- F^�'��f�� W � i:Ccrv.+lf+�m.,�n�.-� - . dxr = F
<br /> � xa.bl�+v'3ta..R.C_',= .��. . f .f� i .t t � � 1. ?z!V':1::.s..i� � .T� .� .. • ���� l,fC�, r ��'C.
<br /> .fi � --C.`r:s:«._... ,.
<br /> ,�,5��.."`.�''�r-�l'c� z.,'�° ,< C.• �:hrr.?�i�,+u�' ���Lrg4'P. 2 rt C .�'' y� ' t'-. c` Ei' �" n_ �``
<br /> C tY .2 i� �T� 1" '� A
<br /> wi 4 �1,�
<br /> �:-''�'���i-� ' • 3 '� Lc� _ �,�-�.:.�`�e1'-C.�l�;� _ ?" � ..
<br /> - 'f.w�"`'�...a_- :`7 ;t� c.t;�
<br /> r'�sLf.. n V - � c . - ,r �c ._.��.V.- �yr.iYM� ie�-� k :
<br /> .f<::� 4 .�� $' , - = `t ..cu k: - ._ ..�:.�—+S''�{`'t`� '���.-'..: --f'� r 'tr ti F ..
<br /> - - d'�' •�: � _,� ,-�—^� . ..`r ^ . �� �`i
<br /> �.,.�+.fe 2 - . , aF' •���- � . � _`��•,,_"Y'�,—�-�'-i"T' -�,•s-- ��-+��� - � � f .�� ,��-�,. Lr �f' .
<br /> •L � - -� - �r�c -r. - ' }r< � c i- y r4-t c��"`l`, �� t�,.� s. ( 4....�y�� �, • . . a �>F"`� :` �^..cy�����.�a-�-'.$y }- `-�t{" �.1 -h
<br /> , G :EJr.�i:< _ t 7 .Lr f c''S�; 4 .< cK. h 1� y . ..�� t i r J� t .y. �. � � r 7
<br /> � ,�,r„r- ��_��.�r".r'�_.�^'-;�'R na:.T-" r�� e -� t�' 6 � �`.�,L'�-'�` -�`_ti asa? �i c.r..!:.-�_�_s_.,.. _ __b" .
<br /> a'�k ' . �` �k�{Pt�F�'� � ��`v r
<br /> £ �', � F Y,,.J-s._�i.a=`�'"'4}`!
<br /> S_ ��;,� �a11y eqecivaleat mortgage insusanoe aovetage is�toi avatlable.Borrower shallpsy w Lec�der eash month a sum e�al to � ' :�st,� . � ;.
<br /> , �.;;``��: one-cwe�ftb of they�y mortgage insurance pr�nium bgistg ps�bp Bortower wltea the insuisuce wveiage lapsed or oeasod to .-��, F-,� �� -
<br /> � _,�t .:.� 6e in effect.Lxrder w- �fi' socept.use and remin tfie�egaYments as a toss reserve ia tien of mnrtgage inswanoe. i.oxs r�serv$ � < ,- �a �`,,� .
<br /> R u. ,,, '' PaY���Y�toager lurequired.at tbe optloa afl.eader.if mo�tgage i�uranoe covernge(in the amo�nt aad for the pee€od � � - �- x .'�,. T
<br /> dmt[.ender reqnires)Ptav1de�Iry a�insurer np�+nved by Le�tder agein becomes nvttilabte and is abtainod. Bonower shaU pay ` °' ' °
<br /> t , u req "=� ��F -.
<br /> s4� ..�.. . the Pr�iums cequlied to ma3ntain mortgagc ingurunre ln eit'oct.'or to pnavide a loss teserve.until the requ�rement for nsoti�e . „F;.,.
<br /> :.p,, . ."' iits�ance ends in ncefli+danc�wlth any wntten ogreement tseetwween�mnwec aad[.ender or appiicabk Isw. �r.y>;=�;s:�'f��,�°..
