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<br /> � ... .� ��: c :•- � �� _ e r .R. r F. t. -.t-� Y �.� ?`ac. Y� e.e; r
<br /> - -._��`". -."� ��'�.� ..,o,��1?.t .'i':. } _._ �'.�^�..._��vS J�F.r. 5 __\_. �,�`i �.. .•} �Ss.::k.f��° A s�� _ � �F_;-_ 7E� .�e- �-�trr 2
<br /> _C= _ _ '- . 4 - _ -_ -
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<br /> � �--;P�.` • 16.Borrawes's Cap aorro�rer eLall Ue given one oonfarrned wpy of ihe Note aad oi t6iaSecurity Justturaent - `'�. � � ` =
<br /> .., ..t :�,';'�;�w• 17.Traasfer oi tlte�pecty or e�et:eilclsl Iaterest in�orrower.Ii all or aay part aY tLe Propartq or aay ; .:,, o`�.�..;��:; ��_.,-.
<br /> t G°�< � intemst ia it is eald er transiened(or i!a beneticial intereat in Borro�ver is sold or treasfen+ad aad Borrower is not a '° , � 5 �.,� ,
<br /> `°� natural pareon)without I.eader'e prior writtea�nssn�Leader may.at its optiou,requirc immediata paymeat in iult of ��. f �y �' ��
<br /> �
<br /> '� _` A sU aums seatu+ed by tlus Security Insvument I�tow�ver. this optioa ehall aot be ngercised by Leader it eaep�rise is ;`�`` �, ���.` `
<br /> �" s a . �21l�1L8dbji�0dlf8T ZSW B�Of t�l8d8t80f�L1S$ECttflLj1�A84litlACAt. .. �, 4 i <<t ;
<br /> � ' � I!L e a d e t oaercises t i�s o�{an.I.e a det s h a l l give B orrawer notice o f e c e e 2eration.T h e aotice d e a l l provi d e�gai o d -� � .1e -� .
<br /> " '� = oi uotle�tbaa 3!!dayslram t h e date the aotice is delivened or mailed withia cvhich Horrower must paq all e�mQS sesureel ` ° � �
<br /> ; ` �`� bY thie Secs�rity Inshvraen�If Born►wet tails to gay tAese sumspnor to thaaspu�atiaa oi this geriod.Lender aiay inwke 4 x �� ��.: -
<br /> r F� aaq remedies peamitt�Dy thia Secntitq Iasq�uraeat�vithout f u r t het aotice or detnand aa Horrower. ��r � -- 4 -
<br /> " - 1 8. B o r r o s�e r's�t t g h t t o R e i a s w t e.I i Bo r r ow e r m e e r a c e r r a i n o o a�ao A S.B o r r owes s t,�a l i h av e the d g bc to haye . �,; ,� �, . °
<br /> � -.`.; �.:: et�orcemeat of tbis Sewn�it�I�ment diseontinued at eap tirsee prior to tne earlier of:Iay 5 daps(or s�ch other pericd ��- �., : ;, , .�` x��<
<br /> t '' .yy='�t� as applecab2e�aw may spac�fq for reinstatejsseaty bafore sale of the Pro��uisuaa��po c�er ot eale canmined ia � `� <`-; r _
<br /> t�`�� tLis Secauity I a s t r u i aest:ar (b}entry ai a�udgrneut eniorcia this Those coaditions sre tLat � - -
<br /> t�� _����?'`�-�= H o r r ower. t a�) pa 9s L e ader atl sums ahich t�ea woWd be d�uader this Securitq Iastrumeat aad tha Note as ii ao . �'.< `��f _< ,
<br /> � � ``� � acceletatiou had a�ttted:(b)cntee any default oi eny other covenanta or agreemea�(a)Paya all eipenses incurrtd in �,� t` ; `,`
<br /> y �: enfon'ing this S�curity Iaswmeat,i n c ludiag,but not liinited w.reasoasble suornepa'feea;and(d)tates suc h action es �-- ` ti L �
<br /> - Lender may rea�nabiy require to assure tl�st the tiea oi this&ecurity L�stromen�I.ende:'s rigbts ia the Property ead �-:
<br /> r � F � ° B orrower's obli�ation to ps t h e sums�by t h is Secus�ity I n s t r u meat s h a U contiaua unc t�a g e d.Upon r+eimstatement ; , 4� �'' ` .
