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<br /> . y 3 �'� y r�5�."��'k ��`Lyt � .[ Y i<tC '�¢i� 4'f- ZC .P � .'l�i�� .c,,� '1'S.�c.._ a- tz�..- c[��-�e i' tC�tti :
<br /> . �r t � �,-�-.-a- t�S'i 4� a'�'�`'�c 4 �..�n7'`'v Y�`�c�i'..� �.J`."y-�t' .� --��.} . � ��:�� r-Z` �.�*ER �a - �.-:, � - �t�C�}p� � z � � _. � _S.� -,.
<br /> . . � _ . �" �F 3 .,r . Z ��r ::-an . Es. � .� _ .:'e�_°f�'t.:_._...i� :
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<br /> ti C Sy Y"�_ ¢u m(•_.h' „tc .P...� �f.'.
<br /> — .iV..
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<br /> 5..:_-2.:�"�p K, t
<br /> ��,��<<,r 4"t`.
<br /> e • - payments may no longer be req�med,�the o�tioa of La�der..if mortgage insenance covetage(in the amonm and for the geriad _ -
<br /> �.� -�._.a
<br /> `'��`t���`'.r- that Icnder �qt�ires2 Pmvid�dby an�apps�nv�d by Ler��agaia 6eanmes available and is obtained.Borrower s�ail pap .'-.._
<br />. ...i c'C'c:Y�,'��
<br /> ,�.r.•�� the Premi�ms re4tiire�to maintala tnortgage i�sivance in e�Ct.or to pmvide a toss mscrve.until the rtquirement for inortgage �!;�..`.
<br /> .�
<br /> �'l."h;`'-",'e..';�`
<br /> :-,��r �.. .s•.,=. i[lSUI1IICE CIId.4�118000Id8[lOC�VIS�1 SA}�WfhICD 8$[CCII1CI11 f1CtWE211 BOftOqlCt 811��.CAdCf OI�IICdb1C�W.
<br /> ��;�l.E�;.•'••�,`c:n..' '
<br /> °;:;;• '��: 9.Ias�e�4ton.Lender or Ns ageat may maloe reason362e�mries upon and ia5pectioas of the Property. Lender shali give _
<br /> -.,r.��-:���-: Borcuwer notioe at the time af or prior to an ingpe�xion specifying reas�aablc�for the i�peaion. -
<br />- ,';i,��•:.w,�._.
<br /> -``_=�.�•.-'_,-=c: 18.GmdesttnaHan.The prpceeds of any acv�rd or claim for damag�s. d"uect or consequer►tial. ia connectioa with auy
<br /> .:� := wnde�atian or other tatang of any part of the P�perty,ar for oomeyanse in lieu of condemnation.are hereby assigasd end �` =
<br /> � � ��-� � ` shali be patd tn L�rnder. g i �
<br /> ` ° tn the evest af a wtat takiog af the Pragerty.tlte p�s sh2!!be appl�ed to ths snms sec�red by dus Sewrity in�ctnr*nent; _
<br /> �_ whether ar not theo�e.with any excess g�aid to Borrower. In the eve�n of a partial taking of the Prope�ty in which the fair : �:
<br /> ,� � <� --�.�.-_ �vatue of the PaopeRy immediately 6efore the taldrtg is equal w or greater than the aueoant of the sums sewred by this .i� ::
<br /> ,:: Secvrity Instnmment imnnediateiy before tl�e taking.emtess Borrower and I.eader othernrise agree in arriting.the s�ns secvzed Iry ?, �
<br />-�*>:.-'� _4=;i4;':r� ,
<br /> �-:r�',,;��;�.,:.,. this Secority It�unecst shall be r�daced by the arao�nt of the pmcee�muttiplied by the following fractioa: (a)the totat �
<br /> - -�-t .- ..,.�..'r. -_,_
<br /> _ - �s.��.��Y. amaaut of the snms see.vred imm�ately.before dte takis�g,divided by @)the fair maarket value of the Pmperty.immediately
<br /> �; >'�".!`;':°','� befaie the taking. My balanc�e sirall 6e paid to Hotmwe�r. In t6e eveat of a partial takiag of the Propaty iu whic6 tUe fair ;,�'
<br />_;T,�:,,,:��-�� ;:..� �,�;
<br /> ;::_-� .,,:;;.f:,��:=•,y market value of the Prope►ty immediatety before the talcing is tess thau tLe amoam of the sums sea�red immediateiy before the .•F:��.
