,.�F ._. _ _ . �.. . AY a+:a!'rf.�r.,,�a,�. . . . . . . _ C �
<br /> �ees�,. . • f . .t:�T�. _ �f.: � �f yr s .... z�
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<br />- � -�....s.4s � ���r�` _ �� �2,?�=�S�' .H `;S�' �� .t- ..; �S'�a1��,.
<br /> _ y.ft� .�� "`'3++...l,e-L+.�-_ • �.J�:�E.�i`��� �� :�a' : �.. _ `' � :.
<br /> c:� L.,�s . , _�_ . t -_ _ ; .�._,. -t�. "?'I";� � .t�:"kr.�r�G`�,� :^�'� `�.F
<br /> -� �c•�, .: Lt � ec�+ r � '�"�h F�M..
<br /> <<�.�rr � � .r- . . �-r °--� .h �'� - .,:rrw�?-.:�c.::a�-+V�e��`�"�i�G�` '� , f L��
<br /> �.�--n+�.._.a �y . f � ' 4:� t. "�c ���F i�:�y.� , .i.: ' ���; _yi `` 4..`�-`� �. �
<br /> �,g,,..:%F a� --F Kf . � � ' ._ a . � 1t''t'S - ,.'ii �.F—�-_ .c� c F�-+� �'�.:4_•• r ,� -. ` �tfx'M1 -
<br /> . s- . � �� � t'Q'CT—��--^'�S. Y- :k�� -�. . �,�� � .y. . `x a 4ft.� �_,.�•:� . -t � -, sc
<br /> �'-C}.. . fi L .�a.'"C.m. � f6 ., f :4i.�,(,y���f-.- .. '<.- . 7 .
<br /> "C . ��~�6} F'� �1 � n y..���� F 5_ C "-51J C� ;y ia r- }��F . T i.}htt�_ SitQ'Y"t,. . 4(�' ,(". - 4
<br /> ,'_.. L�� _. �:. ;h'4--S�.h , - .fr ''S.:�:�c� .� F�9Mi �_ ,<,t. _ a.��;�6 a.;,i _ r_r=-� �'. i i-�
<br /> s.,�"„��'_..^,�.a:._ ..L ��`. - .,.��. .r�-�-sa-°�=�s.-^=-•. - t�-�� -t� ' r
<br /> :c ;,� . � ��' y.�. �`•ri
<br /> � ,'=c;ro'o-:''i'' �z_ �'.:,
<br /> & �. �,.
<br /> '... , '�-.� .o ���� k _t���F
<br /> � t.�C�i� . < c..._� .t
<br /> ?� The Funds stiall be hdd 'ut an e�iuirion whase deposits are insurai by a f�agau.y. u►�t�u�i . ar cntiry - - � ..
<br /> �,`:;,., �'� � (inc�uding�.endu.if I�ea�is such an iastitution}ot in any Federal Homs laan Bank.I�d�shall aPPSY the Fnnds to Qay the ` s �,, `�*� --
<br /> r: � F.s�w ttems.Lender may aat cfuuge Boiroaer fvr hWding and applying the�ruads.aarmaitY�Y�B the esc�+aw acoou�.or � � >� '`'
<br />-x - �. . �- � �}.. r--
<br /> q Ci1 -G s_ �`��:� verifyitts the Estxa�Iteaas.uates,s I.ender pays Boisower interest an the Funds aad applicable taw permits I.ender ta tnake such Y::. ..
<br /> .r:-�:.�� �:: a charge. However.I.endet may requice Bonnwer to pa}+a one-nme cdarge far an iadependent cea!estate tax�porting savice �i � F �` �
<br /> " �` used by i»ender fn oaRUres�ic:n wlth ti�is Iuan. uWess ap�plicaDta lativ provides othe�uise. Unless aa agneemen[ �s mIIde or ` 4., � r,�<. s N _
<br /> V �� BPPticable taw naqulr�s inte�est to be paid.I.ender shall not be�equired m pay Borrawer any interess os caraings oa the Funds. � E,°� < `-u
<br /> .._..ti:<�� c �'� ' Rur�tswer a n d L e a d er me�y ag�l n wri t i ag, however, tfiat intetest shal!6e p a i d on the Farids.Lender skuU give m Ho:rawer. ,.� � ° • .._
<br /> _ j _� rt ` ". .
