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<br /> s7 ;,.•.i { -t. �c. �.d`c�'u'r"`a �`$���.(< � .� b+�c � eL ( ��'_; . r`.�.y*y y rr z.�Fi q s - ����'���sYF -
<br /> t _. _.. �c_ �+,.'�-�-ti.�t F � � ?.'� � tfv � . - � - s�e . r-�-•.v '`�':.t._."'�.�., �.� �" -:a Y.0
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<br /> �s� � . r k 1 y, . c ..,'�. f � .- -,_-�.i,�4C�c<�� .� . fi 3 r� i f o r�r�'
<br /> t-+-- -t--= � . , - .z- t� � `x�.�'L'fi �x... � t� C 3._ ,st
<br /> . .:��^4°r. ,r usr.-� :T -.- �. S. R � [ L_- . � r y-F� '�'- r t� x r. � `� � � - �, s...
<br /> W z' .c c`<!F+ ��..4+ . � ' � _'� �.,,�, di. ,�' v y . .t*` n _ ' , � �S Y� t � -� �` " d.s �--i'�f4�
<br /> � �_
<br /> r � ,�.F.•rr:�`v �t��.'�-�"�-' �;f ic � —. �4 uA -;� . a t.:f.�.� -r.p o- }� f-r , .F� £'t ..r ..n.� ��. F 4 - c'�G'
<br /> - �NF.s 4.'�, a r. t-(yt5 3 �b]F tt _u t� 1.-'- � --C L a f i :Z4c-c K „'__� =r - j cifi!_-.y�-rs'..y ( .. t b r .4 +,...��.:c`it,���li4. .
<br /> �, -. .I`"" '-c F l6 f" ��� h.,' c- �c-r r i�- � i e -• E n.._._
<br /> : �r .h F! � - . 'k, � ' "•.:' yh. . .`. ''i-i� �. .�'-"'. _ . .�, z_ � �•W h t M1�::�,:. �. _{ , x �. F s -:
<br /> . k�,. "c, ,i��'%i` �. � '.fr;� i .. ��.c <<-t-=..����.. . �.�{..�s.i� yf''"=-�...� ;::�..:-:.i.:.w:1.>�� -_�B .�,Wfr'..-, ir- � �4�i���._r rr, �
<br /> -- -'--�`-�s:_�_ ---`��:r�'���:�*��--='.-.r'�_�:: �=' — — � ,— � .� -': . . � ��'T�
<br /> `SY'c� „�,+. , 'i- _ �� - �'
<br /> 4 C� q �p, y�
<br /> � Fr � '°'��J ����5.�� ��� �t ��� Y
<br /> .-' tiv... ti K. . � _
<br /> c�-;��`cx . ��-.•.` ' -
<br /> -�-° �'� � �-: of the Pro or any interest in it �' � ��� �� �.
<br /> �_:` �.r 17.Transfer ot the Fe�operty os a B�da!Intee+�st in Borrower.If a!1 or anY Part � without � �'�,:,�'.. "� � `
<br /> T::=F-.:-;°<<�::t� is sold or tcaasfer�e�d(or if a beaeficial interest in Borrower is sold or�nsfem�d and Borrower is not a natural Ferson) ,�._ :--X•_..� -.�. ' _
<br /> .e z�„ re immediate payraent in full of all sums secuted bY dvs i,�s.; +� -.-
<br /> Leader s prior written consen� Lender may. at its option. requi `� 4 ,. .
<br />__}F :�:�=r.'..'"; f-; $�WriL'y(nsautli2nt.Howevei.t6is optio»st�alt not be execcised by Lender if exercise�s prohibited by federal law as of the date n �< ., ; :
<br /> �'':, , � `� of this Sectuiry Insuun�ertt. � �
<br /> � �� If L�der eace�this option.Leader shall give Borrawer notice of arceleration.The norice sLall provide a period of nat �a��������r y4` �
<br /> -"°5 �' r ��'� tess than 30 days from the date the norice is delivemd ar maited wittun wdich Borrower must pay all swns secured by this ,, � :, t • _
<br /> .:_..,,�:• ,.. :..<' Sewrity Iasuument.If Borrower fails to pay these stuns ptior w the expitation of this period.l.ender may invdice any retnedies a � y.�.::`y ;
<br /> ' `� z� ` '` permitted by this Security lastrament without funher aotice or demand an Borrower. .� ,� �? `:�-� ' -
<br /> f - �i ',`` 18. Bnzsower's Rigt►! to Reiastate- If Bormwer meets ceAsiin conditio�. Borrower sha11 have the right to have ,; r . ,
<br /> � ��;� �Y f�=�� Instrament discontinued at any time prior to the eartiet of: (ai `�days lor sach other period as 4 .. �,
<br /> tr enfortement of this Secariq+
<br /> r t;" , 1 for rei�ut�ent) befors sate of the Property pursuant m any poaer of sale oontained in this s ` � r" %`�°:
<br /> :_���.• 'applic.able law may specify �mesrt.Those conditioas are tl�at Borrower:(a)PaYs ',`� ' '-
<br /> , t,� �,_ 5ecurity•�nsumnent;or(b)entry of a jndgment enforcing this Secun�Y ��Note as if ao acceleratian had ocrurred:N) ' �
<br /> I.ender ail sams which then wouid be dne nnder this Security I� r r` . 4' � 'y�,
<br /> .� ,. F``� :,:- cures any defavlt of any other oovenants or agreemepts:tc)Pal+s aU e�P�incumed in enforcir►g this Security Instnuneat. �t r t r , , r „
<br /> 1;, r `, including bnt not limited to.reasonabie attorneys' fees:and(d)takes such action as I.ender may reasoimbly requue to assure t _ `y o YY� _
<br /> �� �� �"'�`• '� t h at t h e l ien o f t h i s S e w r i t y I s u u u m e n�l.e a d e r's ri g his in the Pro p e r t y and Barrower s abligation to pay the suuvs secured by �
<br /> r . Y T t. J T��� - t '.
