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i�-.�'� �- ' -r,._ .�,-. . "- _ .tr _ a�����.s� - � o� __ <br /> F -- : � -�� . -_ .. _ __ . .. _ .. __ ,...� �. _ . .r.-k . "-"_-`�`�i"�' " . <br /> -u ��. c c' � . r. ..*.._. � �` �l T`t.. �t_'- _ i , <br /> ?Cx�.x�_.'-^-��x�i; S.4'__}S;',' . '--�"�.,�Y--•yr �� „{. ^� t ���5- - � 3f,°..T ��.� �, ;�. ���. ���. <br /> _ "� �'d'� <br /> ?�s�._ . .� - ��r'��.._,r,:.'�i"3 :s. _ �. -:&.-s:: ',�., ��` �a�•_ s�_:r''� ' _ <br /> � � <br /> �Y.,,c � �� � - `�cr�:s, ���T� i tr^�+ 7P .��Frft�r..�� ..- r <br /> ._3n.�i i� _ _ ^i� ��c_F_z,:f__ ���^ �.......�x ..•,:�.i �� � ��,._�i��st' C <br /> �.�'-� K t ��v`_`� 4� 'c L�� ,fi� T`<-l^- ,. z2T."�-����vk�J 1, � -...� <br /> �"t��".r""--�--�--- - 3--��..�.-`� y. . f �� ,�. 4=,.r�-�:z; .: �_�,�; x Zzh eg' :. -i f -ti::.�` �F ..+r�' ,�,° <br /> . x^ � c. .°._rW._ - `3,.,r�'t^'s"_t _ .� ` ls"`.,--�-i;.�'� � :�r ' ,—°�G_-'^�-`;"s<�"'�T"`"f�`t ' <br /> � �..nSFc" s '{r�:_:'.�;.o- - �-.°Y.x t e a iY, .-�- s'-ir}.�'rn - . � '�. '-� �a.� �`� _ ���,,,ctc r <br /> . s�``- '4' � ��`�S <br /> i.- ��r kF z-+� � -.� .rc E :,� r "-c r= ,``. � -° . c 6 �, - {� '..t a. .�.: r ��-^� - �-q'• ..r'.;� �FL . <br /> { � .a....� _e.� � h aa- � . +'� ,�.''.�c.��' i- � '4 t ' 3_ -� ��._ �F3r.��. �-: <br />�..YuG�"'GC k Fit- 2\Y3L.`�C. - OC j' _ �i�..} .Y. f+ � �'_'T.i C".'� .� '4:"T.,��-a'°��i-�� _ _ _ <br /> y.f�'L ��C.� . ��``.c': <br /> o�!=.�:'�A'�F.�:C. ��:'_'. <br /> 4 _' _ <br /> - � YYt .- . . q�� Tf 4'�: <br /> . �.��rpfi: /�C� �� � � <br /> p.--: ,�t s� �y tic.. <br /> f "� i.. TQ(�WITA 8I�LILC 1�7l�OYC�11S AOW OT�CtCLYBd OII 1hC - <br /> � f,Y�: P�P�Y•aad all�ts,appu�t�oes.and <br /> °,"�,"r:',<".� fiatut� now or d�'ter a �mrt of dte property. All repiacemeatg and a,dJ'iu'oas slmii also be covered by this Sernrlty �'�"� <br /> �r t w <br /> � �� i :.7 w ,a• <br /> fi� . `= Ias�u./istl of the foregoing ia reffemd w in this Se�vrity�nstmmeat as the'Pnoperty. � <br /> e <br />...;�.�..::.::s-.•�.�;.;. ` <br /> .�:: ... ��• ? �����R�V�A.��. �!ffi BOI[OA(CT IS 13Wf11u�/52184a Of UIC CSLBIB 11BCP.�1y CODYClfOd alld�18S 1}1C n$hL EO�[iiIIL tl�d {i;�;:;C-.;c <br /> -�`�.J ��':��'a: OOflYC�t ttlC F10j�Pi�3��18I�!C P[OpE![�/13 OnCIIR�@I?C1Eds CXO�L fOT C�IIOBS O�I000F�. BOTCOWCf W8JI811iS 8II�WU <br /> t-t�'�'.e 'F . t*. '� . <br /> .�*-fl� - o-F : f - <br /> � ;� ,,:, defend g�ty We title w the PmPenY ag�inst aA cla�s and demands,snlriect tn azry encumbrances of reoord. °s 4.` <br /> `` ` �' 7'FIIS SECURTTY INS'TRUMENT oambines�aovenants for nationa! ase and uote-tu�ifoim covenants wit6 linrited �' <br />= ';.-t -^• - -«. <br /> `;ks_ -4:` varistions by jurisdiaion to oon�titate a uniform securit}�c�nrument oovering real property. �-°` - <br /> � <<. <br /> r,� �.; � <:; UPiIFORM CUVENANT3.Bormwer and t�a�er�artt and agtee as foUows: t�- <br />-- �•-.�.'-.�',-,;..