<br /> - °�-Gr:>���'�`��'�' taldng,�tess Bornower and I.��er otherwise agree in writing or unless applicabte iaw otherwise pr+uvides.the praceeds shall
<br /> �� ���`-�^ be applied to the sums secured by this Sec�ity lnstrament w�ar not the sums are then due. � ; � '
<br /> - --:=.,�x...,�. If the Pnoperty�sbandaned by Barrawcr.or if,after norice by Lender to Boriawer that the oondem�Qr offers to make an
<br /> ;g:��;�`�:y<<:�:`�;;;; award ar seqte a claim for damages,Borroarer fails w respoad w Leader within 30 days after the date the notice is given,
<br /> � -:oa;: I.e�d.�r is a�t►omed to collect and apply tde proceeds,at its optian,either w restoratian or repair of the Property or w the swns
<br /> � ` "� -� sec�ned by dris Sec,�rity Tasu�nment,whether ar aot theo d�e.
<br /> sf-�.:�,�t=a Unless Ixnder and Bozrower otherwise agree in aritiag. aay applic�tioa of praceeds to principal s�al! not e�d or , . -
<br /> --- ��--� ---
<br /> postpone the due 8ate o�the ss�nflthty paymeats teferred w in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the aawaat of such paymerus.
<br /> ::<T�:= tl.Bonower Nat Released;Forbearamx By I.end�Nai a WaEv�.F.atension of the tirne for paymem or modifcation -
<br />:;`-"`;;�':;``:,•°��•� of amos�on of the sums serured by this Security Insirumeart granted by Lender w any s�ccessw in imerest af Bomawer shall -
<br /> { zS e j_ } .�i,. � ,:
<br /> ,,.,;;Q �.: mt operate to release the Gabitity af the original Borrower or Borrower's�sors in interes�.Leader s6all aot be requinad to '-
<br />,::�:.`:.-:�_:��,.• o�prace�in&S ag�Ct suq saccessor im iuterest or n�fnse to ext�d time for paymeue or whera+ise modify amortizatioa . , �
<br /> .�,�.;:r":'.r.:•.,:.�•_,�
<br /> f= 4 of the sams secui+ed by tt+is Seair�ry Iastrument by reasan of mry de�ad msde�by the original Bor�ower or Borrowet's _<
<br /> w �:.i-.. � sncceasoss in intesest. Acry fotbeuanoe by I�ndes in eaercising aay rigM a;r remedy shall not be a waiver qf or prectude�tte :
<br /> ' exe�cis�of aay right os rcmedy. �,'�`
<br /> � :
<br /> ' :� "�f'' 12. Sao�s aad A�s Boun�doint aad 3everal Idabnitq;Co-siga�s. The covenants and agm�ements.af tMs . ' ::
<br /> �.� , .
<br /> _. �;.���,,._:,. �' Sec�riry Ii�snument shall bind�benefit the succesgors aad assigns of Lender and Sczaruwer, subject to the provtsions of �
<br /> ..:,s.s,..,:.,.: p�agrd�i� i7. Bormwer's aovenaats aad agreemeats shall be joint and several. Any (3orrower arho co-sigas this Securiry �'`:
<br /> ,Y` :: Insdrament 6nt daes nat executa the Note:(a)ia co-signing this Seauity Iasuument only ta mnrtgage,Sraat and caavey that . . ' � .�
<br /> :;,:4;�.--'�`-"''�` 8orrosrea's intere,st i;��the Property under t6e terms of tlus Security Iamwnen�(b)�S not personally obligated w yay the snms �",��
<br /> �. ;_ g . � ;.
