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AZ'. <br /> ti,'�- -.�4,4,.•. :..,.�.f ! z .�'�'�"_""'_""_�__ n f �_+Lrr-;:�R oaYp^,...'�2"1' -"�Y^��.� -[ � � (. <br /> ^9C' Y'�€ a.. �t �� ` � -� � _ w. GT �.� ? t�.�+ � �_ i,�-� • -�{ < __z} � � .�r �. -.� a1. `,�: <br /> � �Y �� LFy' 7� -' �'� , � - �:-��. .5�` �i `1 { rr� . Y�i ��L � .c .'ft �: _Kw.L�cte,�. - �s.,. . � <br /> �_v„+.:i '�:.`�•... 'tti '�ce !. � , c .. �.c.- t �cY , r� t.�• ! s� '�•r-c--c,v.�4 c <br /> Y � <br /> .._.—� � �... < <._:_�. ._; r rs- .`�'�`::.E�. '� .:. E�.�. ... �..n, at'... �•,. .4,.: _,r..a.� ��..� <br /> ���� ' �F_ .z, k �� aCs� x. � 4 ` .. - k�i f S.t�l.: �t' '.'"q. ' `i , � ` = r..._.� t "F __ - __ _Lj� y .c� ' <br /> ::��'.�- ,e�Y.Fy,;;Y-. e �s, �`F,f �,. �,y, _-t�.ris� � _ _ .Q•r•-�t.� <br /> �'1Y �1�, $� � ' <br /> `� � 3 A"� . �5.� ��� :� i�{� <br /> �z: <br /> <,:�;�<'�.:�;°�- - . at the optioa of I.ender. if ma�age iasoranoe a°t+�� �in the�aouat and for tha periad that L,ender requi�ea) ��`_��:4`,��,�_: <br /> ' e <br /> $' ,�,;: . provided bp sa insuret approved 6p Leadec agaia beoomes available end is obtained.Borrnwer ehaU pay tiw premiums �, ��`�: <br /> ,��:;E_ ��� s�quir0d w maiataia morcgage i�s�ance in eNect,c*m Pro�de a tass res�ve. uncil th�requicemeat for morcgage � . �: ` <br /> `.� � � , eas betcPeen Barnower aad Lendtr os applicable ta�v. _ `.�:�°�� �: <br /> .;� �� � i�swaaceeiWs ia accosdanoe witl►e��Y writoer►a�a and inspecdons of the Prapettp.Ixader shall =s� .`_.� - <br /> � w <br /> r� �•�Pe�an.L�der ar its ageat nnay mske seasuaable entnes upoa f' ` <br /> . : on rea�s�able cause for the inspe�tion. � �� F�. ° <br /> �.:;�_°:,,:,�. ;�; give Bortflwer wo{ic�at t�e timc t��pri�tQ aa inspe�.'ti sp�tY�S u � <br /> ��, .. 1 0 C v n d e�n n atlon.The p r ooeed9 of tiap awerd or claim far damagea ditec�ar oo�se9usatial.ia caanectio�wiffi <br /> '���-` � �y co�da�on or other teking of aay part of the Frapest9,ar for oonveyance m lieu o f coa demaatioa.are h e a e b y � T s' <br /> y �'� <br /> ` `` ` �t s :; as�si�e d aa d s b a ll b a gai d t�I.e a d e r. �be appii�to the aums secured bp t b i s S e c u r ity " SF �. °. <br />_�... ,_`° ,.._ In the eveat oi a total ml�g o4 the Propertp,the Pt'DCaeda a . <br /> ,-. � -- d w Bon�wer.In the event oi a pardal tating of the Pmperty in _ _ ;�3.,,, <br /> � ,k: Iastcuiaeat.whether or aot than due.with anp e�oes pai m or tl�the ataouat of the �, ° <br /> r�. sm�aediately before the taking is equal Bt�St�f : r'. <br /> w, whicb the iair market value oi the PrcpertY� �{ore the takiag�ualess Bon+uwer aad Leader otberwi�agree � �: �. <br /> ..,Ft.