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<br /> ' ~'� �-----� - � -- �- s - .. - £. .� t .. ..r-.:.b s..1� t � . .
<br /> , ��-�'-���r--� -�.-����} -;--g= ,�-�-�. . . � r �t . . .=r � �c �d i -•_--��---^�,�- �s�. �.�._.,�,
<br /> '.t'�4.�. '.:,.�£�'_:�- t-.:,'A" '4'"''_� - 'c-�;1..`_1S' =_ -�-1. . .=.�SC �<:..��- ,�., =�. _ . ,�� fi ;t� ,b `�a� rs. e,�;��,
<br /> u'�4+"��'t,'-' - ' `,'r-
<br /> ..-,.a ,�-- ���,:.
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<br /> :t;'?' °'�'��;�- a�
<br /> _.:4.T �.�: .•<.h� �o
<br /> "�'- "LP�� "�+"-'
<br /> -�r�,v�,�ti�.,�y s. �OP�' � $Ol1�W2t S�'dj� �1�1�7OQC�dLS AOW C7[I5IID$ OI jIE[�C QCdEd OII LhC .���
<br />=`,r r.'"��A�-`�r=, ptpp�y j11SgI0�g�81ILYt jpgq�t fl�.�fd9 tIIC1�0d wit�ltII tbC t�Di °C7[tCIIdBd OOV2t8g2°dIId 811y OUtC[1187ffi735, III�R�IIIg c';'�..-•
<br />._ � ��'�'-`'E..'�t4��' floeds or floading,for wh�cQ Leader reqaires iasuranoe.T6is insuranoe s4ai!be maintained in the aznouttts and€or the periods ' -
<br /> Y �Y-� �: tLat Iender nx�ui�es.The iasuranoe ca�ier pnnvid'mg the instiranoe shali 6e c�osea!�y Bomnwer snbject to I�der's appmval �`�
<br /> E '
<br /> �:,+`�,z:��. .z. :
<br />�-^:r;..`;�•.`�:=c.�`"� w�C�i 5II311 IIO[��y Wi[�d.�$OIlOWtl f21�3 t0�t3�it COYCCdgC dtSCtf�bBf}2bOVf.'. LE77dE7 IIMdjt.��d2f�S `: '�
<br /> . ,.;F��`:;`-���� apsian.obtain oovemge tn pm�L,ender's riglrts in the PmpeFty in aocandaace arith pa�a�h 7. ���=:'�
<br /> Alt usuzanoe 1�d�es and maenrats�hali be rtgage clause. Lender A��```
<br /> ��`..� �- �. «..�, po• a�le w i.ender aud shall include a standand mo � ..�_
<br /> ,:'�'":���F�'-�'v..`.�`. shall have the ri w hold the Itctes and reaewals.If Lxnder �cOmP Y gi receiPu "�k "�
<br /> �� - �, 8M Fo� � ceqnires.8orrower shall tl ve to Lender atl of 3 �,-
<br /> ,;='"�, .=`- �P�atu!senea�al aatices. ta the ev�t of las�.Borrower sha11 give pmmpt notIce w die iassu�ance carrier m�b I.ender. ''
<br /> i
<br />:�.s=�N�:'�_�� ��:;° Lende*r may make psnof of loss if not made Pro�Y�I+Borr+awer. -`- -
<br />�{,t'-�'`1�A``r ''L. V ilLS�I.0 Leader and BamQwer otherwise sg�ee in writiag.insurauce prnceeds sha11 be appked to reswration or r�rair of the -Y ,�`
<br /> � ...� ��� Properry damagod.if the restotatfon or repair is eoonomically feasible and Lendec's security is not lcssencd.If the restoration or �
<br /> " E`g : t�air is rtot ec�micailp€�Iblt ar I.�er's serurity wou2A 0e tcssened.tke insurance prace�ds shaii he appliea to t6e soms " ; `•
<br /> rr ;� securiad by this Security inmument. wh�her or nat theo due.with aay cacess pald w 8orrovver. If Barrower adandons the ...-�;:,_
<br /> � .� ,.. �s.:;;_,`.
<br /> - �::�::,.4 Progertyr.or does not answer wtlhin 30 days a aosiee fmm Lender that the insurtutce curtier has of[ered to settle a claim. Ehen "=•s��.