<br /> � , .. �:..,;; seatrec��this.S�uity Instrument.and(c)agrees tl�at Leader and auy other Bomowez may agree w exteaa,modify,forbear or . _
<br /> .�;,�' ma1t��g amommodations with regard to the terms of tbis Sea�rlty Insuoment or the Note adWom thar Barrbwer's cra�t. ;;
<br /> ;; . f3.Loan Clmges.If lhe toan soaued by this Security L�tr�ent is subject to a law wt�ch sets maximam laan c1►a.r$es, . . :r
<br /> � :� and d�at law ia finally interpneted so that the interest or other loaa charges collecxed or to be wltected iri conaectIon w�hh W� '
<br /> ,. ....�.,t.. :,�: :.�',
<br />:`..;`�'•;=. � loaz�exee�d the persnitted timits,then:.(a)anY such loan chazge sball be tedaced 6y the amoum necessary to rednce the charge . _.
<br /> ,..,,._..�;.:;� :.�`' , .� ;�-
<br /> _��::;:�_:�� w the permitteQ lim�t:and(b)an3►sums aheady colteaed fmm Bomnwer wt�exceeded permitted-Iimits wilt be refanded w �.:
<br /> ��:':�� `-,,;.�•� :
<br /> � �''���-:�.:,; Borrower. L�der may choase to make tLis re�uW by redncir�g th�priudpal owed under the Note or by making s di�t .. . - --
<br /> ��-''� payment to Borraaer. If a refand reduces principal. the nednctton wilt be trcated as a partial piepaymeAt withont aay =
<br /> : ,.: .�1.,,�, ' pre�raymeM charge under the Note. � � .:, � �__
<br />" __ '����'�. - � 14.Notices.Asry nottce to Borrnwer provlded for In this Securiry Insuumeat s�all be given by`delivering it or by mailL�g �_�-
<br /> _�:";+r.;.:�:� �hy fuet ctass mail untess aypIleable taw requires ose of another method.Y?ie notice shall be dimcEed to the Pcopaty Adde�er� �--
<br /> - ;�::'�n or any ather address Borravver desigaates by not�ce to l.ender. My notiae W Lender sha1Y ba giveai by flrst ctass �i to _
<br /> :',. ��:".:;°"L I.endcr's address stated herein or any other address l.eader desi�by aatice w Borrawer.Atry notice prov�ded for in dds ' `':
<br /> �� j:,• Seaulty Insuaar�.m shaall be deemed to have been gtven to Bomawer or Lender when given as provlded in this p�pL. � �
<br /> 1
<br /> -.�:1;_ :',.:�:.r.� 15.Gov e r�i n g La�ri Severa6llt t y. Th3s Secxul ty Insuume� shall be govemed by federal taw aud the taw of the �. �-
<br /> `� r���:-`^ ` - ' jarisslletion in wlric6 We Pi+nperty is located.1n the event that any provision or elause of this 5ecority Jr�un�nt or the Noie °-
<br /> ,,- .,,. _—
<br /> :�;c�;. ..... ,,,�, � :,_,
<br /> -.::.}+,;;.�,�::_:•:;,;�. app 0 t3' �:;;'-.
<br /> :�.1;i,i S . __ contlids witb Iicable law.such confiiq shall not affect other rovisior�s of this Seeuri Instrcment or the Note whtch can ba
<br />:``;,�'r�-�`; " ��: - � en effecc wIthout the ca�]ictin sion.To this end the sions of thls Securi Insb�uwent and the Note are dettarod
<br /> , _ � .: B� S Pravi P'rovl i7► • . �,7:
<br /> ='' .::.� • to be sevewbte. �
<br /> .'•' ��'' % 16.Borto�eda Copp.Homower shaU be�ve»one confom�ed copy of ttie Note and of this Sea�dry Inctniment. �`��
<br /> . �::
<br /> �. ;r �' 1 . � form3DZ8 9/8t� �,`"
<br /> . .''�.;�,,- '.'�'r: � Vrps e al e .Y 1.�.
<br /> - -- - 1
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