<br /> ,
<br /> ��`� :, y p�' 4 I�tua.E�ender or its ageat rtu�make re�ouable enuies upoa and �nsQecdoas of the P�openy.l.ertdu sfrat!� y� ° ���`` ,�,;
<br /> S , 8orrower aotioe ut the'tinre ot or prior to sn tngpoetton spocifyia8 tea.�onable cause for ehe inspe�lan. � �:r`� _ �
<br /> ` `�` ��` `�" '` 10. Coad�matMn.TAe proceafs of a�tp awatd or cEa�n for damages.di�or oo�ssequential, in wnnection wish a�i -„ ° a��: ` ;
<br /> Y �� oottdems�ion or othet taicing of arry part of the Pmperty.or fm conveyanse ia lieu of cou�emnation, a�hemby essi$ned sa� , f ,�<
<br /> fi '� �, shail be paid w Lender. � �`
<br /> In the event of a wtal teking of�he Progerty.the proceeds shall be applied co the sums s�by this Secvrtcy Iasvume�rt�,�,, 'k ` , ', f `�:k,� r'`
<br /> � ' , � w h e t her or n o t t h e n d u e.a r i t b w y e x ce s spa�d w B o r r o w e r. W t h s e v e a t of a p a n i a t t a k i n g of the P ro p e rt y in wiuch t6e� _y � � ` -
<br /> �``��_� market valae of the Property immediat�iy 6efore the taking is equal to or greater Waa the amourn of the ivms secured by ' .;� � �7 �-
<br /> �.�, � S e n u i ty Instrument imm a d i a t e t y 6 e f o r e t h e t a k i n s.u n less B s r r o w e e a n d 1 R n d e r o t d e r w s s e a g r e e i n a r i t i n g.t t�e s�u n s s�.v i e d�� -=�;�s,� ,`-- f
<br /> '" this Secutity instrumsnt sdall Ise nodtcced by the ama�mt of the ptaoerds m Wtip ti e d by t he fo Uowing f i a c t iou: (a) t h e '' �, " < t ; � ``
<br /> .f,� ._-_t `�,.,� s✓k 4 __--4'" $,_, ;
<br /> .���—'��..<-`�-��� 8�D1�l�Ytt:5�15�1�NLLGy u�vic�C�Qs.d'svided[ry(b)ti�fair madcet vatue of the Pragerty i�iacr� 7 1 4 r'_:
<br /> , �:.:� ��,. 6efoie t6e tal�ng. Any balanoe shall be paid w Bomuwer. In tQe eveat of a p a rt i a i t a k i ng o f t h e Pnapeny i n w d i c 6 t he � �,�� _ �
<br /> �,�
<br /> ` ri� matket vatue of the Propetty iuimediaie[y befote tl�e taicing is less thaA the amount uf the soms secored i�nmediatety befote the ..'� t �
<br /> ta�g,uuicss Barca$rer sad LeQdet�eg+ree i�e w�ting E►r�le�s�+lic�bla law etheravise pfavides,the pmoeeds sba�l °`��--�"
<br /> ` ` � ` I 6e apphed w the sarns�by this Seattity Insuument wfadher or not the sums are then dus.
<br /> i4 ♦ ;i 1
<br /> ,,i., y,;:,.�,...' If the E'roperty is a b a r c do n e d b y B orrawer.or i f,a t fi e r no t i o e by L e n d e r w B o r r o w e s t f u�t t h e c o n d e m n o r o ff e r s t o m a k e a n :,. ;`' L-, .
<br /> s S � � ,. :� award or seate a claim for dunag�ss. Borrower fails tn respond to L�ef wit6'rn 30 days aRer tlte date the notice is given, `..� r' - �
<br /> E
<br /> `� ^z Leadex is authori�cd to wBoct and apply the pioceeds.at its aptiou.either w�eswratioa or repair of the Prop�ty or to the sams ` � ` � `•'� , ."�
<br /> � � ���
<br /> � i-�-�--r SCtUI��f t�I15$�1tY�—'m�t_VS�IC�1Ct Of IIOt 1�[CII dUC. ��._�_ �f�y r;
<br /> � ' ` Uniess l,euder aad Rorm�rer otherwise agree in writing. aay a�gpliration of prooeeds w principai st�aU aot eztend or �
<br /> -f-:11 4 po�One t6e due date of the mo�y payments referred w ia pa�ag�phs 1 and 2 ar change tt�e amouat of such payments: � 1� �:'}� �.:`
<br /> � ;'}u �r,� Il.Bors+awer Not ReteasM;�'or6zarance Sy I.eadet Not a Waiver.E�oteusioa of the time far payment or mndifccation � .r �.,'. ,.