<br /> � ` �... i� ttus Seauity t�rameat shaU oontinue une�anged. Upon neu�atement by Borrower. t6is Security Insuumeat a n d i h e r '- -
<br /> ' ;::�: � �`' obligations sec�red hereby shaU remain folly effecrive as if no acceteration had oaurred. However.this rig6t w reinstate shall r U �. .�..,
<br /> f. r , t�; f -
<br /> y � t_ � �`�;. not aPP�Y in ti�case of aocele�ation under parag�aph 17. _ �,
<br /> � �,E; * '�f� 19. Sate of Note; C6ange of I.oan Se�vio�'• Ttie Note or a partial imerest in the Note(tugether with this S�curitY
<br /> � -�—�:� be suld one or mare nmes withaut prior notice to Hortowet.A sale may resalt in a d�aage in the eatity(kaowa ` ,: ` , °� ' -
<br /> ��
<br /> ,+..,.. .':;:. : �
<br /> _�,, .,�-.-� . : ,�,t.: �ttc�e"L�oar►� S�eivlcer")that ooflects moAthly paymerts due nader the l�Tote and this Security Insawneat-1Uere aiso may be oue �_� �
<br /> � �'. or mare changes of the[..oar►Servicer unrelated to a sate of the Note.If d�ere is a chaage of the Loan Servicer,Borrower wiU be '_,. �
<br /> . r , ,� Lcable law.'Ptee notice will state the name and a 4 r t-: j=
<br /> --r_. _�,?,`-;. ..: given written notice of the ct�at►ge in accordance wiW paragcaph 14 above and app'
<br /> � ``"` addrcss of the new Loan Seivioer and the address to which paymenu should be made. 'C'ke notice will also contain any other > x, ' +. �
<br /> ,� `` �' inforn�ativn requinod bY�PPkc�ble law. ° �:��`� : �
<br /> ` °"`�; Z1y, fla�rdoay Sabstance9.Borrower shaU not cause or rmit the presa�ce.use. disposal. storage,or retease o1 siry _ �. '
<br /> �s �c:.F � _.:' .` ' rk
<br /> °:<°�` }��ous Svbstances on or in the Property. Borruwer sUall aat do. nor aUow azryone else to do, anytbing affectiu8 the ¢a
<br /> .�:,� .
<br /> rti.., �P�Y that�s in violatian af airy F.nvironmemai Law.The preceding two sentences shall nat�ly�w the� p���w nom�al �A`�t>r� � ? '"�`
<br /> .�n� �.r.: stocaSe on the PnspeitY of smaU quantiues of Ha�ardous Substmnces tt�at are gene�afly recoSn'v.ed o �, �
<br /> i r" �=' msidemial uses and w maintet�ance of the Property r -�.�; �`
<br /> � •i: T • � ' 1�armwer shatl promptip Sn'e L.eader written�°tice of any investigation.ciaim.demamd, lawsu'st or other aaroa Iry auy
<br /> i�r-����'�� or vate party involving the PropertY and anY Ha�ardous Substance ur Emims�memal Law ` ±� �����
<br /> .� : ,� , �,:.- govemmentai or regatatory agencY Pn '
<br /> y:. ,`L :,s. of w6ich.Borrower has ac�nal knowtedge.tf Borrower leam.�,or is m�tified by any govemmcntal or regulatory authoritY,that ���� ,, .
<br /> :�:,;. - _•:;=,., aay removal or other remeA€atlon of aay Hazardous Substanc�e affectiag the Prope�ty�s nsoessary.8ormwer shall promgtty ta� .,;� . .
<br /> .., :.�,,:- i. , ,
<br /> � :t x �N f=:;, all�ary temedial actions in ac�oordauce with Eevironmental Law. , ' �� ;?