` ;<::'.:.{• �usSearritqlnstrumentimmodiatetY _ <br /> � `�E < , suma sectued bY �s���eat shsU be reduved bY ths amount oi the praoeeda muttiplied by k`� -�:. <br /> r ia wri U n g�t h e s u m a s�a u e d b Y _ <br /> � � } '"s the fallowiag fraction(a)the Wtel amaunt af the sams secured imm�iatel,y before the tekis�g.d ivi d e d b y(b)t h e f a i r � .:y . <br />, �. �'rL,,. a i a tket value of the Praperty immedietely betare the taking.AnY balaaoe sLall be paid to Botrower.In the�et�s tbaa �r � ' <br /> ' -� `-: pariial takiag of the Pt+opett9 in w1ucL the isir market value oi the Property immedietely bef o r e t h e t a k i ng in writing - _`��`y:�� <br /> �;r`, ��`�-�-°-" unl�Dorrower and Lend�'ottiecwise agt�ee � <br /> "'t;:`''� t h e a�nmffit of tbe swns secured i�un�ly bePorc the teking, t erwise <br /> =>`.�- : : � be �tted bq tbie SecuritY =.�=:.:�;::- <br /> -- ��=� or mtess applicable taw otherwisa Provides. t�Pr°� aPPlied to the sums y ;�.;_-;,` � <br /> -� + . �..� � r . <br /> '.p...:., = fi*�.� ItIB�NStCQt WhBth2t Of itOt t}1C 8UfII8 8tC thCII d11G. ' <br /> :.' ;`.'; .-:-< If the PropertY is abandoned bq Borrow�,or i4.after natica hy Lendes to Bosmwer tbat the condemaor off�e to �r.--�f.,.,. <br /> -a � �.;:� ta Lender within 3Q days after the dat8 the L,�� <br /> ;�;s . ,� � make an award or seit�e a claim for damages,Banower faits to� � . �, <br /> � to oolte�tead at itao on.eather w reswsation or t+epair of the � <br /> L. -��.�s�� �is ve�.l�end�er is eu�rized �1Y�Pm�a. � � €� <br /> J°n �ument,wh�roraottheudue. --_ <br /> .� ° secured by this Secatai t y eu . <br /> t , i%� Property►ortca tLesums licatioaof ceeds topriACigai sbaU notestend or -� �� . <br /> :' �` � Unle��ader and Borrower o���e ia wsitiag,eaY�PP � �d 2 or cLan the sutouat o4 auch ` ;�' <br /> f%�. 'ttF��'���`%�'.-,- . �stpopnµe ttie d ue date of the montWy payments seYetred to in�ragap � � ,.:� , <br /> �Y J�j" 15�� '� �y�VL10. ' . <br /> 1 �- �-� '�:" . i�.Horrowes Nut L��ased:For6earauce� 1.eader Not a Waiver.8stenston L�nder w at��c�c�sor in ' if, ;h:�� <br /> b thia Security lnstrument gant0d 1�Y '°. <br /> �. - : ��'. modificatian of ffinortiaatiasl oi the sums� Y wei's etuxe�ors iu -�•• ..� <br /> - �:`�.?::�=':L�.�:i wer ahall aot operete w release the liabiHt9 af the ori�iaal Borrower or Borro : ���: <br /> � ,,.,.. int�erest of Barro �or tn inter�st or refuse to esten� ` §_� Y <br /> w �;;-`=' ittterPSt.l.eut3er sball not 6e tequired to commence ps�aceediaSs a�inst eu9 �eat by reaso�of aaY �� <br /> .