<br /> '-s��•-� of amo�on of t6e sums se�by this 5eauity Instrame�t granted by I.ender to anyr saooe3sot ia intetest of Borrower s6all �-= �-:�:;�.�`-�-_, `+` �--
<br /> r� '= not aperate w netease the liab�7ity of the original Bamawer or Horrowes's sucoessaYS in iaterest. I.eoder shall wt be�+equired to ., °,.�- � --
<br /> t
<br /> `_i' oomm�ce pmce�lin&g a�ast an7i��ar in mterest or netuse to extead time for paym�u or otheiwise madifY mnortization ; `_ ',�`..�} -
<br /> � � .v m` of 1de s�1ms seWied bl►this S�uttLY �y _ gi , ,•"�` "->
<br /> :�( , �;. l�trumeot by reason of demandremedy�s6al1 not bena waiver of arT� ude thes . �, �; `�g�`
<br /> � ,,V.-�Y;,,-• s n c c e,s s a r s i n i n t e r e s t. A n y f o t b e a r a n c e b y i.e o d e r i n e x e r c i s i n g a n Y g h t P� y. ,,.
<br /> � -." :y . exeadsc of aay rigfit or samedy. The c�venants and ag��is oY tlds � � r
<br /> 1Z. saooessms ana A�lgas aoand;aoiat s�d sevaal I�atoitfty:eo�siguers- f �; �=u �'�
<br /> � � R�,�f Sewcity Inauomem small biad aad Oenefit the su�sso�s aad assigns of Lender and Bomower.snbject ta the provisIons of _. ; f.
<br /> t "'z parag�aph 17. Bomowed's oavenarus and agnaemeats sbatl be joint and several. Aay Bonawer w!►o eo-signs.this Securlty � ,, ��' ,
<br /> � � r Instrnmeat bnt does not ea�ea�te t�e Note: (a)is co-sigai[►g this 3ecarity lnstrudmeni only to mortgag�gtgnt and caoavey tSat ,� '� .
<br /> .:.�,}:,._ ,:;� ••-.: Bo:rower's�t iu t6e Pmpe�ty under the temis of this Sewrity lnstrumeat;tb)is aot pexs�aally+�bGgated w pay the sams r :; '
<br /> :�.;�' �`..."'� sewrcd by this S�ndty Ia�tramen�sud(c)ag�es that I.eader and any ot6er Barmwes may agree w e�sd.mudifY.faibear or `�� c�:�� ` ,.