<br /> : without cl�arge. an asuz�!aoraunt�n8 of the funQs.shawin�cr�dits and Qebits w the Funds and the purpose fflr afiich eacfi � ��` � , ,:
<br /> ; -� �'` debit to the Funds was m�de.Tlte Fuadsare p(edged as addluonal security for all snms secured by this Security laswment. _M.� ° � ,.,x�_
<br /> .. `' z :: if thr Funds held by L.e n der e x�e e d t he aianuats p e r s n�tt�d to be held b Y a p Aticat�le Iaw.Lxader st�all aocount to Botmwe� 4 . , ;
<br /> ` � for dte exacgs Fwtds in aeoordsnoe�eth the req�s uf�le faw.If tbe a�nount of the Funds held by L�ender at aay � Y
<br /> ,r-�""`'�--, �time is aot snfficient w pay tts�Escro�v Itrms when due.LCQd2l II13y SO QOU�I 80170Wef tA LYfltill$.and,in sach case Somnwer � � ' �
<br /> , `'.'�'-�'-°""�� sha1�Qap to L�nder�he arnnunt ne�sarY to make uP the defiaeacy. Bormwer shall make up the defic�emy in no mone than -
<br /> � r �
<br /> �� �,+k y L ��
<br /> „ k�;-"°°���:-: twefve manthly payments.at Lrnder's sote disc[et�on. �
<br /> �`,� ` uPon PeYme�t en ful�of all snms secured by this Securiry I�truweut. l�ender sbatl prompdy tefund to Borrower arry �`.� "' � �
<br /> ,. � � Fuuds bet�t by i.ead�.If.under puagsap5 2 i.I.�der shai�acqwra or sei!tM Pca�perty.Ixnder.Pnor t+o the acquisition or sale f �,�.��:,.:� -:.
<br /> " ' `c:` -j�� of the Prapetty,sira}i appiy any Fuads hdd by L�der at the time of acqu'ssition or sate as a cmdit agaiast the svms seau+ed by � �� �, �
<br /> ``'� � - - this Secusity Ic�irument � ' .�� .��'tu
<br /> - R� :; 3.Appiieefton of�ymeaQs.Ualess applicable law provides athawise.ati paymenta�eceived by L.uuIcx umia l�*'a&� �. � ��
<br /> a
<br /> 1 aud 2 shall 6e applied:fitst.w a�►3►PcepaYment charges due ander tite Hotc:seoond,to amonnts payabl�ander Qaragraph 2: ,,�., a �,�� �
<br /> � :�,� an1 �; thiz+d,w intenst due•fovnh.to principai due:and last,ta any!aze charges due ander the Note. , ' •: -+,� �
<br /> �� 4.Cbargesi Li�s.Bomawer shall pay all taxes.�ts.charges, �aes and impasitions attn�ntable to tfie Y� a r s:.� � 2:`
<br /> � i` ` j, which may a�in priasicy m�er tP►is Serurity In�ment.aad teaseitoid paytnents or gcound ra�, if aaq. Bormwer � pay =��; � ,
<br /> ���
<br /> � .. ``r:' these obligations in the manner pmvided in pardgiaph 2.or if not paid in t4at wanner.Borrower shall pay tl�on time direttty A4 ��5> i�"�'
<br /> E � � _ %;: w tt�person owed paymeat.Borroarer sha11 pnnmpdY fnmisb to Lender aU reatices of aamunts w be paid under this par�h. n' _.;� 7, �, �
<br /> ° , �i. If Bomawer makes the�paymenis di�x1Y,Borrowea shall pmmptly furaisb to I.ender�ceipts evidencing the gayments. � r � .��_,
<br /> f�,ti_ , � �. $orc8we�shatt PromptlY di�a�ge m�Y[iea whicb has ptior�ty ove�this Security Insa�nntess Bormwer:(a)�in 4 f`�� ,�_
<br /> � `� z `'°�� writ�ng to ttte payymee�t of the ob1'�oa S��d by the lien in a atanner aooepta6ie to L�tder;tb)oontests in good faith the tien �'
<br /> "`.��:' by� or defeaids against eafancement of the lien in.legal Pmoeed�ngs wWc� in the leader's opimon op�ate w pzevau t6e ' �`l '�
<br /> ,j eaforoement of the'tien;or(c)secares from the hotder of the fi�an agre�neatt satisfacxory w Lender sn�naUng the 4eo io 2 �,� ,Yt��
<br /> �.���. this Searrity]ns�nm�nt.ff Leader de�runes tl�at�yr part of tTte Froperty is sabject to a t�ea w61ch a�y auairi priority over ; F� ,�._,.....