� : r. 8AL OP OL�1GiW'iS9 lY1C�81l101tt�LtOD OY thS 81Ifl18 6CC11f�Ba�1Y t�18 SeCltrltJl , ' , <br /> _ , ,.. �far PaS,m <br /> t" demand a�ade bY the origis�al Borrower or Borrowee's eucc�sars ia intetest.Aay for�aace 1fY 1.euder in esetcistag „S � ._s; <br /> r�= -. � <br /> .. 4:.,-: � ' aaY rigttt or remed9 sha11�ot be a wetver of or ptecl�e the egercise o3 suy right or r�stedy. ��, p � <br /> �'4 12.�v�.�r.ssors and Assigua Bound:Joiat and Several Liability;Co-slgnera The cavenants and agresments ,�;,<. �: <br /> �i;` 04 thia Secw�s9lnswsa a f L e n d e r a n d B o r r o w e r,s ub j e c t to the - <br /> , , �. ent sheU biad aud bene�t the suceessars aad eseigns �,;� ,. <br /> �'�'�`^�` "•- 1�Borrowe�scovenaataendagree4nen�shall be�iat aud severel.Aap Barrow�whaco�sip,�s . <br /> u;,�. . i<•, �tovisloasofp Pk tbis Sectsity IastruraentanlF��S88a• � �r,:.f�,��=:' <br /> ;'•�,,.�,� ';��'.�:: - ti�is Secusin►I�us�ea�but does aot esecute the l��t�(e�is c�tSmng ��'�,.;.� <br /> ,. �°. giBUt 811�COAYBy t2lSt HO!l+Dat8t�8 lIItCfCBt�A tI1C F�OQBlty 11Ii�fEt LhB t8l1A8 Of tA�B SeCITf1L9 ItlSRtttt!l�1fi.�ft��8.110t .,y;l�s�.{; <br /> � � r other <br /> ' �!��, aaUy obUgated w pay tha svms secured by this Securttg][s�ment;and tc)sSre�that Lender aad as►� � .. , . . <br /> :� ``:. ,. � �' . <br /> a ,�,,," Bo�rrawer a�p agcee to estettd.mcdif9.forbear or make any ec�a�smodatioas with regard to the tera�s nf thie Secarity ,�,� _�: <br /> � ,} :� �.' Insw�aeAtor theNots withautshatBorrowei'scons�nt ,.J:.�.,,�.. <br /> ��"I,';`,-�.�'�`'�':•':,'':±� 13.I.asa C��ugea It the 2aan securad 1sY tlus�CUrh9 Instrument is subject w a law which sets asaaimum loaa ,�,i�'�,�_:=,: <br /> ' ,;... � ;:.� cl�asges,au8 tLat law is fiaally interpret�ed so that*�a iAtetest or otAer loas�charges collected ar to be ttta amauat � �° <br /> - ....4, couneatiom wiith tAe loaa esoeed t�e permitted limite.then:(a)eap sach toaa charg�a sbaU be e+eduaed bY _ - <br /> `�"�_':'�;:�""�-�`�:'` tic� soduce ttee chasga to ths pesYniued limi�aad (b)aAY sums als�adY �uected fmsa Bortower wt�i� . . __ <br /> , ` -,;`� e�i�pe�mitted timits wiU be refuaded to Borrow���Acrrowet.h If a refua6 reduces Pr�CI�i+th��at�°� � �, ..�� <br /> : prtacipal aWC�d uader the Note ar by makfin8 a direat gep t, � <br /> � �'• ` .:=��� w111 ba ueatedas a p�rt�a1 P�paq:neat without�Y P�Yment c2�rge uader the Note. lt or ==_ <br /> ;` ; �:,�', 14.Notic�.AWt aot�ca to Borrower provided for in this Sec�uls�+Inawmgatahal!be given by del�vertu8' hY . --_- <br /> mail'sng it by flrst class mail unl�s�pplicable law s+equires vse af agother metDad.Tha notice sha11 be dtreated to the __ <br /> , t,.' t ,1 property pddress