,'�'w..,�g " _ e� , r`z��"-��Fa�Y�a 4"ei sry.x , 7 �� � "r.;;-`,:`"
<br /> " i�.!. . . - ' . �:i�=�1�4 F J"Sl� �L}'4t �x„�V�. 't . �•1� . .� •^l%.�
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<br /> . . .aH.--uc �`^Try..f•...5 .t `(�—t3 �"i -� - • � - p - � -ii- . .
<br /> _ ��f'•M xYK:: ..'�t�":C:-�^ LC •*�'•x�-i,�..^'n�.�l b_ _ __ _
<br /> _ — _ _�T_l1`,
<br /> ', ' t � � ` " 't''�"'� �+ '°.y`<'�:' F-v-� _ nr : t �
<br /> .,�.�. G.
<br /> .. �,ta„ ,'J-g'" � --f Y nr ,;s,�. i.. _ �.�;.� �.�-.-:dt:���-�t~F'c�, .d Y".'ti'�'F� �'�,i'.'r fi�T�.Y��r �,: .C_. �. � T+��`r�-1" � d
<br /> � r .�^�':.<•, l'�' ""t' °� .+ yr-•��,i• .. =.,�,�..; . ......�.�.a.�-=a�.,, 1_�.�r . . -�-r���.,5��i..
<br /> , �,� ..x.F.:� '�ti�.�S »a- c��- �s���� --' } .r"�; r c � �" �.,F'fl{ti•c�."1"•^-C`p--7•�� .s� •�
<br /> � � "����Y.r 'E. F r. :cty '�.y r.'� _c ..£a.._q. r. ( r¢ 7'�h.ti g�..,._#�. 4 1 �-xx_w. t �y cTrc
<br /> t""v-�Y_+,�,y.F �, . .F' 4 �". Y1w':F .�-`-:. ' �L` � .t�,F�
<br /> y,q q,r � f� -4 �v"° 'ir.� . _ 5'.�*; .5 _ t �6:c.�. .� :•.o' ��:;1.
<br /> .5;�,�y:' _ �.
<br /> :�:r;:` ��� • � 3������'� ��:
<br /> -:` -^S`a°o-'-;: ..�•'.
<br /> . :�c�:Yc�c�c•. '`r':
<br /> -:� ��F:>�:.-:``� S. Ha�N ar Pmpeity Insarance. Bormwer shali keep the imptavements now existis� or �ft�erocced on rhe -• _
<br /> -",'`- -� :ca�tf assut�agaiasi lass!sy t#re.haz�ds�n.-tu`c.�viit�s ik€t;xtit "tui�adad�e'sn�au; other hazsrds. �lCEtu���„q R��`>
<br /> -f�'_-`_:°._�-;���' ttoads or ftoading, far whict�t.en�er reqnires insmance.This iasusaace stiaU be m3intained in t&e azuau�s aud far thc pedod� '= -`;
<br />, ,;.� ..:�. : ,�_ ..
<br />`'N- ��� '' ` that L�nder iequiies.The insutance carrier providing the iasuranoe shatl be chosen by Bos�owver subj�t m Lendcr•s appmv�l :
<br /> � .��, ,,.: Fu.
<br />--.s.=.�"";`,4s�..��v.:: arhicb shall aot ke unma_�nabty witIshetd. If Bomativer fails ta m�intain ouverage described aDove. l.eoder muy.at Lender's :'
<br /> ��. �.,<,�: ..:;-,- .°
<br />,.��<.�i,=.`°<.�_t{:;. optlon.abtain cwexage En prote�x I.end�r's�ights in tM RnpeRy ia ac�oQNance with pmrag�apb�. �-:i.:
<br /> # s�. Aq i�uauoe�icies erud�eoswals shap be aoceptab(e to LcnJer and sba11 include a staadard mortgage cl�se. Lender • E.=
<br /> ` -`_::�..,.:�... '',..
<br /> _�4,t..;_��,`__ r stml!have ttce right w hold the poli«es and�ewats.if[.eader teqai�re.s.Bor�owar sl�all pmmptly give w I�nder si!re�eipts of .
<br /> `o-G.; � .z.%- Paid Piemiums�d reaewai aotioes.Ia the event of toss.Eorrawer shall give prompt aodce oo�insurance carrier and Leader. �
<br /> �;. r`-`�"- l.e�td,�r may tpaite proof of loss if mt im�de�romptly by 8�oiver.
<br /> _� � . , :_�:.
<br /> -- ...�.` - lT�rss L�as�Banawet oth�arise agree ia writieg.i�sramx piooaeds skall Qe�lied so res�oratio�e or cepair of the -'v
<br /> ';�`r-w����t;-�-. Pro�ty damaged.if the resw�stion ar r�air is mm�omically fease�ble and Lender's sectuity is aot l� if tlte restnratioa or _-_
<br /> .. _ � �.... .
<br /> � y::'s��.'.: '-`- �r is mt eaoaamically feasi'ble os Ixader's se�vrity woWd be lessened.the insuraaae pmaeds st�tl be applied to the anu�s
<br /> ,,.z:..< -.;...:., _-
<br /> c _.�. r�V...... _`_.
<br /> ..L:.-.,•�-,�:�. �;- sewied by this Secarity Iust�nment. wherJ�or�t theo due.mth any eacess paid to Bomoarer. If Bornower abaadons the
<br /> �'��-�`_�';�:- - prupe�ty.or does not aaswer arithin 3Q days a aottce fram Leader that the insm�toe c�arrier das offened ta sett[e a cL3im.theu ;=.