� 1. Paym�t of Frindpal and I�t; 3��t aad Late C4arges. Borruwer shalI promptly pay whc�due t6e �,. ,,,. <br /> � �;��� �ri�ci�of and'mterest on t�e de6t evIdenced by the Not��any prepayment and laze chacg�dae under the Note. r,� ; <br /> ... <._.�,�.�:..£.�.: �:�,<� <br /> �:... •.. a- f_: �Pluads for Tas�and Insmance.Snbject to app�s3e law or w a writtea waiver by i.ender, Borrower s�aD pay to � , ; <br /> ��:t 4 ~ L�Bez on the daY��Y PaYments are dne nnder We l�tote,�ntil the Note is paid in fWl.a sam F"Fands°)for.(a)Y�Y� <br /> - -.;;.�'� .=' and as�ts wluch may ausin priority over dtis Se�ity In.stram�m as a lien an ti�e Propeity:(b)Year1Y teasehold paymenis r�,� <br /> - �`-. ``_'':�;- or gronnd zents oa the Fnoperty,�f anY:( )Y�S+ P�P�Y P Y Y P� ...�.. <br /> K = c hazar+d ar insmaace remitarcs;(d) eari 800d insot�oe na�v, t <br /> ` •. :` � if � e e insoranoe if .aad(�az►Y PaY� Y <br /> : e_ ,i r.�;. '�� BIISf'( �yt�]/p�0![�8g j1ICN�lImS+ SDy� Sl1mS le b BOifOWCr�O t.C1f�2T�IA SCCOId8IIC8 W�IjI <br /> � :L�:`�'::. � _ <br /> -- ��������t{ We pmvjsions of paragraph�,in lieu of the paymeat af mortgage��ance pmmiums.These ite�as are c�t t e d'�s c�ow Itea�.° <r,; <br /> _ .''r,,�.;�:.°.;�'�: Leoder u� auy time.colfed end hold Fonds in aa aawuzu not to exc�eed the maximum amow�t a lender for a fedeialty �-`:�•--' <br /> _ ,c- <br /> �: ;�.;. ,��;`= tetated ttmrtgage toan may r+eq�re for Borcower's esccaw accouat[wder the federa[Real Fsiate SeuIeuteut Prawdur�s Act of — �.,�; <br /> '.`�:,,� ":: 'F�, 1974 as eiaended from time to tlme. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 er seq. ("RBSPA').untess another law that applies tu the Fands ' �`" <br /> '`',`�..`:� ,:�`��:`. sets a I�sser a�naunt. IY so. Lender may. st any!lect aad hald Funds in an amnuat aot w exa�d the le�er amouni. "```--' <br /> ,` s•.."4.,``°=;4` LRnder may estiinate the amount of Funds due on the basia of ciurent data and reasoirable estiumies of e�peadituces of faaue `- .`f� <br /> ' :E`�s� �,. 5 <br /> .._,,,�.r,..,_, Esccow ttems ot atltetwise in acxordance with applh�bte taw. - <br /> � �� •�r` •_`�ty.=_ Tde Funds shall be hetd in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency. �ty. or emtty y� �aT <br /> �:.:�,��,..,;�::,.. <br /> . - '-��i'-�.:'< • t i n e t a d i n g L,e n d e c.i Y I x a d e r i s s u c b a a i a s d t u t t o n)o r i n a a y F e d e r a l H o m e L o a n B a n k. L e R d e r s b a t l a g p l y t tr e F t m d s t o p a y t h e _��°�"`°; <br /> u i,. a <br /> �;;!�.,=:.;� Fsaow Stems.l.eader may nat charge Sorrower for hotding and apptying the Funds,acmuaUy analyziag the escxow arcavat,or ,�•,.a`.: <br /> - verlfyiag tlte Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Fuads and appli�hte iaa+perarits L.ender w masce snch �,;y��;: <br /> � ` ' ,t a cAarge.Howevpr.Leader may eRquire Borrower ta pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate taac reportimg setvioe f4 � <br /> ° ;x �' nsed by Lendet ia conaection with tius loan. untess applicable law pruvides otherwise. tJaless an agc�eement is made or =�..