ar any addre�Borrower designates by notice to Lender.AnY aatioe to 1.ender ahaU be givea by ,,� <br /> :�,� t'itst cla�t»eil to Leader's a�dress stated heseis�or any othes addt�Lender desigaetes bq aotice to Bonower.AaY . - <br /> ' ,•�„' . ao8ce pmvided for ig thie 3ecurity Iasttument e1�aU bo deaused to heve be�►gtv�w Bostawer ot Lettder when givea u-�; <br /> ` ��' : as ps+�vidod ia tbia paragrapb. � -� � <br /> ' �� ,i::;.-� 1S.t3ovamlag;Savesabilitq.Thig Sectn�it9 Inswment shall be govetaed by fedetallaa and the la�af eha -.�, ; <br /> � jurisdiattoa ia whieh tlia Peoperty ia laca t e d.I a t he even t t b a t a n q p z o v l s i o a o r c l a u s e o i t h i s Sec�rl t q Iflsttument or tDe .` : <br /> �:�.: .�-.::_��'. ` _ <br /> �: � Nate oontlic�with apylicable can4lict s�all aot afiect�tlaer provieions oi ttda Secu�eltq tastrument os the Nate ::=_��. <br /> -:!;'� �� ;;,` which cazr be gtven eti�cc wlthout thB conilicting p r o v i s toa To t h i s e n d t h e p r ovislons o!this Securlty.Inswment and .::_r�=- <br /> Ct �:�'?'��.': <br /> ,': tuallotear�a declar�to besaverabte. � :.-`-�-�-�'-_ <br /> . � ��f:=;i�:_� <br /> �,:. • - _ <br /> , Form 9oYa 9190 ;, <br /> :: �-BAGYFJc�tt►o. wae a e+e tetttate C.•L ' <br /> � �. <br /> =.•; s< <br /> '� � �L � • , .,;•�:� <br /> .� ,, �: ,:,. . .�• .� ,.v• . . <br /> ; =.�;- .�� _ ..aF •�. �+H '; � . , � ; , �.t: :�s <br /> ..,-.:;: • �' �.,� • � '' � 'r <br /> .. -.. .. .. .. . . <br /> A': . .�• .4 . . . :�U•�t ..�.1..�1 1. l. . �ti ,` � 41 . .. <br /> . � <br /> � . 1�. Y� - l.: .. '� ,- .. . <br /> _� _.. s._�i _; -� �. ._._ ..'_ ,_ _' _ _r•{ e e. � �: - . __ _ t r <br /> - . . .1 _ . ..iti. <br /> . _ .� - ,_ ..,. .... - .. ,. . ._ <br /> •.�' � ..1 f _ �• . ' ' . {1 . . �- �t . <br /> . <br /> ! � <br /> .. _ . .. _� ..�. . . � . . , . �. <br /> 4 . . .� :. . . .. :� ,, - _ <br /> . <br /> . .� <br /> .. <br /> .� <br /> ��K � z •�' � t'., � ' , y i <br /> _a L'' � ' {:..r' � -i. .... _ .•S-a . , . , i�- .. , f . -�+ .-�� : <br /> �� . '.a. . �- .. . . . <br /> . . .. � :� s'.ik �� ,�.' ,r � . :i., .�`. � �`ii ..`r . �3- . • . <br /> . '+'�,.` �' � �.' . '.; (' . . • ' . <br /> .e .. . � , . r � y' � ,. �� �i '(r _ <br /> .' <br /> . i. <br /> .. - . - c . . , . I _ - . . <br /> r ,� �. . . <br /> . : <br /> „ .. . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> + .. . <br /> _ . .. _. , . . . �.,_,. . . . _ ,:.- , - =' _ — ,�"= - -� �_�;.t <br /> . .. <br /> • . <br /> • : �' : <br /> � , : `. - . ,- - _ <br /> ,: . t` ' . l . .. - f� i �. �' .j <br /> �'.. 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