<br /> : : �?': make any aa;omawdat�ons adtb reg�d w the terrns of this Security Insuumeat os the Note�vithout that Borruwear's ooasea� -: R
<br /> , � . .. 13,Laan Cba�ges.If the loaa secvred by this Seauity Instratnent Is subsect to a law which�ets maicim�nm[oan charges. �..��': . . �� �`.,
<br /> �ge
<br /> �..."_�F��,`�,-_�_'�;(:.•.y LY aad that taw is finaliy Intezgraed so that the interest ar oiher l�an c h a r g e s co l 2�or to b e on ll e c t e d ia c o n n e�x lan arith t�e � ;�,�-=-.. - e:-�
<br /> T = � ;� Ioan exceed•tne permiued limits,theu:(a)auy snc3�taan cdarge slrat!be redaced by she anRUOat ta�eQuae the eharge -:_.��:a`: -� ,�s r::
<br /> `�`': .`` 'w the peamtued liuu�and(b)anl+smns al�eadY collerted from Bmtowet wlucfi exoeedcd pemiitted�l" ts wIU be tefamded w . " , i �;
<br /> B p r m w e�., L e n d e r�}r c h o a s e t o m a k e t h is t e f u n d b y nducin g the p r inci p a l owed wider the Noic or by making a direct '" °�
<br /> - �;
<br /> , � . ., without ` - �:-,
<br /> , "� ,ti '' payment w Bor�owes If a refimd m�ces prindpal. the �edncoian alll 6e treated as a pardal prepaytnem aay �"��•• �_
<br /> = 7`� prepay�t chat�e ander the Note. { ��` -
<br /> r��t
<br />�, .�_.,:..: '�;' ;�:.:, 14.Notto�.A�r nntice to Bormwer pmvided for ia this Seciuity laurament shall 6e given bY delivedng it or Dy mailing . ..rn-���______--_-
<br /> �;` ,". =. �' It by fust class mail untess appl�cable taa+regaires use of aaothes methad.The nottce shaU be directed w the P�+npexty Addre�s .�E-'.--
<br /> '_'.L( 'Y' !i�������.��—
<br /> ; t'� or any other add�e.ss Sotro�ver desig�ttes by nodce to Lender. My notioe to I�ader shall 6e giveu by first c1a4s malt to . . �-
<br /> _,°:_�=;.s;��n�.'.I:`;:,�,,'t . Le�tder's address stated hereia or aay otker addre,ss Lender desigaates by�+oti�to Borrower. Any nollce�mvided for iA thts . c ,�;_,� _ _
<br /> ;���.� � geattity Insu�ai shall be dae�ed w?�ave 6eea given w Borrower or Lendet when given as pravided in thss p�h. .�
<br /> ``��' � � � � 1S.CovernlnE Law; Severabif3tY. 19ils 5eauity L�saameat shall be goveraod by federal taw aaA the taar af t6e - -
<br /> �;����,�f.::, : . jnrisdtc�oa in arhlch tgte Properiy is[u►�ted.In the event d�at aYry pmvisIan or clsuse of tbis Se��rity lasdraatent or the Nate '� � � --
<br /> •�.;,�.r.,.�,-,,. �-, : aoritlias wlth sppl�cabte law.snrb eonflia simll rtoi affea other ns of this Securi Iasttnment or ttte Note wlucb pn 6e
<br /> '�'��'....',:`:;,`�•� given effect without the aoatllc�ng yravislon.To tAis ead the pm�av og thLg Seauity�L�t aad the Note sie declazed �_�.�__-_�_
<br /> r, ,' �° : w6eseverable. ""'�'m`�''°°'°'�
<br /> , -- t6.$o�s+uwer's Copy.Bosroaer shaU be glven ona confomsed copy of the Note and of thia Seq�rlry Instrwnen� __
<br /> f{ : D�19rens[a o!the Peoyerty vr a Beneftdai�t to�amuwer.If aii or any part of�the Property or any h►tes�st in it ,:;��� _ _
<br /> ��:�.�:.� , ';`' . is sutd cis vansfemed(ar if a beaeficlal iaterest ia Bomower is�!d ar tiansfetted auA Boa+�wer is nat a nacnral p�son)adthout , ��a� ,� -��.�.:
<br /> `' ` ; t�e�dds pm�ar wr3tt��. Lender may. at lta aption. �re �e payment in ftil2 of all suus sea�� by this ':�:'��, � ���.