<br /> - l.ender may coilect the insurunoe pnnceeds. L.eMer may use the prooeeds w repair or restore the Pmperty or to pay � =�<<�'
<br /> �„�"`;��..�; . secured by thi9 Set.'uriry Instncmen�whether os aot then due.The 30-day p�eded wiA b�gia when the aottce is g'sven. -.;':a,�.
<br /> .i�v ' (Jfl�OS� �.Cf11�L7 Q1Id BOTfOSYCI �58 �Il Wfj� �"
<br /> , .<, ,f'. � ��&►Y ePP�t�tton of pinoeeds to princ�paf slmlt nat eatend ar .� .,;.
<br />,-. ,—.;��:-:.;_<�:: Fostpone the due dase of e6e mcmt6fY p,►Ymmts referreQ w ia paragcapl�s 1 aud 2 ar chat�e tde aruamtit oY the Pay�. U � ���._=:
<br />-'u•:� �;:;�,�,�, uuder parngraph 21 the Pragerty!s acguired by LeMer.Eor�awer's eight to any insurattee policies aad proceeds resWting fram -
<br /> . .;=�:_•�.`�:;.`;� da�c tp the Pro{�sty pr}or w thz 8cquisition 6-6atl pass w Leader to the e�aatt of the sua�s se�ured by this Seauity I�mmeut ''.-`.
<br /> - '-Y' �` - immed�tety prlor w the scquisidon. .;.:4:�
<br /> �� '��� 6.O�cupaniq.Yer.servaitott.N�tntwmnoe aa8 Ptotedtan of tate Ptapert�Bosrowe�s l.aaa Apptica8an;I�eho4ds. =
<br /> `'`,' �` a. " Botmwei shall OCCUpy.establish,ead nse the Pcoperty as Borr+nwer's principal residence witWn sixty days after ttce execaHon of � �'
<br />:•.`�:..,�. ...:�,.. . . .�
<br />=;`,.;;�'":`:;;%Q,;::- tids SecvrIEyr Iasumne�►t and sitaU continue w occupy tAe Prapecty ss Bornower's principai resIdence for at least one year after .��`.:
<br /> _,.•::�'':-�.rp, :; ' 4he date of eccnpancy.aWess I.�de,r oWerarlse ag�s in wrlttng,whtch oonsent ehall aot be anreasonably withheld,ar ualess `"TM
<br />- � ';:�A=� ��` extaivating ci�nstaaces exist which are beyond Bonower's control. Borrower sbatl not destray. damage or ' I;.�`��:
<br /> � air the
<br /> P = `� �`` - � �erty�atlowthe Prapeny to deteriorate.or oommit waste on the Froperty. Borrower shaU be in default�if any fmfeitttte �..`;�
<br /> _:..;, �o�or pro�ceedtng,whaher dvil or criminal,is began that in Le�der's good faith jadgment caatd resalt In forfe.idue of the ^:.t:r;�
<br />`�`a:�;;�;�_AS�:''��; Propetty ar otherwise materially impair the Uen c�+eated by tbis SeWStty Instrument or l.�nder's socurlty Interest.$osmw�may ';5�'„-�
<br /> �,r'.� ; c�ue such a defauh and reia�tate.ag provideA itt paragsapb 18.bY c�ausing ths action or prooeeding w be diamissed wit�a mling
<br /> ; �^,,.Y. "'; that. in l.eadcr's - - -�
<br /> _� gaaA faitb d�aon. preciudes forfeiture af the Bmrower•s iaterest in the Praperty or other a�ater�al
<br />, 14`�+' �i?�f`� �` irnpairment of the Ilen create�6y this Sec�srky Ic�sanmem or i.ender's security interest. Borrower ehall also be iA de�It if '`°in
<br /> ,:1:.- ;,..:J�,�; ' ';z.:ai•;
<br /> °- 'k�`�,:1y'�?..�. _ Borrower*ctosing the Ioan appllcatIon pracess,gave amierially false or tnaccarate iuformation or statementa w Leader(ar faite� ,�:1:
<br /> �.;.,;:«�ti.;,,:: . to pravlde Lender witb any materfai infor�tion)in oanttection with the Ioan evldenced by We Note.inciad'mg.but nat litnited =-
<br /> y - -�- to.:epresenta�ons cortcerning Hoaawer's accupancy o€the Prope�ty as a principaf residence.If tbis Seatrity Tns�rnment is on a ,
<br /> k z ' �; .. teasehold, Basrower sha11 compty with ail the pmv�tons of the tease. If Borrower acquires fee t�tte to tbe Pmperty. the .