� <br /> .�+�..t. •-'-.F"'.-z,:y, E��i'�:•. <br /> -. .. f �:-., appilcable law reqaires finterest to be paid,Lender sha11 not be rcqaired to pay Borrower aay�ate�rest or eamin$s on the Faads. <br /> ;.;���.:r�:�.�x, ,: .. '}_.;' <br /> :. -r.�;�`<=•.:�:F;��. Borrower and I.ender may agree in writing.however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shatl give w Borrower, _�� <br /> ��;":?c ':�.i=:.•. '..... . ..s;:s <br /> '; a;�tix�ut cttarge, an annua{accounting of dse Funds.showing crrdits and debits to the Funds and the purpose fe3 whieh each �x ;: <br /> ;.;},r;7;.:.,,f, :,�` d�ia q the Fwids was ma�te.The F�nds are ptedged as additional secnrlty for aU swn.s secur�d by this S�writy Ias�uneat. , :. <br /> ; .� > ff1"r the Fnads hetd by Leader e�the amow►ia permitted to be held by applicabte�taw.I,ender ahall accouat to$o:rower 'S N�� <br /> .L,,.,��:�...".. .,;;��. for th��s Fends in accardaace arIth the requirem�ts of applicable law. If the auwunt of the Funds 6etd by I.ender at azry, �r <br /> '-,, y a`� ttme Fs nat�eait w yay the Escraw Items when due,l,ender may so natifjr Boiruwez in writing.aad.ia sach case Botrower �F��_ <br /> . ��r,F.., ���:: sl��y w L�der the mnaant aecessary to make up the de�cleacy.Borrower shall make up the defieieacy in Qo mane than ,.; <br /> ,:... , ,:. • ',;,; �, <br /> � ;�,:,,'��,T...:F',4;,:.:� tarelve.mottthlY paYments,at I.endec's sole discretion. ..;�;�. <br /> ` �.' , _ <br /> Upon payment in full of all snma secared by this Serurity Instrumeni.Lendes shall prompity refimd w Borrowee aay .:A�;�,�:` <br /> `��`'- �,' Fuads heId by Leoder.If.under paragraph 21.Lender sball acqoire or seU the Property,Lender.Prior ta the acguisition or aat� ��:,�;:=_� <br /> v..` of tlie Pmpeny.shall appty atry Fwtds held by Lender at the time of acqaLsition or sale as a credit against the sams secured�r ���`---_ <br /> .. '"' - ;y ���t� this 5ecority Insttument. . - _-- <br /> . 1 ��'. 3.Aptdfcation of Riyments.Untess applicabte law�►vides otltera�se.ail gayments xpceived by Lender aades para�aphs - _._ <br /> _'` � � . ".g: app dua under tLe Note:seoond,to arauwns a te undec��b 2: � � ! <br /> ,-`.<;��.�s=�°�:`:-:,-;_ - 1 and 2 shal!be lled:fiist.[osaY PT�Y�� p Y� <br /> _- , ;t;�:�r�::;.-::«�- thltd,W Intecest prlIIC�pat dae;and aay late charges due under ttte Note. F ==- <br /> -• «�,. . ,,,�:, , �:.-�v <br /> =?'::_:. .=� �. �-' � 4.Cbarge4;Lten�.Barrawer shall pay all taxes,assessments,c�arges, fines a�►A imposltions amibutab2e to the Fmperty �- <br /> . �.,�.: _ <br /> ;,:.�::;:.��•: . -- <br /> _ ,::,rz:.� 'whIc�s may attain priority over this Security tnsaainent,aad teasehold payraenta or�mdnd rents,if mry.Borrower shait Pay _ <br /> ':i;•`�:r..