-�=�� ° �
<br /> :"'`:�-:.=-�:-. :; .;: 8eauit�+tasaume��However.tbis opt�on at�aU aot 6e e ercised Lender if execcise�S p�~bite�by fede�!Iaw as of the date . —_
<br /> s �. � = �, , • _--
<br /> r . y y;; of thia Secority lnsaa�c.
<br /> If Lenderaxercises this option.l-ender$ha11&ve Borrower aot�ce of so�sation.The natice sbaU gravIde a�etlod of nat �__'
<br /> • �,,� �.. ' �•' less than 30 days from the date the nt�ce is deIlivered or maited witbin afiich Borrower must pay ell sums secured by t�ds -
<br /> . .°•'�°� L�strument,If 8orrower fals.co p�j►thhesse aumsprior w the explradon of tlils pertad..Lender may iavotce arn►remodies ---
<br /> t e
<br /> - � •`'`'���,��'��� $etmlKed b�r ihis Securl�Y Insuume�t witltaat farther not�ce or demaiW on Borrower. ' °-°
<br /> �'.�:;�, A . —=-
<br /> - . " �s��,� 18. 8ormwe�a Ri�ht to Refnstate. if Boaower meets eertain condidons: Barrawer shait have the rlght to have —_-
<br /> - enforoement of this Secur�ry Insaument dls¢ontinued at azry dme yrlor to the earlier.of:ta)s�3►s (ar such gther pertod as ��,
<br /> appllcable 2aw may spedfy far relastatemenq before sale oY thep�p�Y P��t to scry Powec of sale cuntained�n tliis ��_
<br /> ` ' 5ecnrity lnstrument,or(b)euuY oi a judgment enforcing this Security tnswment.l9eose coadittons are that Bonower:ta)p�re �;_-
<br /> :�. : `°
<br /> - �� t����.:•�:.:;-.:� L,endet aU sams whlch then would be dne under this Sr�urlty Insuwuent and the Note as If no accete�adon 6ad fl�d; (b) _�;,,
<br /> � , ` � car�any default of any other covenaats or agreementa:(c)P$i►s ell exPeases inaure�in enforcing this Seauiry tnstr�ment,
<br /> ,: �':.'�°�� including,bnt not limited W�reasoaable attomeys'fees;aad td)takes sucb action as Lender may reasonabty reqnire W assura _
<br /> - .'--�c�'�'�:. . . that tf�e lien of this 5ecurity IusWment.Leader's rl ta In the Property and$otrower's obliga�on ta the snms•sea�t�ad by
<br /> —.-=.r�''�'�.,.���� :< this Sesurity. insteume�t shall oondnue unchang�Upon reinstatement by 8�i�lorre++ec Lhisii� rr}nstat�e ahall
<br /> � obligatioas s�cuted hereby st�ail remain fully effe�e as�f no asceleradon l�ad t�
<br /> ,:' nt►t ap�ly in the case of accelerat3on under paragtaph 11.
<br /> ' ' � . 19.Ssle ot Note: C6ange of Losa a'krviccr. 'f'he Nate or a partial interest in the Note (togetfcer witlr pils Secusity
<br /> cr
<br /> A�':::..# .:.�`�-;::.�;:" insnumenq may 6e sold one or more t i m e 9 w l t hau t p r ta r n a t i c e to Bonower.A ssle may sesuli ia a chaage in thc entity(kaown
<br /> - ::.-,;�:::;r;� as tl�e°Laan 5enrtcer'7 that collects monthlY PaY��due under the Note and ehis Securlty Inssuument.7'�ere also may tie ona
<br /> ..�.:�.� or more changes of the l.uan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.lf there is a change of ttte Loaa Seevicer.Boimwer will b� •:�.
<br /> :,t���..;`'::': �,' :��.: given written nobtce of the diar�ge in aceordanca with paregraph 14 above aud 13cable law.71►e notice wUl sffite the name and •: '
<br /> �;..�.:�,�_:=,.'.�.�,:'•' �.
<br /> � - adQress a4 the new Loan Servtoer and the address to which payments should�made. 79te noNce wiil atso oontain anY other �"*�.
<br /> _ ,. :�:- � , '. infom�s►tian required b�+appllcable law.
<br /> m ►ti
<br /> •.���._'{ `,� Z0.�ons 5uhstgnoes•Borrower shall not cAUSe or permit the pr�ertce.use.disposal. storage. or re2ease of any
<br /> - �� - Haz�rdous Substences on or in dre Ftoperiy. 8orcc�wec s#+�l ttot Q4. stot sil�r anYvne el+ee tn dn, any thit� affeaing ttie
<br /> ''.. :;• pr�e�ty that ia in viofation of anyr Envimnmental Law.The preceding two sentence�shall not apply to t he presence.use.or
<br /> � � � '� + i. stotsge on the Ptoperty of smafl quanRitles of Hazardoua 5ubstances that are genere�lY reoognlzed ta be appropriate to aorm�l
<br />- ,: resldential uses and to maintens�nce of the Property.
<br /> � � rs
<br /> "�.'? •
<br /> :,,'• vaoe a ar e •_, Fotm 3028 9/80 •
<br /> , ti_L. `� i,,:
<br /> ;�•.:�� .'.S` i.!
<br /> '. . :_�. _ _ ___ ..-.
<br /> t' . . � _ ..... '�ii. . _. __ _ __ . __ _-_- ___._ " _ __. -_-_.___
<br />