<br /> :��_vt. � �;;..� w
<br /> --_"T-'�;.��t::. E,e�du may oolle�the inc�.�arro� p�ds. Irtuler msy use U�e p�ceed.9 W repaz� o�[estoce thC Pt'opes[y o[to pay s� `=
<br /> : ,<�,�
<br /> -Y.. ���<r �_. �by this�r La�nment,whe�or not thw duc.Ttte 30day paiod mU 6egin w6m We aatice is givw.
<br /> _' r. .�;�h':r' Untess l�euder and Borrow�otherwise ugc�ee ia wsitiag.az►Y aPDlic�on of praaeeds w �r�l sUaU not extend ar �,�:�
<br /> -__`:.°''.�-:--� po�ne t�e due date of tbe momhly payments ceferted to in paragraph4 1 and 2 or diange t&e sinowu of the paymeata.df
<br /> i •`c- ��_
<br /> --��'� r.: ander paragrapb 21 tde F�»perty is aoquimd by Leader,Banower's rigbt to saq muuaut�e policies and praneeds c�sWting fram
<br /> ' . �.� darmage w the Pmperty prior w the acqirisition shall pa�to�der w the extent of t{hg sm�s�ed by thls Sec�ity Ia�a�tt `'
<br />._.��.��.����G:`_5f- ��CIJ P�OT W�C 3C�.SItiOD� \ C.
<br /> ��.4 .��;-, � 6.QCWpaQC9s�'V81�OQs N�I1�3aCC IIQd Pi'aL�OA OY�QIO�BU!![►WFI�S I.Q�SD ���y��I.QBS�lOS1�S.
<br /> - l+'` - rf� P"`7s �!""'°"""f'
<br /> �` � Sornawer shall uc�r,establisL.and ase the Property as Borrow�'s�aQal resideac8 drithin sixty days after the exeanian of
<br /> �.�':�`�`;-;:.�- t4is Seauitst Insa�a�shall c�t':mie w oa:ugy the Pcopeny ac Bomawer's priadpat�eside�ce for et ieast onc year aft� �__
<br /> . ..i a.:c ----
<br /> � . ��d tLe date of oaaipau�y.untess Le�cdes otheta+Lse age+ees in writing.�fiic6 oonsemt s6all uot be�mtabtq wit�etd.or nntess �;_.
<br /> -�`���:�� � �exist w6icb ase 6eyond 8nmow�'s coapru2. Eoa+awa s�ali aot desuoy. dammge or imgair tlte ---_
<br />-°`�? �=`::`�=' Properry,altow dma FtapeKy w deceriarate.ot anmmit waste an We Proparty.Bamuwer shatl be in d�'am�It if any forfeitase _-
<br /> :�z..�^ t. --
<br /> �.::,,•_�:�:�'_ action ac pmceedittg,whet4er civ�'or cr�inal.is begun that in Ixnder's good fait6 Yud�t coald resuit In forfdiace of tbe --
<br /> �',' ;.�...::,� Pragenp Qrut4�diwi�m�eaiaity�pa"v tfte�eu created tsy ttns Seca�ty�oraao�etu or l.atder's se�itq ia�st.Banoaver�► �.
<br /> �. conz sacfi a defaWt and�rtstate,as gYOWided in paragaph 18.by�g the act�on or pmoeeding to be dismissed with a ral�ag
<br /> '�`"`s, .".,. that. in I�der s good fattb de�tenmiAatton.Prectad�fosfeitase of tbe Bormwer's i�ae.st in the Pc+a�sty ur ather material
<br /> _ ,��...:.�- • . - -
<br /> 's�•�,a===•��� _ �anmeat --
<br /> �'"�--�--�.= of ihe ti�a c�eated by dsis Searrity L�strame�at or i,cader's secaaity inteiest. Eorrnwa si�atl.also be in defaWt If
<br /> ��. _�z. .. •
<br />'�"'`"-`:;``;' ° 8oriower,d�og the toan a�plication pmocss.8ave mazeriaUy faise or iffaccarate infomoation or statemeats to Lender ta:fa�ted �-
<br /> '"��'�'�,`�� �:: � w pmvtde L�with aay mater�al infomiation)in wnn�tian with the foan evidenoad by the Note.iactading.bat nnt limittd -
<br /> �-.T
<br /> - .:;`�,`��t:`'�.; to.rep�oas conceming$ortawe�'s oaeQpaRCy af the Propecty as a prindpa!res�demx.If t1�is Sec�ity Iastromeat Is on s �.`""
<br /> ti
<br /> `nr;;k':....`< ��.`:
<br /> - teasehold. Bormwer,st?a1! wu�ply witA ap t4e ptavisim�s af the lease.If�umwer acqai�es fc8 titie to the Pmperty.Ihe -_- -
<br /> , -<."::':��. . . tea�ntd aad�the feettii�shalt not merge ualess L•�n,der agrees w the me�gar ia•a+ritiag. ."-3r-'
<br /> ::� :��;•;��-T-.- '• 9.R�q4et�Tqa ts�.�:end�s lt�is in the Pru�esty.If Bonoaver fa3ts to perfoua the cav�ts et�agc+e�tue�oontained in -
<br /> �;a:..,� — .
<br /> �:�fir.°',�;:�i:.' - , —_ -
<br /> =-�`�==`,':� , tlus S�iui�y�ns�rauent.ar thece is a legaf proo�ding that may sigm8cantly affea t�ender's r�tta ia the Fmpe�ty tsadi as a -
<br /> : 4�„'-� '�:t_; pmceediag in banhaptcy.pmbate.for oandeaurat�aa or fatfeiture or w eaforae taws or reg�ilativag),tt�Lender may do sud
<br />