<br /> ` y leasehotd and the fee Htte shaU not mecge aatess Lender agrees to the merges in writing.
<br /> '.: `• 'T.Frotac�Ion of Leader's �� „
<br /> ; h, Rtg4ts in the Prnpetty.If Borrower fa�'1s to perfarm tlte covenants amd ageemcata coatained in � � __-
<br /> r ' : r�' . .;', this Seau�ty Tnsdument,or there is a tegal proceediqg that may significaiWy affect I.eadet's ri$hts in tlte FruPeitY(sach as a
<br /> ui
<br /> . :� :. . proceedin g in 6 s n l a u p t c y,P m b a t e,f o r c o n d e a u r�a ti o n o r f o r F e l t u r e o r w e a f o�i a w s o r r e g u l a t i a n s) t h e n L e a d e r d o a n d ���---
<br /> . � �a �
<br /> `:��� ,`�:; : '. :`� �r7+ A Praperty and Lender's r�ghts in the Pmperty. Le�ider s act�ons�aay . -
<br /> y. �
<br /> -•- ;:.:,,,,..�.. � �,►aY for whatever is Q to rote�x the vatue of the • _
<br /> ._,..:;��.�;".;`;:;,i: :r,' 'Ineiade PeY�B ffiY sums secured by a lien which has priority aver tfiis Security IASorwnent, aypearling �n oourt. D�S
<br /> ` �easar�abte attomeys'fas aud entering on the Pi+operty w make repaiis.Althongh i�e,nder may take sctFun tmdec Wis pm�grayh
<br /> ��.r:=u►�s 1 '.y{ 7.Lender does not have to d�o so. � W s • . _ .
<br /> -�,-. � _
<br /> 1� . .: Any am�ounts disbwsed iry Lender under this pa�yb 7 shail beoome addit�onal d�t of Ba:ruwer secuned byi�tliis' � ---
<br /> -�.z,r;.fr�.�• ,.:. —_
<br /> - ;�--•,,:.;, c,: �Secorhy insuument. Untess Banower and l.ender agee to oiher temza of Dayment�these amonuts shaU be�interest&om t6e --
<br /> w 1_��, ` +`' �date.of disbursr,mert at tlie Note rate and shall be payable, arith interest, upon notica from I.eader to Bormwer reqaesling � -_--
<br /> ., �':� PaFmen!• • , �:-`-
<br /> . �
<br /> ;.� :'„�':.: 7�± S.Mo�ge Insaraaee.If Lender requiced mortgage insurance as a condit�oa of makiag the toan secured by tfds Seauity ,�._�,;_:
<br /> ,. r '<=: lnstmment, 8mrowet shall the
<br /> :zfk , .�•i FgY F���w maintain the mortgage irtsuranea in effect. If.fos aay mason..the � ;
<br /> �4 :.:; `;�.: :�; mortgaga iasuianoe Qoverage requir�by Lendes iapses or ceases to be in effect.Bormwer shall pay the ptemiuma reqnireA W �, --
<br /> f.,..::�. �; ubtain cov e substaatlalt uiv gage insatnnce prc,wlonsty 1n effect.at a cost substmuiaUy equivafent to ttee
<br /> ° .. . ,. � Y�1 alent to the mort � �v;
<br /> �`f'��`��`��°;,,.�` :+�? oost to�8omawer of the mo�tgage Insutance pr�evionsly 9n effect.f�m an altemate mortgaga iasurer�proved by l.ender. If �r'``�.-
<br /> :� . � .'':�:-=
<br /> - •- .�•,:,��y,�:;� ,�' substantially e�valeut mortgage insaraace covetag�is not available,Barrower sha11 pay to Lender each manW a sum equaY m . ,:..�`::.��.
<br /> • �� ��•� ; ' � ano-twetfth of the yearly mongage lnsursnce premivm being paid by Borrower when the lnsuraAce cave�age tspsed or oeased to � y.�'.:
<br /> "7`.t,.i�.�,:' '•� __
<br /> '. 's �':.;� :;� be in effect.Lender arUl aooep�nse�d retain these payments as a toss reserve in Ifieae of mo:tgage lasuiaACe. Loss r�xe =---
<br /> '.'�,' � ., .:'7
<br /> , , �. : � , Fonn SO�. 8/9O : F :
<br /> , t:: vageao�e :
<br /> _ .� �.,
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<br /> - '�1. .
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