<br /> � ��;; tdis Secwity Inqnument,Lender may give Bor►awer a noticc idemritying the lieu.Borrawer st�all sstisfy the liea or take one or �,' _
<br /> _ :. �. , awr�of dte st�ms set fortb abave witdi�10 days of�e giving of noti�. ' '� ...-
<br /> -- "� 5. Hs�aN or Pt+o�rty Insaranoe. Bor�uwer s�ail keep the improvementa now e�t i n g or he�eafter er�cted on tdc . .�`,'°.:: � ��
<br /> e�e .
<br /> �i�.'�"�: prapeny iasured aga+�t loss by fi�,ha�rds incladed within the tam °euteaded oovezage" aod aay ott�ha��fs.�ncladiit$ .�;.;'; . `�%`�
<br /> .Z-, v' _:r.
<br /> ��` ftoods or ftoading.for wl�c6 Ixnder regaires is�ssurance.'l9�is insoianse sheti 6e maintaiaed in the amouats and for the perlads �;�:`�'°�� -
<br /> ` t
<br /> _ _±.�� , . tt�at I.eader�uires.Tde itts�uanae carrier providing tlte is�surancc shall6e chosea by Borrower snbject w Le�der's sppmval �;��'�,r't;;�, ; `
<br /> ,•.
<br /> ` �°s �' '- whicb shal!not be uoreasonably withheld. If Bo:rawer fails ta maintain oav�g e descd6ed a6ave,Lender may.at Leuder's v•<° "'� 7•:
<br /> � :` option.obtain coverage w pmte�t L e n der's ri g hts in t he P r o perty in aa�r d a n c e w I t h p a r a g r a p h 7. ��s�. `-�
<br /> , : � `:�' All inmrtmce policfes and �eaewals shall be acaeptable w Lender and shall inclwde a standard mortgage clanse. Iender �".�a�'�,� � yA } '
<br /> ' � shalt have the right to hold the policies and remewals.If Lender reqaires.Horrower sUaU pmm�tty give to Ler�de�r ai!receipta of • ---j`� -- �4�
<br /> � '''�°.�:��`,Y� paid premsums and renewai aulices.Ia ihe eve�t of loss.Borrnwer shall give Pmmpt notice to t h e L�s a r a n o e��urier m m f L e n Q�r. _ .'�`"-'. :.
<br /> :� ` :.� I�der may make pra�f of loss if not made P�mP�Y b3+Borrower. � • � ���;�! '� �.
<br /> Unless lxader and Horrower otlterwIse agree in aniting.�CG pI00@Cd8 6I1211 l]6 A�IIOd W i25tOt8U4A.Ot t�klT OY tL8 `�'• � x �,:
<br /> x.t.t.