��;`°`'° these abligatfons in the mmuier�pmvided�n paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower sl�all�pay them on time dlm�ctly �- <br /> ,.�-:,��..:�, .. �:::-- <br /> _ _, � w the person owed payment. Borrower ahall promptty Lender ail nodces of amotmts to be Daid under this paragcaph. <br /> '' `�,:�„ 1f Borrawer makes these payments directty.Borrower aha11 prampdy fnmisb w Lender receipta evidencing tke payments.' �,j-`�= <br /> �� +�:�=<-� - <br /> `,4.-;;�;;.°;;;.,_..':�% � Borrower shall prompsty discharge mry I�en wt�ich has priority over thia Seariry lnstraunent unless Bosrawer:(a)a8re�s in <br /> , � : �g to the payment of the obltgation secnred by the tien in a maaner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in gaod faith the lien � <br /> �'_ :� : by.or defends against enfoscernaat of the lien in, legat psaoeedings which in tha Lender's op3nion operate to prevent the <br /> � _ .�: enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement sadsfactory to I.ender subordinating the lien to =_ <br /> : ;:•_:�- tttis Secur3ry Instrument.If I.ender detemilnes that arry part of the Property is subject to a Nen which may suaia priority aver '=�1'n <br /> -- �. ; dcis Secu�tty Instrument.Lender may give Borrower a natice identifying the lten.Bonower shall satlsfy the lieu or take one or �.'_,;� <br /> '.•r,�• • _ - <br /> - �: '���•. = assie of the actioav sea forth abnve arithin 10 days af the gving of notice. - - <br /> ����' .. .. � " Form3�28 9190 � zu`�- <br /> .. �:. F va�pe7o19 - - <br /> � ���'.i.' � . . - <br /> .. ��..r.-. .T - . :3�K , - <br /> .- t' <br /> i.��` -� " 3 ,{.: . . <br /> . <br /> � ' �[ f •1 .� . . . . . •t'' - + <br /> r� .�_ ._ ` � �y' �i tF�.' 'ta �+ �tF `i > � +., 1 <br /> � '_*; r . �� r sy r <br /> i�- . . '� - • .s. I� . - � + s� - -�� <br /> �.5.;i:,. �.y . 1-- ,' ! � � . � :7�� t <br /> 1 .'y(i"�-t_--. t'� � �� ..,1.- — - ? .t�� . -�.t !. . ..� -,�-n� - - - �t . <br /> - r� '�i• � . , .� i.. !, -.r. � �tt.. .e�. <br /> ti , .. , , -',:J + -t .J '` .t _ -i. .,ZI �5 <br /> 1 1�' • �1 <br /> j . _ ...� . .r. ' t . . - � 4`. 1 <br /> -� . 1 � y � '1 /' <br /> �!. . Y : . f <br /> - , • :/ . . - � �•�1..` ,'Y �f. �� ' �.. . . ' \ J . � _ '� .� �. <br />- . . .. -1 - 1:� . - ' t . , , . , ��` . <br /> . .i . � <br /> . <br /> �. . . <br /> � . •', • <br /> _.. ... •:'•_ :'.� .. a �.�,� :.,.i�.'.'.. -•_- -. . '.61. _ - • 1 < '-�!: " - <br /> - , -- _ � � � � i,. _ <br /> � • � t �_ �' ' <br /> i y � , �.-; Y � <br /> ( . ', . . :,4" `,� '•� . f� s� i <br /> , , •� ' i �, , ; <br /> ���. l ��� y � ., " e �- . • ; ��, 'f ��,4� ��; �'' �c - [� 5' <br /> .. i. . .� i � . � - � � ,_ . .. 't� -4 - '-t- . . ,� rE <br /> °_ ` ;. 1•, , �' �.� ' ' i = i --,--„`=�---t---,-,.�-'�.--..,-«—��-� t ;;t`-�. <br /> � <br /> � .,�• . ...,. .,.,-. r • , ..., • � .a � . ,, `,a .., � :,.� , . , � t +.� ,t - <br />