<br /> ',; ` � by Borro�er.thisSec�trity�eatand the obliptitionsset,vred het+eby shal!remeifl fulfy eKective es if no asceteratioa .�';r 5,-
<br /> _ s " had axurred.However.t h i s right w reinstaLashall aot app ly ia the case oi aa�leeatiou uader ParagraPh 17. -�r 4 � : �--s� �4
<br /> _� 19.Sale af Not�Chaage oi Loaa SesvIcer.77te Nate or a gattiel interest ia the Note(to$etherwith tl�ia S e c u r ity = ' �. ,� : `•
<br /> ,. „ I n s b v r ueat)may 6 e so l d one ar more W aes wi t A o u t prior ao t ica t o B orrower.A s a le may r e�s il t ui a c h a�g e ia t h e en t i t y r°� � ,
<br /> �`: s`,: `.';�� (kaawu as the°Loaa Servicer"I that wllects moathlY PaYments due under the Note aad this Se�vrisy Insmimea�:"l�ere :,���.}�1�-w:;'���`_�'-=-: :
<br /> �:1 r�.''� also map be one or mcne changes ai the I.oaa S�vicer u�elated ta a�le of�e Nota If there is a cha�ge of the Loaa ,� : '.`�`
<br /> � � � Servicer.Botrower wiU be give�n writoen notice of the chaa�e in�accordaace with paragap!�►�I4 abome and applicable law. �� `'� . � ` '� ,_
<br /> �._: � The nndce witl state theaame and add�of the ne�v Laau Servicesand the address towhich paymentsshould be mad� � ' < ::Q �-
<br /> . .--� The notioe aIll also coataiu as�y other information�eyuired hy applicable laca. �. :w,y ,z-,`,. ,�
<br /> `;� �- ` � 2i!Heaerdous Sobsteaces.Hoprowes e1�aU not caua�or ' tl�e greseace.use,disFasel.storage„or release of =� �.: - �-;_::
<br /> ' � f-.'. ��t `'r �- q�'-!.:
<br /> .; � ,,. � aay Hszardous Substsacea oa or in t�o Propertp.Borrower aot do.aor allow anyone else to do.aaything affecdng �� .
<br /> �x r.� the PropeRy that is i�violatioa of aay Envuoamentel Lew.The preeediag two senteac�shall antspply to the pr+esenee. :K~- � ;''':�'�;;`&::,
<br /> ���� �° � usa. or storege on the Pro� of smaU quantities of He�ardoua Substaaces tGat are geaeraUy fecognized w be � -. �-�
<br /> . . `� L�.: _ _ ,l ��
<br /> , �, approynatetoaormal s+esideati �sesand w maiitteuanceof theProperty._ = �F
<br /> r�f� Borrower s1�aU promptly give Lender written aotioe of auy investi�t�on,clai:n,dCfllBAd,IBtiISilltOT OtI18i 8Ct10C by �:s �;,�s,.�" .
<br /> r �' �. c � aaY goveramental or r+�guletory ageacy or private party involviag ffie Property aad� Hezardaus Substaztee ar : _,`y�` ;:'
<br /> ,+�> "`"�`" Entriroameatai Lew oi wh�ch Borrnwer has acwal Imowled�e.If Honower tearns�or is no' edl►Y�Y Savemmental os .{ ; :. .�t f:
<br /> ; ,�,. regulatoiy suthority,that aay remavel or other retaediattoa oi eAy Hazardous Su1�ce attec,�iag the Praperty is . . .'�: •.s�r �;
<br /> � F ,T,. :
<br /> •:� �_- ae�ry.Borrowershallprom $takeellae�saryremsdialactim�siaaaaosdaacewithFaviroruneatalLaw. ":" 1 i Fv.'� ,:
<br /> Aa wred ia tQis Parag�aPh Z0. HazarQous Substaaces are tAose substazcoes defiaed as tosic or hazardous su�tsnees A F.`. �` ¢ :� i,7:.