<br /> - -� ° �P�3►�nagai.if the�estosation ar�air is cconomicaUy fe�'bie�lrnder's saanicy is aot lcs�ad.if the restoxation as .•.: . ,�.. :
<br /> ;-,:, .._� ` repair Is not eaonomlcaU y feasible or I.ender's security woaid ba lesseaed.the ia�u�ance ptnoeeds shaU be applled w the s�tms .;�;{-,���F�': �r:
<br /> �'�,"�*.`'��'� s�A thiis 5eaui tastnimeRt. whether os nat thea due.witb auy exaess paid to Borrower.If Boriower a�amdqns the �` ' ..
<br /> . bY tY v o ;,;- ,�r
<br /> ��'';:,;;�;i: P�upenyr,or does nat�swer withtn 30 days a notice frnm Lender that the insaraace carrier has offeced w seule a ctaim,then �s�•
<br /> �. h ^ Lender�nay ooile�tl�e iasu�uce praceeds. Lender may eLCe the proceeds w repair ar restore the Pmperty or to pay satns = -- �
<br /> '� secivad hy t�s Seaaicy Iastr+�ment,whe�he:r or aat then da�'the 30day�F od wiA begin when the aatioe is given: . -- _ - `---
<br /> -C'�.� UNess Leader and Borrower athetarise agree in wr�sg. anY aa9ticatian of p:ooeeds w priticapal shall not eate�n�,or � _
<br /> � �;'- �a�a�tbe dne d�te af the�thly paymenta referred ua m hs 1 and 2 as cbange ttie amo�t of th�payme,nta.I� , -
<br /> �: , �-�: ��Db 21 the Property is acqutrrid by Lendes.Ea3maer's d to mry ia�raace Qoticies aad prao�ds�esatting from -
<br /> _ ":"' � daTM�ge ta ihe Pmperty prFor w ttte acquisitian shall pass w Lead�er w the extent of the s�seait�d by tlds Securiry Iastrume�t � �-YV�___
<br /> ' --. immediately prtor ta t1�e scquisitioA. � . � __ _
<br /> „'„ (i� � 6.tAoc�pancy.�e�servattm.Maintena�au�P�+aiecBon af the Pe�opeety;B�ormwer's.Laam Apyih�ioni I�ids. C
<br /> Bomuwer sball occupy,establish.and use t�ce fPmpemy+a4 Bo�mwer's priacipat residence anthin slxty days aRer the w�ecution of -- - —_-
<br /> m M
<br /> �, :��. this Security Iast�vmerrt and s,trail oontiaue w�thc Pmperty as Ba2rower's princfipai residenoo for at least one year after =
<br /> a --
<br /> ' ttc��late of oaupancy.untess Lender atherwise agrees In writing. whicd consent shaU not be unreasonably arithheld.or uNess 1 - --
<br /> '`--^` -- � e�¢eanating cmwnstanaes eaist which are beyand Borrower'e oontral. Hoaower sball not Qestroy. damaSe ur impair the ,,r��:;�•.�- • -..�,;:
<br /> 1- ',� Property allaw theproperty to deteriorate.or oommit waste osi the Psopertq.BQrrawer sha116e in default if any forfeawre ,�_),;.�:.;_`;
<br /> ,''..a:..:� . . ,ir'r-r.
<br /> action os pmceeding.w�i e t her clvil or crjmi�sal.is begun that in Lender s go�faith judg�nent oauPd res�ilt ia fotfeiture of the _ ��..�,j`4�-,.
<br /> - Pruperty or atheiwise materiatly impair the lien ctrated by this S�Iaauument or Laeader's seca�i�y interest.Bormwer ma�y = ��T''= -
<br /> cur�such a defanit and reinstate,a9 Qravtded'm pa:agiaph!8,by g the action or pmceeEling to be dismissed with a mling , � � `�
<br /> i �� • 3„.�..•�- _i,
<br /> that. in Lender s good faith d�enwnation, precludes forfeitu�of the Borrawer's i�ereat sn the Propetty or arher mater}al ' ,.rt ,r:;
<br /> efty �Ys�.::,:1;'.