<br /> � �::�. As used in this paragraph 20. "�lazardaas Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or ha�rdous s�_sances bY ��'
<br /> T _ � � i �
<br /> ' � , ,_ : g�yisomne�al Iaw and the foUowu� sabstanoes: gasoline. kerosene. other flammabl�or toxic petroteum �. to�ic � �r,
<br /> pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or fom�atdehyde,and radtoactive matenals.As ased in � -.� ,
<br /> ..,'-.< . :�•��=' �/� ^p� ntal Law" cueans fedeml Iaws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that " ,.k.,
<br /> _'1 _ � W� CJ�V�TOIIIIIe. �5. ;n: :s' �_�{�,�
<br /> �;^:',''�:.`.'. . �� .
<br /> lC28IC iD pC81I�1�S3f�tg OT CnVjIUI1ITtClILA�pIOtECtid:]. . .t: f�
<br /> - z,�_�;`:.;:;`�:�;�:` NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Bcurower and i,ender fuitl�cs cove�taat and agree as foltows: , ,-
<br /> �,...',. • ' 2 1.A o c e l e r a@ o r�R e m e�[e s.L e n d e r sLaD g ive notice to Bonawe�Priar W atcder�tian following Boemw�a 6reac6 ..�,..��,� �:
<br /> �• ' •,L: o!att,r covcnaat os sgceeme� �n tids Secarity Instniment (bnt not prlor to aoced�ation mader p a r a g r a p h 1 7 �tess +� ,� - 3.
<br /> .: - pplfcable tuw provtdes atherwtse).T6e notice shall speclf9s (a)the defaWh tb)We actton eeqWrai to eure the d�taatt; : . �:
<br /> � '.' (c)a date►nat Iesv than 30 days from the daie the aotice!s givea to Bos►+nwer,by wfiich the ddadt mast be ae+ec�aad _.r;� , a°
<br /> ` nF�r (tD tLat failare W wre tQe detaai4 on or before the date spec3fted t�We aottce�nay resutt in a�eteration af We s�s 3_,-�� �.--
<br /> � .:�. secEUed h9 t6is Seaui3T Instnrment and sale oi the Prop�ty.The notice abail fw�ttaer inform I�a�+ower af the rlg�t to ' :� ���_
<br /> -'�,'Y.:� '``;,�, r�Ae atter acceleradon and the right W bring a camt actton to acsert the nosr�adstence ot a defadt os ar►Y ather -
<br /> „� 1.:�� ��.,- ,- ..
<br /> ' ° �• defs�of Borrower to aacelepatbn aad eaIe. 1f the defaoIl!�not cared on ar befom the date�specifi�ize�e notice, �
<br /> � '`= immeo�ate paymeat in fqU of ati sums sew�ed bY tWs Sec�ttF U+.st�w�ent withnnt -
<br /> `., - Len�t,at ite optton.maY teqW� � _ _
<br /> � ` *� '-'� Pu�hee d�nand a�m�9��e the powee oS sate aad,a�y other reane�lles peemttted 6y appltca�te taw.7.e�tder sha116e � � _
<br /> ` ` eutitted to coBed a�3 expeaseq fa�rr�in p�safnB the remedies provfdgd tn tdig paeap"aQh 2T,tv�Sadlug,hut no!liadte� 1�'.a;,,, .._�
<br /> = ` �`�. � :ag � F<��
<br /> ; ;"` ti;, :- to.rrasoaabte attorneys fees amd coats of tifle evidence. of the -
<br /> If thepower of sete Is iasaz2�d.T�rustee s6at1 eeca�a not�ce of defaWt in escb eoant�►b wl�icb say Qart�
<br /> as
<br /> � -;'?�::: � Propa4y is Iacated and shall craii ooytes of sucb nottce in t�e manner pr�cai6eA bY aADiicab2e taa Eo Boasaa��and to �,,_�-�?�
<br /> �s`�'�'.,:..:.:-�,;,�`. the other Dersoag pr�bY aDPlicabte taw.Aftes the thne renNred b9�PPIlcabte taw,Tragtee st�U g�ve�fic noti�e �;;;;::°=c�=}�,;"':
<br /> � �. b a licabie Iaw.'11�vstee.�vithout de�naa�on Borrower,sbell sell , ------_
<br /> ''� �' � ot sale to the pe�soas and in the meanee�Ibed Y Dp '�°'"
<br /> , ., ' �„-" ' the pinapertY at pnldic audton to the hfigt�e�I�3dd�at We dme aad tp uce and ander the terms des3gnated in ttte nottce of ' -
<br /> � er s .,:_
<br /> , !;,`,�`�"` sate ia one or mare.parcets and in a�or�r'[Yast�determines.Tiastee may postpoae aWe of�1 os suy�oi the `L` �, t�.
<br /> - - pro�ty bY pn6Sc�atmoaneement at the time and place ot any prevtouglg.xhedated sata Lender or its d�i�mvy , _ '' ._
<br /> „ �r .s'�:
<br /> ' ';1;''• ` � pnrcbase the Pto�rty at any sate. � _ ,
<br /> ;:L,�.,U,�,:� ';` -
<br /> -�.--,.-�.-, -- _ .-
<br /> . . �,..,i•!.. . �f.^
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<br /> . .,:
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