<br /> ::��, ; by Bavlroamentel Law aad the toltowiag substance�psolina.kerosen�,other ilammable or wsic pedoleum produote. � .. ;� �,;
<br /> L` ` tosie pesticides end Aerbtcides. volatile solvents. raateriela caateisun�g asbestas ar farmald�yde, and radioacdve ; ,-ti, �. ''�
<br /> • matenais.As u�ed in thisparagaph Z0."F.avirumaeatel Isw"mesus federal2aws aud taws of 4Ase jwisdictiost whese tke '�, V `t i;
<br /> r�s ,, }'a= p��p islacatedtbatrelateta��lth.eafetyorenviromnentelprotection. � �� ��, •
<br /> - ���}`:L�--"�:''�;. -N()TT UNIPORM C011EN��INTS.Borrower and Lender fi�rthercovenant and agree as follavr� � '�`` � 3�r
<br /> ��?;. 21. Acceiera�c�n; Reraediea Lender steall give aotice ta Bor�awes psior to soce2eratiaa tollowistig � .; ` o i:
<br /> , � f, ' Borrowe�s brc�of eay covenaat or agreemeat In t�is Secaritg�Iastrameat(bot aot pr�tor to seooleratioa g . ��
<br /> 7 �: uader paeagcap�b II'P nnlesa agpl�cable taw prov�des otherwise)-T�e notice shall speei�p:(a)tae deYsult;(6)the �:"�� �
<br /> ; ' {4 f��, act�oa reqoired to cnre the de�sul� (c) s date. IIOt ZC99 t�3O d8y8 ffOID�a8��9 IIOt�iiB�8$�V�II t0 ;�,f��,��'-
<br /> , s�� y.- � Hosra�er bp wh�+cL the dei�mtt must he cored;aad(d�ttt�t laitore to case ttee default on or before the date -----
<br /> �`f� ,-�. � s��,�c-e+d�a the aoiice may resolt ia acceletatioa of t&e some secnsed bq tLis Secosltq lnatsoment and sale oi `' ,��-��-
<br /> •�:��,.� , .,:�: tfie hoporty. TDe uotice shail iurther iatonn Borrower of 4he right to reiustete after acce2erattaaead the �' ;.�.�.:__
<br /> r - right to brlflg s eoart aMiaa w assest the aoa�s�steace o�a deiaott or auy othas defegse at Bortower to = -
<br /> � .� � • � aee�leration ead eale.Tt 16e defaolt la not cured on o:,betore the date speeiiied�a the uot�ce. Leudar. at its � -
<br /> ` ti seq payment iu iolt a8�4l suma s�:ared by this Secoptty Instroment without '�`'-"4"'�°"'.�
<br /> � .� � uP os�. raay oire�eamediret�e
<br /> '�f r : tur��.demeadanA may ��oke the power of sa1�e�td eay othet temedfi�s petmitteA by sypllcabl�taw. � _
<br /> � t�t,'{� � F ' Lender sha11 be entitTed to collect all e:penses iaeare*�ia pnrsniag the re�iea provlded ia this p�rageaph " �- _ -
<br /> �f : � 21,inclnd�ng,bnt adt limitedto,reasonabte attorneqs�iees aad c�sts ot tit2eev;Qenoe. '_, .r�-�, s_
<br /> j �*'�:.,:;���'.`. U tne po�vero!sele ie Invoged.Trastee shall record a aot�ceaSdefault iaescL couat�►�a wbiebeay patt oi - r , �;"��%=''
<br /> the pra p e r t y is t�cated and ahall mail co pies oY sucb aottoe in the maaner piescribed by a p plicabte la�v to: �� ��R=
<br /> +:: � Honowes$ad to the othes g�easansprescrlbed bq opplicablo 1aw.Atter the t�me�:qu�a d by appti�able law,
<br /> _ :�t,;��. '�,: :. .,. _ .��_Y .
<br />