<br /> impairment of the lien creaied by this 5ecurlty lnstnunent or Lender's security interest.Boaower shall�tso be m defanit if � r
<br /> , � '� Bormwef.dtuing the loaa appllcation proc�.ss.guve materially false or ipaaa�ra�e information or statemeats to l.ender(ar feitai '. .;`,;„;�:::.i`<� .
<br /> w pmride Lender wlth aay materlal information)in conneatlon arith the toaa evldeaoed by the Note.inctud'u�g,isat not Iimited �;--_.�.?�:,:
<br /> .:,� ...- .:...�,� to.reQrese�ations anaceming Bormwer's ooa�pancy of the Property aa a principal resld�ae.If this Secprity rnstrumem is an a �.�:;:-:���.�`�,:::''"
<br /> ieasehold. Sonower ahali wmply with a11 the provisions of the lease. If Borrower aoquires fee title w the Property, the .:;.��,:-":� ;;,::-:,- �.
<br /> ' m
<br /> y .� .. • leasehold aad the f�title shall not merge untess ixnder agnees to the merger in wridag. , { : _ •
<br /> ;,r=; 9.pl+otectton of Leader'sR1�hts in the Prnpeety.If Borrower faiis to perfoan the cavenanu artd ag�t eats oomainod in �
<br /> this 5�tity[nsuument.or there�s a legel praoeeding that may signif:cantly at�ect Lender's d�ta in the troperiy(such as a `
<br /> p r o o e e d lng I n b a n i w p t c y.p r o b a t e.f o r o o n d e m n a t i o n o r t o r P e i t u r e o r t o e n f o r ce lawa or r e g ulat ons), then Lender m�y do aad ..J , ,, :•
<br /> _ pay for whatever is necessery to rotect the value of the Praperty and l.ender's dghta in the Pruperty.Lertder's a�iana may ,
<br /> ;�' � include pbying atry sums �by a lien whlch has prionty over this 5eauity �nsmiment. appeadng in oouA. paying
<br /> .. , reasomble attomeys'fees nnd entedng on the Property to matce repairs. Atthaugh LeiWer may mke action under thls paragraph �; � �..�: �:
<br /> � 'ii'.•� "4 r�: .:"�:' � .��.
<br /> _ �.L�Qer daes not have to do so. �.��;.;;�
<br /> Arty amounu disbnrsed by l.ender under this pauagraph 7 sha11 beoome additiorol debt of Bortower serured by thls ' ` �".''��`';` `°`�
<br /> _ . Sern�iry�ment. UNess Horrower and 1.ender agsee to other terms of payment,ehese amounts shaU bear intenst from the _�'_� ' _ ,
<br /> • x�'�• � date of disbufsemert at the Note rate and shall 6e payable. arifh intemst. upon notice from Lender to Borrower reqnesting ��
<br /> .;t..;,. •.t.
<br /> ' '.- '.,. ' payment. • �
<br /> :�;.:<�:° ;:`' �.:� 8.Martgage Iasuraaoe.It Lender tequlred mortgage insurance as a condidon of making 1he loan secured by this Secnrity ;.� .
<br /> _ "�- Insttument.Borroaer shall pay the premiums required to malntnin the mortgage irtsurance ia effoct. lf. for any reason.the _:..,.'��,: � :''-_
<br /> `��� martgage insurance coverage aequired by Lender lapses or oeases to be in effect.Borravrer shal!pay the premiums nequired to �
<br /> ` . obtain caverage substandaliy equivalent to the mmtgage insurance previously in effect.at a oou substantially eQUivaleat to the •' . :
<br /> - cgsi to Bnnower of t�mtrttgage instttnttc�e pre�irnecly in efte�, fmm an altemate mo�tgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> ---: . ,,. ...-- . .. ,
<br /> � .
<br /> 'i:., _ _ � • . '• .:.,:; . •
<br /> ' ':' ,"
<br /> �. � v�o z m e Fartn 3028 9190 4�; - ;;, � --
<br />_ ' • � _
<br /> .-� - .:: ''t. • .
<br /> .�__� .
<br /> ._ - - ;,_` ;,i ..
<br />