<br /> S�arity 1as�ament.Hawever.thls apdon shal!aot be exerclsed l�ender if e�erdse is protu'bited by fedeial taw as of the date �,� �_
<br /> !�'� �`:! of diis Security 1m�ment. . '��.,�';�'�',.�
<br /> �� Tf I�ender exemises t6is ogtion,Lender shrill�ive Borrawer notiae of a�xetermion.Tfte notice ahalt provide a period oF uot � :,�;
<br /> ,.`, less tkau.30 days from Ute date the aot�ce Is delivered or mailed wlthln whicL Bo�mv�ES must pay all swna secured by this }
<br /> _ :,. � Saqtrity Inst�ument.If Banower faiis w�ay these sums paor to the eap�ration of thls�eriad.Lender may imroke anp remed3es .: ` ;;� ''
<br /> . pemSttea by t6is Seauity Iastrau�ent without fnrthet ttotice or Qemand on Bomawer. ,� � � t ' �
<br /> � 18. Bo�row�'s Ri�t to Retnstat� If Bnrrower meet.v ae�taim m�ctiflaag. Bormwer shal! have the right to have i �
<br /> . , " Y::; = enfo�nemeat of this Secvnty Inswment discandmied.at atry dme prior w the earlier o� (a)5 dsys(or sucb other period as ;.i__ ..,- r_.._.:...�
<br /> ' �' appl�cable law may specify for reinstatemeat) before sale of the Propeny puisuant to aay power of sale oontained in this f <�. � �
<br /> "� _ Seauity ta5trumeat:ar(b)enay of a judgment enforcing this Security lnsaument.Tttose cami�Hons are that Banower:(a)Pays � � . � ,;
<br /> � i.ender aU sums wl�ich then would be dae under thls Securlty Iasuumcnt and tha Note as if no aoceleratlon had oocvrred; (b) .
<br /> cures any defaWt of siny other oavenants os agreea�ents:(r)Va3►s all expenses incurred in enfoning th�s Senu�iry tnstnunens, , _
<br /> } ,: inctudlag.but nut timtted w.masonable attorne}rs'f�es:Qnd(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably requi�to assure � :
<br /> that the 1�¢il p i t h�g$C�t T�ty Inctmment.l e n der s dghts in t he P r o p e rt y a n d B o r m wer's o b l i f�a i l o n t o pa y the s u m s secured b y � -
<br /> . ' . .° this Securiry Instnrment shail oontim�e utuhangpd Upon reinstatement by Borr�aa�r. t i i�s Secnrity Inmumeni and the ` ,..;�., .
<br /> , :�;`�.. � . . obligations secured hercAy shal!remain flilly effective as if no aoceleration fiad oxurral. However. thts right to relnstate shall ..
<br /> �'; �.%:� .� � not appfy in the case ot acceleradon under D�S�Ph t7. �' : ��
<br /> . . ' . 2,.. - J .
<br /> ; . � •:'�, I9. Skale of Notei Clmage ot Loan Jervtcer. The Note or a panial intenest in the Note(together with this Seaurity , �;;,
<br /> � � i '�• Insuument)may be sold otte or mot�e times without prior notice to$orrower.A sale may resWt in e change in the entity(known ,�;.�
<br /> ��,-� • -, _�,..,,-: . '
<br /> --�X � _-.: �.. . as the"L+oan Servtaer°)that wllects monthty DaYments due ander the Note and ttus 5e�vrity Instrument.lttere also mny be one �� �;:.; ..• , .;,'.;
<br /> .. ,: S?�: .:�-� or mote chaaga of the Loan Serviaer unrelutod W a sate of ihe Note.lf there is a change of the Loan 5erv4cer.�orrower will be . � � -" �,,�•,�
<br /> given xvritten notice o!the chan�e in accardance with paragraph 14 above and appllcable law.The nodce will state t6e oame and..' :.•�,:'''. `�.`..'
<br />- � address ot the new Loan 5ervicer and the address to which payments shoufd be made.The notice wiN also contain any other -� � �
<br /> -�' -._„. - ` i�onnation mquic�by appiirable law. ..: '•'"•.:
<br /> � ,��� � 1A. damrdons Snbstaaaes. Boaower shall not cause or permit the presence. use, disposal. storage,or release of airy ' �'� •" `
<br /> . `.
<br /> _ Harardoes Substances an or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nnr allow anyone else to do. attything affecting the _ '
<br /> �= --�:. • .
<br /> , Pi,opetty thal is in viofatton ot any Bnvironmentai Iaw.j'fie preaeaing two semence�shaii rrotappfy to ti�presc�nx.use. vr - -�
<br /> , �!; , stvrage an the Propeny af smafl quantiries of Nazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal ,�� •
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> .is' � , '` ' .'
<br /> - . < .', v a w� Form 3028 9l90 � •.` °' .
<br /> aw . . �
<br /> � � � ' � - �' `_ :
<br />